Chapter Three

"Fabrizio, put that down, now!" Rose’s shrill scream echoed through the house, deafening the other members of the household.

"Rose, are you okay?" Fabrizio asked calmly. He held his hands up. "I’m not holding anything."

"Yes, you are. You’re holding the remote."


Rose shook her head emphatically. "You’re keeping the remote from me; I know it."

Fabrizio sighed. "Jack!" he called.


"Uh…you’re needed."


Since being parted from the TV the week before, Rose had developed a sort of psychosis.

She frequently thought herself in the area of the TV and believed everyone was trying to keep her from it. Cal said that if she had stayed with the TV any longer, she would be much worse.

But the rest of the time, she was the same as she always had been, but during the episodes, as the housemates had taken to calling them, Jack was the only person she would calm down for.

"Rose," Jack whispered gently. "No one is trying to part you from anything; it’s all right." He hugged her tightly.

"What’re you talking about?" She also never remembered.

"Nothing." Jack kissed her. "Nothing."


Cal was not happy. Not happy at all. This was worse than when Bianca broke up with Lena. Cal was cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

The kitchen was filled with food, so filled that Jack and Fabrizio had been forced to move the table and chairs out into the hall. Now all that was left was to cook. Sighing, Cal wished for his chair and the TV.

Chapter Four