Chapter Five

The bread was hard, the corn burnt, and there was no turkey. Cal hadn’t had the heart to kill Bob. Instead, he had used a large chicken as a substitute.

"Ahh!" Fabrizio’s piercing scream broke through the silence of the house. A silence that rarely, if ever, was enjoyed by the housemates.

Cal wearily made his way into the living room. Fabrizio stood on the table. Bob was looking up at him, gobbling softly.

Cal jumped back as Fabrizio swung a bat at him. Jack stood at the other end of the room, looking very confused.

"What’s wrong with him?" Cal asked.

Jack shrugged. "I don’t know."

"The food’s done. We could just eat without him."



Cal moved past Jack, plopped into his chair, and turned on the TV.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching TV."


"We’re not eating yet, and I get better ideas while watching TV."

"You get ideas?"


Two Hours Later

"Are we ever gonna eat?" Rose stood in the doorway.

Jack shrugged. "Hopefully."

Cal stared at the TV. "Soon."

"Why is there a turkey in the living room?"

Jack and Cal turned to stare at her. Rose’s psychosis, which had developed due to prolonged time with the TV, was completely gone.

"How’d you…?" Jack couldn’t finish.

Rose laughed. "It’s not that hard to be sane."

"It’s not fair!" Cal sobbed. "I’ll never have any company!" The sobs continued in full force.

Jack patted him on the back. "It’s okay."

"Hey, guys. Wanna eat?" They all stared. Fabrizio sat on the floor, calmly petting Bob.

"Great. Dinner at last," Jack commented dryly.

The End.
