Chapter One

Rose starred out the window. She watched as the birds chirped happily and flew by. It was a gorgeous day. It was the first day of school. Rose had to admit that she was glad to be back at school. She felt like she was now living a normal life.

She had lived quite a summer. She had been kidnapped by Tony, Jack's brother. That had been completely awful. They thought that she might have been pregnant and that she might have been infected with AIDS.

"Rose," Fabrizio said, leaning over his desk. "I know I'm gonna flunk this class."

Rose smiled at him. She was glad that she had her first hour class with him. "You're not alone there, Fabri," she replied.

This year was going to be awesome! She was totally happy with her schedule for Junior Year. She had classes with all of her friends, but most important, she had three classes with Jack. That made Rose really happy. All she had with him last year was Math.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the students to switch classes. Rose and Fabrizio said their goodbyes and left for their next class.


As Rose entered History, she could almost picture what this class was going to be like. For one thing, Jack, Dominique, and Tommy were going to be in her class. This would be quite a year, that was for sure.

"Rose," Jack said, getting up from his desk. "I saved you seat," he said as he pulled her to the back of the classroom.

In their History class, there were tables to sit at. There were four chairs at each one. Perfect for them. "Mr. Keller will let us choose where we sit," Jack said with a smile. He seemed very happy about it.

"Hey Rose," Tommy said as he gave her a hand-five. "This class is gonna be awesome."

Rose smiled at him and sat down. This class did look like it was going to be awesome. Being with Jack, Dominique, and Tommy for an hour each day, in school...could she take it? She laughed thinking about it.

"I like that hat, Dom," Rose said as she sat down.

"Thanks, Rose," Dominique replied with a smile. "This year is going to be so much fun! I can't believe I have classes with a lot of my friends!"

"Okay class," Mr. Ismay said as he came into the class.

"Mr. Ismay?" One of the students asked. "Where's Mr. Keller?"

Mr. Ismay looked a little worried. "I'm so sorry that I have to be the one to tell you all this," he said with a sad face. "He died of a heart attack last night."

Everyone gasped. None of them ever had him for a teacher, but they were still some what surprised. A teacher died just the night before the first day of school.

"So I'll be teaching you guys this year," he said.

There was another bad thing. Mr. Ismay was a tough teacher. "You guys can sit where you want, and those will be your assigned seats until midterm." Mr. Ismay was even worse than their principal, E.J. Smith.

Some people got up and switched their seats, most just stayed in their spots. Jack, Rose, Dominique, and Tommy knew that this would be quite a year. Rose was really happy that History was going to be so awesome.

"Rose," Dominique said, leaning over. "Do you have a brush I can borrow?"

Rose lifted up her small purse and began to dig through it. No one brought book bags on the first day of school. They usually didn't bring them until they got their lockers. Rose really wanted her locker soon.

"Here ya go," Rose said as she passed her brush to Dominique.

"Thanks," Dominique said as she began to brush her hair. "Nice sandals by the way. They're cute. Where did you get them?"

Rose looked down at her feet. "At Bergner's."

"Oh!" Dominique said, nodding her head. "Do you wanna go to the mall after school, you guys?"

They all nodded in unison. "I need to get a new dress for tomorrow," Rose said.

Jack and Tommy started to laugh. "What?" Dominique asked, totally confused.

"Like you don't have enough dresses already?" Tommy asked. Rose knew she had a lot of dresses. But, she really wanted a new one to wear to school for the first week. It was just common sense.

"You act like I'm some selfish brat," Rose said.

"That's not what we mean, Rose," Jack replied as he picked up her hand and kissed it. "You girls are just way too hung up on fashion."

Both of the girls just rolled their eyes. "So we need to tell Fabri, too," Dominique said as she handed the brush back to Rose.

"What about Alexia?" Tommy asked.

Dominique and Rose looked at each other. Now was a better time than ever. "It's not like we don't like her," Rose said. "She's a good friend. It's just like she likes Katie more than us."

"So, her and Katie are good friends," Tommy said. "So what?"

"I thought you two liked Katie," Jack said.

"Well," Dominique started. "We have to be nice to her because she kind of hangs out with the same people as us and stuff. But, we all know Katie is a big slut."

"Plus," Rose said. "Alexia never calls us or anything anymore."

Tommy started to think. Maybe the girls were right. Alexia did seem a little out of it lately. The last time that she called him was last week sometime. Maybe she was slowly drifting away from him and them.

"Oh, well," Rose said. "You can ask her, but I'm sure her and Katie will be doing something." Tommy nodded. Maybe she was right.

"Did you know we all have P.E. together, too?" Dominique asked, looking at her schedule.

"Guess who else has P.E. with us," Jack said. "Cal."

"I still can't believe what he did with Tony." Dominique commented.

Rose and Jack had never really told their friends the whole story. She didn't blame Cal for not helping her. At least he wrote Jack that note. She knew he was still an okay guy, even though she still didn't like him.

"I know," Rose said. "But I don't blame him or anything."

"Jack," Mr. Ismay said in annoyance.

"Oh, sorry," Jack said. "I'm here."

Mr. Ismay gave him a dirty look and went back to attendance. "Rose?"


Rose knew one thing was for sure. This was going to be one hell of a school year.

Chapter Two