Chapter Eleven

"Thanks for coming over an hour early," Dominique said as Jack and Rose entered her house. "I just hope that everyone doesn't trash this place," she finished as she looked around her neatly decorated house.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Rose assured her friend.

"You two look great," Dominique said, noticing her friends' costumes. "What are you supposed to be, anyway?"

Jack looked at Rose, proving to her that he had been right when he told her no one would know who they were. "We're Romeo and Juliet," Rose said with a sigh. "You really can't tell?"

"All I can tell is that you're showing way too much cleavage," she replied.

"I told you," Jack said.

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring, and Dominique raced to get it. "Hey, Tommy," Dominique said as she opened the door for her friend. "I can't believe you're actually wearing that!"

Rose and Jack started to laugh when they saw Tommy with just a Speedo. "What?" Tommy asked, looking down at his costume. "I decided to come as a swimmer," he smiled. "A really good-looking swimmer, might I add." Tommy looked at Rose, "A little too much cleavage there, Rosie."

Rose started to get mad when Jack tried to put his coat on her. "Rose," Jack said a little bit angry. "There are going to be guys here!"

"Oh, my gosh," Rose said throwing his coat back at him. "We're all friends anyway. Besides, this is how you're supposed to wear this dress."

Jack looked at her again, and then pulled her closer. "All right, just stay by me the whole night, all right?" he asked as he kissed her nose.

Rose smiled. "Fine."

"I have to go put my costume on," Dominique said, running up her long staircase.

Tommy went over to the big table and started to eat some chips. "Does anyone know what Fabrizio is coming as?" Rose and Jack shook their heads. Just on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"That's Fabri," Rose said, opening the door. "Nice costume," Rose said, actually meaning it.

"Thanks," Fabrizio said, coming into the house. Tommy and Jack began to laugh when they saw him. He was dressed like Howie from the Backstreet Boys. His shirt read, "Howie D", which totally gave it away.

"So," Tommy said, trying not to laugh. "You decided to come as a backdoor boy?"

Rose, getting frustrated with the two guys being so mean, said, "I think you look great, Fabrizio. You really do look like Howie." But, her comment seemed to make the two guys laugh more. "And, Howie is totally hot," Rose said, finally ending the laughter.

Rose turned to look at Dominique come down the stairs. "Dom, you look great!"

"No, I don't," Dominique said.

"What are you supposed to be?" Tommy asked.

"Brandy, duh."

Tommy nodded, not wanting to go there. "You look cute Fabrizio," Dominique said. She heard the other guys making fun of him, and she thought he deserved a compliment. He did look good, anyway. Fabrizio smiled back at her.

About an hour later, the party had begun, and everyone was there.

"Hey, Dom," Fabrizio said, very casually. "Wanna dance?"

Dominique smiled at him and couldn't help but say, "Sure."

Rose watched as two of her best friends danced with one another. Tommy was now standing on top of one of the counters, dancing like an idiot. "Ready to make all of those people jealous?" Jack said, holding out his hand to take Rose's.

"Right," Rose said with a laugh, and gladly accepted Jack's proposal. They went out into the middle of the room and began to dance. “Do you think those two will ever get back together?" Rose whispered into Jack's ear as she watched Dominique and Fabrizio make their way across the dance floor.

Jack looked over at them and smiled. "I hope they do," Jack said. "It'll keep them both out of trouble."

Rose nodded and then leaned her head on Jack's shoulder. She was really tired, and she didn't know why. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something: Cal and Alexia were dancing. She didn't even see them come in, nor knew that they had been invited. But, then again, most of Dominique's parties were almost like open house.

"Take a look at that," Rose muttered to Jack.

Jack turned his head and now was really convinced those two were dating. He though Alexia was smarter then that, but maybe he was wrong. "She's totally going down the wrong road," Jack said, looking Rose in the eyes. "I hope she knows that."

It was a fact Alexia knew that, Rose knew for sure. But why was she hanging out with such jerks? Rose didn't know, and didn't even really care. It did bother her, but she decided to forget it...for the time being.

"You feeling okay?" Jack asked, lifting Rose's head up.

Rose smiled. "Yeah, I feel fine..."

Jack returned the smile and gave her one of his sweet kisses. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Jack and Rose started to laugh when Tommy jumped off the counter. He came up to them, with one of his arms around a blonde girl. "What's up?" Tommy asked.

"Not shit," Jack said. "Who is this?"

Tommy smiled. "This is Caroline, but she's only here for tonight. She's from France," Tommy said with a smile. "What more could I ask for?" And the he left to dance with his French girl.

"I worry about him sometimes," Rose said.

"Me, too," Jack agreed.

"And I worry about you a lot," Rose said, smiling at Jack.

"I hate it when you worry about me," Jack said as he kissed her again. "You know that..."

"But that won't stop me from doing it."

Jack smiled. "I know."

Chapter Twelve