Chapter Two

Rose entered P.E. with a worried face. What was this going to be like? Having friends and enemies with her...they even had a mean gym teacher, Mr. Lovejoy. Rose had heard he was one of the toughest teachers around.

"Hey Rose," Jack said, coming towards her. "How was Math?"

Rose smiled. "Fine, except I hardly know anyone." Math class had been a complete disaster. She didn't have any friends at all in that class. But, it was okay. As long as she got to see Jack a lot, she'd be fine.

"Everyone take their seat in alphabetical order!" Mr. Lovejoy yelled over the commotion of all of the teenagers.

Luckily, Dawson and DeWitt Bukater were right next to each other. Rose and Jack sat down on the floor, Jack caressing her hand softly. He loved being with her life this, even if they were at school.

"Sit down Mr. Ryan!" Mr. Lovejoy snapped. This guy was mean! Everything they heard about this teacher was bad...really bad. And, everything they heard was right.

"Starting tomorrow," the teacher said. "You will be dressing out for my class. If you do not participate you will fail..." Lovejoy looked over at Dominique who was putting on lipstick. "That includes you, Miss Parker." Dominique quickly put her make-up back into her small purse.

"What's up with this guy?" Jack whispered to Rose.

"Would you like to share that comment with the class, Mr. Dawson?" He asked sarcastically.

Jack starred at this guy. He had heard stories about him, but this was the first time that he had seen him face to face. In a weird way...he looked familiar.

"I was just saying what a great teacher I heard you were." Mr. Lovejoy could catch the sarcasm in Jack's voice as the rest of the kids laughed.

Rose was surprised that Jack had enough guts, but then she remembered last year's Math class. It had been fun. Jack asked her on her first date in that class. She would never forget it as long as she lived.

"I can't wait until this day is over," Jack said to Rose, after Lovejoy had turned around. "I just wanna go home and lay in my bed..."

"You always lay in your bed!" Rose said with a slight laugh.

Jack playfully punched her in the arm. Then, he looked sweetly at her and ran his fingers through her hair. He was glad she wore her hair down today. He loved it when her red hair fell freely down her shoulders. Jack was about to kiss her when...

"Hey Jack!" Tommy yelled from behind. "This is P.E., not Sex Ed."

Jack started to laugh and kissed Rose anyways. They weren't supposed to kiss in school, but neither of them really cared at all. After everything that had happened to them, nothing like that mattered anymore.

Finally the bell rang, and they all went to their next class. *****

"Well, I guess school went okay today," Jack said at the dinner table, after Ruth had asked them how their day went.

"That's good to hear," Ruth replied. "Do you have any classes with Caledon Hockley?"

"Yes!" Rose said. "I have two classes with him. It totally sucks."

Jack saw the worried look on Ruth's face. "Don't worry, Ruth, I'll be there for Rose. I always will be."

"I'm going out of town this weekend," Ruth said with a yawn. "I trust you two will be on your best behavior for Sarah."

Rose smiled at her mother. "We will."

"I'm gonna go take a nice long bath," Rose said, getting up from her chair. She felt so tired. She was just glad that the first day of school was out of the way. Maybe this year would be a lot of fun and less problems.

Rose went upstairs to her own bathroom. She took off her clothes and threw them into the next room, onto her bed. As she started to turn on the water, she felt Jack come up from behind and wrap his arms around her.

"You're not trying to take a bath without giving me a kiss first, are you?" He asked with a smile on his face.

Rose giggled and kissed him lovingly on his lips. "Why don't you get in here with me?"

Another smile spread across Jack's face. "I thought you'd never ask."

Chapter Three