Chapter Three

"That outfit is so cute," Rose muttered to Jack as they stood in front of a store window. Rose loved going to the mall with Jack. Sure, it was fun with Dominique, but Jack was different. Even though he didn't like to shop, Rose still loved to go with him.

Rose looked up at Jack and noticed the look on his face. She turned around and saw what he was looking at.

A girl her age was walking their way. She had long, beautiful blonde hair that fell down her back. She smiled at Jack and acted shocked to see him. "Jack?! Jack Dawson?"

Jack smiled at the girl and said, "Kendall...it's great to see you again."

Kendall stood there and studied Rose. This must be his girlfriend. She smiled at Jack again, and felt his arm. "You been working out?" She asked with a smile.

Jack just smiled back. "Kendall, I'd like you to meet Rose."

Rose glared at Kendall. "His girlfriend," she said strongly.

Kendall let out a small laugh. "Right," she said, looking back at Jack. "Call me if you ever wanna see me, or ya know..."

Jack just nodded politely. "Goodbye Kendall."

As Jack and Rose started to walk again, they were silent. Rose wondered what she meant by that. Jack had told Rose that he had been a virgin until he met her, and then she found out about Dave. Did he make love to this girl too? She had always been told that he had only made love once before her. Was he lying to her? No, Jack would never to do that. Even she knew that.

"You wanna do more shopping before the gang gets here?" Jack asked, as if nothing had happened.

Rose looked him straight in the eyes. "Jack, did you ever make love to that girl?"

Jack smiled at her, and Rose wondered why. He pulled her over, near the wall, and looked into her eyes. "I can't believe my Rose is jealous..."

Rose gasped. "Jack, I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous."

Jack raised his eyebrow. "What about that time you were asking Ruth to expand your closet so it would be better than Dominique's?"

Rose just rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Don't get smart with me," Jack said as he kissed her on her forehead. "Listen," He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I promise you...I never had sex with Kendall."

Rose smiled. That was good to hear. Not that she would have cared that much that Jack hadn't been a virgin, but she was glad that he was not lying to her. She knew Jack. She knew Jack probably better than he knew himself.


"What up dawg?" Tommy asked as he gave Jack a hand five.

"Not much..." Jack said. "Fabri, Kendall's here."

Fabrizio's eyes widened. "Kendall Martin?"

"Who's Kendall Martin?" Dominique asked as she looked over at her best friend's jealous face.

"Jack's ex-girlfriend," Fabrizio answered. "They used to go out freshman year."

"Who broke up with who?" Tommy asked as he remember the bratty girl with the long blonde hair.

"She dumped him," Fabrizio said with a sad face. "Remember Jack? You didn't want to get out of bed for like a month..."

Fabrizio finally noticed Jack's pleading eyes. Fabrizio noticed Rose and wondered why he had been so stupid.

Rose wondered why Jack had never told her about Kendall. She actually recalled him saying her name a few times, but she never knew that Kendall had broken Jack's heart. It made her, in a way, mad at Kendall for hurting Jack. But, of course, she was glad she did. Because Rose knew that her and Jack were meant to be together forever.

"So," Tommy said, trying desperately to change the subject. "What to you all want to do tonight?"

"I don't care," Dominique commented as she checked to make sure her nails looked perfect.

"I asked Alexia if she wanted to go tonight," Tommy said sadly. "She said that she was going to go to a party with Katie. I'm pretty sure we're over with. I mean, it hasn't been said officially, but I know it is."

Everyone knew that Tommy was kind of glad it was over. Alexia had changed over the passed couple of weeks. She cared more about being popular than knowing who her real friends are. Life didn't always work out the way you think it would.

The five friends sat down by the fountain. Jack laid his head on Rose's shoulder and closed his eyes. He didn't know why he was so tired. It was a Saturday night, and he was too tired to care.

"Do you guys wanna see a movie?" Fabrizio asked.

"Nah," Tommy replied. "Jack would probably fall asleep."

Jack opened his eyes and lifted his head up. "It's okay," Jack said. "Seeing a movie is about the only thing that I can do..."

"Let's go, we gotta get their before nine," Dominique said as she got off the bench.

Jack's tired eyes looked over at Rose who was starring at her feet. What was she thinking about? "Hey," Jack said getting her attention. "I love you."

Rose smiled, all of her problems disappearing. "I love you, too."

Chapter Four