Chapter Four

"Whoa," Dominique said as she pointed to a guy walk into History. "Check out the butt on him!"

Rose turned around and looked at the handsome boy that Dominique was talking about. He sure was hot, Rose had to admit. He smiled at her, and she turned around, not wanting Jack to catch her starring at another guy.

"Looks like Rose might have a crush," Tommy said with a laugh, pocking Jack in the shoulder with his pen.

Jack looked up at the guy everyone was talking about. All Jack knew was that he was the new kid in school. He looked very athletic, he kind of reminded Jack of a taller Fabrizio. It made him a little bit worried that Rose was looking at him like that, but with what happened with Kendall last week, it didn't matter.

"What's his name?" Rose asked Dominique in a whisper.

"Drew Chisholm," Dominique said with a happy sigh. "Isn't he sexy?"

Rose smiled. Then, she took one look at Jack starring at her and her smile faded. She knew that he thought some girls were good looking, was it a crime if she thought this guy was fine? But, Dominique sure had eyes for him.

"I got your tests graded," Mr. Ismay said with a cough. "I have posted your scores on the board next to your student id number."

Everyone looked up at the board to read their grade. "This is the third test I have flunked this week!" Tommy exclaimed, as the rest of the class laughed.

"Please keep your comments to yourself, Mr. Ryan," Mr. Ismay said as he gave Tommy a warning look. "Congratulations to Mr. Chisholm," he said as he looked over at Drew. "He received the highest score in the class."

As the rest of the class started to clap, Jack rolled his eyes. "Well, Mr. Dawson," the teacher said. "You should be very happy that you're flunking my class along with your friend here."

Jack and Tommy gave each other a high five, just to tick Ismay off. "I'm sure you will be happy when you flunk the 11th grade," Mr. Ismay said with a cold glare.

Ismay didn't see it, but Tommy gave him the middle finger when he turned around. "I got a D+?" Rose asked herself, knowing she had studied hard.

"Don't worry Rose," Tommy said. "He gives the hardest tests in the whole school. What did you get, Dom?"

Dominique sighed. "I got a B."

"That's good," Rose muttered, jealous. Rose didn't know how Dominique got such good grades, she knew that she studied way more than Dominique. Oh, well. It didn't matter to Rose. She was doing better than most of them.

"Take out your notes," Mr. Ismay said. "Copy down all of the information on the overhead."

Dominique and Rose took out their notebooks. Tommy and Jack continued to arm wrestle. "I said," Mr. Ismay said, annoyed. "Take out your notes!"

Jack and Tommy both looked at him with disgust, before reaching into their book bag and grabbing their notebooks.

"Rose," Jack whispered across the table. "Do you have the notes from last week?"

Rose nodded. "Why?"

"I need to get them from you..."

As Jack and Rose continued their conversation, Tommy noticed something. "Hey Dominique," he muttered. "Can I see that folder a sec?"

Dominique handed him her folder, without taking her eyes off of her neat writing. Tommy smiled to himself. She had all kinds of pictures taped to it, but just one caught his eye. It was Tonya, Rose, and Dominique at the country club. Gosh, how he missed Tonya. A day never went by without him thinking about her. He missed her a lot. And, he knew, Alexia could have never taken her place. Tonya was one of a kind.

"You miss her, huh?" Dominique said, raising her eyes from her notebook.

Tommy smiled. "You know it's true."

Chapter Five