Chapter Five

"I'm so glad you guys are spending the night," Dominique said as she turned the page of her magazine. Of course, her mother and father were out of town.

"Where are you parents this time?" Tommy said.

"Some kind of lawyer thing," Dominique said, shrugging her shoulders. "They said that I could have a sleepover." The sad thing was, Dominique knew that her parents didn't even care that she had guys spending the night anymore.

Dominique's parents were probably the most busiest people you could ever meet. They were both lawyers, and barely had any time to spend with her. Since Dominique was an only child, she had her friends spend the night with her...a lot.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Jack asked, kind of bored.

"I just thought of something," Fabrizio said, his eyes wide with excitement. "Tonight is Friday the thirteenth!"

"It is, isn't it?" Dominique commented. "We should all do something scary...you know? We never have any fun anymore."

"I think you and Fabrizio proved you could have fun that night on the beach," Tommy said with a laugh.

"Damn," Dominique said back. "When will I stop hearing about that night?"

"Hey," Tommy said. "I know what we can do. Let's go down to that creek that's about two blocks away," he finished with an evil look in her eye. "I hear someone was once murdered down there."

"That's just a myth..." Rose replied, not in the mood to getting scared.

"No myth," Dominique said, wanting to tell the story. "Once there was this 17 year old girl who was waiting for her date to come pick her up for the prom. She had been dying to go out with this boy for years, and when he didn't show, she was heartbroken. So, she went down to that creek to just sit and cry..."

"You're lying!" Fabrizio butted in.

"I am not!" Dominique said, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, after it became really late, her parents got worried. After looking for her and calling everyone who might now where she was at, they finally called the police. They found her body the next day. She was laying on her stomach, with a knife stabbed through her back."

Dominique looked around at her friends, glad they were carefully listening. "I bet her date felt pretty bad the next day..."

"I thought her date was the one that killed her," Tommy said.

"Okay," Rose said. "One thing is for sure. I am not going down to that creek."

"Ah, come on!" Tommy said. "Can you think of anything better to do?"

Rose thought for a few seconds, and finally gave up. Sure, she loved to have fun, but this was going to far. If the story she had just heard was true, her and her friends had no business going down there. She looked at Jack's face, he looked really into it. She knew that Jack loved excitement, so she might just go. Besides, she didn't want to stay there alone in Dominique's house, that would be even worse.

"You gonna come, Rose?" Fabrizio asked with a smile as he threw Rose her jacket.

"Yeah, I guess."


The group walked down there laughing. They didn't want to really get scared, maybe just a little frightened. Jack was holding Rose's hand, and he squeezed it once in a while to show her that there was no reason to be scared.

"It looks so dirty," Dominique said as they finally reached the spot.

"Well," Tommy replied sarcastically. "It is a creek."

"What exactly are we gonna do down here?" Rose asked.

They just shrugged their shoulders. "Where does the creek lead to?" Jack asked, looking down the long line of deep water.

"I'm not sure..." Dominique replied.

"There's only one way to find out," Tommy said as he pulled off his shirt and jumped into the cold, dirty water.

"Oh my gosh," Rose muttered.

"Tommy, you okay?" Fabrizio asked as Tommy's face came from below.

"I'm fine..." Tommy said, his teeth chattering. "Just a little cold." Tommy looked at them for a couple of seconds. They all knew what he was thinking. "Aren't you guys gonna come in here?"

They all looked at each other questioningly. The next one to jump in was, surprisingly, Fabrizio. If Fabrizio jumped in, they knew that they all had to jump in. What kind of a human being would they be if they didn't?

It was totally freezing, Rose decided. She thought it must be colder than the Atlantic ocean. She always hated cold water. It always made her have nightmares. She didn't know why, but whenever she touched cold water, her mind went blank and it felt as if she were remembering things.

"You okay, Rosie?" Jack asked worriedly, as he swam up from behind and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm fine," Rose reassured him with a sweet smile.

"Come on you guys," Tommy said, leading the way.

They all waddled through the water, eager to find where the stream lead to. They all kept commenting things to one another, mostly about how cold the water was or how stupid of an idea this was.

"Whoa, look at that," Fabrizio said, making the rest of them turn around. "What in the heck is that thing?"

"It's some kind of an animal," Dominique guessed.

"It looks like a squirrel," Jack said. "But...not really."

"What do you think it is Tommy?" Rose asked. Then, she noticed something. Tommy was not standing in front of them anymore. "Tommy?"

"Oh my gosh," Rose said. "Where's Tommy?!" Jack began to swim underwater, feeling the ground for his lost friend. Dominique and Rose looked franticly around as Fabrizio helped out Jack.

Rose knew something like this would happen. They never should have went! Tommy was just walking in the water right in front of them a moment ago. What could have happened to him? Rose started to say a little prayer to God, as she helped looking for one of her best friends. One of her lost, best friends.

Chapter Six