Chapter Seven

Rose smiled as she stepped into her and Jack's hotel room. She was so glad that her mother was out of town this weekend, or this might not even be happening. "Oh Jack," Rose said as she wrapped her arms around him. "This room is so lovely."

Jack smiled back and kissed her. "Only the best for my Rose."

"So..." Rose said, running her fingers through his hair. "What do you want to do tonight, Mr. Dawson?"

Jack smiled and pretended to think. "I don’t know. Let's see...we have this room all to ourselves, no one to bug us, and a big, comfy bed. It's your call."

Rose began laughing, and she was glad that they were having a good time. Lately, her life seemed to be a never-ending nightmare, but Jack was making it all better, just like he always did. She loved him more than anything.

Just then, Rose's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Rose, oh my goodness, I have got to talk to you," Dominique replied on the other line obviously having a problem.

"What's up, Dom?"

"You won't believe it..." Dominique said, biting her lower lip. "Tommy wants me to go to dinner with him tonight."

Rose's jaw dropped from shock. "Just the two of you?"


"Are you gonna go?" Rose asked.

"I don't know," Dominique said. "You tell me what to do."

"Oh, no. Don't make it my choice," Rose sighed. "What about you and Fabrizio? I know you two aren't dating or anything, but I thought you still had feelings for him."

"I don’t know Rose...I mean, I like Fabrizio and all, but we haven't even been in a real relationship. I think that Tommy and I would be too weird together, you know?"

"So...you're not gonna go?"

"I don’t know," Dominique said. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright. Bye."

As Rose hung up and threw her phone on the bed, she went into the bathroom where Jack had went. She smiled when she saw him brushing his hair. He looked so cute. He finally noticed her and smiled. "What did she have to say?" he asked.

"Guess who asked Dominique out on a date."

"Fabri?" Jack guess.

Rose shook her head. "Tommy."

Jack started to laugh until he noticed Rose getting angry, showing that it had been no joke. "Tommy Ryan?"

Rose playfully hit him, "Of course Tommy Ryan!"

"God," Jack said. "He just jumps from girl to girl, don't he?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rose asked, getting more ticked off at Jack for not making any sense at all.

"Nothing," Jack said as he came closer to Rose and started to kiss her neck.

"Jack," Rose said as she pulled away. "Come on, don't try to change the subject."

"Look," Rose said as they both walked back into the main room. "I know what you must be thinking...you're thinking that I don't even want Tommy and Dominique to go out because I have feelings for Tommy."

Jack was a little shocked at Rose's outburst. "No, that's not what I was thinking," Jack said, with a little sarcasm in his voice. "What I was thinking was how Tommy falls for every girl in site." Jack said down on the end of the bed, rubbing his head slightly. "I can't believe you just accused me of not trusting you."

"Well you probably don't," Rose said. She probably didn't even mean to say it, but at the time, it sounded like a smart thing to say.

Jack starred at her for a minute as she made him even more angry than before. "If you really think that Rose, then maybe we're not even meant to be together."

Jack's words hit her hard, and she knew that maybe he did trust her, and they were both saying things they would later regret. "I'm leaving," Rose said, heading for the door.

"Leaving?" Jack asked. "We're in Los Angeles...you don't even have a car to go back to Santa Monica with."

"Then I'll go stay somewhere..."

"I'm not gonna let you go roam the streets alone," Jack said, showing that even if he was mad at her, he still cared.

"Then leave," Rose said.

"What?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"If you don't let me go," Rose said as tears formed in her eyes. "Then you go."

Jack went to the door and opened it. Before slamming it hard behind him he said, "Happy anniversary."

The second the door slammed shut, Rose threw herself onto the bed, completely hysterical. What was going to happen? Was their love slowing fading away, it seemed so. They loved each other so much, but it might not be enough.

Chapter Eight