Chapter Eight

Rose woke up the next morning to find that Jack still hadn't come back yet. She rubbed her eyes, they were soar from all of the tears that had come from last night. She was really worried about Jack.

Her phone rang, and she prayed it was Jack...but it wasn't.

"Oh, hi Dom," Rose said tiredly.

"Don't act too happy to hear from me," Dominique said sarcastically. "How was your night?"

Rose started to cry. "Terrible...Jack and I got in a huge fight, and he left. Dominique, I don't know where he went. I'm worried about him."

"I'm sorry Rose," Dominique replied. "Go look in the lobby and stuff. Maybe he slept down there or got another room or something."

"Yeah...maybe I'll do that."

"Wanna know what happened with me?" Dominique asked, even though she regretted it after. Maybe Rose was too upset to care.

"What?" Rose asked, not wanting to disappoint her best friend.

"Well I did go...and Tommy and I had a blast, but it wasn't meant to be. He tried to kiss me, and when he did we both started laughing. It was silly, but we know that we're too good of friends to go out."

"Oh," Rose muttered. "Sorry to cut this short, but I gotta go look for Jack. I'll call you."

"Alright," Dominique said. "I'll see ya later."

Rose dressed quickly, wanting to find out where Jack was. It was about 10:00 A.M. and Rose got more worried by the minute. When she was finally done, she raced out of her room in search for the man who had brought her here.

When Rose walked out into the hallway, she couldn't believe what she saw. Jack had just came out of one of the rooms, and he looked sick. He must have gotten another room...but, then she saw a women come out of a door and wave goodbye to him...

Rose's heart leaped into her throat as she realized what must have happened. As soon as Jack saw Rose his eyes turned almost sad, and Rose just starred back at him. Had he done what Rose expected? She didn't care. She walked back calmly to her room and shut the door.

As expected, she heard Jack come after her. "Rosie," Jack said in a sweet innocent voice. "I need to talk to you...please Rose. Let me in."

What would be solved if she didn't let him in? Rose reasoned. She let him into the room and stared coldly into his eyes. Jack dropped down to her knees and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so sorry..."

And, Rose knew what he did. "How could you Jack?" Rose asked. She knew that their relationship was coming to an end...he had slept with another woman...and she wasn't even that pretty.

"God Rose," Jack started, as he cried. "Last night, when I left, I went to the bar. Luckily, they let me drink without an I.D. I guess I had way too much to drink. I met this nice woman who told me that she had a room that I could sleep in. I didn't know she would sleep there also, I was too drunk to think. She must have put something in one of my drinks...because as I was with her...I thought she was you. I know that I didn't made love to her...but I did sleep in the same bed as her." Jack paused, "She told me that I called her Rose the whole night..."

Was that supposed to make her feel better? At least he was being honest, but Rose knew what she had to do. "We're over Jack."

"What?" Jack asked.

"We're over..." Rose said as she began to cry...again. "We're broken up."

"Please don't do this," Jack said as he stood up and took her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. "You don't know how awful I feel..."

"How do you think I feel?" Rose screamed. "Jack...you just had sex with another woman!"

"I told you," Jack said back. "I didn't make love to her. Yes, Rose, I know I made a mistake...a huge mistake...but you have to forgive me. I love you more than anything! Forgiveness is what love is all about..."

Rose looked back at the man she loved, yet she hated now, too. "I always thought of you as a guy who would never hurt me this much..." Rose muttered.

Jack was about to kill himself for being so stupid. He was so drunk last night...he knew that woman must have slipped something into one of his drinks...because when he had fallen asleep next to her...he thought it was Rose. He would never be able to forgive himself for this one...he really did mess up.

"It's really over..." Rose muttered, as she took Jack's hands off her face.

Chapter Nine