
The ocean waves rolled in. It was well past midnight. They were the only ones there. The moon was shining on them, reminding them that this would be their last night together.

"I can't believe tomorrow is graduation." Dominique smiled sadly. "How am I going to live without you guys?"

Junior year had ended and senior year had come and gone.

Like leaves falling from a tree, it all seemed to be happening too fast.

The six teens huddled closer together. They were all there, sitting on a blanket at Magic Beach, hoping the night would never end.

Fabrizio pulled Dominique closer and kissed her. They had been together now for six months. "Baby girl, don't worry about a thing." He felt so lucky to have her. After years of flirting, fighting, and just about everything else, they were together. He was even staying close to home for college so he wouldn't have to leave her.

Tommy held his head high, trying to be the brave one of the group...as always. "It's not like we'll never be together again," he said simply. "So we're all going off to different places. So what?" He lit a cigarette. "Do you think that can break our bond?"

Tonya seemed to agree and gave Tommy a hug. "You're right, Tom." Tommy and Tonya had broken up the summer before senior year. Tonya had broken his heart, telling him what she really needed was time alone.

"We're just going to be so far apart," Rose said, looking around at them all. She was going to UCLA with Dominique. Fabrizio was going to a community college in Santa Monica. Tonya was going to NYU. Tommy had decided he wasn't ready for college yet. Instead, he was moving to Texas to live with his Uncle Danny, who had promised him a job with good pay. And Jack was going to an art school...in Paris.

Kissing Rose on the top of her head, Jack felt frozen with fear. He had been with Rose every day for the past three years. How different would it be, living in another country? Jack dismissed these thoughts, realizing he had to be strong for Rose. "Don't worry, Rosie. You can always come visit me and stay with your Aunt Molly, right?"

Rose nodded but still felt the pain. "I just can't believe this is happening, that's all." None of them could.

"Let's make a pact," Jack suggested. "No matter what happens...we meet back at this beach...on this date...three years from now."

They all put their hands together. "No matter what."

The End.
