Written by Jana Clayton
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

April 15, 1997
2:15 AM


I know that we spent a lifetime in separate worlds. The short times we spent together and the love we shared meant more to me than all the miserable wealth that Philadelphia had to offer. I'll never forget the first time I looked into your love struck eyes. Stolen glances, really. After all, why would a poor boy like you be interested in the likes of a girl like me, that you could only have in your dreams?

You'll never know how thankful I am that you saved me from jumping to my death, although sometimes I wish I had jumped. Just a way to nurse this pain, I guess. I'm the most thankful for only you. Yesterday morning I saw your drawing of me on television. It's a moving picture that you can put in any room of your house. Someone named Brock Lovett found the Titanic in her resting place and salvaged Cal's safe. He was looking for the Heart of the Ocean, but all he found was your portfolio with my picture.

It seems like an eternity ago since we consummated our love in the Renault. Just in time for my eighteenth birthday, we had the most beautiful little girl in the world. Her name is Melanie Katherine Dawson. She looks just like you. I only wish you could have been here to watch her grow up. I know you watched her from heaven, but it's not the same.

Yes, I made it as a moving picture actress. That's where I met Aaron Calvert. He asked me to marry him, but I didn't know if I could live with doing that to you. I'm glad you had the patience to stop me to remember our vow that I would go on with my life. Oh, well. Tommy Ryan was the only child we had. His daughter, Lizzy, lives with me and takes care of me when I get too stubborn.

Tonight, I finished telling your story to Brock, Lizzy, and the crew of the Keldysh. I could feel your warm kisses on my skin and your hands caressing mine as I stood on the stern again. I dropped the Heart of the Ocean into the water over your grave. I have fulfilled every promise we made, and more, and your secret has been revealed as you wanted.

It's 2:20 AM. I know it's almost time to meet you at the clock to go to a real party.

Thank you, Jack Dawson, for teaching me to make it count. I love you for all eternity.

Your Sweet Rose

