Chapter One

Eighteen-year-old Rose DeWitt-Bukater was in the studio, singing Wasting My Time Remix with Boomkat. During the break, Taryn Manning and Rose went out to a bar. Rose’s bodyguards followed them.

"Damn, Rose. Can’t your bodyguards get the day off?"

"Nope. They have to come with me everywhere I go..." Taryn’s eyebrow lifted up.

"Except to the bathroom."

"Hah. Right!"


Taryn and Rose laughed. As they laughed, Taryn noticed a hot blond-haired guy sitting a few tables away.

"Hey, Rose. There’s your next boyfriend!" Taryn pointed him out. Rose turned around and looked at him. He looked like he was six feet tall and had a goatee and beautiful blue eyes. She looked away, but Taryn noticed that he looked back. He smiled.

"Holy shit, Rose. He smiled," Taryn said excitedly. Rose looked back. He caught her eye. She looked away.

"Is he still looking?" Rose covered her face on the side. Then, she put on her sunglasses and sat bat back in her chair. She looked back again and lowered her sunglasses. He was talking to a friend, who looked at her. Rose once again turned back, facing Taryn.

"Isn’t he a hottie?" Taryn asked, taking a sip of her drink.

Rose just shook her head in a no.

"Anyway, when is your brother coming, Rose?"

"I don’t know. He said he’d be here in fifteen minutes, but I think he didn’t get the message."

"Oh, there he is. Hey, Garret!"

He headed in their direction. "Hey, sis, Taryn."


"Well, what have you guys been doing?"


"That’s all?"


As they talked, Garret noticed a blonde-haired guy.

"Wait a minute." He got up and walked over. Rose realized that they knew each other, and that her brother was bringing him over.

"Rose, Taryn, this my old college friend, Jack Dawson. Jack, this is my sister Rose and her friend, Taryn Manning."

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Taryn shook his hand and gave him a big smile.

"I’ve seen you in a movie...was it 8 Mile?"

"Yeah. It was. At least somebody knows which movies was I in." Taryn gave Rose a look. Rose glared at her.

Garret waited for Rose to introduce herself. As she was about to leave, Garret grabbed her arm. "Rose, what’s your problem?"

"Nothing. God, can’t I go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah. With your body guards following you?"

Rose looked at the bodyguards. Then, she decided to stay. "Hi. I’m Rose, and I’m sorry for my attitude." They shook hands. Rose felt electricity through her body, and so did Jack. She let go of his hand and sat down.

"So, Rose, you’re a singer, right?"

"Yeah, I am. I’ve been singing since I was eleven years old."

"I can tell you that. Every single day you can hear her in the shower, singing all sorts of different songs."

Rose gave him an innocent smile. God, she has a beautiful smile, Jack thought to himself. Rose looked at him. He looked away.


Rose’s mother, Ruth, was reading YM magazine, and realized that Rose’s picture was in it.

Rose Elizabeth DeWitt-Bukater is an eighteen-year-old singer with the most beautiful voice. Rose has a mind of her own. She’s single, has a loving family, and loves children. Almost at the age of nineteen, Rose is hoping to find a soulmate.

Ruth called Rose’s cell phone. Rose answered. "Hello?"

"Rose, it’s me."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Hey, Mom. Guess who’s here?"

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, and one of his friends." Rose excused herself.

"Rose, before you leave, buy the YM magazine."


"Just buy it, because there’s a photo showing your bad side. I mean, Rose…you look like a punk rocker!" Ruth stared at the picture one more time. She was ashamed.

"Just because I did one photo shoot of me showing a little bit of skin doesn’t mean that we should

talk about it." Rose turned around, and realized there were paparazzi in the bushes. "Oh, hell no."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, Mom, just saw paparazzi. Mom, call me back. Bye."

"Bye." Ruth hung up.

Rose walked back to her table. "Hey, Guts. I think we have to leave."

"Why?" Garret asked.

"Paparazzi across the street."

"Then let’s go."

"Hey, guys. My car is here, so I’ll follow you guys," Jack said.

"All right. See you at Rose’s house." Rose pinched her brother. "Ow!"

Jack laughed. "See ya!"

"Why at my place?"

"Because we’re gonna spend some brother and sister time with friends."

Taryn laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Chapter Two