Chapter Nine


The next morning, Rose slowly opened her eyes. She looked around, then got up. She stood up and stretched, then took a nice, hot bath, grabbed her keys, and left. She drove around, then decided to go over to Rachel’s house.

"So, what happened?"

"What do you think?"

"Okay. You got a hangover, and you and Jack argued shit. This is why I don’t have a boyfriend."

"Rachel, that’s because you don’t like them down your pants."

Rachel chuckled. "No, I don’t." She laughed. They both did.

Later that day, she arrived at her house. It was raining outside, so she got wet a little. She went upstairs to her room and changed. She went downstairs and grabbed some chips and a drink. She watched a little bit of television, then fell asleep on the couch.

A few hours later, Rose woke up. She looked around and noticed that Jack wasn’t home yet. She got up and decided to go for a walk. She walked in the rain and thought. The paparazzi captured photos of her walking in the rain before she arrived home. She went up to her room, took a bath, and then left again. She went over to Taryn’s house to talk.

"I need time off."

"From what? Singing?" Rose nodded. "Why?"

"Because I can’t stand it. I mean, everything was fine in the beginning, but then...I just need a break."

"Well, I understand. Sometimes I feel that way, too, but hey, you get used to it."


Rose’s blue eyes had sadness and depression in them. She looked out the window. She felt awkward, but she needed to talk to someone. She was alone, and she needed someone near her.

She snapped out of her trance when she heard the doorknob rattle. She got up and ran to see who it was. It was Jack. "Hey." She went up and hugged him, and started to cry.

"Rose, what’s the matter?"

"I hate this life. I can’t stand it."

"Rose, listen to me. Everything going to be all right. Trust me."

"I trust you."

Chapter Eleven