Chapter Eleven

Two Months Later

Rose packed her things for her trip to Wisconsin to meet Jack’s mother and his family. She began to worry. What would his aunt think of her? What would she say about her? Would she think that she was using Jack, or that she was just with him for attention?

She snapped out of her thoughts when Jack came in. "Rose, is everything packed?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Everything is packed."

They walked outside to their car and drove to the airport. On their way to Wisconsin, Rose began to ask Jack questions. "Jack, did you tell your aunt anything about me?"

Jack looked at her. "No. Why?"

"Because she might think that I don’t do anything and I’m using you. And you know how I feel when people say that."

"Yeah, I do. Rose, everything is gonna be all right. Trust me."

"I trust you." Rose kissed him.


They arrived at the Wisconsin airport and realized that Jack’s aunt was waiting for him. She waved her hand to give them a signal. They walked up to her. "Jack."

"Hey, Aunt Beth. This is Rose DeWitt-Bukater."

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Rose stuck out her hand and his aunt shook it, but with a disgusted face. Jack saw his aunt’s look, then began to introduce Rose to his mother, who was a lot nicer. "Nice to meet you, Rose."

"You, too."

"Hi. I’m Jack’s cousin, Josh."

"Nice to meet you."

"You, too." As Jack’s aunt walked away, Rose glared at her, then looked at Jack, who looked back at her.


They arrived at Jack’s house. Rose felt that his aunt was still giving her bad looks, but she ignored the glares. She put her things in the guestroom, while Jack put his things in his old bedroom for a while. He showed her around the farm and took her to the city. Rose was amazed at the city. She had never been to Wisconsin before. She loved the city and places.


They arrived back at the house and realized that more of Jack’s family was there, and that they wanted to meet the guest he had brought with him. When they entered the house, people stared at them. Jack’s uncle, cousin, and his childhood friend Kasey looked at them. But they looked more at Rose, who was looking back at them, then at Jack.

"Oh, God. No," Rose said under her breath.

"Hey, everyone," Jack said. "This is Rose DeWitt-Bukater. She’ll be spending Christmas with us."


"Hello, Rose. That’s a pretty name," Jack’s uncle said, smiling.

"Thank you."

"Hi. I’m Kasey, Jack’’ childhood friend," the girl said with a smile. But Rose could tell it was fake, so she didn’t smile back.

"Yeah. That’s what you said last time," one of Jack’s cousins said.

"Dylan, why don’t you leave? Maybe the family won’t care." Jack was about to hit Dylan, but Rose pulled him back.

"Jack, no."

Jack’s mother realized that Rose had calmed Jack down.

"You know what, Jack, why don’t you tell your little singer to hold you back." Jack once again was about to attack.

"Jack, no! Stop! Come on. Let’s go." Rose grabbed his arm and left.

"Jack, what’s going on between you and your cousin?"

"Nothing. It’s just something that happened a long time ago."


"It’s about an ex-girlfriend."


"I’m not gonna talk about it." He walked away.

"Jack! Man, life is bitch sometimes." She ran after him.


That night, at the dinner table, it was silent until Jack’s aunt began to speak. "So, Rose, what do you do?" Rose froze, then looked at Jack.

"I’m a...well, I’m a singer. A famous singer."

"How famous?"

"Really famous. Anyway, pass me the bread, please."

"Well, if you are famous, are you using my nephew?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Because, his last girl..." His aunt was interrupted by Jack.

"Aunt Beth, that’s enough."

"Well, I’m different from Jack’s ex. I’d never hurt him."

"Well, let’s see about that." His aunt left the table. So did Jack and Rose.


Later that night, Rose brushed her hair and thought about what had happened to Jack a long time ago. Who was his ex-girlfriend? And what did she do to him? She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard voices downstairs. She went to hear who it was, and realized that it was Jack and his aunt.

"Aunt Beth, why don’t you like Rose?"

"Because she’ll be just like Sarah."

"No, she won’t. Rose is different from Sarah."

"Jack, I want you to be happy with a girl that you’ll love and care for..." She was interrupted.

"And I found one."

"But a singer? How did you two meet?"

"Through her brother. He and I went to the same college and he introduced me to her."

"How long have you been together?"

"About five months."

"What did her mother say?"

"Actually, she doesn’t like me because I’m not in the same class as her."

"You mean rich."


"Well, to be honest with you, Jack, I don’t like her." Rose, shocked, went back to her room.

"Just because you think she might be like Sarah? Aunt Beth, she’s different. She’s everything I want in a woman."

"Oh, okay. How old is she?"

Jack looked at her. "She’s nineteen."

"Nineteen? Jack, you can get in lots of trouble."

"We’re just six years apart."

She sighed. "Jack, I don’t want you to get in trouble, but since age doesn’t matter and you love her, I don’t mind anymore."

"You not just saying that, are you?"

"No." She walked away. Jack also left and went upstairs, finding Rose in her room sitting on the bed. "So, who’s Sarah?"

Jack looked at Rose. "She was an ex-girlfriend of mine who cheated on me with my cousin."


"His name is Dylan. We don’t talk to him that much."

"Oh. So why doesn’t your aunt like me?"

"She just doesn’t want me to get hurt again."

She nodded. "Oh." She was silent for a moment. "Jack." He looked at her. "I love you." They got closer and kissed passionately.

Chapter Twelve