Chapter Twelve

The next morning, Rose woke up without Jack beside her. She got up, went to the bathroom, and took a shower. Then she went downstairs to eat breakfast. The table was silent. Josh, Jack's cousin, spoke up. "So, Rose. How long have you guys been together?"

"About five months."

"How long have you been singing?"

"Well, I’ve been singing since I was ten, so about nine or ten years."

"You started singing when you were ten?" She nodded.

"So, what type of music do you sing?" Jack’s uncle asked, interested.

"Rock, pop, and rhythm and blues."

"Wow," he said. "So, how did you meet Jack?"

"Actually, my brother introduced us. He and Jack had known each other since college, which I never knew until that day."

"How old are you, Rose?" his uncle asked.

"I’m nineteen."

"Age difference doesn’t matter, you understand, John." Jack's aunt smiled, then got up.

"Rose, would you mind helping me with the dishes?"

Rose looked at Jack, then at his aunt. "Yeah, sure."

She got up and went to the kitchen. As she was about to put the dishes in the sink, a fork fell, and she picked it up. Beth noticed the tattoo on her lower back.

"So, when did you get that?"

"Get what?"

"That tattoo."

"I got after I turned fifteen."

"Has Jack seen it?" Rose shook her head. "No."

"Oh, okay. So, how’s your mother?"

"She’s fine."

"Why didn’t she come?"

"I don’t know. She just didn’t feel like it, even though we asked her."

"Rose, Jack is very good man, and I just don’t want him to get hurt."

"I understand." Then the phone rang--actually, her cell phone. She picked it up and realized it was Taryn. "I’ve got to take this." She answered the phone. "Hello."

"Hey, Rose. It’s me, Taryn."

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Fine. Spending time with my family, hanging out, and chilling. Girl, you know it."

"Man, I wish I was there."

"Why? You not enjoying Wisconsin with Jack’s family?"

"Oh, man, Taryn, you have no idea what it’s like being here."

"All right. Tell me from the beginning."

"Okay. When we arrived here, everything was hell. His aunt didn’t like me because Jack’s ex-girlfriend cheated on him with his own cousin. I’m really glad that we didn’t meet, because if we did, it would get ugly. Anyway, Jack has this childhood friend who looks like she has a thing for Jack, but he doesn’t notice."

"What’s her name?"


"Oh. Girls with those types of names mean trouble. They’re big sluts."

"Hmm…I could tell by her face. And do you know what type of smile she gave me when we met?"

"A mean one."

"No. She gave me a fake one. Hey, that little ho gets her hands on my Jack? It would get ugly."

"Rose. Just think about it. You beating the hell out of Jack's childhood friend? Oh, that’s harsh."

"You’re telling me. Anyway, what’s going on in Los Angeles?"

"Rose, you should have stayed here. The parties are fun here."


"Hell, yeah. Paris had this wild party, which was fun. She’s having it again on New Year's Day. Oh, also, your mom needs to tell you something about Garret."

"What? What happened?"

"Well, that’s why she wants you to come back around New Year’s."

"Oh, okay. By that time I’ll be back home. And tell her to call me here, but on my cell phone. Okay? Hey, gotta go."

"All right. I’ll call you sometime next week. Okay? Bye."


Rose got up and went back to the living room. Kasey was there with Jack, beside him and his aunt.

"Who was on the phone?"

"Taryn. She just wanted to know how everything was, and also she wanted to know when we’re coming back."

"Why? What happened?" Jack’s aunt asked.

"Because of something that my brother did."

"What did Garret do?"

"I don’t know. She didn’t tell me. All she said was that we needed to get back by New Year’s Eve."

"All because of what Garret did."

Rose nodded and shrugged at the same time. "Yeah."

"Why don’t you call and ask?" Jack’s aunt asked, looking at her.

"I’ve already tried, but my mother’s phone wasn’t working. Maybe I’ll talk to her tomorrow."

Chapter Thirteen