Chapter Sixteen

After the rehearsal, Rose’s cell phone rang. She picked it up, then answered it.

"Hello?" She yawned over the phone.

"Hey. Tired?"

"Yeah. Been rehearsing for a long time now."

"When are you going to perform?"

"On Friday. Then I have to leave for Miami and other places."

"Oh, okay. I’m at the hotel. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah. I’m really tired, though."

"Will you fall asleep while I’m here?"

"No, I won’t. I promise. Hey, I gotta go. Bye."



Rose left, then was driven to the hotel. She went up to her room. She put her stuff down, then looked around for Jack.

"Jack? Jack?" She picked up her cell phone and dialed his number. She heard his phone ring on the bed.

"You’ve got to be joking! Fuck!" She took off her shoes, her sweatshirt, and her pants, and then hopped into the shower.


Jack got back from the flower shop with roses for Rose. He heard the shower. He knew that Rose was there. He placed the roses on the bed, then took his cell phone and left.


Rose got out of the shower. She walked out with a robe on, dried her hair with a towel, and then stopped and looked at the roses. She smiled. She looked around for Jack’s cell phone, then realized that he had it. She dialed it. The phone was picked up.

"Jack. Come up here." She hung up.

Jack looked at the phone in shock. He got up and went to the elevator. He walked inside the room slowly to find Rose sitting on the bed. She looked up at him and got up, walked closer to him slowly, and kissed him passionately. They held each other tight, with a lot of love. As they walked towards the bed, Rose removed Jack’s shirt. As the shirt dropped to the ground, Rose looked up at him, then slowly untied the robe. The robe fell to the ground. He kissed her with a lot of love and care.

Jack slowly lay her on the bed. He looked at her and asked her, "Are you nervous?"

She looked at his deep ocean blue eyes, then shook her head. "No." She looked at him. "I’ll only be satisfied when you’re inside of me."

Jack got closer and kissed her. They kissed until Jack’s hands began to move up Rose’s thighs. She groaned a little after Jack entered her. Then she moaned and began breathing harder. She tried not moan loudly, but couldn’t help it. Jack sped up his pace. Rose felt pain, but at the same time, she felt like a new woman. Jack and Rose held hands, until Jack finally exploded. Rose felt like the stars had exploded into the air. They looked at each other’s eyes.

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you, too." They kissed again.


The next morning, Rose woke up without Jack beside her. She looked around the room, then saw a note on the dresser. She read it.

I’ll be back soon. I’m out with Fabrizio, Mike, and Tommy.



Rose smiled, then got up and got ready for another day of rehearsal. From the moment she walked in, people stared at her. She didn’t know why. She ignored the stares and the looks, and continued doing what she came to do.


At lunch, Ruth glared at Rose. Rose didn’t even give her mother a look until she got up from the table and excused herself. Ruth followed Rose into the bathroom.

"You lost it, didn’t you?"

"Lost what?"

"You know what I’m talking about!"

"Oh, God. Mother, you’re thinking too much." Ruth grabbed Rose’s arm. Rose glared at Ruth.

"Rose, tell me the truth."

Rose got closer to Ruth. "No, I didn’t lose it." She walked away. Ruth took deep breaths and also left.

Ruth was upset with Rose. She thought that Rose would lose it when she was married, but she understood why it had happened. It was because Rose loved Jack. Tears began to come down Ruth’s cheeks. She slowly wiped them off and walked out of the stadium.

Chapter Seventeen