Chapter Seventeen

A few weeks passed. Rose toured around fifteen states. A few weeks later, Rose came back to LA. She stayed home all weekend with Jack, but a few days later both of them had to go back to work.


Rose went out with Taryn to eat and talk about her days on tour.

"So, what happened? And tell me everything. No lies."

Rose took a sip of her drink and lifted her eyebrow. "Okay. First we went to New York, then we went to Miami, then..."

"You little hooch. You did it."

"Huh?" Rose took another sip of her drink.

"I knew it. Something is different about you. You and Jack--when, where, why?"

"Why do you need to know about other people’s lives?" Rose choked on her drink.

"Yep. I’m good."

"At what?"

Taryn got up and began to leave.

"At what?"

Rose also got up and left.


That day, Rose didn’t say a word, not even to her mother. Garret looked at both of them.

"Okay. What’s going on?" Ruth and Rose looked at him. "Okay. Now you’re giving me the stare. Something happened here, and I want to find out now."

Garret was interrupted by Rose. "Hey. You’re in the newspaper."

Garret looked at his photo, then put the newspaper down. "If you two don’t tell me what’s going on, I’m gonna find out for myself," Garret said in an upset voice.

"Why don’t you ask your sister? Maybe she’ll give you an explanation."

"Mom, I..."

"Garret, she lost it."

Garret looked confused, then looked at Rose and at how different she looked.

"What?" she asked.

"Rose..." Garret sat back in his chair, then got up.


He walked away. She looked at Ruth, who also walked away. Rose started to cry. She got up and left.


Rose got home, played the piano, and began singing. Jack came home. He smiled at her voice. He sat next to her and looked at her face.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing. Just hold me." Rose leaned on Jack.


Rose woke up the next morning, ready to go to England for her sixteenth concert with Rachel and the gang. She sat in the private plane listening to some songs. She didn’t talk to anyone around her in the plane. She just listened to songs. When she arrived there, she went to her room and prepared her voice. The next day, she went to the auditorium and rehearsed. Rachel noticed how silent Rose was. It was like Rose was in her own world. She didn’t look at the people around her, except for the tour instructor.


Afterwards, back at the hotel, they heard the news that Prince William was going to attend the concert with his girlfriend. Rose was shocked to hear that. Rachel hoped that Prince Harry would be there. She got the news that he’d be there. Rachel cheered, and had an idea.

"You know what? Who wants to go clubbing?" Everyone cheered but Rose. Rachel grabbed her and took her by the arms. They drove to the hottest club. Rose danced with Rachel.

"Baby, I’m ready to go." They sang along with the song. "You’re strange, insane." Their next favorite song came on, Chinese Burn. Rose, Rachel, Lisa, Piper, and Tara danced.

"She gets what she wants and then walks away, and she doesn’t give a fuck what you may say," Rose and Rachel sang. They began to dance with each other, and then with some guys. The DJ began to play 50 Cent’s song In Da Club. "Go, go, go, go shorty, it’s your birthday, we’re party likes it’s your birthday, you wanna sip Bacardi like it’s birthday and we don’t give a fuck that it’s your birthday..." Rose got low, then came back up. That night, Rose never thought that she’d enjoy clubbing, but she did, though at the same time she wondered what Jack was doing. She thought about him after she left the club to go back to the hotel. Later that night, she went to bed.


Back in LA, Jack also went clubbing, with Fabrizio, Mike, Garret, and Tommy. He danced with a couple of girls. He couldn’t stop thinking about Rose and what she was doing. Garret tapped him on then back, then asked him to follow him to the men’s room. They left for the bathroom. Garret pushed Jack against the wall.

"Okay. When did you sleep with my sister?"

"Hey, what the fuck, man?" Jack pushed him back.

"Listen, Jack, I don’t want to hit you or maybe kill you, but I have no choice." Garret was about to hit him, but Jack ducked. Garret hit the wall. Jack hit him, and Garret him back.


Back in London, Rose wasn’t feeling well. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach. All of a sudden, she got up and ran into bathroom. She realized that her nose was bleeding. She grabbed toilet paper and began to mop up the blood.


Jack and Garret fought. Jack hit Garret in the stomach. Garret hit Jack in the same place.


Rose rested in the VIP room. She sat on the couch in pain. Her nose began to bleed again.


Jack and Garret’s mouths were filled with blood.

"Listen, I don’t want to fight, man..." Jack said breathlessly.

"Then answer my question!"

"Okay. Here’s your answer. Yes, I slept with Rose, but in not that kind of way."

"Why didn’t you wait ‘til you guys were married?"

"It was her decision. But, hey, at least I didn’t get her pregnant in a one night stand."

"Fuck you, Jack! And I’ll also take care of Rose when she gets back." Garret wiped the blood off his face, then opened the door. "Man, clean yourself up." He left. Jack glared at him as he left. He walked towards the sink and began to wash his face.


Rose wiped her nose. She got up and went back to bed. Her stomach still hurt a little bit, but she knew the pain would go away.


The next morning, Rose woke up feeling a little bit better. She went back to the auditorium to start the concert. She got ready. Her fans were cheering for her, calling her name. When the songs began, it became silent. She started singing. She grabbed her fans’ hands and continued to do her thing.


Back in LA, Jack ice-packed himself. His stomach still hurt him. Every single part of his body that hurt, he iced. Fabrizio was watching TV and looking at Rose’s music video.

"Hey. Turn it off." Jack told Fabrizio to turn off the TV.

Jack got up and went to the kitchen to get more ice. Fabrizio just looked at him in shock, then grabbed a book and began to read it.


After the show, Rose met Princes William and Harry. Rachel kissed Harry on the cheek. Lisa was actually checking William out. Tara glared at her. That night, Rose had a great time talking to William and Harry. Rachel flirted with Harry. Tara, Lisa, and Piper looked at her, then left.


Jack lay in bed, thinking about his future with Rose. They were already engaged. What else should he think of? The tabloids already had stories about them, like he cheated on her, or that she was pregnant. Jack just couldn’t stand the pressure. He looked at the clock. It was midnight. He got up, went over to Fabrizio’s apartment, and stayed there for the night.


Rose packed her things to get ready to go back to LA. But a few hours before she left, she went around to look for a new home. She searched around London until she found the perfect home. She talked to the seller and took the 1.5 million pound house. She told the women that she’d be back in a month. After hours had passed, she left to go back to LA.


Jack stayed at Fabrizio’s apartment. He slept there, and he had no idea that Rose was arriving from London.

Chapter Eighteen