Chapter Eighteen

Rose arrived home, along with Rachel, Piper, Lisa, and Tara. She realized that Jack’s car wasn’t there.

"I wonder where he went."

She picked up the phone and called Fabrizio. He answered.

"Hello?" He sounded tired.

"Hey, Fabrizio. It’s me, Rose."


"Is Jack there?"

"Yeah, but…um…he’s pretty knocked out, so…um…yeah. He’ll talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Can you just tell him that I arrived here and that he should call me?"

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." They both hung up.

"So..." Rachel said, eating a chip.

"He’s pretty knocked out." She rolled her eyes. "Guys, I think something happened when I was gone."

"Like what?" Piper asked.

"I don’t know, but I have a feeling that something did happen."

"Hey, Rose. Wasn’t that the guy who kept looking at me?" Piper asked.

"Oh, Fabrizio."

"Yeah…um…can you tell him that the next time he looks at me, I’ll hurt him badly?" Piper grinned.

"I’m going to bed. I’m feeling pretty knocked out." Rose mimicked Fabrizio’s voice. They laughed.

"Yo, Rose! Where are the guest rooms at?"

"Up here and down there. Hey, clean up after yourselves!"

"Okay!" all four of them said at the same time.


The next morning, Rose went over to Fabrizio’s apartment. She had waited for Jack to phone, but he hadn’t called. She knocked on the door.

Fabrizio opened it. "Hey, Rose. Um…Jack’s not here..."

Rose pushed him out of the way. She walked into Jack’s room. "What the hell is your problem?"

Jack got up. Rose looked at him with anger. "Do you really want to know?" She nodded. "Okay. I hate being in the middle of the spotlight, being chased by the paparazzi. I’m just sick of it!"

"So, something did happen while I was gone." She looked at his swollen lip. She walked closer to him and put her hand on his face. He flinched and removed her hand. "Garret did this to you, didn’t he?"

"Yeah. But we need to talk about us."

Rose stepped back slowly. "Okay. Continue."

"I don’t think this is going to work out. I think..."

"No, no. Why?" Rose began to cry.

"The whole spotlight thing and your family is just not working out for me..." He was interrupted.

"You know what? Forget this!" She took off the ring and threw it at him, then left the apartment. He ran after her, but it was too late. She got in the car and rolled down the window.

"Don’t forget to get the fuck out of my house!" She drove off. Jack ran upstairs, grabbed his keys, and also left. He drove after Rose.


Rose sped down the street. Jack followed. As she drove, she heard a car honk behind her. She looked in the rearview mirror. It was Jack. She drove faster. She reached her house and got out of the car as Jack parked. She walked up to him and punched him. Jack almost fell back, but stopped himself.

Rose was about to throw him another punch, but Jack grabbed her hand and held it.

"Let go!"

"You punch harder than your brother." He walked her up to the house. He slammed the door. Rose was about to attack him again, but he held her. He pushed her against the wall. Jack looked into her eyes. She looked fierce and upset at the same time. Tears rolled down her cheeks, so he let go of her. She slid down the wall and cried.

"I’ll go get my stuff." Jack slowly backed away and went upstairs to go get his things.

Rose cried hard. She couldn’t control herself. Finally, she got up and left. She started the car and drove to Taryn’s house. She knocked on the door. Taryn opened it. She smiled, but it went away.

"We broke up."

Taryn hugged Rose. They entered the house. "Does your mom know?" Rose just shook her head. "Does Garret?"


"Are you going to tell them?"

"They’ll find out on their own."

Rose sat there in silence. Taryn call Rachel and Piper, and once Rachel found out, she wanted to kill Jack.

"I’m gonna kill that asshole. Rose, you know how I get when shit like this happens."

"I know. Just forget about it. It’s over." Piper sat next to her.

"Don’t forget we’re here for you. You know that."

"Man, you were always a mother to me."

"I never thought of that."

They laughed, then went back to silence. Rose’s eyes were filled with sadness. A tear rolled down her cheek. She closed her eyes.

Chapter Nineteen