Chapter Two

Taryn was in Rose’s car, and she didn’t understand why Rose was acting strangely.

"Rose, what’s the matter?" Taryn asked, as she grabbed onto her seat as Rose was speeding. Rose shrugged to answer her question.

"Then why are you speeding…really, really, fast?" Rose saw a parking lot, and she turned and parked.

"Do you remember Cal Hockley?"


"Well, he...he...he tried to...to kiss me last night."


"Yeah. He found out about me being a...you know!"

"A virgin?"

"Well, yeah."

"Listen, Rose, you will find that special someone...someone like Jack?"

"Oh, God."

"Oh, come on, Rose. You know that he’s fine as hell. Admit it!" Rose blushed and started the car.

"Come on. Turn on some music." Rose turned on the CD player. It was Linkin Park’s Nobody’s Listening. Then, they left.


Rose pulled up her driveway, noticing that her brother’s car was there, and also Jack’s.

"Aw…isn’t that sweet? He drives a Jeep Cherokee!"

"Taryn, shut up!"

"What?" Rose began to push her. Taryn did it back. They did that until they reached Rose’s house.

Rose entered and saw Jack and her brother. "Hey, guys!" Taryn said.

"Hey," Jack and Garret said.

"What took you guys so long to get here?" Garret asked.

Rose didn’t want to tell him about the incident. "Uh…we got lost," Rose said.

"On the way to your house?" Garret didn’t buy it. Rose grabbed his hand and dragged him to the other room. "What?"

"Garret, do you remember Cal Hockley?"

"Yeah. Rose, what happened?"

"Well, he found about my virginity thing, and he tried to…you know…get with me, but nothing happened."

Rose saw the rage building up in her brother. "Rose, you’d better tell me next he tries to do that to you, all right?"

Rose nodded and hugged her brother. "Now, let’s got back," Rose said.

They walked out and saw that Taryn and Jack were talking. "So you’re into art?" Taryn asked.

"Can you show me your work?" Rose asked.

Jack nodded. "But it’s in my car."

"I’ll come with you." Jack got up, and Rose followed. They reached his car. Jack unlocked the door.

He took his portfolio out. Rose grabbed it and opened it. "Wow, Jack. These are great. Are you a professional?"

"Oh, no. I just love to draw."

"Since when?"

"Since my parents died. I was fifteen. I was being taken care of by my aunt."

"Oh, I know what it’s like losing somebody that you really love." Jack stared at her, and he thought that he saw a tear. Jack lifted her head up and wiped the tear away. As he did, a paparazzi saw the whole thing and took a picture.

"You know, I don’t know you that well, and you’re wiping my tears away." Jack chuckled.

"Maybe it’s because we have the same pain."

Rose looked into his eyes. They are so intense, Rose thought to herself. She looked away. "I think we have to go back inside before someone sees us."

"Like the paparazzi?" Rose nodded, and they walked back inside.

Jack and Rose spoke all day, and that night they decided to see each other again.

Chapter Three