Chapter Eight

The next day, Rose was at a photo shoot, posing for In Style magazine. It wasn’t her only photo shoot. She’d have to go to Malibu to take a picture for GQ. Jack wasn’t there, but she called often. She’d bring her CD’s along with her, so she’d play some music while posing and she’d dance along with the music.

A Month Later

The magazines came out. People started talking about one photo where she posed topless. Rose hated how people thought she was a second Britney Spears. Rose never saw herself as a pop singer. She saw herself as an R and B singer and a rock singer. But, she thought to herself, being famous is a pain in the ass.

As for Jack, he hadn’t seen Rose that much. He’d talk to her on the phone often, but he had been thinking about lots of things. He wanted to know if Rose wanted him for publicity, or if she really wanted him. All his thoughts made him confused.

Fabrizio couldn’t help but stare at Jack. Then he got up and went to get him a beer. "Here. This will calm you down." Jack looked up at him and accepted the beer. "Jack, I don’t want to be rude, but just get over your thoughts. Rose loves you, and she’d never use you only for publicity."

"Well, how do you know?"

Fabrizio sighed. "Because I can tell from her eyes, and in your respect, her face."

"Fab, do you know how long we knew each other before we started going out?"

"For how long?"

"For six days."

"Oh." Fabrizio took a sip of his beer. "Well, at least she isn’t like Sarah."

Jack laughed. "She was a real hand. Actually, she was a..."

"Ho. Dude, she cheated on you with your cousin. Whatever happened to him?"

"I don’t know. I never talked to him after the whole Sarah thing." Fabrizio winced, then picked up the GQ magazine and saw Rose. Fabrizio lifted up his eyebrow, then passed it to Jack. He took a sip of his beer, then flipped though the pages, read some things, and looked at some of Rose’s pictures.

"This is what I don’t get. How can a girl like Rose fall for a guy like you?" Fabrizio asked.

"Maybe because her brother and I knew each other from college."

"You mean Garret DeWitt-Bukater?"


"How come you never told me?"

"That’s because he never met you."

"Oh, I knew that."

"Anyway, what are we doing tonight?"

"Well, I called Mike, and he said we might go clubbing and meet some hot ladies. Well…me and Mike." Fabrizio laughed.

"Shut up."

At The Hotel

Rose was in the hotel room, sleeping, until her cell phone rang. She answered it in a tired voice. "Hello?"

"Hey, Rose. It’s me, Paris."

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Fine. And you?"


"Oh, I can tell. Anyway, what time are you coming back?"

"I don’t know. I think at six."

"Okay, good, because I’m going to this party and I was wondering if you want to come."

"Paris, I don’t think that I will be able make it."

"Oh, come on. We’ll have fun. Hey, the whole gang is coming."

"Paris, I don’t know..." Rose sighed. "Well, all right."

"All right! Okay, call me when you get back."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." After she hung up, Rose got up and packed her things, then left. Rose was tired, and couldn’t help but sleep. Ruth was with Rose in the limo, and was shocked that Rose slept on her lap. She watched Rose sleeping and moved her hair away from her face. Ruth had never held Rose like that before. She felt guilty that she had never held her daughter. Tears filled up her eyes. Rose, asleep, had a feeling that her mother was there. She opened her eyes and looked up at Ruth, then got up.

"What time is it?"

"A quarter to three."

"Oh, okay." Then she laid back down again.

Back Home

Rose arrived at the house and realized that Jack wasn’t home. Ruth put Rose’s things in her room, while Rose called Paris.

"Hey, Paris. I just arrived home, so what time should we go?"

"Like around....7:30. Something like that."

"Yeah. All right. I’ll meet you at your place, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."


Rose got ready. She was tired, and she really wanted to stay home, but she didn’t want to be alone.

As Rose grabbed her bag, Ruth looked at her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Rose looked at her. "Out."

"With who?"

"Paris Hilton." Rose looked at her. "You know, the one you don’t like."

"Oh, yes. I know who she is."

"Okay. I’ll be back by eleven at the latest. Bye." Rose got into her Escapade, then left. She picked up her cell phone and called Rachel. The phone was answered.


"Hey, Rachel. What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Wanna go clubbing?"

"Yeah, sure. I’ll get ready. Are you going to pick me up?"

"Yeah, so hurry up."

"Okay. Bye."


At The Club

Rose picked up Rachel and went to Paris’s house, then left for the club. The music was loud in there. They danced and drank. Rose couldn’t help it. She had to drink some more. She danced and danced. She danced with Paris, Rachel, and some guys. Lots of Rose’s friends were there--Taryn, Chris Judd, and more.

Jack and a couple of friends arrived at the club. They danced with a couple of girls and drank. He was having a good time until he saw a girl on the dance floor. He recognized the strawberry-haired girl. He looked a little closer and realized who it was. It was Rose, with Taryn, Rachel, Paris, and another one of Paris’s friends, all of them dancing. Jack gave Fabrizio a little hint. He and a couple of his friends walked to the dance floor.

Rose danced with one of Paris’s guy friends. Then Rachel joined in. They danced and danced.

As Rachel danced, she noticed Jack coming their way. She walked away from them and walked up to Jack.

"Hey, what are doing here?"

"I’m here to get Rose."

"Why? She’s not here."

"Rachel…yes, she is, and I know she’s drunk. Okay?"

"And you don’t know shit about her, and don’t act like you do." Rachel started to walk away, but she felt Jack’s hand on her arm.

"Get Rose."

"First, get your fucking hands off me." She walked away. She walked up to Rose. "Rose, Jack is here."



"What the hell is he doing here?"

"I don’t know. You’re asking me?"

"Okay. I’ll get Paris. Then we’ll leave."

Rose grabbed Paris’s arm and told her what was going on. Then they grabbed their things.

Fabrizio realized that Rose was leaving. He told Jack. They left and the crew followed them. As they went outside, he saw Rose talking to Paris and laughing. Rachel saw him, then gave them a hint. Rose ran to her car as Jack caught up with her. He grabbed her around the waist.

"Let me go!"

"Rose! Calm down!" He then let go of her. "Rose, what’s your problem?"

"Nothing. God, can’t I have a little fun?"

"Yeah. But..." Jack got interrupted.

"But what? I can’t do the things I want? Well, guess what? You’re not my mother. Come on, Rachel. You drive." Rose was about to enter her car, but Jack grabbed her. She laughed. "You like things rough, don’t you?"

"Rose, let’s just go home."

"No! You’re not my mother! So don’t tell me what to do!" He then let her go.

She got in the car. Rachel told Paris that they’d meet her at her place. Then they left. Jack, Fabrizio, and Mike got into his car, then left and followed them.

Chapter Nine