Chapter Nine


Lost Girl

Rose was in Paris’ house, dancing and talking to Rachel. She drank, along with everyone in the house. People were crazy in the house. They danced, and then they decided to jump in the pool. Rose did the same.

Jack arrived at the house, then knocked on the door. He heard people laughing and loud music. He knocked on the door again. The door was answered by a guy. "Hey." Jack just walked in. "Hey, don’t you have any manners?"

Jack walked back to him and grabbed him by the collar. "Where’s Rose?"

"She…she’s outside."

Jack walked outside and saw Rose in the Jacuzzi with Rachel and Paris. "Rose, let’s go."


"Let’s go." Jack grabbed her by the arm, which made her get up.

"Let go of me." Then he grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, putting her over his shoulder. Rose giggled. As they went inside the house, Jack put her down. She looked around her. Everything was spinning. Then, everything went black.


The next morning, Rose woke up in her bed. She tried to get up, but she felt a sharp pain in her head. Then she lay back. As Jack entered the room, she slowly sat up, then looked at him. "Jack?" No answer. "Jack?" A tear fell from Rose’s eye. He looked up. "I’m sorry about the things I said," she told him. "I didn’t mean to..." She was interrupted.

"Oh, I understand. You made a complete mistake, making a fool of yourself in front of people. Rose, do you know this is going to be in the news?"

"Yes! I do know!"

"Then why did you act like that?"

"Because nobody listens to me!"

"Well, that’s no reason at all, Rose."

"You know what? Fuck you." She got up and walked into the bathroom. She felt dizzy again, and she threw up. Jack heard the noise. He opened the door. Rose was on the floor. He kneeled next to her and hugged her. "I’m sorry," she whimpered.

Jack nodded. "I know. Me, too."


Dear Journal,

I’ve learned my lesson. I’m never drinking again. I don’t want to lose Jack. He’s the only person who understands me and knows who I am. Maybe I should change, or maybe I’ll always be called the Lost Girl.

Yours truly,

Chapter Ten