Written by Liza Bozarth
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Rose sighed as she looked up at the stars. They were so beautiful. So endless. Rose started to cry, thinking about what had happened. Why couldn't she find the right guy? Why was her search for her soul mate so hard?

Her mother always told her, "You're only seventeen. Mr. Right will be here someday."

That was easy for her to say. After hearing Josh had cheated on her, Rose felt she would never find 'Mr. Right'.

Rose than heard a car door slam. She turned her head to see her new neighbor getting out of his car. She had never spoken to him, but he looked nice. Rose thought he was very handsome and sexy.

She saw him look up at her. She tried to look away but she caught his smile.

He was beautiful. With that blonde hair, blue eye look. She looked back over at him, and he was still staring, and smiling. She couldn't help but smile back.

Maybe her mother was right. Sometimes, you just have to wait for the right guy to show up. True love is hard to find, but when you find it... it's all worth it.
