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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Not Afraid of the Dark- Part 2

Copyright 2000


Content/Safety level for children: MATURE
NC - 17 Sexual Content, Profanity

“Interesting,” he purred, his face close to hers. Her eyes locked on his. At least, they tried to. It was dark, the way he liked it. He had finally been able to take the goggles off. He could see every detail of her face, while she had to rely on her sense of touch. He leaned down, still holding his weight off of her, but pressing against her, his lips against her face, whispering.
“You never answered my question. Are you afraid of the dark?” She shivered. “You scare me, Riddick. Is that what you want to hear?” He laughed softly, then grabbed her arms and rolled both of them over, the surface underneath them yielding softly, like the cushions of a cryo-locker. “Are you afraid of me now?” Releasing her arms, he ran his hands along them until he reached her wrists, then slowly folded his hands behind his head and laid his head down.
In this new position, she was laying directly on top of him. She pushed herself off of his chest, then brought her legs up so she was kneeling over him. He watched her as her eyes strained to see, tongue licking her lips subconsciously. He had been right about that chemistry. Yeah, he scared her, but he excited her, too. Slowly, her hands started to explore up to his shoulders and along his arms, then they reached out to his face. Her fingertips ran across to his eyes. He controlled the instinct to jerk his face out of the way to protect his eyes, which he closed instead. Now he was as blind as she was, for this moment, at least.

She touched his eyes, the ones that had led her and the others to safety, the eyes that still sent a shiver of fear down her spine. Slowly, she started tracing the other features of his face. Her hands kept moving, moving down to rest on the pulse points of his neck, feeling the life beat strong in him. Further down, across his shoulders again, until her fingertips encountered the shirt. She followed the cloth down to his waist, then slipped her hands under it. Sliding it up, she freed his chest to the night air. She found his nipples, as soft as her own. She could feel him inhale sharply, but he made no sound. She played and explored, the muscles hard under the smooth skin. After a short time, she pulled the shirt up and over, pulling it off. As soon as it was free of him, he touched her face with his rough hands, then kissed her surprisingly gently. She closed her eyes (it didn’t make any difference) and explored his mouth as she had his chest.
She broke off the kiss and, sliding down his body, kissed the places she had touched earlier. When she reached his nipples, his breathing quickened, the large muscles under her fingers moving faster, but still no sound. His hands came up and touched her along her arms, then followed them up to her shoulders and down, mimicking the path her hands had traced on him. He took her shirt off, then slipped his hands under her bra. The calluses on his fingertips played against her soft breasts, stroking and caressing. Now it was her breathing that increased. She sat up, eyes still closed, body leaning into his hands.
He reached around her back and took her bra off. She leaned forward to help him, then continued the movement down and placed her lips against his flat stomach. The muscles tensed and she picked her head up, looking towards him. He could see her face, lips slightly parted, eyes trying to reach through the darkness, a smile playing on her lips. She placed her lips back on his skin and licked with her tongue, then bit.
“Hey!” He sat up partially, as she laughed and pushed at his chest. “Knew you weren’t as nice as everyone made you out to be, ” he growled. But he complied and laid back down. She kissed and nibbled her way down his stomach until his pants stopped her progress. With a mischievous grin, she unbuttoned and slid them past his hips, then continued down his legs. She had forgotten about his boots; she had to turn around to try to take them off. The laces and buckles gave her trouble, since she couldn’t see how they fastened. While she was doing that, she could feel him sitting up behind her and unbuttoning her pants, running his hand down in between her legs, finding the soft hair there. His other hand came around to fondle her breasts, as he softly kissed the back of her neck.
“Stop it,” she said softly. “Why? Afraid you’ll like it?” he countered, just a bit defensively. “I like it already,” she laughed breathlessly, “but you’re distracting me and I’m not finished down here.”
“I can help with that.” He kicked off the boots. She got off the (bed? couch? What were they on, anyway?) and pulled his pants off the rest of the way while he laid there. Suddenly, he moved away from her touch, then she felt his hands on her. He slid her pants past her hips and down her thighs, then kissed her stomach like she had been doing to his. He continued down and his tongue found her wetness. She gasped and grabbed at him, as his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight, tongue licking and exploring.
Her head was back and her breath came in deep gasps. A moan escaped her lips as she thrust her hips at him, muscles tensing under his hands as she climaxed. The orgasm was one of the most intense she’d ever had. He stopped and held her until she calmed down, stroking her back and caressing her breasts.
“I want to see you,” she said breathlessly, opening her eyes. She may as well not have bothered - to her, the blackness was complete.
“I can see you fine, Carolyn.” His voice sounded as if he was smiling.
“Stop fucking around with me”
“And here I thought that was exactly what we were doing.”
“Do you really want me to stop and go turn some lights on?”
“Yes. I want to see your face.”
His hands suddenly released her, so abruptly she almost fell. He made no noises, gave no indication of where he was. She realized again how completely she was at his mercy, here in the darkness where he felt at home.
The lights on the instrument panel came on, bathing the room in a soft, green light. It was just enough for her to make out the dim shape of Riddick stalking back towards her, silhouetted by the electronic glow.
“I still can’t see your face.” She walked around him, so her back was to the light. He turned, following her movement. She stopped and just looked at him for a moment, the light playing over his dusky skin. He blinked several times, as if sensitive even to this dim light. She could see yellow points reflected in his eyes, glowing like the eyes of a cat.
His body was almost exactly as she had imagined it during stolen glimpses over the previous day or so, except for numerous small scars interrupting the clean smooth flow of his skin over the muscles, reminding her of the predator that he was. At that moment, she realized his eyes were staring at her, hungrily.
He stepped forward and kissed her, one hand going to the back of her head and twining in her hair. She stretched up to reach his mouth, standing almost on tip-toe. His other hand reached around and grabbed her, picking her up off of the ground and holding her tight, almost crushing her as he kissed her, hard, as if to devour her. He laid her on the bed, none too gently, then laid down on top of her. She got her hands underneath his chest and pushed. He lifted his weight off of her almost immediately as he broke off the kiss.
“It’s been - “
She reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers, quieting him. One hand staying on the back of his head as the other guided him into her. He thrust hard once, twice, going deep inside her, then he paused, breathing hard as he looked at her. She wrapped her legs around him and thrust her hips up, feeling him fill her, finding her secret dark places. They found a rhythm, both bodies moving and thrusting in the age-old pattern of life.
Her hands moved over his body, tracing muscles and scars, as his mouth tasted her mouth and neck, explored her face. He looked down at her, trapped by his arms and body, eyes closed as she moved under him.
“It’s been a long time since anybody’s trusted me,” he said, repeating something he’d said to her in the dark, out there.
She stopped, then pushed at one side of his chest as she shifted her weight. She couldn’t hope to actually move him, but he followed her lead and rolled both of them over so that she was on top.
“And I bet it’s been a long time since you trusted anybody.” She started moving up and down as her hands ran over his chest and stomach. He laid his head down and finally closed his eyes. She watched his face, feelings and emotions playing over it for the first time since she had seen him, chained in a corner of the ship. She would be careful not to destroy the hard won respect and fledgling trust. As they both moved, their two bodies entertwined, he opened his eyes and saw her face surrounded by the halo of her hair, picking up the soft green glow of the instruments. He closed them again and let himself get lost in the heat and the movement...

Riddick’s eyes opened as he awakened suddenly in his cryo-locker. The instrument panel provided the only light in the skiff, playing over the sleeping features of Jackie and Imam, as well as the other, empty lockers.


This was going to be a long night.


go back to Part 1
