Message 1:
From: Terminx900
Now what are the goriest scenes in the movie. The scenes that almost made you throw up.
I personally thought that when Boyd started eating Cleeves alive was the goriest and sickest part. A close second was when Cleeves really did get killed and his blood was dripping down onto Martha's face. eww
Message 2:
From: DanzigerE2
See, call me odd, but that didn't bother me at all. I guess being a film student I have come to grips with the fact that it's all fake, but then again I can't watch the turkey baster in the throat scene of "The Perfect Murder" or 'I've lost my arm' part of Saving Private Ryan, but no part of Ravenous made me ill or sick like that. I don't know why, any suggestions?
Message 3:
From: greischar
Same here, knowing that it was a movie, it didn't creep me out. Now, if I try to watch one of those operation shows on TV my lunch starts back up with the first cut. MG
Message 4:
From: Melissa (obi_wannabe28)
The only part I found a little disturbing was Boyd and Reich's experience in that hole when Reich was dead but then started like blowing bubbles and started choking Boyd and then later when Boyd was talking to Reich and they kept showing his eyes even though the eyes are the first thing to decompose on a dead body and shouldn't have been there in the first place.
I loved that part when after Toffler says that he's like 'outside, sick man outside!' That was awesome!
Message 5:
From: DanzigerE2
Yes, that was one of the best lines in the film. (Sick Man Outside!) Had me laughing hard.
I was at a party tonight with the same crowd from last week after rehearsals for the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I mentioned the film Fried Green Tomatoes. One of my buddies that I showed Ravenous to last week said "What is with you and cannibal movies?!" I never noted how many films have cannibalism in them - Rocky Horror and Fried Green Tomatoes are two, we were actually trying to think of more, but without too much coming to mind - what am I missing? Well, besides Alive and the obvious ones....