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Ravenous Wavs

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Ravenous preview : (voiceover) "Between having dinner" (Boyd) "Not me" (voiceover) "And Being Dinner."

General Slauson : "We're sending you to California, Fort Spencer"

Colonel Hart and Captain Boyd : (Hart) "No one just ends up at Fort Spencer, we come for a reason" (Boyd) "Yours Being?" (Hart) "Well"

Colonel Hart : "We have a great sense of camaraderie here at Fort Spencer."

George : "Wendigo"

Private Toffler : "He was licking me!"

F. W. Colquhoun : "That's soooo annoying."

Colonel Ives' Laugh : Ives' laugh over background music

General Slauson : "We have four missing soldiers and no bodies, we need a supportable explanation."

General Slauson : "Win- di- gee is the stuff of camp fires - would you stop squirming Lindus, I know I mispronounced it, I'm making a point."

Colonel Ives : "He was tough, but then, a good soldier ought to be..."

Colonel Ives : "A man eats the flesh of another, he absorbs the other man's strength"

Major Knox : "Good gracious [sword swipe]"

Colonel Hart : "But, it's tough making friends"

Colonel Hart : "We, ah, want to bring you into the fold."

Colonel Hart : "Stew A la Major Knox"

Colonel Ives : "Eat to live, don't live to eat, huh?"

Colonel Ives : "Bon Appetit!"

Colonel Ives : "Un huh"

Captain Boyd : "I'm gonna kill him."

Colonel Ives : "That was Really Sneaky"

If you have any other wavs you would like to add to this site or have a request for a wav, please email me.