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The Grinch

Ahhh the Grinch. This was once a classic Dr.Seuss story that all kids love to hear including yours truly. Then it was adapted into a grade A cartoon that made the Grinch even more vividly evil yet so likeable. Would these ingredients be in the new movie? Not really. I went in after seeing the previews thinking oh no! horrible adaptation. To my surprise it was somewhat entertaining. For classical Grinch lovers this movie is a stinking pile of who dung. For those who are not traditionalists it is a decent movie with some chuckles mixed in. The visuals were impressive except for his scary catlike costume( what was going on there). In conclusion it kept me entertained but didnt stick to the old grinch ways. Instead of flat out mean he was just cynical. Oh and jim Carey is typical Jim Carey (Funny three years ago - somewhat funny two years ago- barely funny last year- antifunny this year. Overall Grade C

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