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O.K. Here's the scene: (Continued from Bond Vrs. Six Million Dollar Man)

      Tony Nelson had just watched his brother, Scott, phase through a wall and out of sight. Scott had been affected by radiation that increased his brain activity. That, combined with Tony’s own force field generator, had given Scott the ability to pass through solid objects via the fourth dimension.

      Scott was now outside, bleeding from a shot to his stomach and very old. Using the power drained his life force, and he had to touch other people and steal their life force to stay young. Scott did so now, running through the nearest person he could find. The man screamed as he died.
      The screams caught the attention of Bond, who had just arrived from the future. Bond ran to see what the trouble was. He saw several policemen trying to stop Scott, who was running toward him. Scott didn’t see him, however, and Bond stepped out and hit him in the stomach. Scot doubled over, but before Bond could grab him Scott drove through the wall to the building they were near.
      Bond could only stare, awestruck at the sight of the man disappearing. One of the policemen ran up next to him.
      “What’s going on?” Bond asked.
      “The captain said this guy’s got some kind of power. He can walk through walls and steal people’s life.”
      “How does he do that?”
      “Something about his brother’s machine. It lets him pass through the fourth dimension.”
      “Isn’t the fourth dimension time?”
      “If you say so. I just want to stop that guy.”
      “I may be able to help.” Bond walked to the door and entered the building. Scott was still in it. Bond walked into the main hall, his time-splitter in his hand. He looked around warily. He couldn’t see through walls, however, and he had to jump out of the way as Scott came running at him from behind a wall. Bond dropped the time-splitter. Scott attacked again, and Bond dodged. Bond grabbed a garbage can sitting in the hall and swung it at Scott. It passed through him, but Bond continued to dodge and swing. Bond wasn’t sure, but he guessed that it took some effort to phase through solid matter.
      It turned out he was right. Since Bond was infinitely better trained at fighting than Scott, he could easily stay out of reach. Eventually Scott began to age. It became easier for Bond to dodge as Scott began to slow down.
      Finally the garbage can connected to Scott with a loud thud. Scott fell back against a wall. The bullet wound and repeated phasing had weakened him. Bond used the opportunity to pick up his time-splitter. As Scott took a last lunge at Bond, he activated it and Scott hit the window. Bond hadn’t known exactly what would happen, but he was satisfied with what did. The time energy allowing Scott to phase reacted with the time energy of the window. Scott froze, and seemed to vaporize. His molecules were too excited. Instead of phasing, he broke apart. He would never be a threat to anyone again.

* * *

      Back in Tony’s lab, Bond watched as Tony looked at his time-splitter. He didn’t really know how it worked, but Bond had asked him to look at it, since Tony had worked on another machine that affected time.
      “This thing is pretty complex,” he said. “I reconnected this…this thing that looks like a bent paper clip. It was loose. I have no idea what it is, but it might help.”
      “There’s only one way to find out,” Bond said. “Thank you.”
      “No, thank you.” Bond set the date and activated the time-splitter; a window opened up in front of him. He didn’t hesitate to step through it.
      Bond was relieved when he appeared in a wooded area and saw J still unconscious on the ground. Bond realized that his adventures had probably taken no time at all. He walked over to J, ready to wake him from his dreams that couldn’t possibly be more interesting than what Bond had just been through.

Looks like the score is: 4D Man= 2   Bond= 7    Winner= Bond

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