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Here's the scene:

     Bruce Wayne is sitting in an out-of-the-way British pub. He looks around the room anxiously, until the man walks in and extends him his hand. He accepts it.
     "Mr. Wayne? I'm Bond, James Bond."
      "I know who you are. I'm glad your people sent the best."
      "So, we're chasing a living pile of clay?"
      "His name is Clayface. You sound skeptical." James just raised an eyebrow.
      "What's a billionaire playboy doing chasing this thing?"
      "Let's just say he took something of mine. Let's go. We'll have to take your car, I left mine back home. I don't think it would fit in very well over here." They leave the pub and head to MI6 headquarters. From there, they do their best to try and find their man. After several days of no leads, Agent 289 alerts James to a disturbance in downtown London.
      James knocks on the door of the room Bruce is staying in. "Bruce, we found our man." He knocks again. "Bruce?" He opens the door, and Bruce is nowhere to be found. James leaves headquarters, not waiting to find Bruce. James ends up at the location of the disturbance just in time to see Clayface escaping. He's holding a green, glowing object. James trails after him, making sure not to be seen. They end up far outside of town, in an old cement factory. Clayface goes inside the main building. James steps out of the car and follows him. Inside is Clayface and another man. They appear to be conducting business.
      All of a sudden a dark figure drops from the ceiling, knocking the normal man out. Clayface hits the figure, knocking him back. James throws the small disk Q gave him, and it hits Clayface, starting the chemical reaction. Clayface turns toward James and starts to run toward him, but the chemical flows through his system, stopping him in his tracks as his clay-like body hardens. James approaches carefully and removes the green object still in Clayface's hand. James turns to the dark figure.
      "I had everything under control." Batman walks forward. James raises his gun as he recognizes who Batman is. "I'll take that now." Batman holds his hand out.
      "I don't know how things work in Gotham, but over here we don't allow vigilantism. This belongs to Mr. Wayne."
      "I'm sure he won't mind if I take it." Batman walks forward. James takes aim with his gun. Batman throws a bat-arang as the bullet James shot impacts in his Kevlar lined suit. The gun flies out of James hand. James holds out the green bullet. Batman reaches for it, and James twists his arm and lays out a four hit combination on Batman. Batman is not kept off guard for long. He quickly blocks every punch James throws. James pulls out every move he knows, and every one is blocked effortlessly by Batman.
      The next thing James knew and he was face down on the floor. "I'll let you clean up the mess." James lunges toward his gun lying on the floor, and turns toward the voice. James looks around, but Batman is nowhere to be found. Back at MI6 James apologizes to Bruce for losing the item.
      "Well, thank you anyway Mr. Bond, but I guess that's it. I'll never get it back.
      "Don't give up. If he shows up again I'll be ready."
     "Apparently, Mr. Bond, you've never been to Gotham." Bruce smiles as he leaves MI6.

If the story isn't enough for you, here's a checklist:

Looks like the score is BATMAN-5    BOND-4   WINNER=BATMAN   

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