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O.K. Here's the scene:
    James Bond had been trying for several weeks to find any evidence that Marlon Hastrades was the leader of a large Scotland based crime syndicate. The Diaemus, as the syndicate was known, was responsible for a huge amount of illicit material flow into Britain. Bond’s job was to shut them down.
     Bond had found some evidence that pointed to Hastrades being the leader. Bond was now photographing evidence as he lay hidden in a warehouse full of weapons and drugs. What Bond did not know was that Marlon Hastrades was a vampire, or that a large portion of his followers were. It was an incredible shock to him, therefore, when a man fell from the ceiling and began to kill the many people in the warehouse.
     Bond couldn’t react immediately, as he was not sure what he was watching. Many of the people were doing things that that shouldn’t have been possible. Many of them were performing jumps and maneuvers well beyond professional gymnasts. Also, the man who fell from the ceiling was being hit by bullets but did not seem to be phased.
     The barrage ended. There was only the man left standing. Bond stood up.
     “Put your weapon down.” The man turned and looked at Bond. He seemed to sniff the air.
     “Buzz off.” The man turned to leave.
     “I’ll shoot.”
     “If you want to take a shot at me with that pea shooter, go ahead.” Bond did not fire, but began to approach the man.
     “Tell me who you are.” The man did not hesitate to respond.
     “My name’s Blade. I’m a vampire hunter.”
     “Really?” Bond was skeptical.
     “All these men here tonight were vampires. So is Hastrades. That’s who I’m after.”
     “I’m after him too. He’s the leader of the Diaemus, a crime syndicate that’s feeding drugs and guns into my country.”
     “It’s a vampire gang.”
     “A vampire gang?” “Vampires are everywhere, in every walk of life. Why does it surprise you that they have gangs?”
     “I’m not sure I believe you at all.”
     Blade pulled his gun out and turned to aim at Bond. Bond fired several shots into him. Blade remained unharmed.
     “Now do you believe me?”

     Bond and Blade stalked Hastrades for the next few days, having agreed to work together. Eventually they tracked him to his home.
     “I’ll go it alone from here,” Blade said.
     “Like hell you will. I…” Blade knocked Bond on the back of the head. Bond fell to the ground and Blade went into Hastrades’ house.
     Once Blade was in Bond got up. The hit from Blade would have knocked most people out. Bond, however, was not only tougher than most people, but also knew how to absorb blows in ways that minimize damage. Bond followed Blade.
     As Bond entered the house, a dart shot into his neck.
     “Well, well,” Hastrades stood at the top of the staircase. “It looks like I have two would-be assassins.” It was then that Bond noticed Blade writhing on the floor.
     “What did you do to him,” Bond demanded.
     “He tripped the same booby trap that you did. The darts contain a chemical that throws off the equilibrium his body created when he was born. Blade will become nothing more than a regular vampire. You, however, will be unaffected.” Hastrades leapt to the bottom of the stairs.
     “Since you’re a mere human, I can deal with you personally.”
     Bond pulled out the small vial of vampire mace that Blade had given him. Before he could prepare a shot, Hastrades was behind him and knocked the vial out of his hand. He knocked Bond to the ground and pinned him with his foot.
     Bond thought he was finished, but his ability to think quickly saved him again. Bond slipped of his watch and held the clasp out. He thrust it hard into Hastrades’ leg. It broke the skin. Hastrades screamed as silver from Bond’s watch entered his leg. The infection spread, and Hastrades’ leg started to burn.
     “Time for you to clock out, Hastrades.” Bond took his silver watch and jammed it far into Hastrades mouth and then kicked his throat. Hastrades erupted into sparks and burned away.
     Bond turned to Blade just in time to see him leap. Bond grabbed a chair and smashed it over Blade as he flew through the air. This gave Bond enough time to pick up his vampire mace.
     “Sorry, Blade.” Bond sprayed the garlic and silver mixture into Blade’s face. Blade didn’t flinch, and threw Bond against the wall. Bond picked up Bond and prepared to bite him. Bond was just wondering why the garlic and silver failed when Blade let him go. Bond realized the dart had failed. Blade wasn’t just a normal vampire.
     “Blade, are you yourself?”
     “Yeah. They’ve tried this before. I have an antidote for their serum. I injected myself while you kept Hastrades busy.”
     Bond walked over to the pile of ashes that was Hastrades. He picked up his silver Rolex and blew off the ash.
     “It’s a good thing I don’t like gold watches.” When Bond looked up Blade was gone. A silver steak was stuck into the wall. Scratched in the wall was a message.
     “Just in case.” Bond pulled the steak out and stuck it through his belt. He then walked outside into the arriving dawn.

Looks like the score is: BLADE- 3   BOND- 4    WINNER= Bond

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