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Okay, here's the scene:

"Scotty, Scotty. What happened? Where am I?" The voice filters through Kirk's communicator very weakly.
     "Captain...problem with...transporter...ended up in...year...ousand one. We're...get you back..." The voice dies out completely.
     "Scotty!" Kirk closes his communicator and looks around. "Where am I?" Kirk walks down the empty street, trying not to be seen. He manages to steal some clothes from a off a line in someone's back yard. He does his best not to look conspicuous, and discovers that he is in the year 2001. He spends a few days wandering the city, not having any money to eat or to get a place to stay. Kirk is beginning to get desperate when his communicator signals him. He opens it and responds quietly. "Kirk here."
     "Captain, this is Scotty. I've managed to patch this communication through. When you went through the transporter, the beam was disrupted by a temporal rift. You ended up on earth, but in the wrong year. You're in the year..."
     "I know, 2001. What do we do?"
      "I think I can get you back, but you're signal's not strong enough. You need to find an energy source that will help us trace your signal. Did you beam down in London?"
     "Yes, right at the coordinates you beamed me to."
     "That means you're near a nuclear power facility just outside the city. If you can get hold of some radioactive isotopes, it might make your energy signature large enough to get a lock on." Scotty's voice begins to disappear.
     "Scotty?" Kirk closes the communicator and heads out to the nuclear facility outside of the city. Kirk waits until night time and pulls out his phaser. He cuts through the gate and the solid metal doors protecting the facility. He is inside the facility quickly, and walks toward the reactor. He has to cut through a few more doors before he finds the plutonium rods. He puts on a protective suit and takes one of the rods and begins to head out of the facility. He is almost at the door to the outside when a man appears in the doorway.
     "I don't know how you got in here, but you're not leaving." Kirk puts down the rod.
     "Who are you?"
     "I'm James Bond. I'm with MI6, British secret service. When you broke in here you tripped a silent alarm. I was sent instead of the police because M figured anyone who could break into this facility is quite a threat. Put your hands up and slowly walk toward me." Kirk slowly walks forward. James moves at the first sign of Kirk's movement, dodging the beam from his phaser. Bond has plenty of time to take his shot and shoots the phaser out of Kirk's hand. Kirk runs toward James, and throws a few punches. James Bond blocks them one handed and punches Kirk in the gut. Kirk doubles over and his communicator falls out of his pocket. Just as it hits the ground it begins to beep. Bond picks it up and lifts the lid. A voice hurries out of it.
     "Captain, we've got your signal, we've got to beam you up now." Before Bond knows what's happening he is beamed away. Kirk looks up in horror. He doesn't know what to do, but he knows he has to get out of there before any more authorities arrive. He runs to the woods just outside the facility. Kirk slumps down by a tree, trying to think of what to do next. He wake's up to the sound of a man's voice calling him. Kirk cautiously approaches the source of the sound. James Bond is standing there.
     "Captain, I believe this is yours." James hands Kirk the communicator. "Scotty did something to it that will boost your signal and let them lock on to you." Kirk stares at Bond.
     "How much did you see?"
     "I saw a lot. I didn't understand much. You don't have to worry. I'll never let the secret of the future out. It's my job to protect the British government, and I think that means it is best for me to keep my mouth shut." Kirk accepts the communicator and opens it.
     "Scotty, I'm ready to beam up." He glances at Bond.
     "Don't worry. I'll think of some way to explain this mess. Good luck Captain." Bond watches Kirk beam out as the police show up. He turns to them.
     "What happened here?"
     "Um, well..."

Not satisfied? Here's the checklist:

Looks like the score is KIRK=3   BOND=5   Winner=Bond  

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