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O.K. Here's the scene:

     Bond was sitting in M's office, being briefed on his next mission. "The situation is very unusual. Agent 003 was sent to obtain pictures that prove that Charles Leung is involved with the Japanese crime syndicate "Okasaki". As you know, we have been after Leung for quite some time. 003 obtained the photos, but was attacked by some of Leung's henchmen. He managed to hide the photos in the scabbard of a katana sword in a local shop. After 003 lost the men, he went back to pick up the photos. However, the sword had been sold, legitimately to a woman. We had a little trouble tracking the woman, but we now know that the woman is Lara Croft, a treasure-hunter of sorts. She moves around quite a lot, but we have tracked her to Peru. You are going to go there and get the photos from her.
     Bond knew that 003 had injured his leg on that mission, or there was no way that he wouldn't demand to be able to finish the mission he started. As it was, Bond was cleaning up the mess. "What is she doesn't have the photos?"
     "Then you'll have wasted a week in Peru. I hope she has the photos, I know how you hate wasting time." Bond was soon in a small village in Peru, trying to inquire about the whereabouts of Ms. Croft. The owner of the inn spoke in broken English, and Bond discovered that Croft had been buying a lot of mountain climbing equipment, and that she had been frequenting a small bar for the past few nights. Bond decided to pay a visit to the bar that night.
     Bond arrived just before dusk and entered the small bar. It was terribly humid. Bond looked briefly around the room. He saw her in a corner talking to a very old man fluently in a language he was unfamiliar with. Bond was amazed at how beautiful she was. She was the kind of woman who didn't give a damn about how she looked, with her untidy, somewhat dusty hair and no makeup. Yet she was still more beautiful than many of the women Bond had met. Bond sat at a table across the room. When a man came up asking what he wanted to drink, Bond didn't think his chances were very good of getting a dry vodka martini. He ordered a beer and waited for the old man to leave. When the old man finally did leave, Bond took his drink and walked over to the table Croft was at.
     "Excuse me, do you mind if I have a seat?" When Croft didn't answer he took the liberty and sat across the table from her. "If we're going to talk we'll have to do it in English, or I can do Spanish. But I'm afraid I don't know what language you were just talking in." Lara Croft looked up at Bond. Her initial impression was one of indifference. Having come from the world of British aristocracy, she didn't much care for British gentlemen, which Bond definitely looked like. He was over-dressed, with a suit and tie. She wasn't at all surprised that he wasn't familiar with the language she was using.
     "We were speaking Quechua. It's one of the languages of the indigenous people. You must have some kind of business to come all the way down here Mr...?"
     "Bond, James Bond. I do have business actually, with you." Croft said nothing. "You recently bought a sword, a katana to be precise, while you were in Japan."
     "How do you know that?"
     "I work for the British government. Some pictures were hidden in the scabbard of that sword. I need them."
     "So that's what those are. I'm sorry but I don't have those with me. I left those in my place in Japan. I didn't know what they were, but I figured maybe one day I'd track down the owners, just for laughs."
     "I've heard you're quite an adventurer. I don't suppose that's why you're in a small village in Peru."
     "Actually it is. I'm going into the Andes to the remains of an ancient Incan city, near Cusco."
     "What do you hope to find up there?"
     "The remnants of a temple devoted to the creator god, Roal. I'm sorry about your pictures, but I'm not going back to Japan for a few months. If you'd like you can meet me there.
     "I'm sorry, but I need those pictures a lot sooner than that."
     "Then you're out of luck, Mr. Bond. I'm climbing into the Andes tomorrow." Croft stood up to leave. Bond grabbed her arm to stop her.
     "If you could just..." Croft grabbed Bonds arm and twisted it quickly behind his back and slammed his body against the table. "That's a nice move, but if you don't let go of my arm soon I'm afraid I'm going to have to hurt you.
     "Yeah, I'm sure you could..." Bond swiveled toward his right and hooked his left arm around her neck and kicked her right leg out from under her. He caught her as she lost her balance and held her by both arms. The gun came down on the back of Bond's head. He let go of Croft as he fell to the ground. He was quickly back on his feet with the gun pointed at the man who had hit him. It was the owner of the bar. He had a gun pointed at Bond.
      "You leave. Both." Bond put his gun away. He didn't want to start a fight in the small bar. He and Croft left the bar. Bond tried to talk to Croft again, but she wasn't listening. Bond realized he would have to try this with a new approach. He left Croft to try to make all the arrangements. The next morning he arrived at the outskirts of the village before dawn. Shortly after that Croft arrived. She wasn't too happy to see Bond.
     "Well, well, well. Mr. Bond. You must really want those pictures."
     "And you must really want that statue of Roal."
     "Just how did you find out about that?"
     "It was pretty tough without knowing Quechua, but the old man you were talking to yesterday was very helpful."
     "So now what happens?"
     "Now I agree to help you find that temple and get that statue. In return, as soon as we're done here, you go back to Japan and get those pictures for me."
     "I'm sorry Mr. Bond, but I work alone." Croft walked away, toward the mountains. Now it was time for Bond to get to work. He had all the equipment he would need, and he knew as much as Croft did about the location of the temple. He would simply have to beat her there. He headed off toward the mountains, cutting farther right to avoid Croft as he ran passed her. If she knew that he was trying to get there first, she would pick up her pace. This way, Bond could use the fact that she was going at her normal pace to beat her. Unknown to him, Croft saw him just before he arrived at the foot of the mountain. She would now do everything in her power to beat him to the temple. The race had begun, without either competitor realizing just how hard it would be
      Bond had an advantage over the ground that was fairly level. He could move quicker than Croft. However, she had an advantage when serious rock climbing was involved. She was a better mountain climber than Bond, despite the fact that he had greater upper body strength. Far into the race, the two were very close. Bond was already partway up the final climb up a six hundred foot vertical climb. He was hammering in one of his pitons when the large condor flew by him, nearly knocking him off the cliff face. He watched as the huge bird flew at a small black spot on the rock face about fifty yards below him, and twenty yards to the left. It was Croft, and the bird was attacking her. Bond knew this wasn't normal behavior of a condor, but then he noticed that Croft had climbed too close to its nest. Croft had a gun in one of her hands, firing at the bird. It was keeping its distance, and many of her bullets weren't connecting. Some of them blasted through the large wings of the bird, but it was managing to stay in the air. As her gun pumped out its last bullet, the bird swooped at her. Bond had his gun out and took two shots, the second of which blasted through the birds head. Bond watched the bird spiral to the distant ground, and started climbing. He still had to hurry. He wasn't sure how good a climber Croft was, but he wasn't so far ahead as to eliminate the chance of her catching up to him. However, Croft was just beginning to feel fatigued. Their trek had now entered its ninth hour.
      Bond reached the top of the cliff, and began searching around. It took him several minutes to find the small, almost invisible path. He hoped it would lead him to the temple. He began to follow it as Croft reached the top of the cliff. She also found the path after some minutes, and followed it. She was soon at the partially collapsed entrance of the dilapidated temple. She looked for any sign that Bond had passed through it, but she couldn't find any. She knew he had been above her on the cliff, but perhaps he hadn't found the path.
     She entered the temple. She knew that Incan temples usually had the main room located in an upper level. Croft found a small, square tunnel in the ceiling that led up. She saw the tattered remains of a sort of ladder that seems to be made out of vines. It would never support her weight. She managed to climb into the tunnel, and put her back and shoulders against one side and her legs kicked out against the other. She managed to climb up the tunnel, using her legs and shifting her back up with each step. She had to be careful. The tunnel was a good fifty feet long. If she fell near the top, she would probably be battered against the sides of the tunnel as she fell a good distance.
     As she neared the top, she was getting very tired. As she shifted her back up once more, her left foot slipped. She began to fall. She didn't even have time to scream before her arm was grabbed near the shoulder. She looked up to see Bond holding her. He reached down to her belt and took out the the two guns held by it. One of them, at least, was loaded. He let them drop down the tunnel and then pulled Croft up. She felt sick as she saw what he was holding. It was the statue of Roal, made of a deep red stone. Bond had gotten to it first.
     "I wasn't sure what to look for at first, but back down the tunnel behind me is a big room. This was at the center of it, surrounded by ancient footprints that haven't been disturbed for a very long time. I think this is what you've been after. Perhaps it would be worth trading for a few a few photos, but the deal expires quickly."
     Croft sighed. "Fine we'll leave tomorrow for Japan and you can come with me to get the damn pictures. Does that make you happy?"
     "I'm happy any time a beautiful woman invites me back to her place." James smiled.

Looks like the score is CROFT = 2   BOND = 4   WINNER = BOND  

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