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O.K. Here's the scene:

      Judge Death and his followers step out of his inter-dimensional transporter. "Yessss. A fresh ssstart to rid the earth of the sssinful." Judge Dredd has foiled Judge Death's attempt to kill all the living in his time. So now Judge Death has fled to James Bond's dimension, in hopes of purging all living creatures. (Since only living things sin, Judge Death came to the conclusion that life itself is a crime.) As Judge Death and his three followers, Judge Fire, Fear, and Mortis set out into downtown London, Judge Dredd steps out of an inter-dimensional transporter. He has followed Judge Death here, and plans on stopping him. Judge Dredd spots the evil foursome in the distance, and runs after them.
     Meanwhile, there is panic in London, and Bond has been dispatched, along with dozens of other agents, to stop the threat. Bond arrives on the scene, and is amazed to see the unearthly creatures. He drives his car straight into Judge Fire, causing his skeleton-body to shatter. Bond gets out of the car and looks in amazement as Judge Fire literally pulls himself back together. Bond turns around to see the dark figure of Judge Fear, whose face takes the form of the viewer's worst fears. Judge Fear opens the front of his helmet, but since James Bond fears nothing, he sees nothing. Bond shoots the creature several times, but the bullets just pass through Judge Fear. James Bond gets into his car and turns on the side rockets. One rocket hits Judge Fear and obliterates his body. Bond shoots another at Judge Mortis, whose body also explodes. Bond thinks he has destroyed the creatures, but he sees a white aura leave the bodies. One floats into a nearby person. Bond watches as that person's body bursts into flames and is skeletonized. Judge Fire's form stands up, and heads toward Bond, who looks at the other white aura as it is about to enter a person. However, a greenish bubble forms around it, and Bond sees Judge Dredd. Dredd uses his inter-dimensional transporter to send the bubble back to its own dimension. Dredd fires a grenade at Judge Fire. As the aura leaves the incinerated body, Dredd shoots at it, and another greenish bubble forms. He uses the inter-dimensional transporter on it as well. Bond runs over to Dredd. "I'd really like to know how you did that."
     "It's a Boing bubble. They're the only thing that can hold the Dark Judges spirit forms."
     "What's the other thing," Bond asks, pointing to the transporter.
     "It's an inter-dimensional transporter. It sends them back to my dimesion, where my fellow Judges can take care of them. It seems as though you were trying to help." Dredd hands him a large gun. "Hold the handle here." Bond does, and Dredd pushes a button. "Now this lawmaker is set to your control. Speak into it to choose what ammo you want to fire. This gun is equipped with boing bubbles, heat seekers, rapid fire, grenade, and incendiary shells. Also, wear one of these. It's a stasis band that will prevent the Judges from changing your body if they enter it. Be careful though, since they can still take over your mind if they enter it." Bond and Dredd head toward Judge Death, and Judge Mortis. Upon seeing Dredd, Judge Death activates his inter-dimensional transporter. Bond and Dredd run, and leap into the transporters wake, allowing them to immediately follow the Judges.
     The two men find themselves on a desolate planet, with no life. "We're on the Dark Judge's home planet. Be careful." Dredd and Bond look around, with no sign of the two remaining judges. Suddenly, they are attacked from behind. Bond rolls on the ground. "Grenade." Bond fires at Mortis, and his body explodes. At the same time, Judge Death has been riddled with bullets by Dredd. Judge Death's spirit is quickly contained by Dredd. Judge Mortis, however, dodges Bond's boing bubble, and quickly enters Bond's head. Bond falls to the ground as Mortis' evil mind takes over his. He stands up and aims at Dredd. "Insssendiary." Bond fires, and Dredd burst into flames. His armor protects him long enough for him to dodge behind a boulder and put out the fire.
     "Ricochet" A rubber bullet leaves Dredd's gun and impacts in Bond's shoulder. Bond regains control for a moment.
     "Dredd, he's..." Mortis' personality takes over again. "Heat ssseeker." Just as Bond fires, Dredd fires a signal flare out of his gun. The heat seeker locks onto the heat of the flare, and they collide. Dredd shoots a rapid fire barrage, with each bullet shattering into Bond's Lawmaker. Bond drops the gun, and runs at Dredd. Dredd throws his weapon to the ground. He doesn't want to kill Bond. Bond throws some punches at Dredd that bounce off his armor. Then Dredd fights back, but pulls his punches. As Bond gets more and more hits on Dredd, Dredd realizes that Bond is too good for him to hold back. However, when Dredd goes all out, he hits Bond with ease, forcing him back with each blow. Bond can't even get off any punches. Bond falls to the ground, hurt and bleeding. Bond notices that he can fight Mortis' personality more. He realizes that Mortis can feel the pain, and it makes him lose his concentration. "Dredd, hit me some m...DIE!" Bond attacks Dredd, who easily knocks Bond down again. Bond realizes this isn't quite enough. Bond crawls over to Dredd's gun. Dredd makes a move to stop him, but realizes what he is doing. Bond grimaces. "Get out of my head!" Bond fires the gun through this thigh, being very careful to cause as little physical damage as possible. As the pain shoots through his nerve, Bond muster's all of his will and expels Mortis' spirit from his head. "Boing bubble." Bond aims the gun at the spirit. The spirit floats to Dredd, and enters his head.
     "Oh no you don't." Bond waits a moment as Dredd forces the spirit out. Bond shoots the boing bubble at it. Dredd uses the transporter to send it back to his dimension. Bond looks at Dredd, who lets the slightest smirk slip onto his face. "I've had more experience with them." Bond just nods. Dredd helps James up, and takes him to his dimesion, where medical knowledge is very advanced compared to Bond's world. His shoulder and leg are fixed in no time, and Bond is sent back to his own dimension, after being thanked by Judge Dredd, on behalf of all the Judges.

As always, the checklist is below:

Looks like the score is BOND=1   DREDD=4   WINNER=Dredd   

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