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O.K. Here's the scene:

     James Bond approached the large ship from its underside. He had been in a small, stealth, one-man submarine, which he allowed to fill with water and sink once he was just underneath the ship. Bond swam to the underside of the hull and started to use a small laser to begin cutting a hole. It would take two hours to make the hole big enough for him to fit through, and he could then slip into one of the water-filled ballast compartments of the ship. If all went well, the mad-man who owned the ship would never know he had boarded until it was too late. Bond worked painstakingly, and after two hours was inside the ship, just as his air ran out.
     Bond was aboard without anyone knowing. He walked slowly down the hall, silently knocking out one of the guards. Bond neared the steps that led to the upper decks. He had only to get passed one more guard before he could get a shot at Destro, the power-mad fiend in control of this boat. Just as Bond was about to make his move on the guard, the ship lurched. An explosion had occurred. Bond was thrown into the wall and involuntarily let out a loud grunt. The guard heard him, and had his gun pointing at Bond.
     Unknown to Bond, the forces of G.I. Joe had just arrived on the scene. Deep Six, driving the underwater SHARC had set off the explosion that now had the ship slowly sinking. Up above, Flint and Ace arrived by helicopter, and Hawk and Duke, the first and second in command of G.I. Joe, arrived by speed boat. Duke and Flint boarded the boat, and with smoke bombs exploding and weapons firing, they fought their way to the main cabin, where Destro was. Destro sounded a red alert.
     Below deck, the guard holding Bond at gunpoint was distracted for a split second by the red light that flashed near his head. Bond only needed a half second to kick the man's gun out of his hand. A few well placed hits and the guard was out of action and Bond was racing up the stairs. When Bond saw the commotion he paused. He recognized that some men from America were on board, but what were they doing? Were they after Destro's stolen files too? Bond ran around to the back of the main cabin. The men were trying to force their way in through the front. Bond started his laser on the locks that held the grate over the ventilation shaft. He would go in through the back.
     Bond was inside the ventilation shaft before the hammering and banging from the front of the cabin stopped. The Americans were still outside. Bond dropped quietly into the cabin, and pointed his gun at Destro's back. "Give me the files," Bond said. Without responding, Destro turned and threw the radio he had been talking into at Bond. Bond had to dodge it, and Destro jumped at him. Bond kicked Destro off of him and hit him several times, smashing him against the wall. Destro fell to the ground. Bond walked over to the locked cabinet. He didn't bother to use the laser to cut the lock off, it was small. Obviously Destro never imagined anyone getting into his cabin. Bond picked up the radio and smashed down on the lock, snapping it off easily. Bond reached in to get the files, when an explosion knocked him off his feet.
     As Bond tried to stand up, Duke punched him in the jaw, knocking him out. Bond woke up in a small room, his head throbbing. Duke was in the room.
     "Sorry about the jaw, sir. When I saw you in Destro's office I assumed you were one of his men."
     "Where am I," Bond asked.
     "You're on an American ship. We're from G.I. Joe, an American..."
     "I know what G.I. Joe is," Bond interrupted. He was feeling a little sorry for himself. His perfect, silent mission was outdone by a completely unsubtle, noisy battle. He knew that America would be keeping the files that M wanted. Sure, the Americans would share the information with MI6, they were friends after all, but M wouldn't like asking for it.
     "Hope your head's feeling better. We'll have you on your way home in no time." Bond rolled over in his bunk, not bothering to say thank you.

What does the checklist show? See Below.

Looks like the score is G.I. JOE = 4   BOND = 3   WINNER= G.I. Joe  

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