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O.K. Here's the scene:

     Mumm-ra stands over his cauldron. "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form, to Mumm-ra, the Ever Living!" As he is transformed Mumm-ra laughs menacingly. He flies out of his pyramid. He knows that Lion-O is alone today, at the edge of the Forest of Forever. Mumm-ra uses this as a chance to ambush him. He flies over the forest, looking for Lion-O when he spots him. Mumm-ra swoops down and picks Lion-O off the ground. Lion-O struggles to unsheathe the Sword of Omens. He does, and swings at Mumm-ra, who lets Lion-O fall to the ground. Lion-O lands on his feet and prepares for a fight. "Lion-O, You Thundercats have been a thorn in my side for far too long. With their Lord out of the way, the rest of the Thundercats will fall. You must be removed." Lion-O attacks as Mumm-ra dodges back and forth.
     "You've never defeated me before Mumm-ra. What makes you persist in trying?"
     "This time, Lion-O, you won't escape." Mumm-ra pulls out a small pouch and removes some powder. He throws it at Lion-O, who attempts to cover his face. As the powder burns into his skin, Lion-O feels an evil presence creeping into him. "Now, Lion-O, you will be my evil servant." Lion-O stumbles back as the powder takes effect. He isn't aware of what's happening, and he steps back off of the Cliff of Ages, which is at the edge of the Forest of Time. He screams as he falls down into the canyon, where the huge temporal distortion exists. No one has ever fallen into the canyon, and it is a mystery what will happen to Lion-O as he becomes the first to do so. Lion-O falls through the disturbance and hits the ground.
      Lion-O wakes up dazed and confused. He is no longer himself, but he has sense enough to realize that he is not where he should be. He looks around and realizes that he has never seen this place. Also, he sees people and structures that are completely foreign to him. He stumbles around, as people see him and start to panic. Lion-O attacks the people who get too close as he runs toward the only visible trees. Lion-O hides as he tries to figure out where he is. After a while he falls asleep. He is awakened by a man approaching. Lion-O unsheaths his sword and attacks. James Bond fires at the charging creature, shooting him in his shoulder. Lion-O doesn't stop, but lunges at Bond. Bond is knocked to the ground, and kicks Lion-O off of him. Lion-O swings his sword at Bond, who grabs Lion-O's arm and twists it. Lion-O drops the sword, and James Bond kicks it away.
     "I'm with MI6. I've come to take you into custody." Lion-O charges as Bond shoots again, hitting Lion-O in his leg. Lion-O is berserk now, and knocks the gun out of Bond's hand. Lion-O continues to attack. Lion-O's super-human strength and agility enable Lion-O to keep Bond on the defensive, but Bond has very superior fighting skills and prevents Lion-O from hurting him. Also, Bond keeps a cool head as Lion-O attacks out of blind rage. Bond hits Lion-O on his temple, disorienting him for a while. This gives Bond plenty of time to retrieve his gun. Lion-O regains his senses and turns toward Bond. "Don't move." Lion-O attacks as Bond shoots. The bullet bounces off of Lion-O's claw shield, and Lion-O tries to hit Bond, but Bond rolls out of the way and hits Lion-O on the back of the head with the gun. Lion-O passes out onto the ground. Bond takes Lion-O back to MI6, where he is put in a cell to be questioned when he wakes up.
     Meanwhile, back on Third Earth, Lion-O's planet, the Thundercats have summoned Jaga, who is able to use the powers of the mystical star of Thundara to bring Lion-O back to his own time and place. As Bond and M go to see Lion-O, there are surpised to discover that he has vanished. "Bond, where is he?" Bond looks at M.
     "Don't look at me, sir."

Checklist below:

Looks like the score is BOND=5   Lion-O=4   WINNER=Bond  

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