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O.K. Here's the scene:

     As Neo and his followers slowly but surely began to destroy the A.I. forces on planet earth, the A.I. began to become desperate. As a last ditch effort to save their existence they created a simple time machine. Their hope was to go back in time to stop Morpheus from ever being freed from the Matrix.
     Neo discovered this plot slightly too late. However, he was able to just barely jump into the machine as the single A.I. creature activated it. Neo's added mass threw off the calibration of the machine, and the A.I. creature and he ended up in the wrong time. They ended up in the very early twenty-first century. The A.I. was able to lose Neo, and escaped into hiding. Neo did his best to find the creature, but it was ultimately MI6 that first discovered its whereabouts. James Bond was sent to retrieve the creature, after being given a powerful electromagnet that could disrupt the circuits of any electronic devise by Q.
     Bond arrived at the creature's location and managed (after a spirited chase)to disrupt the creature's circuits. Bond put the creature in the specially designed cage attached to the back of his car and started to drive back to MI6. Before he got there, however, a car smashed into the side of his, nearly knocking him off the road. Bond turned the corner and sped up. He began to lose the car. In the car behind him, Neo pulls out a cellular-phone sized computer and inserts the jack into the hole at the base of his skull. He quickly uploads a map of the surrounding area, along with a class A-1 driving program. He jerks the wheel of the car and heads down a side street. Bond continues on, thinking that he has lost the man. However, shortly thereafter the car broadsides him, and knocks him off the road. Bond gets out of the car, with his weapon drawn.
     "I'm armed and ready to use force. Get out of your car." As Bond is speaking Neo gets out of the car and hides behind it. He puts the computer jack in his head and downloads a marksmanship program, and a martial arts program, which includes thirteen martial arts. Neo stands up and shoots the gun out of Bond's hand.
     "Now look, I don't want any trouble, but I can't let you keep that thing." Neo slowly approaches Bond's car, being sure to keep his gun focused on Bond. He starts to open the car door when he is shocked. He drops his gun to the ground, and Bond attacks. Bond makes the first few moves, but Neo begins to gain the edge. Bond's years of extensive training are outdone by Neo programming himself to be a blackbelt in a dozen martial arts in a few seconds. Bond holds his own for a while, but Neo gets a hit off that cracks Bond's sternum. Bond falls to his knees, gasping for air. Neo picks up the gun and shoot at Bond's car. Neo is discouraged when the bullet bounces off. Neo points the gun at Bond.
     Tell me how to open that door." Bond stands up. "Tell me." Bond kicks the gun out of Neo's hand, who didn't program quick reaction time. However, Neo manages to hit Bond in the ribs. He slumps down on the car.
     "This thing is going to MI6. I have orders to bring it in unharmed." Neo has his gun again, and aims it at Bond. "However, it appears that you have made me fail my mission. But you aren't getting this thing." Bond pushes a button on his watch. "We have ten seconds before this car explodes." Neo lowers his gun. Bond runs as Neo shoots the windows. After the twelfth bullet the window breaks. Neo frantically reaches in the car as the counter on the dash board reads "4". He pulls the small device off the A.I. and presses the button. The portable time unit was meant to allow the creature to return to its own time after its mission was over. Now, however, it will serve to get Neo home. Neo slips out of our time just before the car explodes, destroying the A.I. Bond sits down as he looks back at the explosion. "I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do."

Checklist? You know the drill.

Looks like the score is NEO=5   BOND=3   WINNER=Neo   

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