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O.K. Here's the scene:

James Bond is being briefed for his upcoming mission by M. "Now, Bond, you are going to take part in an extensive training program. This program is a sort of competition that pits agents from MI6, British secret service, against agents from MI5, the regular British Ministry of Defence. Each participant is pitted against one agent of approximately the same skill level. Since you are by far MI6's best agent, you will be playing against the best the Ministry of Defence has to offer." Just then the door opens and Austin Powers walks into the room. "Bond, I'd like you to meet Austin Powers, your competitor." Bond extends his hand.
     "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Powers." Shortly after the introduction the agents are at a specialized shooting range. The rules are explained to them.
     "You have each been assigned a standard .65 mm gun identical to each other. These guns have twelve bullets. In the first part of the marksmanship tests, twelve targets will pop up randomly. You will score points by hitting as close to the center of the targets as possible. Begin." Bond and Austin hold their guns ready. As the targets pop up, they take aim and fire. At the end of the exercise, Bond's score is higher than Austin's. Bond hit all twelve targets fairly close to the center. Austin missed one target completely and only hit the far edge of another. The other ten he hit fairly close to the center. "Excellent gentlemen. For the second part of the marksmanship test, the lights will be turned out, and you must locate the targets by the loud beep the will make. Your guns have been reloaded, and you have twelve shots to hit twelve targets." The lights are turned out, and the targets are deployed. After the round the lights are turned on, and it is discovered that Bond again hit all twelve targets, although on a few he hit only the edge. Austin missed three targets, and hit the rest fairly well. The two agents are moved to a new room, with an obstacle course set up in it.
      The rules are explained to them. "The obstacle course has ten parts, each more challenging that the next. Falling off at any one part will disqualify you, so be careful not to make any mistakes, but you are playing against each other, so go as fast as you safely can." The two agents are off running at the whistle. Bond quickly gains a lead, and he holds it for the duration of the course. He is finished in three minutes, twelve seconds, and has to wait twenty-two seconds more for Austin to finish. Austin is winded. The two men are moved to another room, where the hand-to-hand combat tests are given.
      In the first part, each agent must defend against ten attackers in five minutes or less. As the agent defeats one man, another immediately attacks, until time is up. Bond is able to defeat all ten attackers in just under four and a half minutes, with only one of the men getting a hit on him. It was a glancing blow to the shoulder. Austin defeats eight men in the five minute time limit, and one of them hurts his right arm. The tests have to be delayed two days while Austin recovers. The tests are resumed, and Bond and Austin now fight one-on-one. The match is won when one person scores three hits. Bond scores first with a two-hit combo to Austin's side. Austin quickly attacks. "Judo chop." Austin is surpised when his move is blocked by Bond. He is even more surpised when he finds himself face down on the ground. One more hit and Bond wins. Austin is nervous now, but Bond is cocky. He is caught off guard by Austin's Judo trip. Bond is up off the ground quickly, and dispatches Austin even quicker. Austin slowly rises from the ground, and the two agents are escorted to M's office.
      "Well, gentlemen. It appears that Bond's score is over seven hundred points higher than Powers'. That means that the final test will not matter much, since it is worth five hundred points. However, we must finish the tests, so you are each going to be briefed for a mock field mission." Each agent is briefed on the mission, in which they are to go to Tanzania and attempt to locate "the target," who is an agent posing as an escaped terrorist. The first person to apprehend the agent wins. They can use any means at their disposal. Austin heads to his private jet, while Bond must go to the airport. Austin arrives in Tanzania several hours before Bond, and begins to search. Bond arrives, and quickly finds just the right people to talk to. He discovers the targets location, and heads there immediately. Austin finally manages to get a good lead, and rushes off to apprehend the target. He arrives at the small, abandoned building and stealthily approaches. He climbs through a window and walks into the building. He turns a corner just in time to see James Bond walking out of the house with the target apprehended. Bond hears Austin and turns around. "How nice, you've come to congratulate me."

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Looks like the score is: BOND=6  AUSTIN=3  WINNER=Bond   

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