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O.K. Here's the scene: (continued from Bond Vrs. William Wallace)

     The thing about arriving somewhere instantaneously through time and space is that it looks very suspicious. When the security guard at the Office of Scientific Intelligence saw a man suddenly appear on one of the security monitors, he immediately called Oscar Goldman. Oscar Goldman was a very important member of the OSI. Right now he was in a meeting with Col. Steve Austin, also known as the Six Million Dollar Man. Austin was being briefed on his next mission when Goldman’s phone rang.
      “Sir, we’ve got an unidentified person in the compound.”
      “How did he get in?”
      “I don’t know. He just appeared out of nowhere.”
      “It could be an attack. Send some men after him.”
      “Yes sir.”
      Goldman turned to Austin. “We may have trouble. I want you to see if security needs help.” Austin nodded and left the room.
      Bond was in a hallway, wondering where he was. When several men rounded the corner and came into view, Bond instinctively drew his gun. This was not a good thing to do, since now the guards saw him as a threat. The newest rookie guard actually panicked and fired a shot. Bond wasn’t hit, but he was now questioning whether these men were “good guys” that could be reasoned with.
      Either way, Bond didn’t want to risk it. He would have a tough time explaining himself if he were caught. Bond turned and ran down the hall, going through the first door he came to. He was in a stairwell, and ran down the stairs. He knew he would have to go down to get out of the building. He heard footsteps behind him, and when the steps ended he opened the door at the bottom and was in a hall again. At the other end of the hall was a door with a small window in it. Natural light was coming through it.
      Bond ran down the hall, hoping that either security wasn’t able to lock down the building or hadn’t yet. He was relieved when the door opened easily. He was quickly running away from the building. It took him only four second to climb the fence he came to, and then he was almost home free. None of the security guards would catch him.
      Steve Austin came out of the building. Bond was far away by now, but he could see him with his bionic eye, which allowed him to see vast distances. It took Austin less than a second to jump the fence and he was of after Bond. Since he could run sixty miles per hour, he was upon Bond in seconds.
      Bond stopped running as a man suddenly appeared in front of him. “Stay back,” Bond said as he raised his gun. Austin’s nuclear powered arm shot out at amazing speed, snatching the gun. Austin then crushed the gun with his hand and dropped the useless hunk of metal at his feet.
      “Whoever you are, you’re coming back with me to answer a few questions.” Bond dropped to the ground and side kicked Austin in the leg, hoping to knock him down. Bond’s foot stopped cold as if he had kicked a tree. Bond quickly adjusted and rolled away, getting to his feet in seconds.
      As Austin reached out at him, Bond dodged and threw a punch at Austin. Austin’s arm was too quick, however, blocking the punch. Bond fought for a few more seconds. Despite being a better fighter and quick at thinking on his feet, Bond was outmatched by a man who could run sixty miles per hour, bend metal, and smash through walls. A light tap from Austin connected to Bond’s shoulder, knocking him against a tree.
      Bond was dazed and defeated. He knew the only way out of the mess was to use the time-splitter. Austin used his immensely powerful arm to grab and hold Bond. Bond couldn’t break free. Bond had to think quickly. He began to fake having convulsions. Austin was worried but did not let go.
      Throughout the years, Bond had gained more control over his body than most people ever dream of having. He now used that control. After he faked choking a few times, he used every ounce of will power and control to force himself to vomit. At the same time he was reaching for his time-splitter. Austin let Bond go, seeing that something was very wrong.
      “Hey, buddy, are you…” The time window opened up in front of Bond, and he leapt through it while Steve Austin was too stunned to react. Bond had escaped, but now he didn’t even have his gun. He had also gone the wrong way in time, ending up in a different part of America over a dozen years further into the past. To be Concluded in Bond Vrs. 4D Man!

Looks like the score is: Steve Austin=4   Bond=3   WINNER= Steve Austin

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