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O.K. Here's the scene:

The man appeared naked out of nowhere, accompanied by an electrical discharge. The man stood upright and began to search for clothes. He was on a mission.
     James Bond was finished with a mission in Los Angeles. He was more than ready to return to England, despite it being dreary compared to sunny California. It was entirely chance that Bond heard the round of shots as he walked down the street. His gun was quickly in his hand, and Bond went to see if he could assist.
     The man had an AK47 in his hands and was firing into a small crowd of people. Bond didn’t hesitate to fire a lethal shot. Two bullets hit the man in the side of the head. The man turned and Bond dove behind a car as bullets flew at him. When the firing changed directions, Bond peered out to see the man engaged with another man in a firefight.
     Dozens of bullets tore into the first man, blasting away clothing and bits of flesh. The man wasn’t affected, however. The second man, a teenager, ran out of bullets. The other man pressed forward, going in for the kill.
     Bond fired a shot at what he now realized wasn’t a man. Metal shone in the sunlight where flesh used to be. The thing turned. Bond fired two well placed shots, smashing a bullet into its eyes. Bond was hoping that was a weakness. The T600 Terminator model does view the world through advanced optical scanners, located behind fake eyes. Bond’s shots hadn’t destroyed them, but did disorient them. The Terminator tore flesh from his face and began to make adjustments.
     The younger man did not hesitate, he ran toward Bond before the cyborg was ready to fire.
     “Let’s go.” Bond followed the man.
     “What is that thing?”
     “It’s a cybernetic organism from the future.” Bond was skeptical, but he had once had dealings with a captain from the future. “My name is John Connor, and that thing was sent to kill me. I’ve dealt with Terminators before, but I need much stronger weapons if we’re going to destroy that thing.”
     “I may have what we need. Follow me.” Connor followed Bond, explaining things further to him as they ran.
     “In the future, I lead a group of human’s against a race of machines that take over the world. That’s why the Terminator wants me dead. My mother and I thought we had changed the future, but apparently we weren’t thorough enough.” Bullets whizzed by their heads. They ducked and ran into a parking structure as the Terminator followed them.
     Bond tried to open the door to the stairs, but it was locked. He cursed as he pushed the elevator button. It was slow. The Terminator loaded another clip and was nearly upon them as the door opened. Bond pushed the button for floor eight and pounded the “door close” button.
     As they rose in the elevator the Terminator kicked open the door to the stairwell and ran up the steps. The doors to the elevator opened and Bond was face to face with it. Bond fired faster, blasting the gun out of the Terminator’s hand. Bond pushed Connor forward and they both ran. The Terminator was much faster and grabbed each of them with a huge hand. It began to apply pressure. Bond managed to push a button on his watch, turning the dial into a small circular saw. He took it off and used it to slice through the exposed wires in the cyborg’s arm. The grip loosened as the Terminator lost control of that hand. Bond fell to the floor.
     Bond rolled away, looking for a way to help Connor, who was still in the Terminator’s clutches. He saw one chance. He aimed at the fire extinguisher on the wall directly behind the Terminator. He fired. The explosion resulting from the escape of compressed CO2 was not nearly enough to destroy the thing, but it jolted it enough to loosen the grip on Connor, who broke free and ran toward Bond. The two again ran as Bond worked his cell phone.
     The Terminator pursued and quickly gained on them. The car flew passed Bond and Connor. It smashed into the Terminator, which smashed through the windshield. It was now partially in front seat of the car. Bond had remote controlled the car, which had been parked on the eighth floor of the parking complex.
     Bond now hit a red button on his cell phone, which doubled as a remote for his car. Bond’s BMW was equipped with two stinger missiles behind the headlights, four surface to air missiles deployable from the sides of the car, and eight rockets in a special compartment on the roof. All of these exploded now, directly on the Terminator.
     The explosion tore a huge hole in the parking structure, sending brick and cement flying into the streets. Bond could only pray for minimal damage. Nearby cars exploded as their gas tanks ignited. Bond and Connor felt the heat of the blast, despite being at the other end of the complex.
     The Terminator was blown apart. Not even its advanced armor withstood the massive explosion. Bond had no time to rest, as he immediately made calls to the police and his superiors in MI6. At Connor’s request, they gathered all the pieces they could find of the cyborg. Bond promised him that Q-Branch would destroy them all.
     What they didn’t find, however, was the small microchips that had blown far out into a nearby alley. The chip lay there now, waiting to be discovered by the man who would unwittingly bring about the rise of the machines.

Looks like the score is: TERMINATOR- 2  BOND- 6   WINNER=Bond

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