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O.K. Here's the thing, this is not going to be a story so much as an analysis of which of the two best actors to play Bond is the best. My previous vrs. pages are on sort of a kidding level, but this is supposed to be a serious, non biased analysis of the two Bonds.
     Sean Connery as Bond has obvious advantages and disadvantages. Connery was not a well seasoned actor at the time he took the part of James Bond, unlike Brosnan. Also, Connery was not too knowledgeable in the ways of a gentleman, having come from a low middle class Scottish family. However, Connery was willing to learn, and learned quite quickly. He even slept in his new suit in order to get used to it. As many people who worked with Connery put it, he was a diamond in the rough.
     Connery played Bond extremely well. He was easily the most manly of the actors to play Bond, having been a body builder and a contestant in a Mr. Universe competition. Stuntmen who worked with Connery said that he was extremely tough. He was not afraid to throw actual punches, and was quite willing to take some damage as well. In Goldfinger he got hit in the back with a heavy breakaway chair for six straight takes, and never complained once. Connery could also convey a sense of menace. He could play mad, and be very intimidating. Brosnan can play mad, but he always looks like too much of a gentleman to be very intimidating.
Connery also had a whole lot of fun with the part. He could use witty one liners like nobody's business. I would rank Brosnan as third best at this, with Moore being second. When Brosnan tries to pull off one liners, he seems too serious. He takes the role almost too seriously, and won't let himself have fun with the role.
     When it comes to looking the part, I give a big edge to Brosnan. Connery brought a very masculine look to Bond, but didn't look much like a gentleman. Brosnan is most realistic looking when he is wearing a tuxedo. No one plays the gentleman side of Bond as well as Brosnan.
     Acting with women is also important with Bond. It is hard to say who is better at this, since each actor played that part differently. Connery had the edge in flirting. He was very natural joking and having fun with the girls. He also was very overpowering with his women. At some points it almost (but not quite) seemed like he was forcing them to sleep with him. He was also not averse to slapping the evil girls around a bit. However, that comes from his commanding presence. Brosnan's Bond treats women with more respect and sensitivity. He is not as good as flirting with the girls, but the actual sex scenes seem better done. Brosnan seems more at home in bed with a woman than Connery.
     Finally, one has to look at the situation each actor had when taking the role of Bond. Connery had the advantage of being the first Bond. He had no expectations to live up to. However, he had to set the standards. Some people say that people like Connery just because he is first. However, other Bond's have other advantages. Brosnan was already an actor when he became Bond. Also, his movies have much larger budgets, which means more can be done with them, and Bond also had a huge fan base of thirty-five years strong when he became Bond. It is not quite fair to include such distinctions when choosing the best Bond. One must judge strictly on the acting skills of bringing a lovable, realistic Bond to life.
     After the analysis, we see that Connery was a masculine, sometimes menacing Bond, who used wit very well, especially with women, had a commanding presence, but who couldn't play the gentleman side of Bond so well. Brosnan is a gentleman, serious Bond, who brings a realism and a sensitivity to Bond, especially with the women. He can play strong, but lacks Connery's absolute masculine presence and grit. Which Bond is better? Well, that really depends on which side of Bond you like to see. I officially declare this contest too close to call. The only way I can think of deciding the match is with a checklist. See below:

Looks like the score is: CONNERY=5  BROSNAN=4  WINNER=Connery   The debate will continue

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