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  One of the trademarks of a great Bond movie is an array of gadgets, which Bond uses throughout his missions. As Q once said, "If not for Q-Branch [Bond] would have been dead long ago." Below is a list of the gadgets and special vehicles from all of the Bond movies.
(The cars are not included here. They are in a separate section.)

Dr. No
 -There are very few gadgets in the first Bond film. The only "gadget" Bond is issued by Q-Branch is his new Walther PPK.
  *One of Bond's enemies uses a cigarette which conceals cyanide in order to kill himself.
  *Bond uses a Geiger counter to confirm that Crab Key is radioactive. This is a standard Geiger counter, not specialized at all.
  *The only special vehicle in the movie is owned by the bad guy. Dr. No uses an altered car to make people think there is a dragon on the island. The car is painted like a dragon, with wings on its side. It is armored, and has a flamethrower. Quarrel learns this the hard way.

From Russia With Love
 -This movie was more instrumental in introducing the idea of gadgets in the Bond films. Bond gets his first true gadget, and it is given to him by Q, played by Desmond Llewellyn. Llewellyn would become a living symbol of the gadgetry in the movies, always being there to give Bond the latest, life saving gadgets.
  *Early in the movie, Q gives Bond an "ordinary black leather case". However, this case is far from ordinary. It contains an AR7 folding sniper rifle with an infrared telescopic sight, 20 rounds of .25 ammunition, a flat throwing knife that is accessible with the touch of a button, and fifty gold sovereigns. All of the contents are protected. If a person tries to open the case normally, a can of tear gas disguised as a talcum powder can will open and spray their face. This feature is instrumental in saving Bond when Red Grant has him at gunpoint.
  *Bond also has a small device for checking if a phone is bugged.
  *The villain's have technology, in the form of a poison dart-tipped shoe worn by Rosa Klebb. The venom is lethal in twelve seconds.

 -More known for the first true Bond car, Goldfinger doesn't have much in the way of gadgets. However, it does offer the first view into Q-Branch's research and development area.
  *In the Q-Branch R+D area, a gas-emitting parking meter is being tested.
  *Also being tested is a bulletproof jacket.
  *The only gadget used by Bond is a homing device. The device is small, designed to fit in a special compartment in the bottom of Bond's shoe. It also has a larger counterpart, which is designed to send a signal to cars equipped with radar equipment, such as Leiter's.

 - This movie had nothing revolutionary in the way of gadgets, but it did have the most of any of the existing Bond films at the time.
  *The first gadget used in the movie was a jetpack. A stuntman actually did ride a real jetpack in the movie, but refused to do it without a helmet. Therefore, Bond had to be shown wearing a helmet too.
  *Bond uses a Geiger counter, but this time it is specialized to fit in his watch.
  *Bond also gives a Geiger counter camera to Domino to use on the Disco Volante.
  *Bond uses an underwater camera with infrared film.
  *Bond is issued a miniature flare pistol, which he uses to show Leiter his position when he is stuck in a cavern.
  *For the extensive underwater fighting, Bond makes use of a very small re-breather, which gives him four minutes of air.
  *Bond also takes advantage of an air powered jet pack to move quickly underwater.
  *Lastly, Bond swallows a radioactive pill that helps Leiter keep tabs on him.

You Only Live Twice
 -This movie was sensational for having Bond "die", "marry", and "become Japanese". Because of this, it doesn't have much in the way of gadgets. However, it does introduce Little Nellie, which remains one of the favorite Bond vehicles to many fans.
  *Bond uses a safe-cracking device on Osato's safe.
  *Bond is given a rocket-firing cigarette, which he uses to escape Blofeld's clutches and disrupt a launch.
  *Bond uses a suction-cup suit to sneak into Blofeld's crater hideout.
  *Little Nellie is an ultra light helicopter which is collapsible into a few large suitcases. Its weaponry includes machine guns, rocket launchers, air-to-air missiles, aerial mines, and a flame-thrower.

  *Little Nellie isn't the only special vehicle in YOLT. Blofeld has a special rocket which has a large, openable front which can "swallow" conventional rockets and bring them back to earth.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
 -Lazenby's only outing as Bond was quite lacking in gadgets.
  *Radioactive lint is shown, but has nothing to do with the plot.
  *The only gadget used in the movie is a safecracker used by Bond.

Diamonds Are Forever
 -With the return of Connery, came the return of more gadgets.
  *When a henchman tries to take Bond's gun, his fingers are smashed in a finger trap Bond has in his jacket.
  *In order to keep up the alias of Peter Franks, Bond uses fake fingerprints, provided by Q.
  *Bond uses a piton gun in order to get to the top of the Whyte House.
  *Both Blofeld and Bond use voice box transponders in order to sound like other people. Bond thinks this is impressive, but Bond says he made one for the kids.
  *Q uses a ring that acts as an electromagnetic RPM controller to win at the slot machines. He says he just wanted to try it out.
  *Bond uses a moon buggy to escape his pursuers. While this is not a Q-provided vehicle, it still seems unusual enough to include as a special vehicle.
  *Blofeld's diamond satellite that can shoot a huge laser at earth could also be considered a gadget.

Live and Let Die
 -Moore's first outing as Bond had some gadgets, but it lacks the gadget-master, Q. Q is mentioned, but does not appear in the movie. Except for the very first movie and the most recent one, this marks the only movie Llewellyn is not in. Also, this is the only movie in which the character of Q does not appear. In Dr. No, Peter Burton plays Major Boothroyd, who becomes known as Q, and in Die Another Day, John Cleese plays the part of Q.
  *One of Bond's cooler watches is in this movie. It has a hyper-intensified magnetic field, which Bond uses to get the shark pellet while he is tied up. The magnetic field is supposedly strong enough to deflect the path of a bullet at long range, but this does not happen in the movie. The watch also has a circular saw, which Bond uses to cut his ropes.
  *Bond uses a cigarette-lighter microphone to talk to Leiter.
  *When Bond gets to his hotel, he uses a bug-detector to make sure the room is clean. (He discovers it isn't, and takes measures to fix that.)
  *Bond takes a shark gun with him. The gun shoots compressed gas pellets. Bond takes it to deal with any sharks, but ends up using one of the pellets on Kananga.
  *The villains have a bit of technology as well. Baron Samedi uses a flute-disguised walkie-talkie to warn Kananga Bond has arrived.
  *Tee Hee has a dangerous claw on one of his arms.
  *The area around Kananga's opium fields are protected by dart-shooting scarecrows. The scarecrows also have cameras in them.

The Man With The Golden Gun
 -Bond is essentially gadgetless in this movie.
  *One could perhaps consider the fake third nipple Bond uses to pose as Scaramanga a gadget, but that is the only gadget he uses.
  *Scaramanga's golden gun can be considered a gadget, since it can be broken down into a pen, a lighter, and a few other objects.
  *Scaramanga's plane-car is a unique vehicle, which allows him to evade Bond's pursuit.
  *The Solex agitator can be considered a gadget, and it is the gadget that Bond is after.

The Spy Who Loved Me
 -This movie doesn't have many gadgets. Most of the gadgets are only seen in Q's lab.
  *A magnetic, levitating tea tray is used to decapitate a dummy in Q's lab. It is obviously being tested.
  *An ejector-seat cushion is also being tested in Q's lab.
  *A machine gun disguised as a smoking device is also tested in Q's lab.
  *Bond uses a mini microfilm reader to look at the microfilm he stole from Jaws.
  *XXX uses a sleeping-gas emitting cigarette to knock Bond out.
  *Bond uses a collapsible Sea-Doo to get to Stromberg's laboratory.

 -Moonraker is perhaps one of the most technology-based Bond films. It is not surprising, therefore, that there are quite a few gadgets in it.
  *Bond's watch has a dart gun that activates when Bond flicks his wrist. The gun can be loaded with either blue steel-tipped darts, or red cyanide-coated darts.

  *Bonds cigarette case doubles as an X-ray safe-cracker.
  *Bond uses a mini 007 spy camera to take pictures of Drax's plans.
  *Dr. Goodhead works for the C.I.A., and we see a few examples of their gadgets. She has a pen with a syringe in the top, which Bond takes and later uses to kill a python.
  *Bond also looks at her dart-shooting diary.
  *Lastly, Bond looks at her flame-throwing perfume bottle.
  *The Q-lab scene shows a few more gadgets. One of these is an exploding bolo.
  *In the Q-lab there is also a machine gun hidden in a break-away "sleeping man".
  *The lasers being tested in Q's lab and later used in the space fight can also be considered gadgets.
  *Bond has a watch with a mini-explosive, which he uses to escape the blast site of the rocket.
  *Lastly, Bond has a boat equipped with mines, torpedoes, and a roof that conceals a hand glider.

For Your Eyes Only
 -After the gadget-laden Moonraker, FYEO seems quite barren in respect to gadgets.
  *Bond's watch has a message-tape dispenser.
  *Bond and Q use the Identigraph, an advanced identification machine to discover who Locque is.
  *In Q's lab, a few gadgets are being tested. One of these is a break away arm cast that crushes a dummy's head.
  *Another gadget being tested in Q's lab is an umbrella that shoots out spikes and closes on the users head when it rains.
  *The extent of the villains' technology is a special underwater suit worn by a bad guy. Bond promptly blows the suit, and its wearer, up.

 -This movie has some of the more interesting gadgets/vehicles.
  *At the start of the movie, a truck which seems to contain a horse opens up. A fake horse's ass lifts, and a mini-helicopter is revealed. Bond uses this to destroy the enemy base and escape.
  *Another vehicle hidden within a fake animal is Bond's one man sub with a fake alligator top.
  *In Q's lab we see a rope that extends up out of a bucket, but that particular gadget isn't quite ready.
  *Also in Q's lab is a door that crushes anyone who tries to open it.
  *Lastly in the Q lab is a watch with a liquid crystal monitor.
  *The watch Bond actually uses has a directional finder that can pick up certain signals.
  *A small homing device that contains a microphone is snuck into the Faberge egg. The homing device sends a signal to Bond's watch.
  *The microphone for the homing device can be listened to by using a special earpiece in Bond's pen. The pen also contains a mixture of acids that can dissolve all metals. Bond uses this on his bars to escape from Kamal.
  *One of the villains uses a specialized yo-yo saw as a weapon.

A View to a Kill
 -This movie has an average array of gadgets.
  *At the start of the movie Bond has a locator to find the microchip he is looking for.
  *To escape at the start of the movie, Bond gets into a boat disguised as an iceberg.
  *In Q's lab, and at the end of the movie, we see a remote controlled surveillance robot.
  *Bond has a bug-detector disguised as a shaver.
  *Bond has special glasses that let him see past glare and tinted windows.

  *Bond uses a special document copier.
  *A picture-taking ring is used.
  *Lastly, Bond uses a special card to deactivate Stacey's house alarm.

The Living Daylights
 -Dalton's first outing as Bond did not have many gadgets.
  *A specialized rig in an oil pipeline is used to get Koskov across the border.
  *In Q's lab, we see a Ghetto-blaster, which is a boom box that shoots a rocket. Q-Branch is making it for "the Americans".
  *Also is Q's lab is a couch that traps people by flipping them inside the cushions.
  *Bond's only gadget is a special key finder. It is magnetic, and by whistling certain notes it will either emit a knockout gas or explode. It also has a universal key which opens ninety percent of the world's locks.

Licence to Kill
 -Dalton's second movie has more gadgets than the first, but it still doesn't have many.
  *Q meets up with Bond in the field and has a bag full of goodies. Among these is an explosive alarm clock; "Guaranteed never to wake up anybody who uses it."
  *Also in the bag is a camera that shoots a laser and can take X-ray pictures.
  *Among the weapons that Bond uses are a Dentonite plastic explosive disguised as toothpaste. Accompanied with this is a detonator disguised as a pack of cigarettes.
  *Bond is also given a signature gun with an optical palm reader.
  *While in the field, Q uses a walkie-talkie disguised as a broom to communicate with Miss Bouvier. It must not be too expensive, because once he uses it he throws it away into the underbrush.

Goldeneye -The first Bond film of the nineties, Goldeneye has somewhat more impressive gadgetry.
  *Bond uses a piton gun with retractable rope to stop himself after his bungee jump.
  *Bond's watch has a laser, which he uses to break into the chemical facility and to break out of the train. The watch also has a detonator for explosives.

  *Bond uses a special pair of binoculars. They have the standard features like a zoom, and also have a camera that can send data back to MI6 headquarters.
  *Bond is given a belt that shoots out a piton with seventy-five feet of repelling cord.
  *In Q's lab, Q is wearing a cast that shoots a rocket.
  *Also in Q's lab is an X-ray document scanner.
  *Lastly in Q's lab there is a phone booth that traps the user by filling an airbag to pin them.

  *Bond is given a pen that is a class 4 grenade. Three clicks arms it. Fortunately, Boris didn't know this.
  *The Tygre helicopter is not only a stealth helicopter, but it is also immune to all forms of electormagnetic radiation, making it the perfect vehicle to steal Goldeneye with.

Tomorrow Never Dies
 -In this movie, a lot of the gadgets and vehicles aren't Bond's.
  *Bond has a cigarette lighter bomb.
  *Bond's major gadget is a phone. It has a fingerprint scanner, an electric stunner, and a universal key. It also acts as a remote control for his car.
  *Wai Lin has a repelling cord that shoots out of a bracelet on her wrist.
  *Wai Lin also has an earring which she uses as a lock pick.  *In Wai Lin's HQ there are several gadgets. One of these is a hand fan that shoots out spike.
  *Also in Wai Lin's place is a dragon statue flame thrower.
  *The villains also have a few gadgets. The sea-drill is very powerful, and can be remote controlled.

  *Carver's stealth boat is a special vehicle, and allows him to attack both the British and the Chinese in secrecy.

The World is Not Enough
 -This movie has two gadget masters in it; Q and R. This movie marks Desmond Llewellyn's last appearance in a Bond movie. R, played by John Cleese, becomes Q in the next movie.
  *Bond's glasses act as the detonator for a flash-bang gun. Bond uses these to escape a Swiss bank.
  *Bond uses Q's retirement boat to chase the Cigar Girl along the Thames. Although WQ says it is his fishing boat, it has quite a few features. It has a rocket booster, a tracking system that shows objects and routes, and seems capable of being driven on land for extended periods of time.
  *In Scotland, it seems that Q-Branch is working on a machine gun/flame-throwing set of bagpipes.
  *Bond is given a coat which has a cord that can be pulled to open a large protective bubble around the wearer. Bond uses this to survive an avalanche.
  *While stuck in the protective bubble, Bond's watch is used as a light source. The watch also has repelling cord it can shoot out.
  *In the casino, Bond wears X-ray glasses.

  *Bond has a Visa card that he can use as a key.
  *The villains use helicopters with many circular saws to try and kill Bond. They only manage to destroy his car.
  *The bad guys also have Parahawks, which they attack Bond on the mountain with.
  *Zukovsky has a cane-gun. He uses it to free Bond with his dying breath.

Die Another Day -The latest Bond does not have an overly extensive array of gadgets, but it does have some of the most futuristic. Bond's car is especially advanced.
  *Bond's watch contains a small detonator, which he puts in the C-4 hidden in the diamonds.
  *Bond is given a ring which acts as an ultra-high frequency single digit sonic agitator. It can shatter glass and ice.
  *Bond's second watch has a laser, which he uses to cut through the ice to get into the lake.
  *While swimming under the lake, Bond uses a mini re-breather for air.
  MI6 has a new virtual reality training center, which allows for realistic training.
  *Jynx has a cell phone which contains a detonator for explosives she set.
  *Graves has a suit which can deliver one hundred thousand volts of electricity to an enemy. The suit also controls the Icarus satellite, which can redirect the sun's heat into very intense beams.

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