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Bad Dreams


6 kills
First Kill - 35 minutes

Man, I don't know who did it, but somebody really screwed Cynthia up. When we meet her, she's in the middle of a huge cult suicide. I don't know if her parents were there or not, but apparantly, she is too young to receive the gasoline baptism. Therefore, when the leader of the cult lights his match, everyone burns to death except for Cynthia. This is one of the greatest moments in horror history, as we watch the cult members burn, one by one. Some couples embrace, others prefer to crawl across the floor, as the flames consume their bodies. Cynthia, on the other hand, runs away, but the house explodes and she is knocked unconcious.

13 years later, she awakes. She is evaluated by a psychologist, who decides that she would be better off in a group session so that she can learn to communicate once again. Ah, the group! Great characters. For example, the guy who plays in Summer School (Chainsaw or Dave... the one with brown hair) likes to cut holes in his body. A great blend here. And it makes it convenient for the killer, because hey, they're all bordeline-suicidal.

Well, Cynthia, begins to hallucinate. She believes she sees her cult leader everywhere she goes. What she doesn't know, however, is the evil pshychologist is messing up everyone's prescriptions, administering speed, lithium, and other related substances. This causes her to hallucinate and causes her new friends to go over the edge and take the next step: suicide.

Of course Cynthia believes her leader is killing these people, and by the end she is nearly ready to accept her fate, and join her "family" that left her 13 years earlier. Of course, another doctor finds out what's going on, and it's up to him to stop it.

This movie is OK, except we don't see the kills. There are a couple of great scenes, like when the cult members burn to death and another part when blood and limbs begin to fall from the air conditioning vents in the hospital. I don't remember any of the actors names or anything, but it's worth checking out.

-- Coolio
