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The Dentist 2


4 kills
First Kill - 25 minutes

Roger Dorn... er... Corbin Bernsen is back in this pretty decent sequel. Once again, we have a killer who manages to escape from a mental institution (these places should really revamp their security systems). The Dentist then relocates to Paradise, Missouri and assumes a new identity.

Something always has to go wrong. Our psychotic killer was perfectly content with just remaining anonymous and living happily. But since even Paradise isn't perfect, The Dentist runs into trouble. It all starts when his cap falls off. No problem, he'll just go to the local dentist and have it fixed. However, he walks into the office and, to his dental horror, finds... OLD magazines! What the $!%&! What kind of dentist leaves out-dated reading material in his waiting area? A bad dentist.

Well, there's only one person who can put a stop to this bad dentist, with his old magazines and his dirty equipment... that's right... The Dentist. After pushing this pitiful excuse of a doctor down a flight of steps, the people of the town, who have fallen in love with our hero, beg him to come out of retirement. After some coaxing, he agrees. And things would be fine. But, dammit, these people just can't stay out of his business. (Literally.) A couple of people come around suspecting The Dentist of using a false identity, and he really has no choice except to kill again.

This movie has some great scenes. The Dentist plays some games with a fat girl, including Truth or Pain. Basically, he asks her a question, and she can tell the truth, or he can place his tartar remover on her exposed nerve and shake her tooth around. This girl is in so much pain that she has blood coming out of her nose. In fact, if you're looking for lots of gore and blood, you'll appreciate the kills in this movie. And for those who have seen the first movie, you'll enjoy seeing his wife return, minus her tongue, of course, to pay her husband back.

The ending is great and it leaves open the possibility for yet another return. This movie was just released in 1998, so maybe another sequel isn't out of the question. And even though the story is becoming slightly unbelievable, who among us can resist watching someone drill teeth down to the gums??

-- Coolio
