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Happy Birthday To Me


8 kills
First Kill - 5 minutes

OK, let's start with the tagline... "Six of the most bizarre murders you will ever see!" Now, that would be like Motley Crue printing "12 of the best damn songs that will ever be recorded!" on their records. That's kind of setting your audience up for a let down, isn't it? Well, we had some good kills here, but I think they could've kept the superlatives down a little.

The other problem here is simple: too much plot. Guess what? We don't care. We're not here for plot. We want the least amount of plot. Figure out how much plot you need just to call it a "movie" and back it off a little. No horror movie should exceed 90-93 minutes. This one is nearly 2 hours long.

Nevertheless, it is my job to explain, and I shall. Virginia was in an accident when she was little. After some serious brain surgery (which they show us... ewwwww) she tries for years to get her life together. Now she is in high school and she's a genius or something. She hangs out with all of the other school geniuses and things are grand. But her friends keep getting killed and she keeps passing out. Is she killing them? Hmmm... Have fun trying to figure it out. The guy who made this film is a tricky sort of fella. For example, everyone wears black gloves! Not just the killer. See? Smart guy.

"Screw that stuff," I know you're saying, "I want to know about the kills!" I will describe each kill for you, as best as I can remember, and you can decide for yourself if you think it'd be one of the "most bizarre murders you'll ever see."

One other note... be sure to watch when the car falls off of the bridge. They show it around 4 different times. The first few seem fine. But then, the last replay, the car hits at a completely different angle! Someone really messed up on this one...

Anyway, this movie's worth seeing for the 2 great kills, the 2 or 3 OK kills, and the car crashes (1 into the ground, 1 into the water). It will get boring, so make sure you have brownies to eat or something. Or you could have a "guess-the-killer" pool. The chance of winning money might keep you awake.

-- Coolio

Shut Up!
