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Slaughter High


Kills - 11
First Kill - 40 minutes

We have a complete 80's nerd/dork/geek/-American named Marty who had a prank pulled on him. An attractive (well, I guess attractive if you like that whole 80's poodle look all the women from that period have) and popular girl at school gets the resident nerd into the shower and has him strip. He thinks he's gonna get some while she turns on the showers and lets a bunch of guys with cameras in. We then get treated to several shots of Marty naked. Full frontal male nudity here. Exploding heads, bursting rib cages, and melting skin I can take, but some scrawny wet guy's penis is something I could live without. Thankfully, it gets better.

One of the guys who plays this prank on him puts crap in Marty's beaker, and while alone in the lab where all the cool nerds hang out, Marty blows himself up. Years later there's a class reunion at the school. It's all the people from the earlier scenes except Marty, cause, ya know, he's dead. Mwahahahaha. I guess there were only ten or so seniors who graduated that year. Maybe they went to Lynn Oaks or something. Anyhoo, Marty starts offing people at this reunion.

Marty may have the nudity wrong, but the boy knows how to kill. Marty is not really a great character (dressed in a jester's outfit... the school mascot... probably never won a game), but he can kill people real good, and isn't that why you're here considering this movie? He puts some kind of chemical in a guy's beer which explodes his stomach wide open in one scene and electrocutes a couple while enjoying their reproductive organs in another. Speaking of which, there's a nice bit of the good kind of nudity though the scenes which feature them are a bit... bizarre. What school, for example, would have a room with a queen size bed used in the above mentioned scene? One of the girls decides to take a bath cause that's just the thing alumni do at their school reunions... finding the old tub, stripping for the camera, and taking a bath... just like old times until the acid starts pouring through the nozzle and eating her flesh.

There's some great cheesy dialogue and acting in this film as well. The camera work is laughable. Pause. Close up. Line. Pause. Move to other character. Line. The entire movie sounds as though the studio only had enough of a budget to buy one microphone, and each actor had to deliver his or her lines independent of the others. The lines themselves are pretty great, too. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna drink some beer." The stupidity of the dialogue and scenes are great. It's something you really have to see to appreciate.

Slaughter High is a pretty good stupid scary movie. The only real strike against the movie is the ending, which may or may not have been a dream. It still beats the pants off April Fool's Day, and the movie is good enough to overlook the possibly lame ending. Marty's nudity and being a pretty lame killer aside, Slaughter High has some nice deaths, a cheesy soundtrack, terrifically bad and corny acting, a fairly quick moving plot, and good amounts of sex and gore. Go see it.

-- Dad's Sticky Axe

Coolio -- Marty! Marty! He's our man! If he can't do it, we'll poke his balls! Where'd they get that ball-poker from, anyway?? Hey, kids, remember... frontal nudity kills... but not as much as Marty! That's my dog!

Blackie Woo -- It doesn't get much better than this boys and girls. Perfect text-book 80's horror movie. Good characters, cheesy dialogue, the occasional nudity, and a good killer in Marty. And who doesn't love a good ball-poker???

Kannibal -- Gotta love the ball-poker.

Grossy Gracie -- The characters are so annoying that watching them die is very enjoyable. Marty should've been even more violent.
