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Rawhead Rex


12 kills
First Kill - 17 minutes

Evil beast is brought from Hell to Earth.


This movie should have been so much better than it turned out. Pretty boring except for the limbs that were ripped off. We should've just rented Water World.

The only excitement came when we had a couple of controversies. The first one occurs right away with the first death (not kill). The idiot that brings Rawhead to Earth also causes lightning to strike the huge pole in his field and he's fried in the process. Now, just because this is a result of Rex's anger or some crap like that, there's no way in Rawhead's Hell that I'm voting kill on that one. I honestly don't remember if we decided to give him a kill, but we argued for a while.

The second controversy occurs when Rawhead sets a group of police officers on fire. Again, to me, it was an accident. He was trying to get away, yet managed to take out some enemies. Now, you Rambo fans might try to tell me that those are all kills. Then I'd tell you to put Rambo in a dark alley with Angela (from Sleepaway Camp) so you watch her roll over his bandana head with a freaking lawnmower. Then maybe your lame ass would know the difference between a death and a kill.

Overall, this movie is weak. Rawhead Rex might as well be called Tiny Tim because, although he racks up a decent amount of kills, entirely too many people get away. And we all know... wasted opportunities are like rainbows: you'll never find one in a good horror movie.

-- Coolio

Rev. Blood -- WOW! WHAT A TITLE!!! WHAT AN IDEA!!! WHAT A ............... disapointment. yes it's true, it's true. This movie while not horrible, certainly doesn't meet the high expectations the title suggests. Lemme sum it up: ancient demon resurfaces to kill some people (very tamely) and is finally defeated by "a small statue which signifies fertility". yeah........ right. They basically took one of those costumes that the people wear in disney world, distorted it a bit, and called it a monster. The one amusing portion is when an angry Rawhead (obviously upset with the horrible script) decides to take a leak on some priest dude. I can relate to Rawhead for this one moment, because I too wish i could take a nice long piss on the director.

Blackie Woo -- Well, since i only saw about a half-hour of this movie, I would say that it sucked. I kept falling asleep, and whenever I woke up no one was getting killed... so I didnt like it.

The Magician -- Umm well I missed the first few minutes because I was fixing Coolio's computer with Dad's Sticky Axe. After that job I wonder….why is it that every time someone finally gets out of hell they raise hell, why not try to be good, you obviously know what is in hell why not be good. And why is it that the priest is the only guy who seems to curse in this movie?

Kat Killing Kannibal -- Huh?

Grossy Gracie -- A lot of chilling, not enough killing.

Plague -- A beast that kills things... originality!
