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Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland


16 kills
First Kill - 2 minutes!

Angela Is Back, reads the red spray paint on the wall, at the beginning of the movie. Of course, we don't see it until AFTER the first kill! (This movie currently holds our record for quickest kill.)

Apparantly, last summer, some counselor murdered all of the kids at a summer camp. So two new coordinators, decide to hold a camp at a nearby location. Don't all kids love to go to camps where people were just murdered the year before? Well, just in case attendance would have been low, they come up with a clever plan: Camp New Horizons. Camp New Horizons is an experiment, which would focus on "sharing." Only kids from very wealthy or very poor backgrounds would be invited. This makes for some great dialogue. On one side, we have the rich, stuck-up snobs. On the other side, we have the ghetto kidz, who listen to bad rap music and wear bandanas.

None of these kids are ineterested in "sharing." Except for Angela, that is, who kills one of the welfare kids on her way to camp and steals her identity. Angela doesn't appreciate the cursing, fornicating, and laziness that surrounds Camp New Horizons. Her fuse has grown short and she doesn't give people much of a chance anymore. It doesn't take long before she is slaughtering the kids and counselors once again, in her own unique way.

There were so many great kills in this movie. (We sometimes vote on the best kills, but the elctions include all movies shown that night. On this night, we also watched Slaughter High and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Each person voted for their top 3 kills of the night.) I'll give you the details on the 10 best kills in this movie, in the order that we voted:

This movie, like part II, is definitely a classic. If you haven't seen them, you need to rent them, gather all of your family and friends and sit down for a nice, pleasant evening of killing!

-- Coolio

Blackie Woo -- The Angel of Death returns in part 3, holding nothing back. Angela knew she had a masterpiece in Part 2 which she had to match... Was it possible to match the genius killing at Camp Rolling Hills?? You bet your happy-camper ass! Don't ever doubt Angela... she always comes out on top.... She leaves Sleepaway Camp 3 still on top... man, I love Angela.

Kannibal -- 15-second kills are good!

Grossy Gracie -- Angela's slacking, but she's still hacking.
