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The Stepfather II


5 kills
First Kill - 9.5 minutes

The Stepfather is back on the attack again now in Stepfather II. This movie had some good kills in it, but just like Stepfather tradition, It has the greatest plot twists ever. Even though I saw The stepfather 3 before 2 it was more like seeing how much dumber this guy can be in trying to make a family. I don't think it really matters to watch them in any order, this guy always seems to be getting screwed over by some stupid kid, I mean I like Lucas and all but he needs to stay in Seaquest with his dolphin. What this movie lacks is the ability to not have the audience laugh at how his plan is foiled again.

Well in this movie it opens with your main man in an asylum apparently because of the first movie. Well what I did like about this movie is the Stepfathers ability to come up with methods to kill people and his really crappy humor. The man manages to make a psychologist think he's sane by making a Barbie house with his perfect family in it but hey putting a knife in one of the family members and getting the psychologist in the neck is just my kind of killing. And again you can guess that he settles in some uppity up neighborhood because he killed a guy took his car and somehow that gives him the ability to buy a great house in suburbia. He then meets his new prospect and soon to be son. He somehow ends up being the psychologist or sex help person for all the women in the town and makes him self look good for the mom. He then shows us his greatness when he goes over for dinner and the kid goes outside and throws a ball against the garage making noise so stepfather goes out there and shows the kid how to throw a ball correctly. Later he then builds a nice crappy 2 inch tall ramp for this kid to use with his skateboard, and I'll tell you what that kid is freaking Tony Hawk with his new ramp.

So now we're set for more plot killing, especially when the grease wanna be ex husband comes in and says he's getting back together, problem being that he did it in the wrong house all alone and you get to see a nice champagne bottle get smashed into a head. Well this gets cooler because he doesn't end at that he goes to the guys hotel gets his stuff ruins the guy's car so it gets smashed in the junkyard lot. Now that's thought out.

Well with him out the way Stepfather makes him move on mom except she wants it quicker than he does and that ho even makes him have sex with her before they are married, she must die or marry him or something.

Well since no one really cared about the ex-husband we need to kill someone everyone will get broken up about so we get rid of the moms best friend cause for no apparent reason she is suspicious that this guy is in town dating her best-friend. So she is killed in her own house in here is where we get the great stepfather plot. On the way back from killing her, a blind man hears someone whistling camp town races. Now this blind dude tells the mom that some anonymous person was walking in the blind dudes yard whistling this song, the great thing is no one has apparently heard this before so they need to whistle this to everyone to explain what song it is, its like the current #1 song on the billboard. So at the wedding where again there are people on the grooms side, the mom sees the son whistling camptown races and finds out the Step-Dad taught him it and you can guess the rest so remember that if someone whistles a song no one else on the earth knows what it is except you so don't whistle it when you kill by the blind man who stays out at night to umm listen to the stars.

-- The Magician

Coolio -- Not as good as part III, but there are a few good kills. My favorite is the champagne bottle to the head.

Kat Killing Kannibal -- Nice family atmosphere.

Grossy Gracie -- This actor is more-believable than the one in part III.
