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Our Stupid Story...

You have reached the IQ-lowering web page of the Stupid Scary Movie Society. What you will find on this web page are the sick opinions of a group of people who have nothing better to do on most weekends than to sit around, watching horrible movies with no plots and adding up kill counts. We find the cheesiest slasher movies, occasionally throwing in a "classic," and sit around and critique the craftsmanship, not only of the movie, plot, and acting skills, but more importantly the art of the kills.

Now, I have to warn you right now. We are not right. If you are looking for a good movie to rent, I'm sure there's like a or something to help you out. However, if you want to know how many people die in Slaughter High, this is the place to be. If you want to know who uses the best weapons, or which killer takes the longest to get rolling, keep reading!

We will have a review of each movie that we have viewed. Then we will have ratings from some of the people present when we watched. Each review will also include a kill count, which may include a bit of controversy, so please do not hold us to these exact numbers. Most kills are easy to count. However, once or twice in each movie, we have to pause, discuss, and vote on whether or not the previous scene should count in the kill total. For example, Rawhead Rex took out an entire group of people, but we ruled that it was an accident. Although his goal in the movie was to kill, the majority of us felt that he should not receive credit for all of those deaths. When we watch these movies, we usually have anywhere from 3-15 people present, so a lot of voices are expressed. Therefore, again, use caution with the kill totals.

We will add reviews often (hopefully) so keep checking back. Have fun...

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