Disclaimer ~ The 1992 musical movie Newsies belongs to the Disney Company, and I am just using some of the characters in the movie, I do not claim anything to them. Please don’t sue me, I am not making any money off of this, and don’t wish to steal characters away from Disney. The characters that were not in the movie, such as Laces, Peach, Bottle Cap, Pepper, Spring and some others belong to me I made them up please don’t use them without permission. Thank you, enjoy!

Warning ~ Some of this story holds some lingo, and scenes that are some what strong. I am just warning you, it isn’t that bad, but hey don’t say I didn’t say anything about it!

Meet ya on Forty- fourth and second
A squeal to Sunny Days
By Laces

May 1899:

“Wake up!” Someone was yelling into Bottle Cap’s already pounding head. Bottle Cap opened his eyes and looked at everything, where was he? The last thing he remembered was walking home from Caroline’s. Bottle Cap tried to move but he felt a sharp pain in his side and he suddenly knew what had happened to him. He didn’t move anymore, he felt someone standing over.

“Get up!” The voice was harsh. Bottle Cap tried to get up, every inch of his body hurt but he didn’t make a sound. Once he was up he looked around, he knew that he wasn’t in Brooklyn anymore.

“Move!” The same harsh voice as before said, so Bottle Cap began to move. He noticed that he was behind these crates that formed some sort of wall for a sleeping area he guessed. There were blankets all over the floor and some other things. There were even some people still sleeping. Bottle Cap went through this passage in the between crates and at the very back of this place was a large crate with a man sitting on it. The man behind him pushed along bottle Cap until he was in front of the man who was sitting on top of the box.

“What’s you’re name?” The man asked. Bottle Cap was about to responded when the Man cut in. “Never mind, it doesn’t matta, ya name is Jim.”

“No it ain’t me name..” Bottle Cap said no more because he was kicked from behind. Then pushed onto the ground. Bottle cap groaned, and then looked back up to stare at the man on the crate.

“Your name is Jim ain’t it?” The man asked.

“No, It ain’t.” Bottle Cap stated, then he was kicked in the stomach. Bottle Cap groaned again, but not for very long again he stared at the man on the crate.

“What’s your name?” The man asked. Bottle Cap gritted his teeth and made a face.

“Bottle..” He didn’t finish because he got another kick to the stomach. The man on the crate began to laugh. Bottle Cap glared at him but did not say a word.

“Ya got guts, if ya don’t be careful ya won’t ‘ave ‘em long. Now what’s your name?’ The man asked.

‘Jim.” Bottle Cap said. The man nodded.

“See that wasn’t that hard. Now ya work fer me now, if ya make any objections, wes be ‘appy ta change yer mind.” The man looked at Bottle Cap, but Bottle Cap made no move to object.

“Well Ise Pepper, Ise don’t know if ya heard of me but Ise ‘ave pick pockets all over the city.” The man said. Bottle Cap looked at him with an icy cold glare that resembled Spot’s when he was angry. “Ya go out all day and pick pockets for me, Ise got a few rules. Never leave this place unless Ise told ya ta, never try ta run away Ise will always find ya, never come back empty handed. Don’t be late, be ‘ere at 9 at night, never get caught and tell ‘em ya work for me, and last of all never go near any of me special goyls.” Pepper pointed to a few blankets that were spread across the floor behind his crate, there were still girls on them.

“Ise ‘ave a question how did Ise get ‘ere?” Bottle Cap ventured to ask.

“Well ya seem ta be one of the boys that Frost don’t like so they brought ya over ‘ere ta get rid of ya.” Pepper answered.

“Oh.” Bottle Cap sighed.

“Now get out of me face fore Ise sick.” Pepper spit at Bottle Cap and the two men next to Bottle Cap picked him up and threw him out the door.

Bottle Cap stumbled out, when he got his balance he looked at the building. An old warehouse, he looked around and decided that he was in Harlem, Spot wasn’t going to be happy about this. Bottle Cap started to run down the long path that was in front of the warehouse. Suddenly Bottle Cap went flying. After hitting the ground Bottle Cap got up and shook his head. Then he looked at the person who was standing right in front of him.

“Ya weren’t thinking of running away now were ya?” The boy asked. Bottle Cap got up and glared at him.

“Why would ya care?’ Bottle Cap asked.

“Ise don’t really, but Ise don’t recommend it and sides ya can’t do it taday cause if ya do then Ise be in trouble ta because Ise let ya.” The boy said. Bottle Cap looked at the boy. The boy was a few inches taller than Bottle Cap and was covered in dirt, his hair was a sandy color and it was under a old top hat, The boy had on a gray shirt that had been white at one time and brown pants.

“Well Ise guess Ise won’t taday then, Ise bo..” Bottle Cap started. But the boy waved a hand at him.

“Your Jim, and make sure ya don’t forget that, Ise Mark.” Bottle Cap nodded.

“Well Mark what are we suppose ta be doing?” Bottle Cap asked.

“Weren’t ya listening wes suppose ta be picking pockets.” Mark lit a cigar and started to puff at it. “ever pick a pocket fore?’

“Yeah, a long time ago when Ise was like 5 or something right fore Spot found me.” Bottle Cap responded.

“Spot Conlon?’ Mark asked.

“Yeah Spot Conlon, ya hoid of ‘im?” Mark nodded his head.

“Ise don’t think that there is a person in New Yawk city that hasn’t, ya know Jack Kelly ta?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, ‘e’s from Manhattan.” Bottle Cap said. Mark laughed.

‘What about Fiona?’ He asked. Bottle gave Mark a puzzled looked.

“When did ya meet Conlon?” Mark asked.

“1894 Ise think it was. ‘E was still a Manhattan Newsie back then.” Bottle Cap responded.

“Poor Fiona, she must have not made it.” Mark sighed.

“Who’s Fiona?” Bottle Cap asked.

“She was someone close ta me and Kelly and Conlon.” Mark replied.

“Ya know Jack and Spot?” Bottle Cap asked.

“Yeah.” Mark nodded. “Not by those names though.” He mumbled. But Bottle Cap didn’t pick it up.

“Where ya know ‘em from?’ Bottle Cap asked.

“The orphanage on 45th street.” Mark responded.

“There is no orphanage on 45th street.” Bottle Cap said. Mark laughed.

“Not anymore, now come on wes got ta get some work done.” Mark started walking. Bottle Cap followed him. Not saying another word.

June 1899

Bottle Cap was walking back to the warehouse; he had picked about four pockets today. He whistled to himself, he wondered if the war between Brooklyn and Harlem was over, he knew that Brooklyn would win. They always won. Bottle Cap had become one of the best pick pockets that Pepper had, and so now when he got into trouble with Pepper they didn’t hurt him to much because he was valuable.

Bottle Cap walked into the warehouse and he was one of the first to get there so he went up to Pepper and tossed him the four wallets that he had taken.

“Very nice, Jim.” Pepper said. Bottle Cap was getting use to the name, even though he still didn’t like it.

“ ‘ere go get yourself something nice.” Pepper threw Bottle Cap a nickel.

“Thanks.” Bottle Cap said in a sarcastic tone. Then walked off into the sleeping area, he went over to his corner. Mark was sitting on a small crate near where he sleep.

“Hey Jim Ise found something out about that war between Brooklyn and Harlem.” Mark said in a low tone. Bottle Cap went over to him and listened to what he had to say.

“They fighting the battle tonight in the Ciccarelli alley in Harlem.” Mark said. Bottle Cap nodded.

“Ise know where that is.” He said. Mark looked at him.

“What ya gonna do?”

“Ise gonna go ta that Battle.” Bottle Cap responded.

“Ise don’t think ya should how ya gonna get out of ‘ere?”

“Ise got ta try.” Bottle Cap said.

**later that night**

Bottle Cap laid awake staring at the tall ceiling and thinking of a way to get out with out Pepper noticing. He finally decided that he would just get up and walk out the door. Everyone seemed to be asleep. So Bottle Cap slowly got up and went to the passage between the crates. He went through it slowly and tip toed in hope that no one would suddenly wake up because of the noise he made. He was right in front of the door when some punched him in the stomach. Bottle Cap grabbed his stomach and looked into the dark, he didn’t see anyone, and then he saw the shadows move and he knew that someone was there.

“Thinking bout going somewhere?” Someone asked. Bottle Cap knew that it was James. After he had left Brooklyn he had come here and now he worked for Pepper. Bottle Cap had very few run-ins with James but now he knew that he would be in for it.

“Ise was only going out for a breath of air.” Bottle Cap said.

“Ya sure it wasn’t ta the battle?” Bottle Cap stared at him, he knew.

‘Coise Ise sure.” Bottle Cap responded a little late.

“Ya shouldn’t lie ta me.” James punched Bottle Cap again in the stomach and then in the nose. Bottle Cap groaned and then tried to fight back, but James was to big for Bottle Cap to try and fight. Bottle Cap did get one punch in. that landed on James eye.

“Ya shouldn’t ‘ave done that.” James started beating up on Bottle Cap and Bottle Cap was knocked out. When Bottle Cap finally woke up again he looked around and saw Mark sitting next to him.

“I told ya not ta do anything.” Mark sighed. Bottle Cap groaned.

“I know, I know. Where’s James?” Mark shrugged.

“Beats me, Pepper wasn’t too happy with him for hurting you so much.”

“Great, Great. I’m going back to sleep now.” Bottle Cap turned on his side and fell asleep.

February 1900

Poker Game in Harlem

Laces was sitting with Candy and Vigor watching Spades, Jack, Spot, Race, and Frost playing a game of poker. It was the highest point in the game, Race and Spades had the highest hands and Frost lost to the delight of everyone. Spot and Laces hated Frost they still believed that his thugs if not he himself had done something to Bottle Cap. They were trying to be friendly though so they had all come to this game.

“Another Game?’ Spades asked. Race was shuffling the cards up and lighting another cigar. Frost shook his head.

“No, Ise already lost enough money.” He got up and went to the bar. Spot nodded.

“Ise wanna congratulate ya Conlon,” Spades smiled.

“Why?” Laces asked.

“Well cause it took everything in ‘im not ta soak that guy.” Spades answered. Laces smiled and Spot and Jack grinned.

“Ise gonna go get a drink anyone want anything?’ Laces asked.

“Ise want ya ta get something that ain’t alcohol.” Spot said.

“Ise can drink whatever Ise want.” Laces said.

“Yeah ya establish that, but member the last time that ya drank.” Jack said. Laces looked at him.

“Ise ain’t gonna drink that much, and Ise ain’t gonna stand ‘ere and listen ta this lecture, lecture me after Ise get the hangover.” Laces said as she ran off to the bar before Spot or Jack could say anything.

“That goyl don’t learn.” Race commented.

“The thing is that when we say something tomorrow she’s gonna regret saying that.” Jack laughed.

Laces got a beer from the bar just to spite Jack and Spot, she actually didn’t want a drink but she hated it when Jack and Spot tried to control what she did. She decided to head outside to avoid their faces, she walked out of the old building that was the Harlem Lodging house, she stood on the steps. Drinking slowly and looking up at the stars. She walked down the stairs and was on the sidewalk trying to find the North star when someone ran into her. Laces stumbled back but the person who had run into her was on the floor.

“Are ya okay?’ Laces asked, she held out a hand to help the boy up. He was small and he looked familiar. When the boy jumped up and looked at Laces. “Bottle Cap?’ Laces barely gasped before the boy took off in flight. Laces dropped her glass and started to run after him.

“WAIT! COME BACK!” Laces yelled. She ran after him into an alleyway. She slowed down and looked around.

“Bottle Cap?” She whispered, afraid of what may come out of the darkness. No one answered, she walked more into the alleyway and came to a wall, but there was no trace of Bottle Cap. Laces punched the wall as hard as she could, not really noticing the pain she fell down and started to cry. Jack ran into the alleyway followed by Spot.

“Laces what happened?” Jack asked.

“What’s wrong?” Spot asked. Laces just sat there crying for a second and then stood up and noticed the blood all over her hand.

“Ow.” She said as she gripped her hand. Spot and Jack walked her out of the alley and under a light where they saw her hand was bleeding.

“Who did this?” Jack asked.

“Ise did.” Laces replied. Spot frowned and crossed his arms across his chest wanting an explanation.

“I punched the wall.” She said softly.

“Why the ‘ell would ya punch a wall?” Spot demand.

“Cause Ise was mad.” Laces cried. ‘Ise saw Bottle Cap.”

“Who?” Spot asked, thinking he had heard wrong.

“Bottle Cap.” Laces repeated. Spot just stared at her; it was almost impossible to see Bottle Cap he had been gone for 4 months.

“Spot!” Jack was snapping his fingers in front of Spot’s face and Spot slap them away.

“Come on we’re gonna go back ta Brooklyn now.” Spot said to Laces. She just stood there, while Spot and Jack went back towards the poker game. When they noticed that she wasn’t following them, they tuned to look at her.

“Well what ya waiting fer?” Spot asked.

‘Ise don’t wanna go back ta Brooklyn.” Laces stated.

“Then ya going ta Manhattan fer the week?” Jack asked puzzled. Laces shook her head.

“Ise wanna stay ‘ere.” She asserted.

“What?” Both Jack and Spot exclaimed, they walked back to her.

“You heard me Ise wanna stay ‘ere where Ise might be able ta find Bottle Cap.” Laces explained.

“Ya ain’t staying ‘ere.” Spot told her. Laces glared at Spot.

“How many times ‘ave Ise told ya not ta order me around Conlon?” Laces asked.

“Ise don’t care there is no way that ya are staying ‘ere.” Spot maintained.

“Ise do whatever Ise want.” Laces said.

“Ya can’t stay ‘ere, it’s still dangerous ta be ‘ere and where would ya stay?” Jack tried to reason with her.

“Ise can take care of meself, Ise stay in the Harlem Lodging House.” She stated.

“No, you won’t.” Jack said.

“Ise will to. I’ve been in Harlem by meself ‘fore” She said. Spot and Jack looked at each other and then Jack grabbed Laces by the ankles and swung her over his shoulder.

“PUT ME DOWN!” Laces screamed.

“Not until you’re in Brooklyn.” Jack told her.

“Francis Sullivan put me down!” Laces roared.

“No can do Audery.’ Jack responded. By this time they were in front of the Harlem Lodging House and everyone had heard the commotion and was standing out front watching.

“We leaving now, nice playin’ with ya all.” Spot said and he and Jack started down the street with Laces still over Jack’s shoulder struggling for her freedom. Pockets and Spades gang followed them. Spades and Pockets caught up with them first.

“ Why ya got the kid over ya shoulder?” Spades asked.

“She didn’t want ta leave, she wanted ta stay in Harlem.” Jack said. Laces had stop struggling and was now not saying a word.

“ So why didn’t ya let ‘Er stay in Harlem?” Pockets demanded.

“Cause she wanted to stay there, not just for the game but for a while until she found Bottle Cap again.” Spot said.

“Bottle Cap?” Spades said. Spot nodded.

“ “ E ran into ‘er, or that’s what she says.” Spot said.

“It’s true!” Laces said.

“We believe ya kid.” Spot said. The rest of the way back to Brooklyn was pretty quiet, Jack even decided to stay in Brooklyn for the night because he was to tired to walk back to Manhattan and it was late. Laces had fallen asleep on the way there so he just left her in her room and went out to talk with Spot.

“We’ll be leaving if anything, give us a call.” Spades said.

“Thanks Spades.” Spot said.

“No problem. We’ve grown attached ta the kid.” Spades said.

“Ya know she really don’t like being called that.” Cheeky said. Everyone smiled and Spades gang headed out the door. Jack sat down next to Spot in the sitting room.

“So what ya gonna do?’ Jack asked.

“Maybe go looking for him in Harlem, it will make Laces fell better.’ Spot sighed. Jack looked at his friend, he was sure that it would not only make Laces feel better but Spot to.

“If ya need any help, just tell me and some of me boys can help.” Jack offered.

“Thanks Jacky-Boy.” Spot said.

“Ya boys get some sleep, ya selling papes tomorrow.” Rick called in. Jack and Spot got up and went up to Spot’s room where there was always an extra bed for anyone who needed it.

**The Next Day **

“Get up! Carrying the Banner! Get up!” Rick was pounding on doors and getting everyone out of bed. Everyone got ready and in their usual manner.

“Laces.” Spot went looking for Laces around the bunkhouse. She was sitting at the bottom of the stairs staring out the window. Spot sat next to her.

“What ya thinking bout?” He asked.

“Bottle Cap.” She responded.

“Well I’ll tell you what we’ll go get our papers and sell some on our way to Manhattan with Jack. We’ll spend some time in Manhattan with the guys over there. Maybe spend the night and head over to Harlem tomorrow and go looking for Bottle Cap.” Laces looked at Spot.

“Really? We can go looking for him?” She asked.

“Yeah don’t act so surprised it ain’t like I don’t have a heart or something.” Spot smirk.

“You sure good at hiding it.” Laces teased.

“Yeah, Yeah. Jack!” Spot yelled up the stairs. Jack came down soon enough,

“Ya bellowed Conlon.” Jack grinned.

“Ya two gonna gang up on me?” Spot grumbled. Jack and Laces smiled and they headed out the door to the distribution dock.


Bottle Cap was sitting in front of the warehouse early in the morning looking at the dirty water under the dock.

“She’s back, she’s okay. She looked so peaceful, I wonder if her and Spot have become a couple yet?” Bottle Cap smiled to himself as he thought of all these things.

“What ya doing?’ Someone asked from behind him. Bottle Cap jumped and then turned and faced Mark who was standing behind him.

“Thinking.” Bottle Cap responded.

“Bout? What shook ya up so much last night, you looked like ya had seen a ghost when ya came in.” Mark asked.

“Who?” Mark asked.

“Laces, she was okay and she was in Harlem. It looked like there was a poker game going on.” Mark nodded.

“There was a poker game last night, Conlon and Kelly were supposed to go.”

“Yeah well Laces is back and I ran into her, she recognized me but I had to run away from her.” Bottle Cap said.

“Who’s Laces?” Mark asked.

“She’s a goyl.” Bottle Cap supplied.

“Yeah no kidding Ise think Ise coulda figure that one out.” Mark smirked.

“Yeah ya coulda.” Bottle Cap nodded.

“Well from the looks of it, Ise think it’s better that you had to run from ‘er. Ya don’t want nothing ta ‘appen ta ‘er and it sure will it she comes near ‘ere.” Mark said.

“Yeah I guess your right.” Bottle Cap sighed.

“Come on, we betta get on to finding wallets, ya don’t want another beating do ya?” Mark asked.

Bottle Cap shook his head, “Can’t say that I do.”


Laces and Spot head out early to Harlem after spending the night in Manhattan with Jack and the guys. They were pretty quiet for a while.

“Spot?” Laces said.


“Why do you think he ran away?” Spot looked at Laces, he knew that she thought and it was her fault that anything had happened to Bottle Cap in the first place. Spot didn’t think it was her fault though, he thought it was his own fault.

“I dunno Kid, Maybe he had somewhere to go. Maybe he didn’t recognize you, you have changed a bit.” Spot shrugged.

“Yeah changed, whatever.” Laces said then started staring at the road in front of her. Not many people were out yet, some kids here and there heading for work and some poor families walking to work together but almost no one was out on the streets. New York looked almost peaceful. Spot and Laces didn’t talk much more the rest of the way there, when they got to Harlem the conversation struck up again.

“Where ya wanna look first?” Spot asked.

“Around that alleyway that he disappeared in.” Laces said.

“All right.” Spot said. They walked down the street they had jus been on two nights before and then turned into the alleyway that Laces had chased him into. Laces looked around and Spot stared at the wall.

“’E hopped the wall.” Spot said.

“So that’s what we’re gonna do.” Laces went over to the wall tried getting up but slip and fell. Spot went over to her and helped her up.

“ ‘ere let me give you a boast.” He put his hands together and Laces stepped in them and he lifted her so that she could get up. Then he followed and they landed on the other side. The walked down that alley and into the street.

“This is the street where the fish market use ta be, now the warehouses are all abandon. Actually there used by different people. Ise think that…” Spot was saying when Laces started to run down the street and Spot was left talking with himself until he noticed that she had taken off and he started to following her.

Laces was running as fast as she could, not waiting for Spot to catch up and not caring what was in her way. In the distance she had seen a boy, that could be Bottle Cap and she wouldn’t stop running until she caught that boy. She finally had the boy in view but his back was towards her, and when he turned around for just a second and saw her he began to run. She didn’t even catch a glimpse of his face, but she keep running and soon pounced on him.

Both of them landed on the ground and the boy struggled from under Laces.

“What the ‘ell Ise didn’t do nothing ta ya!” The boy was whining. Laces got up and helped the boy up. Spot had come up now and was staring at Laces.

“What ya doin’?’ He asked.

“I thought, that maybe ‘e could ‘ave been Bottle Cap.” Laces stammered. Spot looked at her a second and then looked at the boy.

“What’s your name?’ He demanded.

“Nick.” The boy answered.

“Ya heard of a kid that calls ‘imself Bottle Cap?” Spot asked. The boy scrached his head and slowly shook it.

“Can’t say that Ise ‘ave. Ya sure ‘e’s from round ‘ere?” The boy asked.

“No, we ain’t sure.” Spot sighed.

“’E probably isn’t then cause I never hoid of ‘im.” Nick said. “Now could ya let me go.” He motioned at his arm. Laces released him and watched him walk away. She then turned to Spot, eyes full of tears.

“I know I saw ‘im, I swear it.” She said choking on her words.

“I know, maybe it was the drink. Or maybe it was someone who looked like ‘im.” Spot put his arm around Laces and supported her as they began to walk back to Brooklyn.

“No, it was ‘im Spot. I know it was ‘im.” She said a few times and then silence settled again and not that much was said on the way back home.


Bottle Cap and Mark were walking back to the warehouse from their day’s work; they had both done pretty well for the day. They were about three blocks away from the docks where the warehouse was, Mark was whistling and Bottle Cap was thinking to himself about Laces, and the newsies. Suddenly out of an alleyway someone jumped out in front of them. Bottle Cap stumbled back and almost tripped over his own feet. Mark stood still where he was and stared at the person in front of him for a second. She was very pretty dark girl, with black hair and soft brown eyes. She stared at Mark and after a few seconds they finally hugged.

“Cookie!” Mark said.

“Tangles!” The girl exclaimed. Mark cocked his head and grinned at her.

“Ain’t no one that’s called me that since ya left. Miss the joint?” Mark asked. Bottle Cap stared at the two of them. He thought that they must have been an item some time ago.

“Really, that’s a pity. I love that name. Nah not really, just that if I didn’t come back Pepper would send his thugs after me. Ya know I was only suppose ta be helping Peach.” Cookie explained.

“Oh, is she all right?” Mark asked suddenly concerned. Cookie nodded.

“She’s fine, Pepper thinks she’s dead though, and ‘e thinks that the kid is dead too.” Cookie was slowly lowering her voice.

“The kid?” Mark questioned also lowering his tone.

“It’s a girl. She’s so beautiful. Looks a lot like Peach, thank god she barely has any of that horrible Pepper in her.” Cookie was just above a whisper now.

“How old is she now?” Mark asked.

“Bout 2 years.” Cookie replied. Then she looked over Mark’s shoulder and for the first time noticed Bottle Cap standing there. “Who are ya?” she demanded.

“Ise Jim.” Bottle Cap responded. Cookie looked at him a moment, then she shook her head.

“Ya one of Pepper’s?” Cookie asked. Bottle Cap nodded. “So what’s ya real name?’ She asked.

“Bottle Cap.’ He responded.

“Where ya from?’ She asked.

“’E’s one of Conlon’s.” Mark said. Cookie frowned.

“How the ‘ell did one of Conlon’s guys end up as Pepper’s pocketers?” Mark shrugged.

“Ise don’t know.” Mark and Cookie looked at Bottle Cap.

“Well Ise don’t know if ya hoid, but Brooklyn, and Manhattan were both fighting a war ‘gasnist Harlem and the Bronx. Well Ise guess what ‘appened is that some thugs got me on accident and well so that Spot wouldn’t find out they brought me ‘ere.” Bottle Cap said.

“Why? They weren’t allowed ta touch ya?” Cookie asked. Bottle Cap nodded.

“Spot ‘ad made some kind of treaty or sumthing like that, Ise wasn’t pose ta be touched.”

“Tough break kid.” Cookie went over and hugged Bottle Cap.

“Betta be getting back ta the place, Pepper ain’t been in the best moods lately.” Mark said.

“Hey Tangles, just in case Pepper wants me in replacement of Peach, would ya go visit her?” Cookie asked.

“Yeah, coise Ise would. Where do Ise go?”

“Fourty-Fourth and second.” Cookie replied.

“That’s pretty far from ‘ere but sure.” Mark replied.

“Why ya call ‘im Tangles? And what ya mean replace peach?” Bottle Cap asked.

“Ise call ‘im Tangles cause that’s ‘is name, has been since the orphanage on 45th street.”

“Ya were there too?” Bottle Cap asked.

“For a little while.” She responded.

“Oh. What about the replacement thing?” Bottle Cap asked.

“Ya don’t wanna know bout that kid. Sides ya ta little ta understand.” Cookie responded.

“No Ise ain’t. Ise gonna be 11 soon.” Bottle Cap responded.

“11 now that’s a nice age.” Cookie smiled.

“How old are ya?” Bottle Cap asked.

“17,” Cookie responded. “Just like Tangles ‘ere.” The trio walked into the warehouse and over to where Pepper was always sitting. Pepper looked over to where they walked in and grinned a huge stupid grin.

“Well Cookie, never thought ya were gonna come back started getting worried that Ise was gonna ‘ave ta send someone after ya.” Pepper said.

“Well ya didn’t ‘ave ta. Ise back.” Cookie said in a disgusted tone.

“So Ise see but where’s me Peach?” Pepper asked.

“She ain’t with us no more,” Cookie looked at the ground and a tear fell and hit the floor.

“Ah, too bad. The brat die too?” Pepper asked. Cookie took a deep breath and looked at him.

“Yeah.” She nodded. Bottle Cap watched her; she was a good actress. Bottle Cap actually thought that she was dead, even though he had heard just a little while ago that she wasn’t.

“Too bad. Well welcome back, now get out of me face ‘fore Ise get weepy meself. Now Jim and Mark what ya boys bring me?’ Pepper asked. Both boys brought what they had pocketed for the day.

“Leave the both of ya.” Pepper said. Both boys turned and headed through the poor excuse for a wall and into the sleeping area. Bottle Cap went to his blanket in the corner next to the boxes. He sat there and Mark joined him in the blanket next to his. Cookie soon arranged to move right next to the two boys.

“Ise don’t think ‘e’s gonna want me as a replacement.” Cookie said.

“Cause ‘e got Sweets.” Mark gritted his teeth. Cookie nodded.

“Yeah, poor kid.” Cookie sighed. At the word Kid Bottle Cap felt his heart jump into his throat. Soon he felt tears rise up and fall, for over two days now he had wanted to cry. Cry because he hadn’t be there when Laces came back, because he hadn’t been there when the war had been won, cry because life was treating him so badly and he was only 11.

“What’s wrong with ya?” Mark asked. But Bottle Cap didn’t hear Mark he heard Spot, Spot telling him to stop his whining and pick himself up and act like he belonged in Brooklyn.

“I sorry, it’s jist. I know Ise ain’t pose ta cry Spot.” Bottle Cap said.

“The poor kid.” Cookie said and she went over to comfort him. She held him up against her chest. She was so warm feeling of being safe even from the worst rushed over Bottle Cap. He noticed how much he missed being petted by Laces, being protected by Spot, and being the spoiled little boy that he had been in Brooklyn. Spot didn’t like treating him differently, but it just turned out that way. Bottle Cap was like Spot’s little brother and he protected him something fierce.


“I know I saw him, I do. I can’t just image something like that can I?” Laces was in Spades place. Spades’ gang was sitting around the usual place, the old lobby listening to Laces.

“I dunno, maybe the kid who ran into ya just looked a lot like Bottle Cap. And ya scared the ‘ell out of ‘im when ya called him Bottle Cap.” Vigor suggested.

“But ‘e was Bottle Cap I know ‘e was.” Laces stamped her foot and dust flew from the floor.

“Laces maybe the drink did ‘ave something.” Candy tried to convince her. Laces shook her head.

“No, I didn’t even drink more than half of it.” She said.

“Well, don’t know what ta tell ya kid.” Spades sighed. The door swung open and Pockets walked in a big smile on his face.

“Thought Ise would find ya ‘ere.” He walked over to Laces and pulled her in for a small kiss.

“Don’t get mushy on us now.” Shady grinned.

“That minds me Mush is kinda cute.” Angel started.

“Oh!” Everyone groaned.

“Ise was jist kidding!” Angel yelled as a few pillows came flying her way. The door opened again and in walked Blue. Spades got up and went over to him.

“How was your day?” Blue asked.

“Made plenty of money.” Spades replied.

“That’s good.” Blue kissed Spades.

“So how was the rest of you guys day?’ Pockets asked wrapping his hands around Laces’ waist.

“Ise got ta go out taday and Ise getting better at pick pocketing everyday.” Candy smiled.

“Ise was bored as ‘ell taday.” Scorch complained.

“Laces ain’t done nothing but complain all day, Ise mean ya can complain a little and Ise would be okay with it but ya won’t stop!” Cheeky whined.

“Thanks for understanding.” Laces nodded.

“Hey ya two gonna get some air?” Shady asked Spades and Blue. They broke their kiss and Blue laughed and Spades shot Shady a look.

“Why do ya listen ta her?’ She questioned Blue. Blue shrugged.

“Ise dunno.” He replied.

“Ya such a dumbass.” Spades supplied.

“Hey Ise ain’t.” Blue frowned.

“Oh come on, ain’t in the mood ta hear ya two bicker!” Scorch complained.

“Tension building think we’ll leave now!” Pockets said. Everyone gave him a look and he slowly walked out with Laces following.

“They always like that?” Pockets asked.

“Only on days where they ain’t in a good mood.’ Laces replied. “And me whining doesn’t exactly put ‘em in a betta mood.” Laces sighed. Pockets put his arm around her and cuddled her against his chest.

“’E’ll pop up Ise know ‘e will.” He comforted her.

“I hope so.” She sighed. They walked off together towards the Brooklyn Lodging House.


March 1900

Bottle Cap, Mark and Cookie were walking to Forty-fourth and second on their way to see Peach and her baby. They had done the same thing everyday since Cookie came back. They walked into an old worn out building made of red brick that was dressed in the dirt and build up of the years. Up two flights of stairs and the first door on the right was where they always went. Peach opened the door with a smile on her face, she only had Cookie, Mark and Bottle Cap as her friends, and was delighted that they came to visit her everyday.

“Heya Peach how ya been?’ Cookie asked giving her friend a hug.

“Fine, and ya?’ Peach asked while turning to Mark and giving him a hug.

‘We’ve been better.” Mark responded.

“I’m sorry is Pepper getting into his moods?’ Peach asked as she pecked Bottle Cap on the cheek.

“Yeah, Ise would say so.” Bottle Cap nodded.

“Oh well, come sit down.”

“Where’s Pixie?’ Bottle Cap asked.

“Taking a late nap, she was so fussy today.” Peach said. Pixie was Peach’s baby daughter. She had become pregnant while working for Pepper, and she had gotten away. For a few months she lived in fear of him but now he thought she was dead so she lived peacefully. Bottle Cap had grown attached to the small baby in the time that he had known them.

‘So Tangles ya being nice to the people who ya steal money from?’ Peach teased.

“Hey Ise try not ta steal more than what’ll keep Pepper off me back.” Mark replied.

“We’re Pepper’s best right ‘ere, Don’t ya know.” Cookie grinned.

“Ise sure ya is.” Peach smiled.

“Yeah, this kid over ‘ere if ‘e gets any better Pepper will be getting’ ta spoiled!” Mark pointed a finger at Bottle Cap.

“Ise won’t get any better, Ise promise!” Bottle Cap opened his eyes big.

“Ise wouldn’t recommend it.” Peach advised. Bottle Cap nodded and then got up and looked out the window.

“The sun is starting to go down.” He commented.

‘Yeah, We should get along.” Cookie said.

“Wait a few more minutes, Bottle Cap why don’t you go in and see to Pixie for me.” Peach said. Bottle Cap nodded knowing that they wanted to talk about something without him there so he went along.

“Conlon’s boys have been around these parts looking for the kid.” Peach whispered. Mark and Cookie nodded.

“Yeah, Spot and the goyl herself where looking for him the other day ran into Gust and thought that he was Bottle Cap. Heard that the goyl almost broke down crying.” Cookie nodded.

“We can’t let them find him unless they are way out of Harlem. Conlon would want to take him back and Pepper would finish us off and that would cause a thing with Conlon. It’d be too dangerous.” Mark said.

“Yeah tangles is right.” Peach nodded. “But that poor Kid, and the goyl does anyone know who she is?’

“Ise heard something about her being Joe Kai’s kid.” Cookie said.

“She’s a Kai? Wow Ise didn’t even know any of ‘em were still alive. Didn’t her old man die like a year ago?’ Peach asked.

“Yeah ‘e did. The kid herself had run away before that.”

“That Family sure went into ruins.” Peach sighed.

“Yeah, wes gotta go wes be seeing ya.” Mark got up and called Bottle Cap. Bottle Cap had been playing with Pixie. He picked her up and carried her out to her mother.

“Peach she woke up.” Bottle Cap handed the baby to Peach. Peach sighed; she pushed her golden brown hair out of her face and took the still sleepy 2-year-old from Bottle Cap.

“Thank you.” She said as she parted her light rose colored lips to show the boy a smile.

“’ave a safe trip back.” Peach said to them as they all headed down the steps, she waved from the door and when they were out the door, she closed it and sighed. She looked at the wriggling child in her arms that had her gray eyes, and golden brown hair and looked exactly like her mother. Thank God she looked nothing like Pepper.

“I hope that one day poor Bottle Cap can go back to Brooklyn, and Tangles can leave that wretched Pepper and Cookie can go out west like she’s always wanted to.” Peach sighed.


“Laces! Where is that goyl?” Spot had walked through the whole Brooklyn Lodging house and was now in the bunkroom the only place he hadn’t checked.

“Any of yous bums seen Laces?’ Spot asked. The boys all looked up from what they were doing.

“Maybe she’s at Spades,” Knuckles suggested.

“Sure she still ain’t out selling with Pockets?” Fists said.

“Ise thought she had come in earlier already done.” Marble piped up. Just then Pockets walked into the room and over to his bunk. Spot was staring at him and so was everyone else in the room, Pockets finally noticed and cocked his head.

“What?” He asked.

“Where’s Laces?” Spot asked.

“Ise think she went ta Manhattan.” Pockets replied.

“Why?” Spot asked.

‘Well she hasn’t been there for like a month and she wanted to see the boys and Buttercup.” Pockets shrugged. Spot mumbled something and then left the room and walked over into his own room.


“Heya guys how ya been?” Laces asked all the boys as she walked into the bunkroom.

“Heya!” Most of the boys in the room got up and went over and gave Laces a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Why ‘ave ya stayed away so long?” Blink asked.

“Oh ya know things ‘ere and there.” Laces gave a weary smile.

“Nothing on Bottle Cap yet huh?” Mush asked. Laces shook her head.

“No, nothing when we went to Harlem, I thought I saw someone like him but it wasn’t him.” Skittery put his arm around her.

“Cheer up, ‘e turn up Ise know ‘e will.” Skittery said. Laces nodded, everyone seemed to believe he would but she doubted that they really thought he would.

“Gosh, Ise sure hope that Brooklyn’s been playing poker with ya.” Race said. Laces bit her lower lip.

“Poker?” She said in a questioning voice.

“Oh dear she don’t even member what it is anymore.” Specs grinned.

“Ya don’t member what Poker is?” Race was about to have a heart attacked. Everyone laughed.

“Coise Ise member what Poker is.” Laces finally said.

“Good, Good.” Race nodded.

‘Now membering how ta play is something that Ise don’t seem ta member how ta do.” Laces shrugged. Race ran his hand through his hair and looked at her with face while he lit his cigarette. Laces stood there for a few more minutes while hugging Sand and Scotch.

“Laces get over ‘ere so that Ise can teach ya how ta play poker again.” Race waved his hand for her to come over to his bunk.

“Don’t ya order me around like that Racetrack Higgins. Just cause Ise don’t member how ta play poker don’t mean ya can treat me like that, Ise don’t even let the one and only Spot Conlon order me around. Ise ain’t about ta let ya order me around. Now Ise gonna go see Tate and when Ise come back Ise expect ya ta be more of a gentlemen about it and then ya can teach me how, again.” Laces frowned and put her hands on her hips. Then turned on her heel and walked out of the room. Once she was out in the hall the room exploded with laughter, even Race himself was laughing. Laces smiled as she headed down the steps out the door and on her way to Tate’s family dress shop.

She walked into Tate’s family dress shop, Buttercup was standing at the counter talking to Mike who was putting away some things.

“Heya Tate!” Laces said. Buttercup looked up from her spot at the counter and smiled.

“Well if it ain’t the stranger, the once person I knew called what was it?” Buttercup teased.

“It’s only been a month and Ise been busy.” Laces sighed as she hopped onto the counter and sat next to the register.

“Spot’s been around here more than you have.” Buttercup said.

“Yeah well ya going out with Spot.” Laces shoot back at her.

“Yeah that’s a fine truth. But Ise don’t think ya been busy.” Buttercup said.

“Oh really?” Laces raised a eyebrow.

“Ise think ya been keeping yourself away from here on purpose. Something to do with a crush on someone?” Buttercup ventured to say. Laces suddenly glared at her.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Ya know what I’m talking about. But here, here let’s not talk about matters of the heart. What ya been up to?’ Buttercup asked with a cheerful smile.

“ Looking for Bottle Cap.” Laces said in a gloomy voice.

“Oh.” Buttercup looked out the window and stared for a second at the building across the street. “Nothing huh?” Laces nodded.

“Nothing. The poor boy.” Laces sniffled a bit.

“I’m sorry.” Buttercup said.

“I am too.” Laces said as she bounced off the counter. “Anyway what ya been up ta?”

“Oh nothing much I go here and there with Spot. He is wonderful.” Buttercup swayed back in forth.

“Sure ‘e is, whatever ya say.” Laces grinned.

“Well Ise better be getting back. It’s gonna be a long night.” Laces sighed.

“And why is that?” Buttercup asked.

“Race is teaching me how ta play poker again.” Laces smirked. Buttercup laughed.

“Ise should have him teach me again.”

“Yeah ya should.” Mike yelled over.

“Aw shut up Mike.” Laces hollered at him and then she hugged Tate and walked out of the store.


Spot was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was thinking about everything that had gone on since Laces had arrived, He started to wonder if his life was ever going to be normal. Even before she had come Luv had been around causing problems, and before that there was the orphanage and his family before that. He shuddered, he was thinking of things he hadn’t thought about in years. He smiled though, he was turning sixteen in two days. Laces was turning 15. There was a knock at Spot’s door.

“Whadda ya want?’ He called out. No one replied just another knock.

“What is it?” Spot asked getting annoyed. No answer again, just another knock.

“If ya don’t stop that and tell me what ya want Ise gonna soak ya!” Spot threatened. Nothing again, just a louder pounding on the door. Spot let out a frustrated sigh and went to the door and swung it open. Before he could say anything Angel and Spades hopped into the room and shut the door for him. They both smiled and started laughing at his face,

‘Ise like ta see ya try ta soak me Patrick Conlon.” Angel crossed her arms.

“Ise could if Ise wanted ta, Ise taught ya both everything ya know.” Spot grinned as he went over to his bed and sat down.

“Still convincing yourself of that Conlon? Wes been outta Brooklyn ta long if ya think ya taught us everything we know.” Spades said taking a place on the small table Spot had in the room.

“Yeah maybe ya have Fia.” Spot nodded. Angel was over at the dresser taking something out of the top drawer. She walked over to the extra bed in the room and sat on it staring at the picture.

“How often do you look at this Spot?” Angel asked. Spot shrugged he knew she was looking at the family picture the only one he had of his family. “Not enough.” Angel nodded. She ran her fingers down the picture.

“Poor Fiona.” Angel sighed. Spot gritted his teeth and looked at his cousin, Angel had been around during that time, his past. She was part of it to some extent but after everything that had happen she had joined Spades after the fire to the building and the fights around here and then she had left. She had gotten away before they had come and rounded up the kids and taken them to the orphanage. Spot shook his head, he wasn’t going to think about it, he wasn’t.

“Angel,” Spot said in a cold voice. Angel looked at him, gently put the picture down and looked at Spot.

“Never Mind Spot, that’s not why we came. We had some things ta talk about and we haven’t seen you around for a while.” Angel said.

“Where’s the kid?” Spades asked.

“Went ta Manhattan.” Spot said. Spades looked surprised and her and Angel exchanged glances before starting to talk again.

“Anyway, Wes heard some things that may interest ya bout ya boy Bottle Cap.’ Spades said. Spot looked at her.

“Where?’ He asked.

“Vigor and Candy heard it they were down by Forty-fourth and second and they heard something about him.” Angel said.

“What they ‘ear?” Spot was getting impatient with Spades and Angel.

“They’s heard that he was part of someone’s pick pocketing gang.” Angel stared at Spot. She watched his face cringe and then go back to it’s normal stern self. She sighed, Spot was never gonna go back to what he use to be, to what she use to know. She had changed too, but she didn’t think she had changed like Spot.

“Pick Pocketing.” Spot nodded and got up and grabbed his cane and slingshot.

“Ya still carrying those around?’ Angel asked surprised a bit, she really hadn’t noticed the cane and slingshot before, and she had been in Brooklyn for seven months now. Spot shot her a look.

“Yeah Ise still carrying ‘em around.” He headed for the door.

“Where ya going Conlon?’ Spades asked.

“Manhattan.” He replied.

“Why?’ Angel asked. Spot let out a breath, he hated being questioned. Half the time he didn’t answer but this was Spades and Angel and he felt like they had a sort of right to question him and he had some sort of obligation to answer them.

“Laces is there, tomorrow Ise gonna go to Harlem.”

“Ya ain’t gonna start something with Frost is ya?” Spades glared at Spot. Spot glared back.

“Ise might if ‘e don’t tell me what Ise want ta know.” Spot said. Spades shook her head.

“Come on Conlon, ya don’t need ta start nothing over this.” Spades warned.

“Ise don’t need ta start nothing, it’s already started. And Spades this is something more than nothing. The kid is almost family, and ya two would’ve know that if ya would’ve stuck around longer than ya did.” Spot walked out. Spades and Angel were left in the room to stare after him.

“Did ya think ‘e ever forgive us for that?’ Spades sighed. Angel shrugged, she knew that Spot didn’t really hold grudges, he just kinda never really forgave people. She slowly got up and put the picture back into the dresser drawer she had found it in. She looked at it one more time and then shut the drawer.

“Life ain’t fair Spades.” Angel said. Spades walked over to her, she put her arm around her and nodded.

“Nope can’t say that it is. Come on, let’s get some sleep wes gonna be going out tomorrow.” Spades said.

“Ta Harlem?’ Angel asked.

“Nope, ta forty-fourth and second.” Angel nodded. The two girls headed out of the Brooklyn lodging house and to the old building that they called home.


Bottle Cap was walking around Harlem by himself, Mark had wanted to go to Central Park and Cookie went with him. It was the first time in almost three weeks that he went by himself anywhere. He had already pocketed enough money to keep Pepper happy in the earliest part of the morning. He decided to walk around Harlem, the closest place from here was the Harlem Lodging House.

“No reason ta go there but Ise got no where else ta go so, long as Ise ain’t seen by no one.” Bottle Cap shrugged to himself. Then headed towards Harlem’s Newsboy Lodging House.


“Laces ya ready yet?” Spot called into the washroom.

“Yeah, Yeah Ise almost done just hold on.” Laces yelled back. Jack stood around looking at Spot.

“So how ya been Spot? Laces causing enough trouble in Brooklyn?’ Jack asked.

“Trouble, yeah she sure can do that.” Spot replied.

“She can’t be causing to much trouble cause she hasn’t been around here for almost a month.” Jack sighed.

“The Bottle Cap thing Jack, Ise was surprise ta hear that she had left last night.” Spot smirked.

“Yeah Ise was surprise ta find her ‘ere, Ise was beginnin’ ta think that something had happened to ‘er and ya just hadn’t told us.” Jack looked at Spot to see if he would show any emotion.

“Thanks for thinking so highly of me Cowboy.” Spot looked at Jack.

“Now come on, Ise just thought ya hadn’t had time or something not like Ise thought ya just wanted to keep it for yourself.” Jack said. Laces walked out in her usually attire, the pants that Spot had given her almost two years ago and his shirt.

“What are you two fighting about now?’ Laces demanded.

“Nothing, Come on.” Spot said. Laces looked at Jack, he just smiled at her.

“We weren’t fighting ya don’t see us on the floor Spot with a black eye or anything.” Jack grinned. Spot looked at Jack.

“Ya suggesting that ya can beat me in a fight Kelly?’

“Yup, ya know that Ise can beat ya in a fight Conlon.” Jack sounded amused.

“ Ya guys are acting like two year olds, Does it matter who can beat who up?” Laces starting walking to the door. “ I’ll be in Harlem for a while if ya two decide to join me.” She hopped out the door and Spot and Jack looked after her.

“That’s Kid sure is something ain’t she?’ Spot grinned.

“She’s something all right. She turns 15 soon, and ya 16.” Spot nodded.

“Yes we do, let’s follow her don’t want her going to Harlem by herself.” Spot walked to the door.

“Yeah who knows what Frost would do to her.” Jack followed.


Bottle Cap walked into the alleyway next to the Harlem Lodging house, and looked through the window. Some people had just arrived and he was sure that they would go in there. He was right someone opened the main doors to the sitting room and in walked three people.

“Spot? Laces? Jack?” Bottle Cap stared at the three people. As soon as Laces looked at the window he ducked so she won’t see his head. He crossed his fingers and hoped someone would open the window without seeing him. When he was sure that Laces glaze had left the window he slowly raised his head and stared into the room. Frost had entered and was now talking to Spot and Jack. Laces was standing back in the shadows of the room watching them. Bottle Cap couldn’t make out what they were saying though.


“Frost what did your thugs do to Bottle Cap?’ Spot asked.

“Ise don’t know what ya talking about Spot,” Frost replied.

“Don’t play games with me Frost, Ise will not hesitate ta soak ya.” Spot threatened. Frost lifted his arms in a surrendering way.

“Ise swear Conlon that Ise don’t know nothing about ya Bottle Cap, ya can talk ta me guys though, the ones that would’ve been in Brooklyn around the day that the kid disappeared.” Frost said. Spot gave him a look.

“Fine we’ll do that call them in.” Jack responded for Spot.

“Nails! Ties! Get in ‘ere now!” Frost yelled. Two tall heavy looking boys come into the room.

“Frost ya can leave.” Spot said. Frost was about to object but Jack started to push him out warning him.

“Unless ya want another war, ya won’t mess with us.”


Bottle Cap sat on the bow looking into the sitting room where Spot and Jack were pushing around some of Frost’s guys. Cap couldn’t hear the conversation that was going on in the room so he didn’t know why Spot and Jack were pushing the two guys around.

“Why are you getting into another fight Spot?’ Bottle Cap whispered. He hadn’t even noticed that Laces had slipped out of the room.


“Where the ‘ell did ya take ‘im?’ Spot demanded of Nails.

“Wes got no idea what ya talking bout Spot.” Nails had his hands in the air.

“No idea what we talking bout, ya know what we talking bout and unless ya tell us where ya took ‘im, Ise gonna soak ya so ya can’t walk.” Jack threatened, fist in Ties face. Jack was about to punch Ties.

“Wait, ya mean a little kid with reddish hair?’

“Yeah, ya starting ta member Ise see.” Jack put down his fist.

“Talk, and fast fore Ise get impatient.” Spot waved his cane around.

“Well, that night was kinda of a blur.” Nails started to crack his knuckles.

“Ya want us ta make it clear?” Jack asked. Both boys quickly shook their heads.


Bottle Cap stood up on the box trying to get a better view of what was going on.

“Why are they fighting.” He whispered to himself.

“Their fighting cause of ya.” Someone said from behind him. Bottle Cap jumped and landed on the person who had startled him. He quickly jumped up and was set to run but the person blocked his way.

“Why do you keep running from me? Ise can’t be imaging ya, it’s impossible ya look so real!” Laces put her hand under Cap’s chin and lifted his head to look at his face. Cap was trying to cast his eyes away from Laces as much as possible.

“Ise sorry, it’s just Ise can’t stay.” Bottle Cap tried to push pass Laces but she pushed him back into the boxes. Bottle Cap looked up from the boxes surprised at Laces.

“Spot’s been teaching me ta fight a bit, so don’t try nothing. Now tell me what’s going on.” Laces put her hands on her hips.

“ Ise can’t really tell ya, Ise really ‘ave ta go.” Bottle Cap got up again.

“There has ta be some time that ya can talk ta me.” Laces sighed, seeing the desperation on Cap’s face.

“Tomorrow on forty-fourth and second, but just you. No Spot.” Bottle Cap warned. Laces nodded immediately, and Bottle Cap took off running pass her. She watched after him. Bottle Cap turned back for a second and looked at Laces then he called out to her.

“Happy early Boythday!” He called out and then turned the corner and was out of sight.

“I wonder if Spot has figured out where those thugs took ‘im.” She thought as she walked back into the lodging house.


“ We knew that Frost would soak our brains in if ‘e found out that we disobeyed his orders bout that kid, then not ta mention that ya would made sure that we won’t be able ta walk again. After we soaked the kid, which we didn’t know it was ‘im till after we soaked ‘im, we brought him over ‘ere and took him ta Pepper.” Nails said.

“Pepper pocket gang?’ Jack asked, face getting sterner by the minute.

“Yeah, that’s ‘im.” Ties nodded. Spot was forming a fist with his right hand and was controlling the urge to punch Ties. Spot let him go and walked out of the room, Jack soon followed and they found Laces in the hall walking in.

“Why were you out there?” Spot asked.

“Cause, well I saw someone in the window and I thought I would see who it was.” Laces said.

“Who was it?’ Jack asked, knowing whom it was before she said it.

“Bottle Cap,” Laces responded.

“And ya didn’t tell me?’ Spot demanded. Laces shook her head.

“Ya were busy.” Laces said.

“Yeah well we know where ‘e is now and all we got ta do is figure out what ta do ta get ‘im back.” Spot said.

“Why?” Laces asked as they walked down the street.

“Cause well, Pepper ain’t someone that you just barge in on.” Spot said. The rest of the way was pretty quiet.


Spades and Angel were walking down forty-fourth and Second Street keeping an eye out for Bottle Cap. Then were in front of this old red building when a girl and boy passed them.

“Spades those are the two that were with the kid.” Angel said. Spades nodded.

“We’ll follow ‘em.” When they entered the building they watched them go up the stairs and into the first room on the right of the fourth floor and so the followed and stood outside of the door listening to the conversation.


“Where’s Jim?” Peach asked Cookie and Tangles as they walked in.

“ ‘e didn’t wanna come with us ta the park. Wes haven’t seen him all afternoon.” Cookie held out her arms for Pixie that was struggling in her mother’s arms.

“Ya two shouldn’t have left the kid alone, what if he goes looking for the Kai kid, or worst yet Jack or Spot?” Peach asked.

“Nah, the kid won’t he knows what Pepper would do to them. Ise think he understands.”

“Ise sure hope nothing happens.” Peach sighed and shuddered.

“Are ya okay?” Tangles asked.

“Okay as someone could be in this type of situation.” She replied.


“Spades this girl she knows things about all this, that the other two don’t,” Angel commented.

“Yeah, she does.” Spades nodded.

“What are we gonna do?” Angel asked.

“Have a small talk with this girl.” Spades said as she walked to the end of the hall. Angel followed and sat on the stairs where no one would see them.


Tangles and Cookie sat with Peach and Pixie for a little while. Then they finally left the building.

“Now, come on.” Spades got up and strode over to the door of where Peach lived. Spades knocked. Peach opened the door slowly.

“Hello, Ise Spades Fia and this is Angel.” Spades said holding the door with her foot.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” Peach asked.

“We would like ta ‘ave a little talk with ya about Bottle Cap, or as you may know him Jim?” Spades said. Peach tried to close the door, but when she found that she was unsuccessful and she quit trying and let them in. She closed the door behind her, and stood there looking at the two girls for a few moments. She had many thoughts going through her head, They can’t be part of Pepper’s gang, impossible but how do they know about the kid, Maybe some of Spot’s girls but these girls don’t look like Spot could order them around, they don’t look like anyone could order them around.

Pixie walked into the room, Spades got down on her knees so that she was eye to eye with the little girl.

“Hey what’s your name?’ Spades said, in a soft voice.

“Pixie.” The small girl replied.

“Hello there Pixie, you’re a pretty little girl did you know that?’ Spades said.

“Thank you, you’re very pretty too.” The little girl looked down timidly at the ground. Spades smiled, she messed up the little girls golden curls a bit and then stood back up. Pixie looked up at her curiously. Peach watched her little girl around this strange girl she was so comfortable. That meant that they couldn’t be part of Pepper’s girls unless they were new.

“So what can I do for you Spades, Angel?” Peach asked.

“Well first Ise would like ta know your name?” Spades said.

“Her name’s Mommy.” Pixie said from her position by Spades.

“Thank You Pixie, but Ise would like ta know what Ise should cal ‘er.” Angel said.

“Just call me Peach.” Peach said. Spades nodded. “Please sit down.” Spades and Angel sat down and Pixie sat down in between them.

“What do you girls want to talk about?” Peach asked.

“About Bottle Cap, and this Pepper.” Spades said.

“Who sent ya girls?” Peach asked.

“No one sent us, Ise have me own gang.” Spades frowned.

“Then why are ya looking for Bottle Cap?” Peach asked.

“For a close friend. Spot Conlon, ya might ‘ave heard of him.” Angel said. Peach nodded.

“Ise know him, how’s he doing?” Peach asked. Spades and Angel were surprised.

“Ya know Spot?” Angel asked.

“Yeah I was around the kid for like 3 months before Ise left.” Peach said.

“Where was it that you were let out of?” Spades asked.

“Why the orphanage. Didn’t you know that Sulliven and Conlon were in there both for a while just until Fiona died, then they got out the night before the place was burnt ta the ground.” Peach said. Angel sat there almost not breathing, and Spades just stared at Peach. Pixie tugged on Spades shirt then on Angel.

“What’s wrong?’ the little girl asked.

“Nothing, we just a little shocked over hearing this.” Spades finally managed,

“Ise sorry, didn’t you know that? How long have you both known Conlon?” Peach asked.

“Since he was born.” Angel replied choking a bit on the words. Peach just nodded, she knew who they were now, she had heard Spot talk about them. She smiled remembering the small blond boy, and the taller street talking Frances, which she had heard now called himself Jack.

“Well that ain’t what we ‘ere ta talk about, Spot is going to get into a lot a trouble over Bottle Cap, and we just wanna know some on this guy Pepper.” Spades said.

“Pepper is bad news, and Ise know that Jack and Spot are strong, Manhattan and Brooklyn are the strongest places in all New Yawk, but Pepper ain’t the guy ta mess with, He’s got some old members of Brooklyn like James, and some from Manhattan like Grimes. And Pepper won’t hesitate in killing any of them, I would think he would take pleasure in killing Spot, Jack, and Laces is that her name?’ Peach asked.

“Why would ‘e want Laces?” Spades asked.

“More reasons then one, but let’s not talk about that.” Peach looked at Pixie who was falling asleep on Spades lap. Spades sighed but nodded.

“Thank you Peach, We may be dropping around more from now on.” Angel said as Spades lifted Pixie and handed her to her mother.

“I hope ya do, please keep an eye on Jack, Spot, and Laces. Please keep them away from Pepper.” Peach said. Tears almost forming in her eyes.

“Ise can’t promise ya nothing seeing as Spot ain’t gonna rest until Bottle Cap is back in Brooklyn but we can try.” Angel said. Peach nodded. The girls walked out of the small home and walked down the stairs to exit the building.


Bottle Cap was walking back and forth, how could I have been so stupid. Why did I tell her that I would meet her, I can’t she could get hurt. But I can’t leave her waiting for me, it would break her heart. I can’t break Laces heart, she’s already had enough to deal with. I have to meet her.

“What ya thinking about Jim?” Tangles asked from the corner he was sitting at, not looking up from the piece of wood that he was carving.

“Nothing really, just stuff.” Bottle Cap replied. Tangles looked at him a second and then said nothing for a little while.

“Would ya stop pacing it’s gonna wear a hole into the ground.’ Cookie said. Bottle Cap stopped and sat on his blanket. Slowly he lay down and looked at the ceiling of the tall old warehouse and sighed. He was soon sound asleep.

“That Kid ran into someone today.” Tangles said from his corner still not looking up at Cookie. Cookie nodded,

“Yeah, the girl I think.” This time Tangles nodded.

“This ain’t good.” He said as he stopped working and put his things away.

“No I can’t say that it is.” Cookie sighed as she got under her thin blanket.

“There is trouble coming, Night.” Tangles mumbled.

“Yeah, Night.” Cookie responded.


“So how do you want me ta help Spot?’ Jack asked.

“Ise dunno yet Jacky-Boy. One thing Ise do know is that Ise wanna kill Pepper.” Spot pounded his fist against a wall.

“ Ise don’t wanna go in there without knowing what we gonna do though Spot.” Jack said. Laces was sitting on the couch, only half paying attention to the conversation. She was thinking about tomorrow and seeing Bottle Cap.

Buttercup was standing behind Spot, trying to comfort him.

“Spot it ain’t going to do any good to kill the wall.” She said as she took his hand and looked at it.

“I know, I know.” Spot mumbled. Jack looked over at Laces.

“Ya okay kid?” Jack asked. Laces didn’t really hear him, she just responded.

“Don’t call me kid.” Jack laughed and shrugged.

“Well disscuss this tomorrow, Maybe we can send out some guys ta check Pepper’s place.” Jack said. Spot nodded.

“Sure Jacky-Boy. Ise gonna walk Buttercup home and then Ise come back here.” Spot got up and put his arm around BC. Jack walked over to Laces and extended an arm to her.

“Come on, ya should get some sleep to.” He said. She took the arm and they walked up stairs together not really saying a word.


“Tomorrow Shady, Cheeky are the two that are going to work somewhere and collect money Ise don’t care where and ya make sure ya don’t get caught.” Spades said.

“Of Coise, we ain’t gonna get caught Spades.” Cheeky said.

“ Angel and I are going to Manhattan tomorrow, and we ain’t sure if we’ll be back tomorrow it may take at least a day. If we take more than two, all of you go to Manhattan, understood?’ Spades said to her group.

“Yeah.” They all replied.

“Ise gonna get some sleep now, Ya all keep it down.” Spades headed up the stairs.

“Conlon getting ‘imself into trouble?” Candy whispered.

“Yeah, Ise would say some.” Angel replied as she too headed up the stairs.

“Those two sure are moody.” Cheeky said.

“Just a bit.” Vigor replied.


March 5 1900

“ ‘Appy boythday Spot!” Laces bounced onto Spot’s bed in the morning. Spot mumbled something then moved and flung Laces off the bed. She landed on the floor with a thump and started to laugh. Spot threw a pillow at her, so did many of the other newsies around her.

“Ah! Come on guys get up!” Laces said. Skittery lifted his head for a second and looked at her.

“Laces we know it’s your boythday but Kloppman ain’t even up yet!” He whined.

“Ah, we’ll he will be in a second.” Laces said.

“No, ‘e won’t go away.” Spot said. Just then Kloppman walked in and started yelling.

“Get Up! Carrying the Banner! Get Up!’ He said, when he came to Spot’s bed and saw Laces sitting on the floor he just laughed.

“What’s this?”

“Spot threw me off his bed, When Ise said Happy Boythday!” Laces frowned.

“Well that wasn’t nice. Come here kid, Happy Birthday, Ya turn 16 don’t ya?’ Kloppman gave Laces a hug.

“No only 15, Spot turns 16.” Laces said.

“Oh. Get up everyone carrying the banner!” Kloppman said.

“Ise glad that Laces Boyhtday only comes once a year.” Race mumbled as he got up and headed for the wash room.

“Hey!” Laces said after him. Spot got up and looked at Laces.

“Ya ever wake me up before Ise suppose ta again, Ise swear that ya won’t live.” Spot warned her. Laces grinned.

“Live to see the day that you get up before?” Laces said. Spot ruffled her hair a bit and gave her a hug.

“Get ready kid, we got work to do.”

“Haven’t I told you not to order me around Conlon?” Laces asked putting her hands on her hips.

“Yeah, and haven’t Ise told ya not ta question me?” Spot shot back. Jack turned on his bunk and look at them both.

“Ya think that after turning a year older ya two would learn ta compromise and to stop being so stubborn.” Jack sighed as he jumped out of bed. Laces stood there a second and just stared at him as he slipped on his shirt and pants. Spot smacked her on the head and she turned her attentions back to him. He was standing in his famous stance grinning at her.

“Stop grinning like an idiot.” She said softly to him.

‘If you stopped acting like a love sick puppy.” Spot snickered.

“Aw Shut up.” Laces tried smacking Spot but he stopped her hand, gave her one look and then headed to the washroom. Laces shrugged, Spot was a strange one.


Spades slowly rolled out of bed, landing on the dusty floor of her room with a thud. Sending the dust everywhere.

“Ise should get someone ta clean up a bit, it won’t kill ‘em.” Spades grumbled, as she lifted herself from the floor. Angel walked into Spades room just as Spades had lifted herself from the room, she laughed a bit at the site but quickly got over it after Spades shoot her a look.

“What?” Spades said.

“It’s Patrick’s Birthday. What we giving the kid?” Angel asked.

“Ise really don’t know, Ise really haven’t been thinking about it.” Spades said as she looked out her half boarded up window.

“Too bad we never did find ‘er Spades.” Angel suddenly said. Spades turned around and glared at Angel.

“She’s out there, she is, She just don’t wanna be found.” Spades said. Angel stared at the ground.

“Sure, Sure Spades. That’s it.” Angel said.

“Ise know what we can give Spot.” Spades said.

“What?” Angel asked.

“Cap.” Spades said as she opened the door and stared at Scorch, Candy, and Vigor who were all smiling at her from their position on the floor.

“Nice night?’ Candy asked.

“Yeah great night.” Spades said. “You three can clean this place up while we gone, at least half, tomorrow ya go out and Cheeky and Shady will stay and finish the place up. Member if we ain’t back fore sun set, ya goyls head ta Manhattan, take Pockets and Blue with ya.” Spades said as she stepped over them. Angel followed her, leaving the three girls on the ground.

“Ise don’t know why those two worry so much about Conlon,” Scorch said.

“Ise think they’s have ta, some kind of promise Ise believe.” Candy said as she watched after them.

“Why do we have to clean this place up, we ain’t normal goyls. Heaven’s sake Ise haven’t cleaned anything since the last time wes were in the joint.” Vigor whined a bit. Candy shrugged, and Scorch looked around.

“We sure have our work cut out for us,” She said. The two other girls nodded.


Bottle Cap ran out of the warehouse in a flash, thinking about what he could find to give Laces. Tangles and Cookie came out and watched him run.

“This ain’t good.” Cookie said.

“No kidding.” Tangles said as the two took off after their little friend.


Spot, Laces, Jack, and plenty of his boys were all heading towards Harlem where they would spilt and try and find out as much as they could about Pepper and his boys.

“Okay, Ise gonna stay with Laces, Ise think we should stay in pairs.” Spot said.

“Ise think so too, Ise gonna stay with you two though, who knows what trouble you two could cause.” Jack said. He paired the rest of the boys that were with him up. Skittery with Mush, Race and Blink, and Itey and Jake together, then they all headed their separate ways. They all had ways of getting to Harlem.

Once they were all gone Spot, Jack and Laces continued to walk.

“Hey Laces, Spot Ise want ta wish ya a ‘appy boythday.” Jack said.

“Well, thanks Jacky-boy.” Spot patted Jack on the back.

“Yeah thanks Jack.” Laces said.

“Ise hope that getting older won’t go ta neither of your heads.” Jack commented. Spot’s eyebrow shoot up and Laces cocked her head.

“Now what do you mean by that Jack Kelly?’ Laces asked. Jack shook his head.

“Nothing, it’s just both of ya already got big enough egos.” Jack said.

“Ya betta watch what ya say ta the leader of the strongest area in all New Yawk!” Spot said swinging his cane around.

“Yeah, look at me Ise shaking.” Jack said. Laces laughed, and Spot used his cane to push Jack’s hat off his head. Jack laughed, and Spot cracked a small smiled, while Laces was having a giggle fit. Spot looked at Jack, and Jack at Spot then slowly they both went over to Laces and started to tickled her.


Spades and Angel were walking, when they started to hear familiar laughter, then a stop it. Angel smiled, and Spades just looked ahead at them at the scene. Spot and Jack were attacking Laces. Angel and Spades stayed back while all this was going on and once everything resume to what it had been before the tickle attack, the two girls walked up behind them. Angel walked behind Jack and jumped on his back, and Spades jumped up behind Spot. Both girls covered the boys’ eyes. Laces giggled, Spades nodded for her commanding without really saying anything for her to talk for them.

“Guess who they are?” Laces said. Spot mumbled, and Jack tried to get the hands off of him, only achieving Angel climbing on him.

“Come on at this rate we’ll never get to Harlem.” Spot said in his annoyed voice.

“If Ise member correctly 12 years ago ‘e would love this game.” Spades said.

“Yeah but he was four then.” Angel said.

“Spades Fia, get your hands off me eyes.” Spot said. Spades did so.

“Heya Angel if ya get off me back, there won’t be no cause for me to throw you off.” Jack said. Angel jumped off of Jack and the two girls stood in front of the boys.

“Why ya heading to Harlem?” Spades asked, knowing the answer.

“We looking for information on Pepper.” Spot said. “Know anything?”

“Maybe.” Angel said, almost challenging Spot.

“Yeah, well?” Spot waited.

“Ise don’t think ya should mess with ‘im Spot.” Spades said.

“Not your way Spot.” Angel quickly added. Spot looked at the two girls for a second and then resumed walking, expecting everyone to follow. Everyone did follow.

“Spades, Angel thanks for the advice, but Ise gonna do something about this.” Spot said.

“Yeah, we ain’t saying that ya shouldn’t, just don’t go barging in there.” Angel almost pleaded.

“I ain’t going to.” Spot said. “Ise figure out what ta do.” Spot said. Angel and Spades shrugged, that was as good as nothing from Spot but they had tried.

“What ya goyls doing out ‘ere?” Jack asked.

“Yeah don’t ya goyls have pockets ta pick?” Spot said. Spades shoot him a look.

“We don’t pick pockets Conlon, only on bad days. Me girls make their money fair and square.”

“Yeah off of drunks. Ise surprise one of ya ain’t gotten hurt.” Spot said.

“Thanks for your concern.” Angel said.

“Come on guys, this ain’t no time ta get into a fight.” Laces said. Spades and Spot looked at her.

“The kid’s got a point.” Spades said. Spot nodded.

“Happy Boythday kid!” Angel said, “16 Spot, ya getting old and grumpy.”

“Really no one noticed.” Laces said. Spot smirked.

“So where did ya get it Fia?” Spot asked. Spades shrugged.

“An old friend of ours.” She replied. Spot looked at bit confused but didn’t show it much.

“What’s the name?” Spot asked.

“Ise don’t think ya know ‘er by the name we do. And she knew ya from a long time ago.” Spades said.

“How long?’ Laces asked, interested in anything about Spot’s past, which she was still trying to find out about.

“Oh about 12 years.” Angel said softly. Spot and Jack looked at each other.

“Do Ise know ‘er?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, according to her ya do.” Spades said.

“Damn it Fia, who the ‘ell is it?” Spot said, getting annoying.

“Ya shouldn’t talk ta a person who has information that way.” Spades fiddled with her hair a bit. Spot gritted his teeth, and lowered his voice and got closer to Spades ear.

“Ise won’t be talking much more Spades.” He said. Spades grinned a bit, she’d love ta see if Spot would ever touched her, but she didn’t want to find out now.

“Called ‘erself Peach.” She finally said after a few seconds. Spot’s eyes widen and Jack kinda choked.

“Peach?” Spot asked after regaining his senses.

“Yeah.” Angel said. Laces looked from face to face, she had never heard anything about a peach.

“Why would Peach know anything about pepper’s gang, and be able to tell you?” Jack said.

“Let’s just say Ise think she might have been one of his goyls.” Spades said.

“Ise gonna kill that jerk.” Spot said to himself. Spades heard it too though and she shuddered at the thought.


Bottle Cap was standing on the street corner; every so often he would pick a pocket, and then move to the other side of the street. Cookie and Tangles were not far away from him; they were both about a block away from him in each direction. Around noontime Bottle Cap went into the building Peach lived in and after about 15 minutes Cookie and Tangles followed.

“Heya Peach!’ They said as they stepped into the small place, she called home.

“Tangles, Cookie how are you?’ She asked. They both shrugged.

“We’re fine.” Tangles answered. That’s good.

“Heya Tangles! Cookie!” Bottle Cap said from his place on the couch where he was playing with Pixie.

“Hey Cap, what ya doing out ‘ere?’ Cookie asked. Cap shrugged, in a casaul manner.

“Ise dunno, started heading this way. Ise just stopped by ta say hi, maybe catch a bit to eat.”

“Oh,” Cookie replied.

“Well, seeing as ya got enough company now Peach, Ise be seeing ya. I ain’t ‘aving a good day.” Cap said as he put Pixie down.

“Bye Cap!” The little girl said as she climbed onto the couch so that she could reach his cheek, and she gave him a small kiss. Bottle Cap smiled at her and returned the kiss as he swung her around, and then dropped her on the ground again.

“Bye Cap, hope your day gets better.” Peach said.

“See ya later.” Tangles said. Bottle Cap walked out of the door, and down the stairs, hoping that Laces won’t be late.


Laces, Spades, Angel, Spot and Jack were all walking together asking random newsies, or other children around if they knew anything about Pepper. Some gave a bit of information, most though just hurried off.

“Oh!” Laces said.

“What?” Angel asked.

“I forgot, that Caroline wanted me to go see her today. She also wanted me to tell some of me friends to join her tonight for dinner, sort of as a celebration.” Laces said.

“That’s nice.” Jack said.

“Yeah, well I promised her I would go around lunch and help her prepare. So why don’t all of you meet me there tonight. Ise gotta head over there now though.” Laces said. Spot gave Jack a look, putting his cane out in front of Laces.

“Ise don’t think it’s such a good idea that ya go by yourself.” He said.

“Spot, Ise don’t need a escort Ise can take care of meself.” Laces kicked Spot’s cane out of the way.

“ If it makes ya feel better Spot, I’ll go with the kid.” Angel said.

“No, Ise will be fine.” Laces quickly said. Spot gave her a quizzical look, then turned his attention to Angel.

“Go with her at least till she’s out of Harlem.” Spot said. “Your choice, if you go all the way or you come back looking for us.”

“That’s fine, I’ll just go with her all the way.” Angel nodded. Laces bit her lip looking back and forth from Spot and Angel. This was going to be a problem.


Peach was sitting at her table stirring some tea; Pixie was playing on the floor with a few spoons. Cookie and Tangles were sitting at the table with Peach.

“What brings you ‘ere?’ Peach asked suddenly.

“Nothing, we just wanted to see you.” Cookie answered.

“Ya followed him didn’t you?” Peach asked.

“Who?” Tangles asked.

“Bottle Cap.” Peach responded as she took a sip from her tea.

“Why would we do that?” Cookie asked.

“You can tell, something is wrong. ‘e is planning something.” Peach answered.

“So what if we are Peach?” Tangles let out a furstrated sigh.

“Nothing wrong with it. There is something going on though, and I’m not all that sure it’s something bad.” Peach said.

‘What’s going on?’ Cookie asked.

“I’m not sure, Two girl’s were ‘ere, say they’re good friend’s of Spot, and I don’t doubt that they were. Anyway they were asking about Pepper and Bottle Cap, they had seen him come here. They came right after you left. Conlon knows where the kid is and he isn’t going to quit until he’s back in Brooklyn.” Peach said.

“Pepper is in for a fight then?” Cookie asked.

“Yes.” Peach answered.

“Do you really believe that Conlon, and Kelly have a chance?’ Tangles asked.

“I think they have more then a chance,” Peach answered.


Angel and Laces were walking down a street away from Spot, Jack and Spades. Laces was walking fairly quickly, trying to think of a way to get rid of Angel, she was going to be late.

Angel meanwhile knew something was wrong, that Laces wasn’t really heading to her sister’s not yet at least. Angel also knew that Spot knew that, and Jack and Spades, they could all tell. Laces was a good lair most the time, actually she was excellent, but it wasn’t that she was lying, it was her undertone. The way she had said it and the way she had reacted to Spot, and how she had reacted to the idea of Angel accompanying her. They were a block away from forty-fourth and second when Laces said that she needed something from the market on the corner. Angel shrugged and said she would wait outside, knowing well enough that is what Laces had planned on.

“I’ll be right back.” Laces said. She entered the market and went through till she got to the other end, where she went out the back. Once she was out of the store, she ran her heart out for about a block till she got to the point that Bottle Cap had said. She stood there for a second looking around, thinking that she was too late. When someone whistled from the alleyway and Laces turned and walked into the alley, where Bottle Cap was.


Angel watched Laces go through the store, then she lost sight of her, but she knew that she would go out the back. So She went around and into the next building. Once in the building she found stairs that would take her to the roof, where she would be able to see everything. She got onto the roof just in time to see Laces walk into the alley across the street about two buildings away. Angel sat there, wondering who she was going to see in that alley.


Tangles and Cookie walked out of the building and looked around, no Bottle Cap no where. Tangles stamped his foot.

‘We lost him!” He said.

“Yeah, oh well we better get some more money ourselves. We ain’t exactly having the best day either.” Cookie said. Tangles shrugged, hoping that nothing would happen that was out of routine.


“What do you think the kid was so worried about?’ Spades asked.

“Bottle Cap.” Spot answered.

“Maybe that’s why she wanted to be alone, she was going to see him.” Jack suggested.

“Maybe, buy Ise don’t really think so. Maybe the kid just needed to get to Caroline’s. It’s just that it ain’t safe ‘er running around by herself.” Spot said.

“Yeah, Ise think that Pepper knows we’re around, actually Ise almost sure that ‘e knows. The little I know about Pepper is he takes any advantage he can have over anyone.” Jack said. Spades nodded.


“Bottle Cap!” Laces said, she took the boy in her arms.

“Happy Birthday Laces!” Bottle Cap said.

“Thank you, your getting taller!” Laces said as she messed up Bottle Cap’s hair a little.

“Yeah, just a bit.” Bottle Cap answered.

“Bottle Cap, why don’t you come home with me, Come see Squirt. Ise going to Caroline’s tonight.” Laces said. Bottle Cap’s face dropped.

“I can’t Laces, too much would go wrong.” Bottle Cap said.

“But Cap, You’d have Spot and the rest ta protect ya!’ Laces argued.

“Yeah, But I won’t ever be able to go out alone. They would find me, heck they would hurt anyone to get ta me. It’s just the way it works.” Bottle Cap said.

“Oh, I promise that we’ll figure out a way for you to come back to Brooklyn where you belong.” Laces said.

“I hope it’s something that won’t get anyone hurt. Even though that will be impossible.” Bottle Cap said the last part under his breath.

“Well I have to go, Spot didn’t let me come by myself and I have to get back to Angel.” Laces said. Bottle Cap nodded, so like Spot, so like Laces.

“I understand, greet Squirt for me. Have a great birthday Laces and wish Spot one too. Listen ta Spot, ‘e knows what ‘e is talking about.” Bottle Cap said. Laces looked at him, he was only 11 and he seemed so much older there hiding in the dark saying what he was saying. Laces shivered her poor boy.


Angel saw Laces come out of the alleyway, she hurried down the stairs and out of the building into the store where she pretended to have come looking for Laces, because she didn’t make it.

“Oh there you are, I thought you had gotten lost.” Angel said.

“Yeah, I’m sorry they don’t have what my sister wanted. Come on she must be waiting for us.” Laces said. Angel nodded giving Laces a side-look but never giving away that she knew where she had been. Angel was trying to figure out why Laces hadn’t just told Spot, why Bottle Cap was in an alley? These questions had many different answers and it was driving Angel insane that she could not in an answer to something.

The girls walked in silence towards Caroline’s. Angel shudder every time they passed an alleyway, there was something wrong with the alleys lately. A different feeling about them, and if anyone should know a different feeling about alleys it was Angel. She had been a resident of them many nights, she knew what they were suppose to feel like, what they were suppose to smell like, to her anyway. Lately there was something different; something bad was going to happen, she was sure of it.


Spot, Jack and Spades were walking around aimlessly through Harlem, everyone seem to have deserted the place.

“Someone scared them all away.” Spades sighed looking at the two boys who were with her.

“Might as well, head on to Caroline’s. She is a lot like Laces, when it comes to being on time to things they organize.” Spot said.

“Ya know what I would like to do?’ Jack sighed.

“Now what may that be Jacky-boy?” Spades asked, grinning, she always enjoyed using Spot’s nickname’s for people and it always happened on accident. She didn’t even know Laces knew Spot, nevertheless that he called her kid, but she called her kid.

“I would like ta see Peach.” Jack said looking at Spot.

“Ya always were soft on that goyl, hey but member ya going out with Sarah.” Spot said swinging as cane in no real attempt to hit Jack on the head with it, which showed because he missed by like a mile.

“Ise wasn’t soft on her. But she was pretty.” Jack said smiling. Spot nodded.

“She was, must give ‘er that.”

“Even though you were too involved with yerself ta notice anyone else around ya.” Jack said.

“Ise think ya may be mistaking that for what ‘e does now.” Spades commented. Spot shot her a glare and Kelly a warning look, which made the two quiet down, but not because they were afraid of Spot. By all means they were the only two people besides Angel and maybe Laces, who he had no real control over. It just wasn’t really something to dwell on much, and Spot wasn’t one to dwell on anything from his past much.

“’ere I’ll lead the way ta Peach’s place.” Spades said.

“Not long.” Jack said.

“Why don’t we just find out where it is, and we’ll stop by tomorrow when he start searching that section of town.” Spot said. Jack shrugged, and Spades nodded.


Laces and Angel walked into the small apartment, the one that Laces had grown up in her whole life until just a few years ago, not that long when she had gotten away. Now it felt more like home then it ever had before.

“Audrey where have you been?” Caroline asked, Laces rolled her eyes. Caroline still refused, or forgot to call her Laces, she insisted on using Audrey, and Laces was now use to it.

“Sorry, we got a little tangled up. Angel this is my sister Caroline. Caroline this is Angel one of Spades girls.” Laces said.

“Nice to meet you, Laces talks a lot about you, and Spades.” Caroline said.

“Yeah, well ya shouldn’t really listen to hear, she has been around Spot to long. That can be bad for a person.” Angel said. Caroline nodded.

“Yes, it can.” She laughed a bit, shaking her head as she headed back into the kitchen. Scott came running into the apartment and smacked into Laces. Laces twirled around and lifted the small boy and spun him around before she flopped him onto the couch.

“Now mister that ain’t no way ta enter a house, what if Ise had been someone important?” Laces tickled Scott.

“Stop! Laces stop!” Scott squealed.

“Yeah, Ise stopping Squirt.” Laces said as she stopped and stood back up. “Angel this is me uncivil nephew Scott, Ya heard of him. Most who meet ‘im call ‘im squirt.” Laces said.

“ah, ya get stuck with a nickname ya don’t got a choice in either?’ Angel asked getting down eye level to the little boy. He nodded vigorously. As his eyes widened and he stared at Angel.

“Scott go get cleaned up.” Caroline called from her kitchen. Scott took one more look at Angel then he scurried off.

“Cute Kid,” Angel commented. Laces nodded.


“Girls come in here chat and help.” Caroline said. The girls both grinned as the walked over to the kitchen and helped Caroline prepare.

“Now why did you bring Angel so early?’ Caroline asked, she never was one to keep her mouth shut and stay in her own business. She always got involved, always wanted to know why things happened.

“Spot didn’t want me to come by myself.’ Laces said.

“But you are just a few blocks away, is there another war going on?” Caroline asked alarmed. “I must say Spot and Jack are tempered boys if they are in another war, who is it with this time? There aren’t many territories left.’ Caroline looked like a hen that had just been ruffled by a small boy with a stick. Laces smiled a bit at the sight of her sister, she looked like her mother had before the pregnancy.

“ Caroline, there is no war.” Laces said.

“Oh, then why did Spot not want you to come alone?’ Caroline proceeded in her questioning.

“We were all in Harlem.” Angel said as she blew some hair that had strayed from her ponytail.

“Why were you in Harlem, Harlem isn’t safe yet is it?’ Caroline sounded worried.

“We were looking.” Laces said.

‘Looking..” Caroline looked at Laces with a confused face for a second and then she nodded. “Oh, nothing?”

“Nothing. Not really anyway. Spot didn’t want me traveling alone through Harlem.” Laces said.

“Understandable, if ever there was a doubt in my mind about that boy, I always remember how it protects you.” Caroline nodded.

“Protects me, controls is more like it.” Laces grunted.

“Bigger control freak there could not be.” Angel smiled.

“Yes but still, it makes me feel better knowing that you are under Spot and Jack’s eyes, if not mine.”

The girls laughed, but deep down they both knew that Caroline was right, it was always good to have Jack and Spot looking after you.


“Look that building right there, you go up to the second floor the first door on the right.’ Spades said. The boys both nodded.

“It’ll be nice ta se Peach.” Jack said.

“Yeah.” Spot agreed.

“I just hope she won’t upset you more.” Spades mumbled, neither Spot nor Jack heard her though.

“Come on we betta pick up the pace, Caroline should be waiting.” Spades said, hurrying along more. In a bit of fear that Bottle Cap might turn up and that wasn’t the best thing right now. The three teens all started fast walking in silence all the way to Caroline’s.

They got there in a good time considering where they were coming from and their pace, Spot knocked on the door.


Laces went to get the door; it was about time that those three arrived. She opened the door and smiled at Jack, then at Spot and Spades.

“Bout time.” She said.

‘Yeah well, we got a little caught up.” Jack said. Laces nodded. Spot made a mental note, Laces was going to stay in Brooklyn tonight.

“Come in, don’t stand there like doorstops.’ Caroline called as she took off her apron and walked into her small living room. Angel followed her and the three teens that had just arrived walked into the apartment. Scott came tumbling out of his room and headed over to Spot and Jack.

“SPOT!” Scott yelled. Spot patted Scott’s head, a bit shocked about the greeting but not really. He picked Scott up a littte bit for him to be eye level.

“Ya being good?” Spot asked. Scott nodded.

“Coise.” Spot nodded and put Scott back down. Spades and Angel were in best efforts trying to not laugh. Spot and the little boy was just such a new way to see Spot, it was really funny. Spot shot them a look that told them to shut up, which made the two burst into laughter. Laces and Jack looked at them confused.

“What’s so funny?” Jack asked.

“Nothing, don’t pay attention to those two.” Spot said. Caroline looked at them all and shrugged.

“Come on let’s go eat,” She leaded the way to the table where Jim was already sitting.

“Hey Jim.” Laces and Spot said.

“Hey you two, happy Birthday.” Jim stood up and gave Laces a hug and Spot a handshake. They all sat down, Scott sat in-between Spot and Jack, and Laces sat next to Spot and Spades. Everything that had been made was gone in record time, everyone ate until they could eat no more, and then Caroline brought out a cake.

“Happy Birthday to you.” The chorus started, the song was sung twice because of Spot, and Laces. The party ended fairly quickly, Jack having to head back to Manhattan, and Spades and Angel having to get back to their place.

“Well I better be going.” Jack said. “I really got to be heading back to Manhattan.” Jack shook hands with Jim and pecked Caroline on the cheek. He nodded to the rest, and messed up Scott’s hair.

“Ya staying in Manhattan Kid?’ Jack asked Laces. Laces was starting to get up but Spot tripped her in a way to get her to sit back down.

“Nah Jack, she has some business in Brooklyn.” Spot said sending Laces a warning to not contradict him. Laces glared at Spot but nodded at Jack, who smiled at the scene as he walked out. Spades and Angel also got up.

“Yeah we better be getting back, I gotta check up on me goyls.” Spades said.

“Thank you Caroline, Nice meeting you. Bye Jim, See ya around squirt.” Angel said giving the boy a hug.

“Laces come by tomorrow.” Spades said.

“Spot stay out of trouble.” Angel whispered to Spot right before she followed Spades out the door.

Laces helped pick up a bit then her and Spot also left because Scott won’t go to bed until they left.

“Laces wait.” Caroline said. Laces stopped at the door. Caroline ran into the bedroom and came out holding a small wooden frame.

“Here I thought you might like this, Happy Birthday dear.” Caroline handed Laces a picture of Caroline, Jim and Scott. It was a few years old, Scott being younger.

“Thanks Caroline.” Laces said.

“Welcome.” With that Laces and Spot walked out of the apartment and Caroline closed the door.

“Now Spot, what was this all about me staying in Brooklyn?” Laces demanded once they got out onto the street.

“I didn’t want ya ta stay in Manhattan.” Spot answered. Laces glared at Spot.

“How many times have I told you that I can make me own decisions!” Laces said stamping her foot. Spot laughed.

“How in love are you with Kelly?” Spot asked. Laces went into shock, her eyes bulged out and her mouth hung open. When she regained her senses, she tried to talk.

“Wh-w-what?” Laces stuttered.

“Ya known what, I can see it when you look at ‘im. You practically drool over him.” Spot said.

“I Do NOT!” Laces said.

“Now I’ve been trying to figure out a reason why you don’t go to Manhattan as much as you use to, It cause of Jack.” Spot said.

“No, No it’s not. I love Pockets. And Jack loves Sarah.” Laces said.

“Sure, you convince yourself of that, and maybe it’ll come true one day.” Spot said. They were in front of the lodging house now. They walked in up to their rooms and before Spot entered his he turned and looked at Laces.

“You just member one thing, Jack has a goyl. You don’t go getting entangled in that mess, it’s something you can do well.” Spot said. Laces slammed the door to her room at him. Spot just shrugged, it was true.


“Oh, Spot is so… Oh I can’t stand that boy, ‘e’s just awful!” Laces paced back and forth in her room. She fumed like that for a few more seconds then sat on the bed.

“I wonder if I’m that noticeable, if Jack can tell?” Laces worried to herself. She let down her hair and quickly changed into her nightgown as she thought about it. She shuddered.

“I do like Pockets though, and I don’t wanna hurt our relationship and I don’t wanna ruin Jack’s with Sarah.” She said as she closed her eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.


Spot threw himself on his bed. He stared at the ceiling, So Laces was in love with Jack. That was sure something. What did Jack have that he didn’t have? Not that Spot even wanted Laces anymore in the sense of romance, because he didn’t. He had been obsessed with her, never in love or so he thought. Spot had never been in love everyone who ever had a relationship was just a goyl to keep him entertained. Laces had been a bit different, somewhat of an unspoken competition between Jack and himself. Spot didn’t think he had fallen in love though, that was impossible Spot Conlon had never been in love. He wasn’t planning to be in love any time soon either.

Everything that had happened and Laces finally revealed that she had fallen for Jack. Spot laughed.

“Two kisses from me and Jack gave her one that made more of an impression, that’s something new.”


Cheeky, Shady, Candy, Vigor and Scorch were all in the lobby, the gang’s favorite place to hang out awaiting their leaders return.

“Ya know the least Spades could do after making us clean up is get back ‘ere on time.” Shady said.

“She did say that she might be late.” Cheeky said.

Someone entered. Candy sighed, as she moved a bit from her chair.

“If that’s O’Riley again I swear to you, that Ise going to beat that boy’s head in.” Candy stood almost waiting for Blue to come walking in so she could pounce on him.

“Now what is that I hear? Candy ya planning on hurtin’ me boy?” Spades sauntered into the room, Angel not far behind her.

“No, coise not.” Candy mumbled a bit. “Just that boy acts as if he were a kitten without his mother.” Cheeky started to giggle.

“Now I resent that comment Candy.” Blue walked in. Spades began to laugh. Angel walked over to the counter and sat herself next to Shady who was now sitting up instead of lying on top of it. Blue walked up to Spades and gave her a kiss.

“I missed me goyl.” Blue said.

“Ya, if anyone should know it should be us. Lost puppy without an owner.” Shady grumbled.

“Hey, Spades ya goyls are ta liberal. Don’t they know that men are the people that make the world go round?” Blue said, in a joking manner. Spades glared at him.

“Your wearing out your welcome O’Riley.’ Spades said. Blue threw his hands up in surrender.

“I just came by ta see me goyl, nuthing more.” Blue said.

“Well if that’s it, ya leaving now? Ise really sick of looking at you.” Scorch said. Blue shot her a look but shrugged.

“Ya goyls are all sure been in bad moods for the past day.”

“So we have, who wouldn’t be if they had some stray lost puppy on squirreling around their feet all day.” Candy said. Blue opened his mouth to say something more, but decided against it.

“Fine Ise leaving, hope ya goyls are in a better mood tomorrow. Spades lemme out, jeez maybe the air in ‘ere is getting ta ‘em.” Blue said, as giving Spades one more kiss and heading out the door, before any more insults could come his way.

“Goyls nice job cleaning up. And it won’t kill ya ta be a little nice ta poor Blue.” Spades said looking at her girls. They just moaned a little Spades took an empty chair that was near her and sat down in it.

“So what ‘appened?” Cheeky asked.

“Nothing much, Ise told Jack and Spot that we saw Peach.” Spades said.

“Yeah, what they say?” Shady asked.

“Nothing much, asked a few things. And after you went after Laces they asked where she lived, they gonna go see ‘er tomorrow.” Spades said. Angel nodded.

“Why did you go after Laces? Something ‘appen to the kid?’ Scorch asked.

“Nah, Spot just didn’t want ‘er going through Harlem alone. That’s all. That reminds me the kid, she wasn’t only going to Caroline’s.” Angel said.

“We figured as much.” Spades replied.

“She told me she was going into the store looking for something Caroline wanted, she snuck out the other way though and went into a alley where she meet with the boy, Bottle Cap.” Angel said.

“This is going to become a sticky situation, ain’t it?’ Cheeky asked. Spades and Angel nodded.

“Most say that it will.” Spades said.


The Next day

Spot was walking along, early in the morning, heading towards Manhattan where him and Jack would sell a few papers before they went to go see Peach.

“Peach.” Spot thought to himself. “Never did think I would see her again.” Spot shook his head. He never thought he’d see a lot of things again, and he had been proven wrong a few times. Spot took a deep breath and swung his cane around while he remember when he had first meet Peach, back in 1889 when Spot was five he had gone to the orphange. Against his will, but he had gone with his little sister Fiona. Spot shivered as he remembered his little sister. When Spot first arrived he met Jack, or Francis as he was called back then, and both became friends quickly. Spot smiled as he remembered how Fiona had also loved Jack, she followed him around like a lost puppy. That same day Peach had taken a liking to Spot, she thought him to be adorable.

“Stop it.” Spot said to himself. “What are you doing membering all this when ya don’t got ta.” Spot scolded himself, and tried to think of something else as he finished his walk to Manhattan.


Rick came stomping up the stairs, and began knocking on Laces door.

“Go away!” Came the muffled replied of Laces who was not planning on getting up any time soon. Rick laughed, walking across the hall to the bunkroom where he began yelling for them to get up. Most the Brooklyn newsies got up without much of a fuss, sure there were groans and moans but they got up nonetheless.

“Hey one of you guys, after ya done getting ready go get the Kid outta bed, she ain’t getting up.” Rick said as he walked out of the room. Pockets smiled.

“Won’t Conlon do it?’ He asked.

“Yeah, but ‘e ain’t ‘ere so someone body else gets the chance.” Rick replied. Pockets smiled and hurrily got ready and headed for Laces room. He walked in without knocking, letting the sunlight flooded Laces room when he opened the shutters.

“GO AWAY!” Laces yelled as she ducked under her pillow. Pockets went over and sat on the bed; thinking about how he could get Laces to get up without getting hurt himself. He didn’t think much before he tore the pillow away from her, Laces sat up and stared at him. Before she could say anything though he planted a kiss on her lips to keep her from yelling at him. Laces gave in to the kiss, and when Pockets finally pulled away. He grinned at her.

“Morning sunshine.” He said. Laces glared at him.

“Don’t ever do that again, when I say go away you go away ya hear?’ Laces pointed a finger at him. Pockets laughed.

“Ah, come on, tell me ya didn’t enjoy that and I won’t ever do it again.” Laces looked at him a second and then giggled.

“Fine, fine, go away lemme get dressed you rotten boy.” Laces sent Pockets away. Getting up and getting ready for her day. She came out in five minutes and there stood Pockets leaning against the wall next to her room.

“Where’s Conlon this fine Morning?” Laces asked. Pockets shrugged.

“Rick said he left early this morning.”

“That can’t be good.” Laces sighed.

“Maybe not.” Pockets said.

“Well you go ahead and get your papers I might see you later!’ Laces said as she ran down the stairs. Pockets followed her.

“Where ya going?’ He asked.

“Spades place.” She replied.

“Oh, have fun say hi ta the goyls. I heard they were in bad moods, Blue was practically eaten last night when he went to see Spades.” Pockets said.

“He was probably being annoying.” Laces laughed as she head out the door and ran over to Spades place.


Jack came down the stairs, and Spot walked through the door.

“Hey Jacky-boy. Good I caught ya before you left.” Spot said.

“Hey Spot.” Jack said, as he patted his friend on the back. Race, Blink and Mush who were behind Jack looked confused.

“Anything wrong Spot?’ Mush asked.

“No why?’ Spot asked.

“Well no real reason, just Laces ain’t with ya. She sick, we haven’t seen her in a little while.” Race said. Jack laughed and Spot grinned.

“Nothin’ wrong with ‘er, she was sleeping when Ise left. The kid don’t like mornings.” Spot said.

“Ise surprised that you even got up, can’t say that I member you liking mornings too much either.” Jack said. Spot poked Jack with his cane.

“Ise ain’t the only one who don’t like mornings.” Spot said. Jack nodded.

“Anyway, Jack we selling and then seeing…” Spot started. Jack nodded though, and so Spot didn’t finish his sentence as the boys walked out of the lodging house. Race, Blink and Mush gave each other curious looks.

“Who ya going to see?” Blink asked.

“None of ya business Blink.” Jack replied. Blink shrugged, they would find out sooner or later. David joined them at the distrubition office.

“Hey Walking Mouth!” Spot said to him. Dave smiled.

“I really don’t like that name,” He said.

“Yeah, well it ain’t me fault ya went with ya big mouth and started trying ta talk Spot into the strike here.” Jack said.

“Yeah well. I talk a lot when I am nervous.” Dave mumbled. Spot and Jack laughed. The window opened the seller came out.

“How many?” He asked Jack.

“The usual.” He said slapping down 50 cents. A scab brought Jack his papers, and Spot followed also getting a hundred, and then Dave also getting a hundred. The three boys headed out to Central Park and sat down to scan their so called headlines.

“Ya know with all that money that Pulitzer’s got he should at least be able to afford ta get someone ta write decent headlines.” Jack said, as he looked for at least one headline he could work with. Spot nodded.

“Well Jack, he just likes to use his money in his circulation wars against Hearst.” Dave said in a as a matter of a fact way. Spot and Jack looked at him.

“Dave, don’t comment on everything we say. It gets annoying sometimes.” Jack said. David shrugged and nodded.

“Spot what brings you around these parts so early in the morning?” David asked.

“Well, Jack and me are gonna go see and old friend this afternoon. Gonna get some information about Pepper from her.”

“Oh, Jack ya got back late last night, I don’t know if Snipes remembered to tell you.” David said, turning his attention to Jack.

“What?’ Jack asked.

“I found out that Pepper is using the old abandon dock right now, that’s where he is living with all his pick pockets. There is also that rumor that one of Spot’s boys got tangled up with Pepper.” David said. Jack and Spot nodded.

“Yeah that’s pretty much all the information that we picked up too.” Jack said.

“Yeah but there was one more rumor flying around East Side. Pepper is planning to kill someone soon.” David said, looking at both Jack and Spot.

“There wasn’t anything being said bout who?” Spot asked.

“No, nothing just something about a killing.” David said.

“Well, we see what else we can find out. Let’s sell our papers now. David can ya come with us ta go see our friend?’ Jack asked. David nodded. The boys spit up heading to their own spots to sell their papers.


Laces ran into Spades place, no one was up yet.

“Great now, I have wake ‘em up without ‘em killing me.” Laces mumbled as she climbed the stairs. She entered the first room on the right where Cheeky slept.

“Cheeky?” Laces said softly as she approached Cheeky’s bed. Cheeky was sleeping like a log.

“Cheeky?” Laces said a little louder. Still nothing, Laces took a deep breath.

“CHEEKY!” Laces screamed. Cheeky jumped and fell on the floor. Laces jumped back standing by the door ready to bolt. Cheeky struggled in her blankets a bit, but finally sat up and glared at Laces.

“Why did you wake me up?” Cheeky said almost calmly.

“Well cause no one was up yet and you are the first room.” Laces fiddled with her hands.

“Laces honey, lemme tell you something.” Cheeky beckoned Laces to her. Laces didn’t move though, she wasn’t letting Cheeky get any advantage by her moving closer. Cheeky sighed.

“NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!” She yelled. At the yelled Laces bolted out of the room and across the hall to Shady’s room. Shady was in a deep sleep also, Laces was a little surprised considering how Cheeky had just yelled at her.

“Maybe I should try a different approach to Shady.” Laces said. She went over to Shady and started shaking Shady softly, seeing as Shady didn’t even react she started doing it harder. Still nothing, Laces pushed Shady right off the bed, and didn’t even wait for a response just ran out the door. She walked into Scorch’s room.

“Maybe, what can I do?’ Laces looked around the room, there was a bucket in one of the corners. Laces walked over to the bucket, she looked into it. There was water in it.

“She’s going to kill me.” Laces mumbled to herself but then smiled wickedly and picked up the bucket and stood halfway to the door and halfway to the bed and heaved the bucket, slowly preparing to throw it on her. Then Splash! Scorch bolted right up.

“What the fuck!’ She rubbed her eyes and looked around, she only caught a glimpse of someone shutting the door behind them.

“Will I live to see them all awake, the way things are going I don’t know.” Laces walked slowly into her next victim’s room. She entered Vigor’s room.

“Ya know, maybe if I wake up Spades she can get them all up.” Laces thought to herself and exited Vigor’s room and went to the end of the hall to Spades room. It sounded as if Spades was already awake though and talking to someone. Laces stood in front of the door, and put her ear up to listen to the conversation. She heard a few words before three doors flew open, and out came mad looking Shady, and Cheeky and a soaking wet Scorch, who didn’t look to happy either. They went over to Laces, Laces edged away from them.

“Why did you wake us up?’ Shady demanded.

“Ise need ya guys.” Laces said.

“Ya didn’t have to have it rain on me to get me up!” Scorch yelled.

“Well…” Laces started.

“Get ‘er!” Shady said as they ran throws Laces. Laces screamed running past them and into Spades room. Spades and Angel had been talking when Laces bursted in screaming a hoped behind them both. Shady, Cheeky and Scorch followed close behind trying to get at her.

“What is going on?” Spades demanded. Putting her hands on her hips, she let Laces stay behind her and faceed Cheeky, Shady and Scorch, who was dripping all over the floor.

“That little, She woke us all up.” Shady said holding up a fist for Laces to see. Angel started to laugh.

“Ya goyls weren’t up yet? It’s near noon.” Spades asked.

“Well no, we were sleeping.” Cheeky said.

“Yeah, well ya should be working. Now go on, leave the kid alone she did you guys a favor. Go on, get dressed and go out onto those streets, there’s a lot of money down there.” Spades said. The three grumbled a bit but left the room. Scorch turning back giving Laces one last look, and warned her.

“Ya ever do that again, you won’t live to see the light of day!” She said as she closed the door.

Spades laughed, “I won’t recommended doing that again either. That wasn’t one of your brightest ideas Kid. Now what’s wrong? Why ain’t you selling papes? And Ise thought you were going to Manhattan?’ Spades asked.

“Well, Spot wanted me in Brooklyn and I woke up this morning and he wasn’t there, someone said that he headed over to Manhattan. I don’t know why he didn’t wake me and ‘e didn’t mention anything last night.”

“Well we knew he was going to Manhattan but as to why ‘e didn’t take you Ise can’t say.” Angel said.

“We are heading over there right now Kid, why don’t ya join us. Maybe learn some tricks of our trade.” Spades said. Laces nodded.

“Anything that isn’t anywhere near Scorch, Cheeky and Shady and I’m fine.” Angel and Spades laughed.

“Great kid, come on.”


“Come on Conlon! Dave, We going to Tibby’s. We’ll finish selling as soon as we have some lunch.” Jack said. David nodded and Spot came over to them.

“It shouldn’t take us long after lunch.” Spot said.

“Nah, not long at all. I hope Les hasn’t gotten into any trouble.” David said scanning the street they were on for any sign of his younger brother.

“Why? Been causing trouble lately?’ Spot asked.

“Well sort of.” Dave responded. Spot looked surprised.

“What’s the kid been doing?” Spot asked.

“Well, he’s just been doing some things ‘e shouldn’t be. Not coming home on time, Ise think ‘e’s picking up the smoking habit and Momma told ‘im not ta.” Dave said. Jack frowned.

“Why didn’t ya tell me Dave, want me ta talk with the kid?” Jack asked. Dave shrugged.

“If ya think it will be of any help.” The boys entered Tibby’s heading to their regular booth.


Spades, Angel and Laces were not every far from Tibby’s about another three or four whole blocks before they got there.

“They should be at lunch, right?” Spades said, asking Laces. Laces nodded.

“Yeah they should be.” Laces nodded.

“Hey we should race, see who gets there faster!” Angel said. Spades shurgged.

“We could, it would get us there faster, put us to the test of our fitness.” Spades nodded.

“Okay, on your set get set…” Angel didn’t even finished they went running down the street, turning ever so often into shortcuts, all following one another though. Laces last, Spades and Angel almost neck and neck most of the way.

The girls ran through the door in Tibby’s stumbling onto the chair that Race was sitting in.

“HEY!” Race yelled out, Spades and Angel went tumbling onto the floor and Laces came in last, more so walking now then running. Race looked down at Spades and Angel then back at Laces.

“Trouble follows you, don’t it?” He asked, grinning.

“No it leads me, but it runs into you.” Laces smiled back. Race got up and helped Angel get up and then Spades.

“Thanks Race.” They grumbled. “I won!” they both said at the same time. Race laughed.

“Ah a race, I bet…” Race closed his eyes and did a small humming noise, and then opened his eyes. “That ya tied.” He said. The girls gave him a small glare but then headed over to the table where Jack, Dave and Spot were.

“Heya Guys!” Angel said.

“Do ya guys like ta follow us?” Spot asked. Laces nodded.

“Yup. We like to keep track of ya. How come ya didn’t wake me this morning?” Laces asked.

“Laces!” Blink signalrd her over to his table. Laces smiled and got up to go say hi, not waiting for her answer. Spot looked after her.

“This her idea, to come looking for me?” Spot asked Spades. She shook her head.

“Nah, we was going to come anyway, she was just around fore we left.” Spades said back.

“So how are ya boys?” Angel asked.

“Ya just saw us yesterday we haven’t changed much, we are going to see Peach.” Jack said.

“Yeah we know, one of the reasons we decided we would join ya.” Spades commented nodding her head.

“Fine. Well come on, were heading over there now.” Spot said getting up from the table.

“Laces!” Angel called Laces over to them again.

“We’re going kid, ya going come?” Spades asked.

“Yeah, I go.” She said. The group headed out the door.

“Where we going?” Laces asked, skipping along next to David.

“We’re heading ta forty-fourth and second.” Spot said. Laces started coughing almost instantly. Dave started to pat her on the back.

“Are ya okay? What’s wrong?” Dave asked. Jack, Spot and Spades stared at Laces. Angel give her a sideways glance, she almost grinned to herself inside.

“She thinks we’ve found her out.” Angel thought to herself. Laces calm down and nodded to Dave.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just got a dry throat and choked that’s all.” Laces managed to say. Spot frowned at her but started walking again, and so did Jack and Spades.

“She has a kid.” Spades said.

“Who has a kid?” Laces asked, no one paid attention to her though.

“What’s the kid’s name?” Spot asked.

“Well I haven’t let’s say really heard the kid’s real name, but she called her Pixie.” Spades replied.

“Who?” Laces asked again still no one paid any attention to her. She started to fall back and walk behind then to a distance where she couldn’t hear so that she wouldn’t get curious about it and want to ask and have no one answer. David looked back and saw her slowly pulled back so that he was in no hearing distance, he was paying little attention as it was because he didn’t know much about this Peach either, decided to join her.

“Bored?” He asked her once he had fallen behind so that he was next to her.

Laces was a bit startled because she had not noticed that David was now standing next to her.

“Yeah, you could say so.” She managed to say once she recomposed herself. Dave grinned.

“So ya never heard of this Peach either?” He asked her.

“Well not very much and only a bit in the last few days.” Laces said.

“Oh. So what were you thinking about?” Dave asked. Laces blushed a little, she looked over at Dave who was staring ahead, she breath a sigh of relief that he had not seen her blush.

“Oh. Spot and Jack’s past.” She stuttered out. Dave nodded.

“Where were ya during the strike?” Dave asked suddenly.

“Harlem, ya know that.” Laces replied, almost annoyed at the fact that he made her remember.

“Oh, yeah well ya might say that some of Jack’s past slipped during that time.” Dave said nodding.

“Yeah, I heard that he’s real name is Francis Sullivan and that he’s dad is an ex-convict.” Laces said.

“Everyone heard that much of it.” Dave nodded. Laces looked at him curiously, he knew something more she knew he did, she also could tell he was fighting with himself over if he should tell her or not.

“Dave! Laces! Come on. You two sure do drag behind. We’re ‘ere!” Spades yelled. Laces snapped out of her trace and Dave did also.

“They call.” Dave said.

“They always do. Race ya?’ Laces grinned.

“All right.” Dave said. They took their stands.

“Get ready…” Laces said and then took off, Dave running after her yelling about how she cheated. Laces got into the building and Dave was right behind her. Spot and Jack turned their attention to them when they stumbled in.

“Stop fooling around you two.” Jack said. Laces frowned at Jack but said nothing about it, just tried to catch her breath and try to keep from laughing at the faces that Dave was making at her. The group walked up the stairs of the building and stood in front of the door.

“Well knock.” Jack said to Spot. Spot nodded and took a deep breath before knocking. The door opened slowly and out peeked a small face, a tiny little girl stood there, staring at Jack, then at Spot. Then she saw Spades. She threw the door open and jumped into Spades arms.

“Ya came back!” She said, in her little baby voice. Spades laugh.

“Yeah I did, and I brought some friends.” She said. “Now you shouldn’t be opening the door where is your mom?’ Spades asked, looking into the little girl’s eyes.

Just then Peach came to the door, in an apron, holding a pan that she was drying. “Pixie dear, where are you, you didn’t open that door did you?’ She looked at the crowd in front of her door and dropped the pan, her mouth dropped open and she just stared from Jack, to Spot, to Spades and last to her own little girl.

“Nice ta see ya again, Peach.” Spot said.

“Ya remember us? Or ya just surprised to see some people you don’t know.” Jack asked her. Peach stared at the two boys, then at Spades for reassurance of her thoughts. She was silent for a moment, never noticing Dave and Laces that stood behind everyone else.

“Come ‘ere my boys.” Peach finally said opening her arms to Jack and Spot. They both gave Peach and hug; she kissed them on the cheek, holding them close for a second almost as if they were imaginary before letting them in.

“Come in, Come in.” Peach said, leading them in as she picked up the pot that was on the floor. Everyone entered the small living space.

“Peach meet, David Jocabs, and Laces.” Jack said introducing the last two to enter the room.

Peach greeted David and then turned to Laces, she looked at her and gasped.

“Is something s’matter?” Laces asked. Peach shook her head vigorously.

“No nothing honey, I just seem to have short of breath some times.” Peach gave Laces one more look before turning back to Jack and Spot.

“How have my boys been? I heard ya been causing trouble, didn’t ya promise me ya would stay out of trouble?’ Peach laughed. Jack and Spot sheepishly grinned.

“We ain’t been causing trouble.” Jack said.

“You ‘ave gotten better at lying Cowboy, I must say I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” Peach said as she went to put her pot away.

“Ah, Come on Peach. ‘E was never bad at it.” Spot said.

“No, no can’t say that ‘e was but now ‘e down right looks like ‘e telling the truth.” Peach said. Jack smiled and so did Spot. Spades, Laces and David sat on the couch playing with Pixie.

“Where’s Pixie?’ Peach suddenly said.

“Right ‘ere Peach.” Spades said. Peach looked over at Pixie.

“Pixie.” Peach said.

“What momma?” Pixie replied in an almost defiant voice, if a small child can have much of one.

“Pixie. I told you not to answer that door.” Peach said, getting angry. Spot and Jack bit their lip, to keep from laughing at the scene, considering it was terribly dangerous to have Pixie defying her mother on something like opening a door when told not to.

“But,” Pixie started.

“No, no buts. I don’t want to hear them ya hear. When I say something I mean what I say. Understood?” Peach asked. Pixie dropped her head and nodded.

“Now go to your room, you’re going to take an early nap.” Peach said. Pixie shook her small head.

“No momma, Ise promise I won’t do it again, I promise! Please no nap.” Pixie said. Peach looked at her small child who was sitting in Spades lap.

“Now Pixie, don’t make me go over there.” Peach said. Now Jack and Spot were sure they would start laughing unless the child listened. Spot walked over to Pixie, Jack following.

“Now Pixie is it?” Spot asked. The child nodded.

“What’s your name?’ She asked.

“I’m Spot Conlon and this ‘ere is Jack Kelly.” Spot said nodding over to Jack who was right next to him.

“Now, Pixie why don’t you be a good girl and do what your momma says?” Jack asked. Pixie shook her head,

“Ise don’t want ta.” She said in a whisper, in fear that her mother would come take her away now if she heard her say so.

“Ah, but Pixie did you open the door?” Spot asked. Pixie looked at Spot and Jack then peeked over them and looked at her mother who was frowning at the whole scene. She nodded.

“And were you told not to open the door?” Jack asked. She nodded again.

‘Then you have to take responsibility for your actions, ya wanna be a big girl don’t you?” Spot said. Pixie nodded again.

“Then you have to do what big girls do, they take responsibility for their actions.’ Jack finished off. Dave poked at Laces with his elbow at Jack’s words; Laces gave him a look. They were both being quite entertained by this scene. Pixie reluctantly got off of Spades lap, and started to walk away from the small crowd.

“Hey kid, see ya around. Maybe next time ya can hear a story about your momma when she was young.” Spot said. Pixie nodded. As she turned into her room. Once Pixie was out of sight, Peach giggled.

“Now, I would have never thought to have seen that from my boys.” Jack and Spot laughed.

‘Ya never change. Still the same. Just glad we save the kid from the wrath of Peach, unless it has gotten softer.” Jack said.

“I wasn’t that bad with ya boys, you were horrible little things.” Peach said.

“We were not, we were little angels, it’s just dat Cookie blamed everything on us.” Jack said. Peach laughed.

“Sure, lying really isn’t something ya should make such a habit of boys.” Peach said. Spades, Laces and David sat there looking at the three young people; feeling as if they didn’t belong there which they really didn’t at all.

“Well boys, I wish I didn’t have to throw you out like this but I am a little busy right now.” Peach said. Jack and Spot nodded.

“No problem Peach, we’ll come visit another time. Ya take care, don’t be too hard on the kid.’ Spot said. Peach laughed as she kissed him on the cheek. Then she hugged Jack, who was a few inches taller than her.

“Grown into such a big boy.” Peach said to Jack in almost a whisper. Jack smiled down at her. Then she looked at David, Spades and Laces.

“Well nice meeting you David. Hope to see you around.” Peach hugged David. Spades got up and last Laces.

“Spades, drop by with Angel. All Pixie does is ask about you two now.” Peach said. Spades nodded.

“Will do.” Last Peach turned at Laces, and looked her in the eyes. Laces could have sworn to see her shudder.

“Well bye Laces, nice to meet you too my dear.’ She said. The group was heading out the door; Spades last, when Peach stopped her.

“Spades?’ She whispered into her ear.

“Yeah?’ Spades asked.

“Laces, what is her last name?” Peach asked.

“Kai, why?” Spades asked.

“Audrey?” Peach asked. Spades looked at Peach surprised.

“I think that’s her real name yeah.” Spades said.

“Oh. Bye Spades.” Peach said.

“Bye Peach.” Spades frowned but said nothing more as she skipped down the stairs.


Bottle Cap was wandering the abandon docks which had been his home for some time now. He had done his work for the day but was denying the return to the abandon warehouse now called home. He went over to a post and sat on it, almost as a sudden action that he just did without thinking about it.

He was perched on it as he looked out onto the waters in front of him.

“What’s on yer mind kid?” Cookie said behind him, Bottle cap acted as if she were there, she hadn’t even startled him, and he had been expecting her or Tangles to come sooner or later. It just worked that way. It had for the longest time; Bottle Cap never really had any time alone, he knew that Tangles and Cookie knew that he wanted to go back to Brooklyn and sooner or later. He would find a way to get there but he also knew they would try to keep him from going anywhere, for his own safety and the safety of everyone else.

“Nuthin’” Bottle Cap replied not moving after a long silence. Cookie looked at him, sitting up on that post, his shadow being outlined by the setting sun.

“You’ve grown.” She said softly. Bottle Cap said nothing so she kept talking. “Ya look like someone I once knew sitting up there on that post.” Bottle Cap titled his head and finally looked back at her.

“Who?” He asked, almost daring her to say who he reminded her of.

“I can’t place it.” She said as she walked over to him. He stared at her, but said nothing, he knew who it was he reminded her of and he knew that she remembered who he reminded her of.

“Yeah.” Bottle Cap nodded and then hopped down, knowing that she wasn’t going to leave him alone until he went in.

“Have a good day?” Cookie asked. Bottle Cap shrugged.

“If this is a day you could call good, then sure.” He replied. Cookie nodded saying nothing more about it as they walked into the warehouse. Pepper sat on his box that never moved his silently claimed throne.

“Ah! Cookie dear! And Jim. Just on time, what ya bring me?” He asked, almost in a warm manner as if he were some family relation to the two. Bottle Cap tossed Pepper two wallets.

“Business was slow today, but I got ya some.” Bottle Cap said. Pepper opened the wallets and nodded.

“That’s what I like about you, you always bring me what I want no matter the business. Don’t worry about getting me much tomorrow.” Pepper said to Bottle Cap. Bottle Cap nodded and headed to the sleeping area. He walked over to his blanket.

“Tangles!’ He called over to the only other friend besides Cookie he had in the joint.

“What?’ Tangles asked, lifting his head looking at Bottle Cap.

“Any news?” He asked. Tangles thought about it for a second.

“Not much, Ise heard they were in Harlem again today, that the girl and some curly head kid were seen laughing together. Um nothing much that I can say. There is nothing about anyone being hurt or any real talk of anything. Peaceful must stay for this time of year.” Tangles said. Bottle Cap nodded.

“That’s good. Thanks.”

“No problem, kid.’


The gang was walking along the streets of Harlem.

“Where we going Conlon?” Spades asked.

“Were going to check out that warehouse.” Spot said. Laces stumbled, falling into David.

“Ya okay?’ Dave asked her. She nodded. Dave frowned but shrugged it off.

“Why?” Angel asked.

“Because Ise getting that kid back.” Spot said.

“Wait, wait Spot. That isn’t safe.” Angel said. Spot stopped and looked back at Angel, and at Spades and at Laces who was staring at Dave’s shirt. Jack was standing next to Spot, not saying a word, he was going to do whatever Spot wanted him to do to get that kid back for more reasons than one.

“Are ya three going to stop it?” Spot asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Laces looked up staring at Spot.

“I wasn’t saying anything.” She said, her eyes piercing through him. Spot looked at her, his eyes piercing through her.

“Ya know what ya were thinking.” He said. She looked at him, cocking her head to the side a bit almost as if she were a doctor examining a patient.

“Spot, what are ya going to do? Are ya really going to do something that would endanger any of us?’ She asked. Spot looked at her, his gaze softened some. He turned around and keep walking, Spades and Angel looked at Laces oddly, but keep walking. Dave put his arm around her shoulder.

“Ya been in Brooklyn too long.” He said to her. Laces smiled.

“Yeah maybe,” She nodded, lying her head on David’s shoulder. Spot was walking up near Jack in the front of the group, Spades and Angel were a few steps behind them and Laces and David were tagging along behind.

“What are ya planning to do Conlon?” Jack asked.

“Get Cap back.” Spot answered. Jack nodded.

“Yeah but now?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, now.” Spot answered.

“How are ya planning ta do that?” Jack asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I might send someone in there.” Spot said. Jack gapped at him.

“Who would ya send in there, they would recognize all of us.” Spot nodded.

“All of us, but there’s one of us that may not look all together too familiar.” Spot responded.

“Who?” Jack asked, already knowing who it was, but couldn’t believe it.

“Laces.” Spot responded.

“Are you out of your mind?” Jack asked Spot. Spot shook his head.

“She’ll do it, if it means we can get the kid back, all she has to do is sneak in there, the point is she ain’t seen but if she is, then she can pass as an unknown pick pocket or something. Maybe she just walks in there until she can find someone she can send to get Bottle Cap. She ain’t in any great danger.” Spot said.

“Ya ain’t thinking clearly, Laces always gets attention drawn to her, if she gets caught. It will be almost impossible to get her out.” Jack said. Spot gripped his cane tightly.

“She’ll do it, if I ask her. She won’t get caught.” Spot said almost determined.

“Conlon, it ain’t worth it. Get one back, lose one, maybe lose both?” Jack said.

“It’ll work Kelly.” Spot responded. They got to the street, or passage between where they were and the warehouse where pepper’s gang was. Spot held out his cane and stopped everyone from crossing.

“What are we doing?” Spades asked.

“Waiting.” Spot responded.

“For what?” David asked.

“Someone to pass us, someone we can send to get Bottle Cap.” Spot responded. David and Laves looked at each other and slowly edged their way away from the group, back where they came. Spot, Jack, Spades and Angel were all to busy talking and arguing to notice them slip away.

“What we going to do?” Dave asked.

“Spot wants Bottle Cap, he wants he to get out. It will start something and we all know it, but that’s the only way. Getting Bottle Cap now will only let us get prepared for the battle that will come up.” Laces said.

“So?” David asked.

“We get Bottle Cap out here and then we run, but the way that’s Spot’s going about it won’t work.” Laces said.

“Yeah, I thought it was a good idea.” Dave looked at Laces.

“It was, but there all in already. We have to go in. Or get around, and getting around then try to find a way in.” Laces said. Dave nodded.

“Let’s try to find a way to get him without having to go in, come on.” Dave and Laces headed back down another alley and ended up behind the warehouse. There were some windows on the ground level, or not windows but vents. Laces looked into the first one, she couldn’t see anything but a few big black shoes, standing in front of a huge box.

“I don’t think this is where we could find Bottle Cap.” Laces said. They walked over to the second vent, Laces got down on the ground again, and looked into it finding herself starring at another pair of eyes. She jumped and almost screamed but David quickly covered her mouth.

“Sh! Ya’ll blow our cover.” Laces started to breathe again, her heart was beating faster than it ever had before.

“Who’s out there?” the voice from behind the vent asked.

“No one that’s going to hurt, we need Bottle Cap.” David said. There was silence from behind the vent, Dave bent down to see if there was anyone still there, no one was there. Dave stood back up.

“This can’t be good, they disappeared.”

“Someone asked for me?” Bottle Cap’s voice sounded like a whisper, but it was there.

“Bottle Cap?” Laces threw herself on the ground again, and looked through the vent.

“Laces?” Bottle Cap asked.

“Yeah it’s me, Bottle Cap come out of the building and across the dirt road and into the alley, now.” Laces said.

“Okay.” Bottle Cap said as he got up and Laces lifted herself from the ground.

“Come on Dave, we have to get back, now.” Laces and Dave took off running around the building and down the alley that they had come, and into the alley that Spot, Jack, Spades and Angel were in.

“Where the ‘ell did ya two go?” Angel demanded,

“We um, we went to umm.” Dave started. Just then Bottle Cap came into the alley running into Spot. Spot pushed him away.

“Laces?” Bottle Cap said, not really looking up.

“Bottle Cap?” Spot said. Spot startled bottle Cap. Cap looked up at Spot, and stared at him then looked around and saw two girls he didn’t really know, another boy he didn’t know and Jack. Bottle Cap wanted to turn and run, he couldn’t stay but his legs wouldn’t move.

“I have to go back,” Bottle Cap said and turned but got no further finding Spot’s cane in his way.

“You’re not going anywhere that’s not Brooklyn.” Spot said to Bottle Cap. Bottle Cap turned and faced Spot. “But I can’t go back to Brooklyn Spot.” Bottle Cap said, almost begging. Spot just hardened his glare.

“You’re going back to Brooklyn.” He repeated himself. Bottle Cap shook his head.

“But Spot.” He started, but he didn’t get far because Spot glared at him.

“Ise will carry ya if I ‘ave ta.” He gritted his teeth. Bottle Cap was about to cry he looked at Laces. He couldn’t go back, they would hurt her. She would be their target but he had no choice he knew that if he didn’t go back, Spot would make him and if he ran back Spot would start something here and now, and they would all get hurt.

“Ya don’t have to carry me Spot.” Bottle Cap said, his head hanging. Spot nodded, and pushed at him with his cane and signaled David to take the lead. Dave started to walk, and so did everyone else, Spot and Jack stayed behind Bottle Cap all the way back, until Jack and Dave stopped in Manhattan and then Laces walked with Bottle Cap and Angel, Spades and Spot stayed behind watching them.

“Conlon, why do ya think the kid is so sad?” Spades asked.

“Cap?” He asked. Spades nodded. “I’m not sure, it’s something though and he ain’t as bold as he use ta be.” Spot said. Spades nodded.

“He was broken Spot.” She said quietly. Spot nodded, he knew. Most of the way was quiet, Spades and Angel left Spot, Laces and Bottle Cap heading home themselves. The three reached the lodging house, many of the newsies were surprised to see Laces walk in with Bottle Cap. Everyone crowded around Bottle Cap and Laces, but Laces looked tired and Spot looked irritated and Bottle Cap tired to look happy. Bottle Cap went up to the bunkroom and started telling his stories, Laces went into her room and Spot followed her and Bullseye soon join them.

“Where did ya go?” Spot asked Laces.

“Ise got him.” Laces reponded. Bullseye just stood by the door watching.

“Ya went inside?” Spot asked. Laces shook her head.

“No, around and got someone to get him through a vent.” Laces said.

“Ya know how dangerous that is?” Spot asked her.

“Ya would have done the same thing.” Laces said.

“Yeah but I can take care of meself.” Spot responded.

“Yeah well, Ise can too.” Laces said.

“What’s wrong with ya two? And what’s wrong with Cap?” Bullseye asked. Laces and Spot turned and looked at him.

“Wrong?” Laces asked.

“Yeah, Ise know there is something wrong. And we all know that kid wasn’t just given back, there is going to be trouble.” Bullseye said.

“He didn’t want to come, there is something wrong with him.” Spot said.

“Ya forced him?” Bullseye asked. Spot nodded. “Does Frost know?” Spot shook his head.

“He will be figuring it out soon.” Spot said.

“Come on, let’s go talk about the trouble in the parlor, or ya room.” Bullseye said, pointing to Laces which was fast asleep on her bed. Spot nodded, he got up and tucked Laces in as he walked out the room following Bullseye.


Tangles and Cookie were sitting on there blankets, or poor excuses of beds.

“Where did the kid go?” Tangles asked. Cookie looked around the room there were children everywhere some sleeping and others sitting in circles playing cards, or marbles the only time of the day that they had a chance, because those that didn’t pick pockets, worked but very few went that way. Most were to small to work, or won’t be able to work because they wouldn’t be able to get back to the warehouse on time, or get money everyday like Pepper wanted.

“I think he went outside for a breather, but that was a while ago.” Cookie said.

“I thought the kid didn’t smoke though.” Tangle said. Cookie shrugged.

“I think he’s picked it up.” Cookie said.

“Maybe we should go check on him.” Tangles said.

“Nah, the kid is big enough to take care of himself, but if it makes you feel better we can go out there and see in another 10 minutes if he doesn’t come back in.” Cookie said. Tangles nodded as Cookie laid down in his lap.


“So Jack what happened?” Race had his cigar ready to light. The Manhattan newsies were all sitting in the bunkroom, David and Jack were standing at the door.

“We gonna have trouble.” Jack responded.

“More fights?” Blink asked.

“No really, probably just one, big one and a whole bunch of beat ups.” Jack answered.

“With Frost?” Mush asked fiddling with his hands.

“No.” Jack repsonded.

“With who then?” Specs questioned from his bed.

“Pepper.” Jack responded. Skittery fell off his top bunk landing on Itey who had been standing next to him. Everyone in the room, turned and looked at the scene. Skittery quickly scrambled back up and Itey just stayed on the floor.

“ARE YOU INSANE?” Skittery asked. Jack looked at him very undisturbed.

“Why?” Jack asked.

“Because Pepper, I mean I understand Harlem, I understand the Bronx, Midtown, anywhere but Pepper his gang is one of the worst gangs. Ya should never mess with Pepper, never.” Skittery said.

“Skittery, it can’t be helped now.” David said.

“Skitts right though, Pepper Jack?” Itey said from his place on the floor.

“We can’t do nothing about it, Spot took the kid back tonight, there is no way to avoid it, now all we can do is prepare.” Jack said.

“Conlon took the kid, how did he manage that one?” Blink asked.

“ He took him,” David said.

“So, we fighting Pepper with Brooklyn?” Race asked. Jack nodded.

“The kid, is she staying in Brooklyn, or she coming over here tomorrow. She can’t possible go anywhere else in a while, and Brooklyn is more dangerous.” Blink said.

“Well, Conlon will probably want her in Brooklyn, and she is more so his responsibility than ours, and well there is no way she will leave Brooklyn when Bottle Cap just got back.” Jack said. The boys all nodded, he was right Laces would stay in Brooklyn.

“I better be going.” David said.

“See ya tomorrow, Be careful Dave.” Jack said. There was a chorus of byes everywhere, and Dave left.

“We better get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day.” Jack said. Itey finally lifted himself from the ground and climbed into his bunk.

“Who’s going to Brooklyn with ya tomorrow?” Race asked.

“Dave, and maybe you and Blink.” Jack said.

“Lights out!” Kloppman yelled up the stairs.


Spades gang was sitting in the main room upstairs that they almost never went into. Spades was standing at the front of the room.

“So who votes we help Conlon out?” She asked. No one said anything.

“We got ta.” Angel said.

“We ain’t really going to object.” Scorch mumbled. Candy and Vigor were skipping around the room.

“We get to fight again!” Candy was singing. Spades looked at them both.

“Ya two want to know who were fighting?” Spades asked. Vigor shook her head.

“No! As long as we get to fight someone, we fine.” She said, grinning brightly.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten into a fight, We haven’t gotten ta fight anyone in a long time. Not since way before we left the refugee in Harlem.” Candy said.

“Well Ise would like to know who were fighting, so I can practice me moves again.” Shady said punching the pillow on her small chair.

“Pepper.’ Spades said. Candy and Vigor stopped dancing and looked at her, Shady dropped her pillow and stared at her.

“Are you crazy?” Shady asked.

“Not even us Spades should try against Pepper.” Candy said.

“Well we are fighting him with Brooklyn and Manhattan.” Angel said.

“Yeah, I mean we could fight Pepper, his boys ain’t that tough, some are but most aren’t. It just Spades ya know about Pepper, his boys are no where near fair. They probably gonna fight real dirty, weapons and all.” Cheeky said.

“Well goyls, we can fight tough, this is just gonna be a lesson on how to protect ourselves. Sides, we can handle it.” Spades said.

“Yeah, we teaching the kid how to fight, she ain’t exactly the best at defending herself.” Shady said.

“Yeah I think we will, seeing as Spot hasn’t really taken any real time to teach her, Pockets has tried but the kid she has been spoiled, she doesn’t do anything she really doesn’t want to unless someone like Spot is mad at her and making her.” Spades said.

“She’ll listen to us.” Shady said.

“She better.” Angel said.


“So Manhattan is fighting with us right?” Bullseye asked.

“Yeah, and Spades gang is probably going to help us to.” Spot said.

“That’s good, but that ain’t the best idea is it, ya know how Pepper and his gang treats girls.” Bullseye said.

“I don’t think that they would stop to think about that, they live for fights.” Spot replied.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. What are we going to do?” Bullseye asked.

“I’m not sure yet, Tomorrow we should have a meeting, Jack and some Manhattan boys are coming and I can send Laces to get Spades and Angel and maybe one more of them.” Spot said.

“Yeah, well maybe you should get some sleep. I’ll try to find out what’s wrong with Cap.” Bullseye said. Spot nodded.

“Thanks Bullseye.” He said, Bullseye got up and got out of the room.


The Next Day: April 1st

Jack was walking towards Brooklyn, with David, Race and Blink.

“So what do ya think Conlon has in mind?” Blink asked.

“I don’t know, he might want some ideas on this one.” Jack said.

“Conlon? He never takes ideas from people, he’s always got a plan. The only one who ever has a chance top suggest a plan to him is ya.” Race said.

“Nah, this one is different. And ya know as well as I do, Spot’s changed.” Jack said.

“We’ve all changed its all Laces doing too.” Blink smiled to himself.

“Yeah, Now we want someone with power. She’s the one to go to.” David laughed. Jack nodded.

“She’s got power all right.” He mumbled to himself. They walked on in almost silence, Race smoking at his cigar, Blink grinning like an idiot, and Dave thinking to himself and Jack staring off at the raising sun, it was early in the morning, but like the time had just changed the sun was coming up later than usual. ((Authors note: sorry if that isn’t exactly accurate, so sue me! Don’t take me seriously there I haven’t got anything to give))

They arrived at the Brooklyn Lodging house shortly after having crossed the bridge. Jack walked in first, the boys were just heading out the door. Jack walked up to Spot’s room with David, while Blink and Race stayed in the lobby mingling with some of the Brooklyn newsies they hadn’t seen in a while. Jack and David got up to the second floor and found Spot pounding on Laces’ room door.

“GET UP! DON’T MAKE ME GO IN THERE!” He was saying. Jack and David smiled to themselves.

“Having trouble?” Jack asked. Spot turned and faced Jack and David.

“She ain’t a morning person.” He said.

“Neither are you.” David replied.

“Yeah but she’s worst than all of us.” Spot replied. Jack nodded.

“We selling?” Jack asked. Spot nodded.

“The morning edition, and afternoon if it’s a good headline. Unless ya think otherwise?” Spot inquired.

“No, that’s fine. We may be having troubles, but we still gotta make a living.” Jack said.

“Want me to try and get her up?” David asked. Spot shrugged.

“Yeah, but if ya go in there don’t say I didn’t warn ya. The kid really don’t like to be waken up, yet she seems to enjoy waking others up.” Spot said. David nodded.

“Where’s Bottle Cap?” He asked. Spot shrugged again.

“Think he’s in the bunkroom.” David now nodded.

“Why don’t ya leave them here together, and then Laces can go over with Cap to get Spades and them for our afternoon meeting, which is going to be?” David asked.

“Probably here, unless Spades want it at her place, but I prefer it be here.” Spot said.

“That’s a good idea Dave, we will do that. Come on, before all the papes are gone.” Jack said. The boys nodded and walked down the stairs and found Blink and Race waiting.

“Where’s Laces?” Blink asked.

“Not here, she’s asleep.” Jack replied.

“Oh.” Race said a little disappointed.

“Well see her later.” David said. Blink and Race nodded and they all headed out the door towards the selling docks.


Laces peeked her head out of the covers; the footsteps were dying away. Where were they going without her? Weren’t they going to wake her up? Laces pouted a bit when all the noise had died and there was no one, the best part of her day was the morning when she got to annoy Spot, with out him really getting mad at her. Now someone had gone and ruined all her fun, unless Spot just wasn’t in the mood. Laces shivered, she hoped that Spot wasn’t in a bad mood, Spot and bad moods were just awful.

She decided to get up, she opened her window and got dressed all fairly quickly and stepped out of her room and walked into the bunkroom in search of any left over newsies that might have stayed behind of any reason. She looked around, it didn’t look like anyone was left, but there on Bottle Cap’s bunk there he was, still he hadn’t moved.

“Bottle Cap?’ Laces said. The boy turned and faced her, his face was streaked with tears and Laces ran over to him getting on her knees and petting his face with her hands.

“Oh darling are you all right? What’s wrong? Tell me, ya know ya can tell me anything.” Laces said. Bottle Cap looked at her, she hadn’t changed much, she still had that essence around her, and she still had her power over the boys.

“Nothing is wrong,” He finally said.

“Nothing is wrong, then why were you crying?” Laces asked.

“Oh, that was just that I was so happy to be back.” Bottle Cap didn’t want to worry Laces.

“Bottle Cap, that’s not true, why didn’t you want to come back last night? Ya hurt Spot and mine feelings.” Laces pouted a bit as she still petted Bottle Caps blondish hair.

“I’m sorry Laces, it’s just that.” Bottle Cap started, feeling terrible about making the two people he cared about the most feel bad.

“Just what?” Laces said, as she twirled a small strand of his hair.

“Well it ain’t safe, it wasn’t safe.’ Bottle Cap said. Laces smiled and hugged the small boy as best she could from her position on the floor, which wasn’t the best way to give a hug.

“Oh that’s so sweet, ya shouldn’t worry about that though my dear. That’s something that Spot will take care of. He knew that it wasn’t safe he was well aware. Don’t worry your little head about that, ya just be happy that your safe and sound with us where you belong.” Laces said, she got up. “Now come on, we’re going over to Spades.” Laces said. Bottle Cap looked at her curiously.

“Spades? Who is Spades?” He asked. Laces laughed.

“Just the leader of one of the best gang of goyls there is,” Laces smiled. Bottle Cap nodded. He got up and they headed over to Spades’ gang old abandon building.


Tangles and Cookie had fallen asleep before they even went out to check it Bottle Cap had come back, and they woke up later. Tangles got up and looked over to Bottle Cap’s blanket.

“I wonder if the kid came back?” He said to himself. Cookie lifted herself from the floor.

“Probably did just left early.” Cookie said.

“Hope your right.” Tangles said. Tangles and Cookie walked into the main part of the Warehouse, where Pepper was sitting on his box throne.

“Cookie! Mark!” He yelled over to them. They were both startled but headed over there as soon as they regained their senses.

“Ya called?” Cookie said, gritting her teeth.

“Yeah, where the ‘ell is Jim?” He asked. Tangles and Cookie looked confused.

“What ya mean?” Tangles asked.

“Ya know what I mean, the kid. Me best pocket person, since well since a long time! ‘E’s gone and Ise think ya know where ‘e went.” Pepper said. Tangles swallowed hard, and Cookie let the color drain from her face.

“We don’t know where he is, we just thought he had left early.” Cookie said. James, and Gerry were behind them two of Pepper’s biggest goons.

“Liars!” Pepper was losing his temper. Gerry kicked at Tangles sending him onto the floor. Cookie screamed.

“Stop! We really don’t know anything, the kid he just went out for a smoke last night.” Cookie said. Pepper shook his head.

“Stop lying, ya helped him get out of here didn’t ya?” Pepper asked. James grabbed Cookie and held her arms close to her body, not crushing any bones, not yet anyway.

“Stop! We don’t know anything.” Tangles said. Gerry kicked him again, and again in the stomach until Pepper signaled him to stop, while James was crushing at Cookie and shaking her making her head go in fast movements that if done for long would sooner or later snap her neck. When Pepper signal for them to stop, it was only for a second.

“Where is he?” Pepper asked.

“We don’t know.” Tangles croaked from his position on the floor, where he was trying to regain his senses.

“Where is he?” Pepper asked again.

“We knew as much as you do.” Cookie replied from her limp place near the bottom of the box, that James had dropped her at. Pepper motioned for James and Gerry to finish them off.

“Do whatever you like to them, just don’t kill ‘em.” Pepper said as he jumped off his box and walked away from the scene, washing his hands of it. Gerry and James smiled at each other wickedly, and continued to beat on Tangles and Cookie.


Spades gang was awake when Laces and Bottle Cap arrived which was a great surprise to Laces.

“Your awake?” She asked, when she entered the lobby and found them all there in their favorite positions.

“Yeah, we more morning people then ya.” Scorch said from her old chair that she was sitting in, playing catch with her pack of matches.

“I would like ya all ta meet Bottle Cap.” Laces introduce the small boy. Bottle Cap was small for his age of 10 and had blondish hair that was most of the time a blond but occasionally it would turn to a light brown, he had milk honey brown eyes, and white skin that had been burned under the work of the sun.

“Why hello Bottle Cap, Lemme introduce meself and the rest of these lazy bums. Ise Spades Fia, leader of this here gang. That there playing with the matches is Scorch, and the girl sitting on the far end of the counter that is Angel, the one sitting in that whole in the wall with a book is Shady, the two playing cards are Cheeky and Vigor, and the one spread across the bigger couch well that there is Candy. This is me gang, some of the toughest, laziest goyls in all New Yawk!” Spades said.

“Hey!” Shady said from her spot.

“We ain’t that bad, are we?” Cheeky asked Vigor. Vigor shook her head.

“So what ya around here for? Don’t ya got papes ta sell?” Angel asked.

“Spot lef t me at the lodging house, but according to Bottle Cap here they are having the meeting after they sell the afternoon editon which should be around, let’s see 4 this afternoon.” Laces said. “And at the Brooklyn Lodging house.”

“Well that’s good we will have time to teach ya something or two about defending yourself.” Spades said.

“What?” Laces asked confused.

“Ya heard me, ya need ta learn how ta fight, and goyls we all gonna teach her.” Spades said. They all nodded. Laces just stood there, she didn’t have much of a choice and she had always wanted to learn, live in the present she thought to herself.


Jack, David, Race, Blink and Spot had blocks in-between them all but they were all on the same street selling the morning edition, the headline was really good the papes were going fast. Jack had barely to change the order of the words in a headline to sell 5 or 6 more away and he wasn’t even really lying about them like he did when there were bad headlines. Everyone was working well, and they all had less than papes left to sell, when they started to re-group. Jack being at one of the street and Spot being at the other, they started heading towards each other. On the way to Blink for Jack and Race for Spot, they each sold some of their last few papes. When Jack got to Blink, they stood there for a second, both selling one more pape, before continuing down the street to meet with David and Spot and Race. Spot and Race did the same thing, and when they all meet up they tried figuring out where to go for lunch.

“We could go to the lodging house there could be something in there that we could eat.” Spot said. The boys all nodded and they headed down the street trying to get rid of the last few papes that each of them had on their way to the lodging house for food.

“Ya think Laces is up yet?” Race asked.

“She should be.” Spot asnwered.

“She ain’t that bad of a sleeper, to still be asleep.” Jack commented.

“She should be around right?” Blink asked.

“Yeah, unless she took off, in which case she would be at Spades or selling, I doubt about the selling though. That girl doesn’t like work.” Spot said.

“Yeah.” Blink said.

“I sure hope there is food at the lodging house.” Jack said. The boys all nodded and picked up the pace as they walked over to the lodging house, all thinking their own thoughts about everything that had happened and would happen. Blink and Race were hoping that Laces hadn’t gone anywhere because they wanted to see her and spend their lunch with her, but when they got to the lodging house, they discovered that Laces had left with Bottle Cap.

“Well is there any food?” Jack asked. Rick nodded.

“Yeah in the kitchen can’t assure you there’s much that you can do anything with but you can probably make sandwiches with what’s in there.” Rick keep looking through his papers.

“Where did Laces go?” Spot asked.

“Her and Bottle Cap headed over to Spades place.” Rick responded not looking up from his papers.

“Hey I’ll go over there and get them to come, we can have our meeting now?” Blink said.

“Well, we can start it now, and continue it later. Yeah go get ‘em at least Laces and Bottle Cap, I want them to sell the afternoon edition, it should be a good headline.” Spot said.

“Hey I’ll go with you.” Race said to Blink.

“We’ll be right back.” Blink said as the two headed out the door. Spot, Jack and David headed into the kitchen.

“Coffee?” Spot asked. Jack and David nodded, Spot went looking through the cupboards for the coffee, finding stuff they could eat on the way.


Spades gang had Laces surrounded, Cheeky went up first and held up her fists.

“Kay Laces, now see how she is standing?” Spades said from her place. Laces nodded. “What do you think that means?’ Spades asked.

“Like she’s going to punch me.” Laces bit her lower lip. Spades said no more, Cheeky took a punch that hit Laces in the stomach, Laces doubled over.

“Stop.” Spades said. “Get up Laces,” She said. Laces stayed on the ground.

“I don’t want to get up, can’t we keep this going later.” She whined.

“No, we’re doing it now. So get up now.” Spades said. Laces shook her head, Bottle Cap was sitting on the counter watching from a distance, this was an interesting sight but he had been told to stay out of it, and he did what he was told, he was so use to getting hurt if he didn’t.

“But Spades!” Laces whined. Spades put her hands on her hip, resembling Spot a lot.

“Laces are ya gonna get up?” Spades asked. Laces shook her head, and hugged herself.

“No, it’s nice on this floor, nicer than getting beat up by me friends.” Laces said. Spades nodded her head at Cheeky, and Cheeky took a kick at Laces who was on the floor.

“Ow! Whadda ya do that for?’ Laces scrambled to her feet. Cheeky just grinned as she watched Laces, and she took another punch at her. Laces ducked though, and Cheeky missed her.

“That’s it, keep your head.” Spades said from behind. Laces decided that she would try for a punch, and she tightened her hand into a fist and swung at Cheeky. Cheeky moved though and Laces just went flying and almost knocked into Shady. Shady laughed.

“Now, see we tell ya ta keep your head and you go and lose it.” Shady said. Laces turned back around and looked at Cheeky.

“Do I really have to keep doing this?’ Laces whined as she looked at Spades.

“Stop whining” Spades said. Laces moped over to where Cheeky was in the middle of the circle. Cheeky smiled at her.

“Cheeky take it up a notch, I think we’re being to easy on her.” Scorch said. Cheeky nodded. She threw a punch at Laces, that Laces easily ducked, but as soon as she ducked it Cheeky landed a punch on Laces jaw. Laces threw a punch at Cheeky’s stomach. Cheeky didn’t really react though because Laces didn’t punch her right. They went on fighting like that, had it been a boxing math Cheeky would have won, because the punches she got in hurt more, and were better all round, but the ones Laces got in though many didn’t really hurt, had no form and injured her more than Cheeky.

They were all like this when Blink and Race entered, Laces was up against a wall and Cheeky was giving her a few in the stomach again.

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Blink yelled as him and Race both raced in. Race pulled off Cheeky off of Laces, and Blink took Laces into his arms. Laces cuddled up into Blink’s arms like a spoiled child. Spades frowned, and Cheeky struggled away from Race frowning also. Actually the truth being most of the girls were frowning expect for Candy who was laughing. Blink held Laces and didn’t let her go Race stood near Blink.

“What do ya boys think your doing?” Spades demanded. Blink looked at her defensively.

“What did ya goyls think you were doing?” Blink asked back.

“Blink ya put her down.” Spades said. Blink looked down at Laces.

“Don’t put me down, I like it here.” She said. Blink grinned, but dropped her on the couch anyway. Laces bounced on the couch for a second and sat down. Spades gave her a disapproving look.

“We were teaching her how to fight.” She said to Blink and Race. Blink looked over at Laces who was smiling innocently.

“That true?” He asked. She slowly nodded. “Well that’s no way to teach her you were hurting her.” Blink said. Spades grinned.

“Nah, ya know we wouldn’t hurt her badly, the kid has got the right instinct just that no one has ever told her how to use it, and she has never seen a reason to develop it on her own, you ruined our lesson though.’ Spades said. Race lit his cigar.

“Well, we can keep it going, with the help from Jack and Spot who are waiting for us at the Lodging house.” He said. The girls shrugged.

“Sure why not.” Spades said.

“Bottle Cap?” Laces said. Bottle Cap jumped off the counter and walked over to Laces. She put an arm around him and the group walked out of the building towards the lodging house.


Jack, David and Spot had all found some pieces of food here and there making themselves a meal.

“Wonder what’s taking them so long?” Jack said aloud.

“Spades gang is all goyls ya know, it is said that they take twice as long to get somewhere as boys.” David said. Spot laughed.

“Dave, if ya wanna stay alive never say that to any of Spades goyls, it ain’t healthy. Sides, it doesn’t apply to them, those goyls are pretty good at getting to places fast, they had to learn to be seeing as they always being chased by someone.” Spot said. David nodded. Just then the lodging house door opened and in walked in the group. Rick looked up.

“Ya know when all of ya get together like this, should I be worried?” He asked. Spades laughed.

“Well, Conlon can tell ya about it.” She said. Rick nodded, and pointed to the kitchen.

“Try to keep it down, Ise trying to get some work done here.” He said. The group nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

They entered the kitchen, Laces eye was starting to swell, Cheeky had thrown a semi-hard punch there earlier.

“What ‘appen?” Jack asked alarmed.

“Nothin’ Jack.” Blink responded.

“Nuthin? Then how did Laces’ get that shiner?” Spot asked.

“We were teaching her how ta fight, cool it Conlon.” Spades said. Spot frowned when he looked at Laces, and then at the other Spades goyls.

“She had to learn.” Angel said. Spot just sat there looking at them for a few more seconds.

“Get some ice, and sit down. We don’t have time for this right now. We can finish that lesson up later.” Spot said. Laces breathed a sigh of relief no more, but later made her a little nervous. They all sat down, expect for Scorch and Shady that stood near the door, Scorch because she wanted to be as far away from Spot as possible and Shady because there were no more chairs left.

“So what we going to do?” Spades asked.

“I’m not sure, any ideas?” Spot said. He looked around at the faces.

“We should go in there and kick some butt, before they have the chance to come over here.” Vigor suggested.

“We could, but we can’t go down there unprepared.” Dave said.

“Coise we can’t. So what we do to get prepares?” Jack asked David.

“Well we could figure out when most of them are out, or when all of them get there, pick the better time and see how many of them there are, stuff like that.” David said.

“The weapons, we have to see what types of weapons they can get a hold of, or they have a hold of.” Spades said.

“Yeah and the day, and who is going to fight who, and never I mean never leave someone alone, especially one of ya goyls, I know most of ya can take care of yourself, but if anything happens I don’t want to think what would happen to ya.” Jack said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Weapons, are we going to have some?” Spades asked.

“We should take some, but things that can’t kill people. We don’t want blood on our hands.” Spot said. Everyone nodded again.

“Slingshots, canes, wooden swords, iron knuckles,” Laces mumbled to herself. She hated fights.

“Next week, Bottle Cap?” Spot said. Bottle Cap looked up at Spot.

“What?” He asked.

“What day do you think would be the best?” Bottle Cap trembled a bit at the being under Spot’s gaze.

“Um, maybe Tuesday?” Bottle Cap said.

“Are ya sure that’s the best day?” Spot asked. Bottle Cap thought about it for a second.

“It should be.” He replied.

“Now what time do you think would be the best?” Spot asked.

“Um, late afternoon, all his goons are around but so is everyone who ‘e has working for ‘im, they would be bound to help ya, and well Ise think ya would have a better chance, sides it would be dark that’s always an advantage ain’t it?” Bottle Cap was brightening up. Spot laughed and ruffled his hair a bit.

“Yeah kid, always an advantage, that’s what I said I while ago.” Bottle Cap nodded in agreement with Spot.

“Tuesday it is.” Spot said. “Now how many goons does Pepper have?” Spot asked.

“Um, well I think there’s about 15 of them, 20 max but I think there is only 15.” Bottle Cap said.

“That’s good, that is really good.” Jack said.

“Okay it’s settle, till then all of ya be careful. Bottle Cap, ya never leave me side, never ya hear.” Spot said. Bottle Cap nodded.

“Okay, we will prepare then. When we finishing that lesson?” Spades asked. Spot looked at Laces.

‘Why did ya guys stop the lesson?” Spot asked.

“These two idiots came in and broke it up, Laces was whinning through out the whole thing. This kid really needs ta learn how ta defend herself though.” Spades said. Spot nodded.

“Don’t ya goyls have ta make ya days money though?” Spot asked.

“We’ve made enough money this week.” Spades said.

“Oh, well then whoever wants to keep helping with Laces, come on, we can go do it on the docks, they might provide a better teaching area.” Spot said. Jack smiled.

“Spot not selling the afternoon edition?” Jack asked. Spot shook his head.

“Ya joinning us Jacky-boy?” Jack nodded.

“We’re going to sell the afternoon pape, I doubt we would be able to watch and not interfere.” Blink said. Laces pouted a bit, she had counted on their presence in case she wanted to stop. Race nodded.

“Yeah I think that’s right. Hey we meet up with ya tonight here Jack, maybe play a game of poker fore we leave.” Race said. Jack nodded.

“Yeah Race.” Jack said. Dave looked at Jack and then at Blink and Race.

“I’m gonna sell too, see ya.” The three headed out the door.

“Spades, ya mind if I head home?” Scorch asked.

“Nah, not at all.” Spades said. Scorch nodded, and headed out the door.

“Scorch!” Spades yelled. Scorch turned around. “Don’t burn anything down.” Spades said. Scorch nodded.

“No worries.” Then she continued walking.


Tangles and Cookie lying in a dark corner on tied up and unable to move even if they hadn’t been they had gotten roughed up pretty badly. Tangles finally opened his eyes and started to groan. When he tried to move he let out a scream in pain. Cookie opened her eyes and attempted to jump up also letting out a cry of pain. After a struggle that only resulted in more pain than most could withstand Tangles and Cookie finally stopped trying to move and stayed still on the floor.

“Cookie?” Tangles finally said.

“What?” She snuffled.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, expect for the fact that I can’t move my legs, that my body has turned almost every shade of blue and black thought possible, and my head is pounding, and I think that certain parts of me are three times bigger than they use to be, and oh did I mention almost hurts to talk.” Cookie added sarcastically.

“I’m sorry.” Tangles said.

“Why this wasn’t your fault?’ Cookie said.

“I dunnno, I feel like it was.” He said. Cookie was going to nod but as soon as she tried she bit her lip really hard almost making it bleed.

“Don’t move, it hurts.” She said.

“I know.” Tangles said.

“Where do ya think the kid is at?” Cookie asked.

“Brooklyn.” Tangles responded.

“’E ain’t gonna be safe.” Cookie said.

“’E’s lucky if ‘e lives past this.” Tangles said. Something was shadowed.

“Oh no, who’s that?” Cookie whispered. A small person walked in front of Tangles and Cookie.

“Are you two okay?” The little girl asked.

“We are as okay as we can be, Melly.” Cookie said. Melly nodded, she was a small girl for 16, and she looked more like she was 11 or 12.

“What’s going on Melly?” Tangles asked.

“Oh, everything is wrong. I’m so scaried.” Melly walked over to Tangles and Cookie sitting next to them.

“Why?” Cookie asked.

“Pepper is mad as hell. He is getting together all his tugs; all of them are watching all of us, like we were caged animals or something. There all so big and rough, they gave Tammy a black eye, when she started to cry. It’s awful, and how they beat you two up, it’s bad.” Melly said.

“It can’t be that bad, what about Jim? Anything on him?” Tangles asked.

“Nothing, Pepper thinks he is in Brooklyn, but he hasn’t sent anyone and I don’t think he’s going to get Jim first I think he wants someone else.” Melly said. Tangles let out a frustrated sigh, and tried to get out of his ropes again.

“Melly, ya need ta keep us updated. Understand, we need to know what’s going on, and Melly tell Ginger to visit the friend, and tell her what’s going on.” Tangles said. Melly nodded.

“I have to go.” She said as she got up and walked away quickly.


Laces was on the docks with Spot, Jack, Bottle Cap, and most of Spades gang expect Scorch.

“Why did we come to the docks?” Laces demanded of Spot.

“Because we gonna teach you how to fight.” Spot answered.

“But I don’t feel like this right now.” Laces whined. Spot frowned at her.

“Laces Kai, stop your whining right now.” Spot said. Laces pouted a bit but she didn’t say another word, at the moment. Spot stood there looking at her a moment with his arms folded, this would do her some good he was convincing himself and trying not to laugh at the sight of her.

“Okay, Now which one of you goyls would like to have a fight with me dear Laces here?” Spot asked, grinning.

“I would, but I think I should be the last one.” Spades said. Spot nodded, this was true her or Angel would be too much for Laces, and they won’t hold back, he didn’t believe they knew how too.

“I will.” Shady said. Spot nodded.

“Don’t start out that bad, give her time, and Laces listen to everything any of us have to say ya need the pointers.” Spot warned. Laces nodded, and the group backed away from Shady and Laces leaving them at the end of the dock. Shady and Laces began to circle each other, after a while of doing this Shady took a punch at Laces, missing Laces was awake by now and she knew she wasn’t about to get out of this one not with Spot and Jack encouraging it.

Spot and the rest were talking, not in hearing volume of Laces or Shady.

“She’s got the instict down, she’s just got to use it, that goyl is too impulsive one of her main problems she doesn’t listen to her head when she should and she listens to it when she shouldn’t.” Angel said. Jack nodded.

“Yeah, she’s also a spoiled brat who just doesn’t want to do anything she can get out of.” Jack said. Everyone nodded.

“That’s the truth ya should of seen her with Blink and Race and how she had them wrapped around he little finger, maybe you two should think about getting some more goyl newsies, it might get this one off her pedestal.” Spades said. Jack and Spot shook their heads.

“We ain’t ready for another one, specially not if she’s anything like Laces.” Jack said. The girls laughed and then continued to watch Laces and Shady who were throwing punches at each other, but Shady was holding back and anyone could tell.

“Shady! Go up a notch or two.” Spades yelled. Shady nodded and started stepping back a bit, and Laces followed her not giving her much room, Shady then put her arms down, in a neutral position and just stood there for a second, and Laces looked at her confused, but soon let her guard down to, leaving her jaw open for anything. Shady took a punch that sent Laces flying, and she landed on the ground right before the water started and the dock ended.

“That one had to hurt.” Candy moaned. Laces stayed on the ground, not being able to move from shock and Shady took no time to think about her next move she just pounced on Laces and started to punch at her stomach, Laces struggled to get Shady off of her, but nothing. Shady was sitting on her legs and so Laces couldn’t move those and every time she tried to move her arms Shady would block them.

“Laces! Come on, ya can get a punch in, it ain’t that hard.” Someone was yelling. Laces struggled some more trying to get her legs free and herself out from under Shady.

“Quite trying that, it ain’t going to work, what if the person on top of you was like three times your size, you would be dead already.” Jack commented. Laces finally took her left hand and instead of trying for a punch curled it up and dug her nails into Shady’s thigh, Shady screamed in pain, and stopped her punching. Laces took that instant to get a few punches in and push Shady off of her. Everyone was laughing at the scene. Shady was now on the ground and Laces started kicking at her, and moving her towards the ledge where she pushed her off into the East River.

“Laces!” Shady yelled as she fel into the River with a Splash. Laces dusted herself off and blew some hair out her face, as she turned smiling to the group that stood to the side.

“So?” She asked.

“Well I must say, ya put up a fight kid.” Spot said.

“Ya need work.” Spades said.

“Ya took to long getting out of the position Shady had ya in, if she had turned ya over ya would have been done for.” Jack said.

“Ya need work on your form.” Angel said. Laces walked over to them so she was face to face, or so to say with all of them. She was about to say something when something or someone grabbed her hair and dragged her over to the ledge of the dock and then pushed her off. Laces screamed as she went into the cold water of the East River. As she flapped out of the water, everyone looked down at her.

“Never let your guard down, until you’re far away from the person you were fighting.” Spot said.

“Claimed victory to early.” Jack said.

“AWW, shut up before I soak ya all.” Laces said. Spades laughed.

“That would be the day.” Laces pouted as she got out of the water.

“Lesson over?” She asked.

“For today, we have to practice your aim with a slingshot later today.” Spot said. Laces looked at him a moment and then went over to him and gave him a big wet hug.

“Get off of me!” Spot said. Laces didn’t let go though. “If ya don’t get off of me Ise gonna have Spades or Angel fight ya.” Spot warned. Laces still didn’t let go. “LACES!” Spot finally yelled, then Laces let go. The group that had been able to witness this event was bitting their lips to keep from laughing out loud.

“Well, we’ll be seeing ya a lot this week Conlon, practicing.” Spades said.

“Sure Spades.” Spot said.

“Stay out of trouble kid.” Angel said to Laces.

“Coise! Always, Ise a little Angel!” Laces said.

“A devil with an Angel’s disguise on.” Shady mumbled to herself.

“ Hey! I heard that.” Laces said.

“Good, cause that’s true.” Cheeky said.

“Bye!” Candy said, the gang was walking off. All left standing at the dock, was a dry Jack, a very wet Laces, and a semi-wet annoyed Spot and a dry amused looking Bottle Cap.

“Come on, let’s change into something dry.” Spot said, he began to walk off, Bottle Cap on his heel.

“But Jack isn’t wet.” Laces said. Jack moved away from her quickly.

“Jack is fine being dry.” Jack said. Laces pouted.

“Ya don’t want a hug?” She asked.

“No hug.” He said.

“Not just one?” She asked.

“No hug, until your in dry clothing.” He said.

“Jack!” She whined.

“Ya not very good at whining kid.” He said. She pouted, but started to walk behind Spot, and Jack soon caught up to them. He walked next to Spot, not near Laces he was still worried that she would try to hug him and he didn’t want to get wet. Most the way back to the lodging house was spent by Spot lecturing Laces about getting him wet, and how she needed to work on this and that when she was fighting. Bottle Cap smiled, Spot lecturing he felt good at about being home, if only for a few seconds. Jack just smirked, Laces was sure something.


At the lodging house Blink, David and Race sat playing poker with some of the Brooklyn Newsies.

“So where are Spot, Laces, Bottle Cap, and Jack?” Bullseye asked as he entered the room.

“Teaching Laces how to fight.” David replied.

“A sight some would pay to see.” Marbles joked.

“And why is that?” Laces asked from the doorway. The boys looked up.

“Heya Laces!’ Was the chorus of hellos that she got.

“Laces get upstairs and change ya dripping all over the floor!” Rick yelled from his counter. Laces smiled and headed up the stairs, Spot came trudging after her not even looking in on the Newsies, Jack and Bottle Cap came last walking into the parlor.

“Spot mad?” Someone asked, a younger newsie.

“Nah, not really just a bit annoyed.” Bottle Cap said.

“Why were they all wet?” Race asked.

“Laces was fighting with Shady when she threw her into the East River, and then Shady came out and pushed Laces in and when Laces got out she gave Spot a very big and long hug.” Jack said.

“Conlon sure wasn’t happy about the unexpected shower.” Blink said. Jack shook his head.

“Lectured all the way back.” Bottle Cap provided.

“Great, should we leave before they come down, not in the mood for Conlon’s mood.” Blink said.
“Nah, he’ll be fine.” Jack replied.

Laces was in her room, she changed in very little time and walked into the hall with a renewed sense of happiness, that she wasn’t sure why she had. Spot was about in about a second too, and he gave Laces one last frown mumbling to himself about how much trouble she was.

“In about an hour, we’re going to go practice your slingshot aim so don’t think about going anywhere.” Spot warned her. Laces smiled wickedly and skipped down the stairs and into the parlor with Spot following her at a somewhat slower pace.

“Heya!” She said again, some guys replied others nodded.

“Poker Laces?” Race asked. Laces looked at him with a blank face.

‘Sit down.” Race ordered her. Laces smiled and sat down.

“Ya know I will member some day Race, I promise I will.” She said. Race nodded.

“I know, someday when we are all old and gray ya member how to play poker before we start the third or fourth game.” Race shuffled the cards and passed them around the table, slowly explaining things for Laces to get the hang of it again. After I few games Laces got up and decided she wanted a breather, she headed for the door.

“Where ya going?” Bullseye asked.

“Out for some fresh air.” Laces said.

“Someone should go with ya.” Bullseye said.

“But I’ll be fine.’ Laces replied. Bullseye nodded.

“Don’t take to long, and don’t go far.” He warned.

“Okay! I won’t Daddy!” She skipped out the door. Rick laughed to himself. Bullseye turned and faced him.

“She just called me Daddy.” Bullseye said.

“Yeah and right she is, ya and Spot and Jack act like her father sometimes.” Rick laughed to himself. Bullseye laughed too.

“I guess we do.” He walked back into the parlor.


James and Gerry were ducking into dark alleys of Brooklyn, there wasn’t any sight of a girl looking newsies, that Pepper had told them to look for, or Jim at that matter. No newsies were even I sight, nothing absolutely nothing and they had been around ever since the sun went down.

“James Ise sick of waiting here.” Gerry said.

“Yeah, So am I.” James replied.

“If no on shows up in another half and hour than I say that we call it a night.” Gerry said. James nodded.

“Yeah, why don’t we move closer to the lodging house, maybe that girl will come out, or someone anyone.” James said. He remembered that girl, she was the reason that he had gotten kicked out of Brooklyn, she was the reason that he had joined Pepper in the first place, that and Spot Conlon the snot nose kid who was tougher than he seemed. James hated Laces and Spot, and Bottle Cap because he knew them. James and Gerry walked down the street in the shadows where the light would not shine on them, masking their faces and very existence. They soon reached the lodging house, and ducked into a alley that ws very near it about a buliding away. They dawdled there for a while before they heard her, or someone shut the door. James looked out of the alley.

“There’s our goyl, and no one is with her.” James said in a low hushed voice.

“So we can get her and go?” Gerry asked.

“Yes,” James growled.

“Good, Good, let’s get her then.” Gerry was about to walk out of the alley when James hit him over the head.

“Not yet ya numb sulk!” James said. Gerry walked back into the alley.

“Watch it James.” He growled.

“Come over this way girlie.” James was saying.

Laces was skipping taking in the Brooklyn night air, she skipped down the street that was not very well lighted at all, and all together creepy looking but she was not thinking about any of this. She was coming up to the alley that James and Gerry were hiding in.

“Get ready Gerry.” James said. Gerry got right next to James.

“Member we aren’t suppose to hurt her, yet anyway.” Gerry whispered. James nodded.

“1,2, and 3!” James and Gerry jumped out the alley and James grabbed Laces by the arms and covered her mouth while Gerry picked her up, James took a piece of cloth out from his pocket and tied it around Laces mouth so all you could hear were faint muffled cries.

“Member me pretty?” James petted Laces face. Laces looked at him with hate in her eyes, she wanted to cry but was trying to restrain herself. Gerry and James carried her away.


Spot was playing poker with Jack, Race and some others. The game had just ended proving Race the winner again.

“Laces?” Race called out.

“She ain’t here.” Bullseye said from his corner. Spot looked up surprised.

“Where is she?” He asked.

“She went out for some fresh air.” Bullseye responded.

“By herself?” Jack asked.

“Yeah she was just going out for a few minutes.” Bullseye said.

“How long she been gone?” Spot asked.

“Maybe 5 minutes.” Bullseye responded. Spot got up and headed towards the door.

“Conlon, I’m sure she’s fine give the kid some room to breath.” Rick said from his desk. Spot looked at him a second and then walked over and leaned on the counter.

“It ain’t safe out there Rick.” Spot said.

“Coise it ain’t and it never will be, she’ll be fine though if anything happens she can scream and you’ll hear her she didn’t go far.” Rick said. Spot was about to tell him about the thing that was about to go on with Pepper but decided it wasn’t the place nor time, because some of the younger newsies could hear and would get scared. Spot nodded and headed back to the parlor, but silent said to himself that if she wasn’t back in another 10 minutes he would go out there and get her. About a second later the lodging house door opened, and in walked a very happy Blue and a smiling Pockets.

“Heya everyone! Hows it rolling?” Blue asked.

“Where’s Laces?” Pockets asked. Spot dropped his cards and so did Jack, Bullseye looked up surprised.

“Ya didn’t see her out there?” Bullseye asked. Blue and Pockets shook their heads.

“She wasn’t out there?” Spot asked. They shook their heads again. Spot and Jack got up and ran out the door.

“Laces?” Spot yelled.

“Come on kid, stop hiding!” Jack said looking into the alleyway that was near the lodging house, soon Pockets, Blue, David, Race, Blink, and Bullseye were all outside looking for Laces, no one else was let out. They looked all over Brooklyn, in all the alleys, behind all the crates, near the docks. Blue and Pockets headed back to Spades place. When they got there though there wasn’t any noise at all.

“The goyls were going to bed.” Pockets said.

“Yeah, but maybe Laces is with them. Who knows maybe she’s playing a trick on Spot, Boy if this is a joke will I give that girl a piece of me mind.” Blue said.

“I’m just gonna be happy to see her safe that’s all.” Pockets said as they walked in.

“Yeah well, she ain’t gonna be safe when Spot gets his hands on her.” Blue said. They walked up the stairs to the girls rooms, half of them were quiet, but Spades room there was talking going on, Blue knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Spades called out.

“Your beloved Blue!” Blue called out.

“What are ya doing back so soon?” Spades called back. But Pockets opened the door, he looked around the room and walked over to the bed looking under it, Blue stood at the door. Pockets then walked over to the closet and opened it, nothing but clothing though.

“Pockets Harper! What are you looking for in me room?” Spades demanded.

“She ain’t here, maybe that means that she really is.” Pockets didn’t finish he sat down on the bed and put his head into his hands.

“What are you talking about, Who?” Spades asked, she wasn’t getting any happier. Seeing as Pockets was going to say nothing she turned to Blue who was leaning in the door post.

“What is this about Blue?’ She asked.

“The kid.’ He replied.

“What happened?’ Angel asked from the window sill.

“She’s gone.” Pockets moaned.

“Run away again?” Spades asked.

“Wish.” Blue said.

“What happened?” Angel asked, getting alarmed.

“She just up and dispeared she went out for some air, and never came back in and she was only out for 5 minutes before we noticed that she was gone, gone.” Blue said.

“Oh great, Where’s Conlon?” Spades asked.

“Looking high and low, everywhere in Brooklyn for her. She just up and vanished.” Blue said.

“This ain’t good, not good at all.” Angel said. She went to sit next to Pockets and started petting his back.

“Who could’ve taken her though?” Spades wondered allowed.

‘Spot said something about Pepper playing dirty.” Pockets moaned from the bed. Spades glared at him hard.

“Pepper, damn it.” She whispered.


Gerry had Laces over his shoulder and every time she moved he would make her scream and cause her pain in some way or another. James was mumbling to himself the whole way to the warehouse, also causing pain to Laces in any way that he could. When they were in front of the warehouse James told Gerry to stop.

“Wait a minute,” James went over to Laces, moving some strands of her hair out of her face, he brushed his hand against her face slowly, and then put his mouth near her ear.

“I told ya that I would get you back sweet stuff, and this is all but pleasure.” James whispered into her ear, Laces motioned her head away from him but he jerked it back in a second, causing a great amount of pain to shrill throughout her body. He kissed her on the cheek, she again pulled back but this time she jerked herself forward and hit James on the head.

“Damn.” James pulled away from her.

“Pepper is gonna be mad that ya touched her before him.” Gerry said as he began walking into the warehouse.

“I don’t give a damn about what Pepper feels, wants or anything. She’s more mine than his.”

When Gerry walked into the warehouse, Pepper was seated on his usual crate.

“Your late.” Pepper called out to him, “You better bring me what I want, that don’t look like Jim.” Pepper said.

“It ain’t him, it’s the goyl.” Gerry said, as he threw Laces to the floor, where she laid unmoving, in a curled little ball. Pepper jumped off his crate, he circled Laces for a second and then he got down on his knees and stared at her, then he slowly lifted her into a sitting position where he stared at her eyes. Pepper and Laces stared at each other for a while, before Gerry disturbed the silence.

“Um, Boss?” Gerry said. Pepper looked up and Glared at Gerry and than at James.

“GO! Leave me with her.” Pepper said. The two left without another word and Pepper went back to Staring at Laces, he pushed her hair out of her face, and ran his fingers through it, he held her jaw in her hand as he turned her face back and forth. He finally got up and held a hand to her to help her get up to, once Laces was standing he got behind her and untied the rag that was around her neck.

“ Now, what’s your name?” Pepper asked. Laces shuddered at his voice.

“Samantha,” She said, the name she only had used a few times, when she had first meet the newsies, and when she had been caught in Harlem.

“Sam, huh?” Pepper said. Laces just nodded, as he circled her some more. “What about your last name, it won’t be Kai by any chance?” Pepper stared at her eyes, Laces was in shock, did he know who she was?

“So it is? Isn’t it, which means your name ain’t Samantha, there was no Samantha. There were three of you, Caroline, Bryan and Audrey. You must be Audrey a 15 year old now.” Pepper said.

“You must be mistaken sir.” Laces said. Pepper looked at her surprised now.

“Why is that?” He asked.

“There was no Bryan Kai.” Laces said. He looked at her curiously, for what seemed forever.

“Yeah, maybe your right.” He said. “Mike!” He yelled, a tall skinny boy came out from behind a box.

“Yeah?” He said.

“Take her, and put her with the other two.” He went over to his box and climbed back on, Mike grabbed Laces arm and twisted it behind her, causing her to yell out in pain. Pepper turned around.

“Don’t hurt her.” He barked, Mike loosen his grip on her, and looked a bit shaken by what Pepper had said. He took her to a far corner of the warehouse, behind some huge crates, and tied her up next to a sleeping Tangles and Cookie.


Spot and Jack were looking up and down, in every alleyway. The sun was coming up, the new day was starting and Laces had been missing for a few hours now. Jack and Spot hadn’t gotten any sleep, neither had David, Blink, Race, Blue or Pockets, or much of Spades gang. The entire group was in front of the lodging house.

“She’s gone.” Blue said.

“No, she’s not gone. She can’t be.” Pockets shook his head.

“It’s been hours since she disappeared, she could be in Joisey by now.” Candy said.

“Damn it.” Spot mumbled.

“If he laid a finger on her, Ise gonna kill him.” Jack said gritting his teeth.

“We moving the day?” Spades asked.

“Tomorrow.” Spot nodded.

“What are we doing today?” Cheeky asked.

“Getting ready, Jack we’re going to forty fourth and second.” Spot said, Jack nodded.

“Blink, Race go back to Manhattan be careful. Tell everyone what happened, and the change in plans.” Race and Blink nodded, and walked off in the direction of Manhattan.

“ Bullseye you’re in charge and that I want all the boys to practice their shot, and their fighting for that matter, and Blue, Pockets, don’t let Bottle Cap out of your sight, understood?” Spot asked. Blue, Bullseye and Pockets nodded as they entered the Lodging house, were only the young had sleep.

“Why are you two going to Forty Fourth and Second?” Spades asked.

“Because Spades, you two aren’t going. Practice something or another, hang around. Don’t even think about following us.” Spot said. Spades glared at him but said nothing. Spot and Jack turned around and headed to Forty Fourth and Second street.


“She doesn’t know.” Pepper was talking to Mike, the guy who had tied Laces up.

“Know what?” Mike asked.

“About Bryan.” Pepper sighed.

“She’s a Kai?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, she’s the little one. She wasn’t around, Caroline took her away. I only meet her once, that face though, it’s Bryan’s.” Pepper said.

“Ya okay with this?” Mike asked.

“Course I am, it wasn’t my fault.” Pepper said. Mike shrugged and walked away from Pepper.


“What are we going to do Spades?” Shady asked.

“You goyls are going to work, be careful stay in safer areas, maybe inside places.” Spades said.

“What are ya gonna do?” Cheeky asked.

“We are going to see Laces sister.” Spades said. The gang nodded. “don’t work to much, later on tonight I want all of you to go to the docks were the boys will be.” Spades said, the girls nodded and all split up heading to different areas. Spades and Angel headed to Caroline’s.

“We really aren’t going to follow them?” Angel asked.

“You heard Conlon.” Spades said.

They got to Caroline’s in no time.

“Ain’t it a little early to be here though, it’s like 6:30 in the morning.” Angel said.

“Well, I think she would like to know that her little sister is missing.” Spades said. Angel nodded, and knocked on the door. There was no answer at first, so Angel knocked again, and then Jim opened the door.

“Angel? Spades?” He asked, he was dressed to go to work.

“Hi, Jim. Is Caroline awake?” Spades asked.

“Yeah, she’s in the kitchen. Come in, excuse me but I must go to work, but is anything wrong?” He asked.

“Yeah, there is. But we need to talk to Caroline.” Angel said.

“Understand. See ya girls.” Jim walked down the hall, as Spades and Angel entered the small apartment. Caroline looked up from the kitchen stove.

“Spades? Angel?” She asked.

“Morning Caroline.” Angel said.

“Anything wrong?’ Caroline asked.

‘Yeah there is something wrong.” Angel said.

“What is it? Is Audrey okay?’ Caroline asked.

“Well, She ain’t exactly here.” Angel said.

“What?’ Caroline asked, as she poured some cups of Coffee and took them over to Spades and Angel and sat down.

“She’s gone, She was taken.” Angel said.

“But how? And where? You girls have to tell me the whole thing.” Caroline said, trying to talk softly.

“This is just it, we found Bottle Cap, he had been taken and made part of Pepper’s pick pocketing gang. Two nights ago we went to Harlem and got him back, we have been planning to face Pepper, but we aren’t doing that till tomorrow. Last night Laces disappeared, and well we think that it was probably Pepper.” Spades said.

“So she’s gone?” Caroline held her hand up to her mouth in shock. “Did you look everywhere? Are you sure she’s no where in Brooklyn?” Caroline asked.

“There were 9 of us, who looked all night for her, everywhere. She was gone.” Spades said.

“How could this happen, how could Spot let this happened?” Caroline asked.

“It wasn’t Spot, she went out for 2 minutes for some fresh air, and after five minutes Spot wanted to go out to check on her, but the kid she needs space, Spot and Jack never leave her alone. So he didn’t go but then Pockets and Blue walked in and they hadn’t seen Laces, she hadn’t been out long.” Angel said.

“This Pepper person, is he dangerous?” Caroline asked.

“Haven’t you ever heard of Pepper Cruelli?” Spades asked.

“Cruelli?’ Caroline repeated.

“Yeah, that’s it heard of him?’ Angel asked.

“Not a Pepper.” Caroline said.

“There’s more of them?” Spades asked.

“Yeah, one more. Who knows where he is though.” Caroline said.

“Ya knew him?” Angel asked.

“Yeah, you could say that he killed someone close to me.” Caroline looked out the window.

“A boyfriend?” Angel dared to asked, because of her curiosity.

“No.” there was silence for a bit before Caroline added, “he killed my brother.”

“Laces and ya had a brother?” Spades asked surprised.

“Yeah, we did. I doubt Laces remembers him, she was only two when he died, probably thinks he was a boyfriend of mine, he was 16, I was 11. It was before all the troubles started, that might have been some what when the trouble started, I ran away just 5 years later.” Caroline had a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Pepper, did you ever meet him?” Spades asked.

“He might have been around, but personally no. I didn’t even know there was a younger one. Another one, you girls have to find her, find her fast get her out of there.” Caroline was crying now, her tears falling into her coffee. Angel got up and patted Caroline on the back.

“I promise nothing will happen to her, as long as I can help it.” Spades consoled.

“Thank you, please please be careful.” Caroline said.

“Of course.” Angel said.

“Do you want us to stay and help you a bit, we don’t have to be anywhere for a few hours.” Spades offered.

“That would be comforting girls, thank you.” Caroline said.


Spot and Jack were in front of Peach’s apartment, Spot knocked. Peach opened the door slowly.

“Patrick? Frances?” Peach said. Spot and Jack were surprised to be called by their real names, they almost turned to see if there were another pair of boys behind them.

“Come in, Spot, Jack.” Peach said smiling at the confused looks on their faces.

“Hello Peach.” Jack kissed her on the cheek and Spot did the same. Pixie ran out of her room and hugged both boys legs.

“Jack! Spot! You came back!” Pixie beamed up at them.

“Yeah, we came back. We need to talk to your mommy though. Can you go into your room, and we’ll call you when we’re done.” Spot said. Jack got down on his knees.

“Ise promise ya a game of your choice before we leave.” He told her, she nodded and troddled away to her room.

“What’s this about boys?” Peach asked.

“Pepper.” Spot said. “He took her, Laces.” Peach sat down and held her hand up to her forehead.

“Oh, no, how long has he had her?” Peach asked.

“A night.” Jack responded.

“Oh dear.” Peach closed her eyes and bit her lip.

“Peach we need to know will he hurt her?” Spot asked.

“Well, it depends on his mood, his plans, everything there is no way to really tell, what I do know though is she is probably perfectly fine right now for the situation she is in.” Peach said.

“We are attacking tomorrow, late afternoon, Will she be hurt then?” Jack asked.

“You have to be terribly careful.” Peach said, “As to her being hurt I really don’t know boys, I was one of his sleepers, nothing more, nothing less, I was never really allowed to see his works.”

“There’s something else Peach, what is it?” Jack asked, staring at her.

“Nothing.” Peach replied. Spot glared at Peach, but she said nothing.

“Are you done?” Pixie called out.

“Come on out here, for your game!” Jack replied, Pixie ran out.

“I want a horseback ride, one from both of you though.” Pixie said. Jack nodded and lifted her up above his shoulders, and put her on his back carrying her around the apartment. The little girl laughed, and squealed and giggled to her hearts content. Then Spot also gave her a ride around the small apartment and she enjoyed it even more.

“That was great.” She said in her baby voice.

“We’re happy to be of service.” Jack took a bow to her, she giggled.

“We’ll be seeing you, we have ta be going.” Spot said. Peach nodded, and Pixie pouted.

“Bye Peach, Pixie.” Jack said. The boys walked out of the small apartment. Peach closed the door, and leaned against the back of it.

“He’ll notice, just like I did. He’ll know who she is.” Peach sighed.


Tangles and Cookie were waking up again, having nothing else to do while they were tied up, they sleep something they needed to catch up on anyway. Tangles woke up first, and at his movement Cookie woke up to. Tangles saw that there was another tied up person, next to him.

“Who’s that?” He asked, not yet adjusting to the light and not being able to make out the person anyway.

“I’m Laces.” Laces said in a soft tone. Tangles and Cookie were wide-awake now, and they stared at Laces.

“Laces, from Brooklyn? Jim’s Laces?” Cookie asked.

“Jim’s? Who’s Jim?” Laces asked confused.

“Bottle Cap.” Tangles supplied.

“Why in the world did you call ‘im Jim?” Laces asked.

“Cause that’s what all of us called him. What happened to you?” Tangles asked.

“I’m not sure, one minute I was outside the Brooklyn Lodging house, the next I was grabbed by James, and this other guy I don’t know and I was hurt in everyplace possible while they brought me here, and James.” Laces shuddered.

“How do you know James?’ Cookie asked.

“Old Co-leader in Brooklyn, like Bullseye is now.” Laces said.

“You’ve been around that long?” Tangles said.

“Well, I only knew him and Night as leaders for about two days, I think before Spot got into a brawl with them over me, and well he beat them, and about a week later Spot became the leader.” Laces said.

“So that’s why James hated Bottle Cap,” Cookie mumbled.

“He wants to make me suffer, I am the reason he ain’t the leader of Brooklyn.” Laces said.

“Damn this is a fine mess, Pepper and James want your head, and Spot, Jack the rest of Brooklyn, and Manhattan are probably gonna come after Pepper.” Tangles said.

“I think it was Tuesday next week that they were going to come,” Laces said.

“Yeah, well that was before you were taken. They know where to find us?” Cookie asked.

“Course, we found that out a long time ago.” Laces said.

“Wow, seems like they have some what of a chance of winning.” Tangles said.

“They don’t have a chance, they will win.” Laces said confidently, she knew that her boys would win.

“Yeah, maybe. So are you okay?” Cookie asked.

“If okay means alive, yeah. But if okay means no bruises everywhere, no headache, no disgusted feeling, not feeling confused and lost, and no dry blood, then no.” Laces said.

“He beat you up that bad huh?” Tangles said.

“Who?’ Laces asked.

“Pepper.” Cookie said.

“Pepper didn’t touch me.” Laces responded. “It was James and that other guy.”

“Pepper didn’t touch you.” Tangles looked at her surprised. Just then someone came over, it was Melly.

“Hey Melly, everything okay?” Cookie asked.

“Oh just worse and worse.” She went over to Laces. “You poor thing, Pepper sent me back her to take you over to him, He wants to see you.” Melly began to untie Laces slowly.

“Be careful you two.” Tangles said.

“Melly come back later.” Cookie said. Melly nodded as she lead Laces out from behind the large crates.


The Brooklyn boys and part of Spades gang were all on the docks, practicing a variety of things, like their slingshots aiming, their actually fighting, and defending themselves. Spades girls were working with some of the guys, Blue was helping Shady, and Pockets was helping Candy and Cheeky. Scorch was playing with fire, and how to frighten people with it. While Vigor was practicing her sling shot, with Marbles.

“Do you think Spades and Angel are okay? They left early this morning and haven’t come back yet.” Cheeky asked Blue.

“They should be fine.” Blue responded.

“Up, shoot higher Vigor, Scorch quit it your going to set the dock on fire.” Bullseye said as he shoot three bottles off the each post.

“If I burn it down Colon won’t be able to have it no more.” Scorch said. Bullseye stared at her.

“If you don’t quit that Ise going to push ya into the water.” Scorch pouted.

“What am I suppose to do?’ Scorch asked.

“Practice something, your punches, or your shot.” Blue suggested.

Spot, and Jack walked onto the dock.

“Bullseye!” Spot yelled.

“Heya Spot, Jack.” Bullseye said.

“Where’s Spades? And Angel?” Spot asked. Bullseye shrugged, Spot looked at Vigor.

“Where are they?” He asked her.

“They went to Caroline’s they haven’t come back though, they’ve been gone all day.” Candy said.

“All day?’ Jack asked.

“Damn it, they shouldn’t have gone anywhere.” Spot said.

Just then Spades, and Angel walked down the dock.

“Who shouldn’t have gone anywhere?’ Spades asked. Spot and Jack turned around.

“Where have you been?’ Spot demanded.

“Around.” Angel replied.

“We ain’t some of your newsies Colon, nor are we some little kids that need you to take care of us.” Spades said.

“This ain’t the time,” Spot gritted through his teeth, he turned around.

“We’re going tonight, now.” Spot said. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

“What?” Bullseye said.

“We’re going tonight, now.” Jack said.

“But, ya said we would tomorrow.” Marbles said.

“I changed me mind, she’s in too much of a danger, he has to much of a lead.” Spot said. Spades nodded and so did Angel.

“All of you now move.” Spot said. Jack was already heading to Manhattan, “Spades send one of your girls with Jack.” Spot said. Spades gave him a look, for ordering her around, but she nodded at Candy, who followed Jack.


Laces walked in front of Melly, every time she took a step there was a sharp pain in each leg. She was in front of Pepper.

“Audrey.” Pepper said. She looked up at him.

“Yeah?’ She asked. He got down off of his crate.

“She’s bruised. Look at her, there’s dry blood.” Pepper was looking at her face. “Gerry! James!” Pepper bellowed. James and Gerry ran up to Pepper, Pepper slowly turned and looked at them, much like a very quiet predator.

“Did you do this to her?” Pepper asked. Gerry looked at James, and then responded.

“We were trying to keep her from running away from us,” He said. Pepper nodded.

“Really, look at her, how many times did she try to run away?” Pepper asked, fiddling with Laces hair.

“Well,” James started, as he glared at Laces.

“Should we count, would that tell us?” Pepper asked, “Or are there other reasons why she’s so rough up? Didn’t I tell ya never ta rough up a goyl unless I said so?” Pepper’s tone was raising slowly. He stopped yelling at the two boys, as he turned back to Laces and Melly.

“Are you hurt badly? Did these thugs hurt you?’ Pepper asked. Laces keep her head down as she nodded her hair was all over her face, you could only see her eyes at times, glaring at James from time to time. Pepper lifted her head and looked at her a moment again. Then he turned to Melly.

“Take her clean her up, and get her somewhere to sleep.” Pepper said. Melly nodded.

“Sleep?” She said softly.

“With ya goyls.” Pepper said. Melly nodded and lead Laces away to the stairs, and upper part of the warehouse.


Peach was going back in forth frankly, her nerves were worked up from the visit that Jack and Spot had paid her in the morning, she knew there was going to be trouble. People were going to get hurt, Laces might get hurt, and Jack, Spot, Tangles and Cookie and the people she had lived with most of her life. She held on to Pixie for dear life, causing the little girl to cry sometimes.

“Mommy what’s wrong?” Pixie asked, as she watched her mother tremble in fear.

“Nothing baby.” Peach would reply and then start talking to herself. There was a knock at the door, that sent Peach out of her chair and onto the floor. She quickly got up and went for the door, hoping it was Cookie or Tangles or Bottle Cap someone to reassure her nothing was going to happen. At the door stood a girl that Peach had never seen before.

“Hello, can I help you?” Peach asked. The girl nodded, she had green emeralds eyes, and long blond hair that went down to her waist.

“Hi, I’m Daisy I was sent by Teri, who was sent by Melly, who was told to come by Tangles and Cookie.” Daisy said. Peach nodded and let the girl in.

“Are you part of Pepper’s gang?” Peach asked. Daisy shook her head vigorously.

“Nope, never plan to be. I just ran into Teri who was out getting something for him. And she sent me to relay the message because I was heading this way and I have the time.” Daisy smiled. Peach nodded.

“I understand. Would you like tea? Coffee?” Peach went into her small kitchen.

“No thank you, I’m fine. But it sounds like things at Pepper’s ain’t so fine.” Daisy said.

“Oh dear, what is it?’ Peach asked sitting down.

“From what I know is that they grabbed the girl that caused so much trouble between Manhattan and Brooklyn, Laces Ise heard she is, I even heard she’s a Kai, but I don’t believe that much. But they got her, James and Gerry grabbed her, and she was roughed up bad. Teri said that when she was leaving a little while ago, Pepper was yelling at Gerry and James for roughing her up. And he told Melly to take her to the upstairs and clean her up. He’s being terribly nice to the girl, and he knews who she is, or that’s what Melly said. I didn’t understand what that meant but I was told to tell you that. Tangles and Cookie are fine, and rumor has it that Colon, and Kelly are planning on attacking tomorrow night, but that is about all I know.” Daisy said. Peach nodded.

“Thank you, very much Daisy. Please be careful on those streets, things are going to be dangerous.” Peach said.

“I will. I will come around if anyone gives me any new information.” Daisy said. Peach nodded.

“Thank you.” Peach said as she closed the door.

“I have to go tonight, I have to do something. Pixie, Pixie dear come here.” Peach beckoned Pixie to herself.

“Yes mommy?’ Pixie asked.

“Honey, I need to go down to the docks, where the abandon warehouses are.”

“But why mommy?” Pixie asked.

“Well honey, I need to talk with someone.” Peach answered.

“Oh.” Pixie answered. “I’ll go get ready.” Pixie ran into her small room.

“ Oh dear, what am I going to do with her, there’s no way I could take her inside with me, I’ll have to leave her outside where it’s safe and no one can see her.” Peach said as she grabbed a shawl.


Jack walked quickly into the Manhattan Lodging house, the sun was beginning to set, they needed to be there by the time it was dark. Candy followed close behind, smiling about the fact that she got to fight.

“RACE! BLINK! SKITTERY! All of you get down here now!” Jack yelled up the stairs. The many Manhattan newsies ran down the stairs in a hurry, surprisingly not tripping over each other.

“What’s wrong Jack?’ Snipes asked as he was the first one down the stairs.

“We’re going, now to Harlem.” Jack answered. The newsies all looked grave, many of the older ones lit a cigarette.

“ Why change in plans? Something happen?” Blink asked.

“She’s in too much danger, and he has to much of a lead.” Candy answered. “Specs run over to Dave’s and get him.” Jack said. Specs nodded and headed out the door.

“The rest of you, get ready. The younger ones, you’re all staying. Understood.” Jack said. All of them nodded, expect for Snipes. Jack noticed Snipes didn’t nod, but he ignored it for the time.

“Crutchy you stay with them. Go upstairs, and all of ya listen ta Crutchy.” Jack said. They all nodded, expect for Snipes again. They all headed up the stairs, Snipes even went up the stairs.

“Okay, now we wait for Specs, and Dave and Brooklyn.” Jack said.

“And Spades’ gang.” Candy added.

It didn’t take long for Brooklyn, David, Specs, and Spades to all get to Manhattan. Once they all arrived there was little talking, Spot had left all the younger newsies in Brooklyn too. David, Spot, Spades and Jack lead the large group newsies, but soon they spit into smaller groups that went different ways so that they wouldn’t get accused of nothing by the bulls.

“Bottle Cap stayed willingly?” Jack asked Bullseye who was in his group.

“Nope, won’t be surprised if the kid is following us.” Bullseye said, The only words spoken all the way to Harlem.


Snipes walked into the washroom, and looked around. He couldn’t stay here, not with Laces in trouble and a chance to get the guy who hurt his friend Bottle Cap.

“I bet Spot let Cap go.” Snipes said to himself in the mirror. “So if Cap goes I get to go, right?”

There was a sound at the window, the Snipes was planning on crawling out of. Snipes went over to the window and opened it to see what was throwing rocks. He looked down to the ground, and saw a small figure standing there. Snipes didn’t recognize who it was though.

“Who’s there?” Snipes asked.

“I’m gone for a few months and ya don’t recognize me?” The voice said.

“Cap?” Snipes asked surprised.

“The one and only, now come on I know you want to come.” Cap said in a hurried tone. Snipes climbed out of the window and the two went running on their way to Harlem.


Caroline sat at her table, the girls had just left a little while ago but her nerves were in a bundle. She was picturing what Pepper would do to Laces, when he found out who she was. Jim peered at her from above his paper.

“What’s wrong Caroline?” Jim asked.

“I don’t know what that boy will do when he finds out who Audrey is, when he knows that she is the little sister of the boy his older brother killed and is in jail for. I’m really scared for her.” Caroline said.

“I’m sorry but there is nothing we can do, is there?” Jim said.

“Well I could go down there, see if there is anything I can do. Maybe go talk to Spot.” Caroline said.

“Yeah you could.” Jim said.

“I think I will.” Caroline got her coat and was about to head out the door, when Scott came running over to her, with his coat and newsies cap on.

“I wanna go see Spot.” He said.

“No honey, you can’t come with me not right now.’ Caroline said. “It’s to late, you can’t come honey,”

“But I wanna see Spot.” Scott said. “And Laces, and Bottle Cap. Ise heard ya say he was back!” Scott whined.

“Why don’t you take him, you can’t take that long.” Jim said. Caroline looked at Scott, and nodded.

“All right but just this once.” Caroline said, as she held out her hand for him to grab hold of.


Laces was all cleaned up, and feeling much better sleeping on a nice mattress, or as nice as she had seen in this place, upstairs. There were a few girls up there, but not many and they all talked quietly and did whatever Laces wanted. She got the feeling that they felt bad for her.

“Are you all right dear? Anything you want, something to drink? To eat?’ One of the girls asked. Laces shook her head.

“I wonder when Pepper is coming up?” Another on asked.

“I hope for not a while.” The one next to her said. Not many told Laces what their names were, only Melly had, and Melly had gone back downstairs to talk to Tangles and Cookie.

“Pepper is ‘e such a bad guy?’ Laces asked, the girl sitting next to the bed. The girl was a pale, fragile beauty type. She had golden blond hair, and soft worn out blue eyes, and a white as chalk complexion, she was thin, but not terribly skinny. The girl shook her head.

“Not to us he ain’t honey. To others probably, I’ve never been on the other side, once I came in I was up here and I’ve been up here ever since. I was only 11 but he was only 14 to 15 back then, and his brother was in charge but I was his.” The girl said, almost more to herself than to Laces. Laces nodded not really understanding any of it.

“Why did you come here?” Laces asked. The girl looked at her surprised.

“I had no where to go, no way to make money, nothing. Bobby took me in. Under his wing, and said I was a pretty thing that his brother might like. I think I was Pepper’s first.” The girl replied. Laces nodded, she still didn’t understand any of it but it was something to keep her from thinking about things, listening to this girl’s story.

“Who’s Bobby?” Laces asked.

“Why Pepper’s older brother.” The girl replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry but I didn’t get your name.” Laces said.

“I never gave me name.” The girl replied. “But it’s Spring.”

“That’s pretty, how did you get that?’ Laces asked.

“Oh, I was found in Spring and sides, that’s when there’s love in the air.” Spring said.

“ Oh. I’m Laces.” Laces said.

“Don’t get attached to that name.” Spring replied.

“Why not?” Laces asked.

“It Pepper doesn’t like it he’ll change it.” Spring said.

“He changes people’s names?” Laces asked.

“Yeah most people, He changed mine, the only one he never changed was Peach’s.” Spring said.

“Peach, really?” Laces said.

“Yeah Peach.” Spring reply.


Peach was in front of the warehouse, she knew this was the place. The place she had called home for a long time. A long scary nightmare of a time, she knew most of the people who came in and out, even though she had talked to few of them being one of the “girls” but she knew who they all were. She shivered as she held Pixie, was this worth it, they all thought she was dead, there were very few people who knew she was alive.

Peach walked over to some large crates, she knew these crates, she hid behind them a lot once upon a time. She knew that one of them had a small area where she could get Pixie into and the crate was empty. She carried pixie behind the box.

“Okay honey, I want you to stay here, and not come out no matter what. Understand. If I take to long wait someone will come along, Tangles, or Cookie. Or if not, Spot and Jack will be around here sooner or later, so you can go with them but be careful please!” Peach kissed Pixie on the forehead and got up and walked away from the little girl. Pixie crawled into the crate, it was going to be a long night, at least it was warm in the crate.

Peach took a deep breath as she was trying to get her nerves up to go into the warehouse.

“Come on you can do this Peach you can.” She was saying to herself when she heard footsteps and she jumped inside where she went behind a large machine that was no longer in use.


Spot’s group was one of the first to get to the warehouse, they stopped across the small street in the alley for the rest of the newsies, they all got there around the same time.

“Are we all ready?” Spot asked. Everyone nodded, some threw their smokes down and stepped on them.

“Member Spades, goyls take care of yourselves they ain’t exactly fair fighters,” Jack said quietly to Spades gang. They all nodded at him.

“ Okay, let’s go. Dave ya know what your suppose to do, you go looking for Laces.” Spot said. There was silence for a moment.


Pepper went up the stairs, and into the small room where there were some girls, and Laces was laying on the bed.

“All of you expect, you,” He pointed at Laces, “Downstairs.” They all got up, and shot Laces sympathetic looks. Spring before she got up whispered to her.

“Ya listen to what he says, cause he won’t hesitate to hurt you.” Then she got up and walked out. Pepper closed the door after them.

“Ya cleaned up nicely I see.” He said, as he took steps closer to the bed.

“Yeah, thank you.” Laces said, as she watched him in fear. He was taking off his shirt, and he unbuttoned his pants. Laces shifted uncomfortable, she was starting to have some sort of idea what those girls were for him. He got down on the bed and started to slide his hand under Laces shirt. Laces jumped at the touch of his cold rough hand against her body.

“What are you?” She start to say but he took his left hand and covered her mouth with his finger.

“Shh, let’s not talk now.” He said. As he went higher than her stomach and onto her chest where he edged his way, making Laces move. He took his hand out of her shirt and climbed onto her, his body weight keeping her down. He then proceeded to kiss her first lightly on the cheek then he went down on her neck and all over. Laces started screaming at this, but he first ignored her, and when she screamed loudly in his ear, he slapped her.

“Ya shut up, ya whore.” He growled as he continued. Laces began to cry, softly, she couldn’t move he was too heavy for her body to throw him off. She was stuck, she keep whispering no to herself but she couldn’t voice it, her throat was dry and every time she opened it to say anything, he would stick his lips and tongue down her throat. He began to unbutton her shirt, undressing her quickly. Laces was struggling against him, but he just keep hitting on her, soon causing her to pass out. That’s when someone knocked.

“WHO THE “ELL IS IT?” He said angry.

“It’s Mike. There’s trouble, big trouble.” Mike said.

“What is it, that you can’t handle Mike?” Pepper said.

“Brooklyn’s here.” Mike responded, “With some friends.” He added.

“Shit, they’re early.” He said as he got up and pulled his pants back up and he put his shirt back on. He walked out, Mike looked at him a second and then pointed down to the first floor of the warehouse, there was a few Newsies down there fighting some of Pepper’s thugs.

“Damn it.” Pepper locked the door to the room, and walked down with Mike.


The Newsies, and Spades gang all stormed into the warehouse, none quite sure what to expect and none quite ready for a fight expect for maybe Spades girls who were always ready for a fight, and Jack and Spot. At first when they stormed into the warehouse nothing happened they stood there for a second, but then thugs came at them with clubs and chains, and the fight began. Not many of the thugs were there yet though, many were still to come.

James came at Spot out of no where when Spot was in the middle of fighting off Gerry.

“Get lost Gerry this little shrimp is mine.” James said. Gerry backed off and Spot stared at James.

“Hello Shrimp, can’t control Brooklyn?” James asked.

“We ain’t here to talk.” Spot said as he swung his cane at James head.


Caroline walked into the lodging house, there were some young newsies in the parlor playing Marbles or cards. Rick sat at the counter watching them and looking out the window every so often.

“Hello, can I help you miss?’ Rick asked. Caroline looked at him surprised.

“Um, I’m looking for Spot.” She said. Rick nodded.

“I’m sorry he isn’t here.” Rick said.

“Oh where is he at this late hour?’ Caroline asked.

“Miss who are you?” Rick asked back.

“Laces sister, Caroline.” Rick held out a hand.

“Pleasure to meet ya. They all gone, they went to Harlem.” Rick said.

“No, they weren’t suppose to till tomorrow.” Caroline said.

“No they weren’t but your sister is in a great amount of danger.” Rick said.

“Oh dear, thank you.” Caroline walked out of the lodging house and started walking towards Harlem forgetting that Scott was with her. Scott followed her never making a sound because he knew that if he did that she would go back home, and he won’t get to see Spot.


Peach stood behind her box watching, she was too late, the boys had come early. She stay behind her box and watched the fights. Her eye wonder to where she use to stay, the room upstairs that were for the “girls” she noticed Pepper come out of it, and Mike standing next to him. She watched Pepper lock the door, there was something in there that he didn’t want to get out. None of his girls would leave not in the middle of this, there had to be something in there, that was untrained. Peach looked around the warehouse, everyone who fought was fighting, she noticed though that most of the pick pockets were helping the newsies not Pepper. They would pay dearly if the boys lost. She scanned the room, where could Cookie and Tangles be.


“It started!” Melly said in a loud voice.

“They’re early.” Tangle said.

“Yeah they are.” Cookie responded. “It’s cause of that girl.”

“Mel, untie us now.” Tangle said.

“But,” Melly started.

“No, buts do it now.” Tangles said. Melly nodded and went to untie them from their ropes.

“What are you going to do?” Melly asked.

“Help Brooklyn, and Manhattan.” Tangles said as he got up. Cookie nodded and they headed towards were all the fighting was taking place.


Caroline was at the Warehouse, when she heard a sneeze behind her. She turned and saw Scott, grinning at her.

“What are we doing here mommy?’ He asked. Caroline sighed, she had forgotten that she had Scott with her, in the moment. Now what to do with him, it was too dangerous to take him in with her.

“Scott honey, come help mommy find a hiding place for you.” Caroline said. Scott nodded, he loved hiding it was one of his favorite things to do.


Many of Pepper’s thugs were on the ground, Spot was still fighting James. Spades girls were fighting off some thugs fast and quick they would knock them out, they would work in pairs, and confuse the boys. Making them go in circles and then seducing them while another one came up behind with something heavy and hit them on the head, and if that didn’t work who ever had seduced them would give a swift kick and they would go down, and few more hits and they would be unconscious.

David was searching high and low for Laces, he had no idea where to look for her, and he keep getting distracted when a thug would come at him, but then someone around would take care of it so Dave could keep looking. Dave went behind some crates and ran into some girls who were sitting around in a huddled group.

“Oh, um sorry.” Dave said as he started to walk away, and then he turned back and looked at the girls. “Are you girls all right?” He asked. They nodded their heads.

“We’re as fine as we can be in this situation.” Spring said.

“Oh, um none of you would know where I can find a girl, named Laces, she has dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes.” Dave was saying, when Spring nodded.

“Yeah we do know where she is, so?’ She said. Dave looked at her confused.

“Well can you tell me?” He asked.

“No, I can’t.” Spring said.

“Why not?’ Dave asked.

“Spring why don’t you just tell ‘im?” one of the girls said.

“Because.” Spring returned. The girl shook her head, and smiled at Dave.

“She’s up in that room over there, but I don’t think ya’ll be able to get her out.” The girl said. Spring glared at her.

“Well it don’t hurt none to try. Thank you ladies.” Dave said as he walked away from them.


Bottle Cap and Snipes were in front of the warehouse, they knew that Spot and Jack and the rest had already gotten there because they could hear the commotion going on inside. They were standing there looking in, or at the door because it was closed. When someone ran into them. Cap turned around ready to throw a punch at anyone who it was, Snipes did the same thing.

“Who’s there?” Snipes said. The person who had run into them came closer, and into the light.

“Caroline?” Cap said.

‘Cap!” Caroline gave the boy a hug. Then she looked at him. “What are you doing here?” She asked.

“What are you?” He returned.

“I don’t know what got into me, I just went to the lodging house, and I found out they had come here and well I came here. I wasn’t thinking about it.” Caroline responded.

“Well, come on, we’ll hide behind some crates that are here and see what’s going on.” Bottle Cap lead them around the warehouse and went behind some crates to watch what was going on. The fighting had died done some, very little of it was going on. Because the newsies, and the pick pocketing kids outnumbered the thugs by at least 20. And most of them were already knocked out. Spot was still fighting fiercely against James, they were both tried but neither was giving up any time soon. Jack was fighting Gerry. Race, Blink and Skittery were all in search of Laces. Pepper was watching the scene, watching his empire crumble under his feet. He wasn’t going to take this he couldn’t.

“What can I do to stop this?” Pepper asked Mike. Mike shrugged.

“They look awful mad and all this because of that kid and the goyl.” Mike said.

“The girl that’s it!” Pepper went back up the stairs.

David watched a tall man go up the stairs, while another tall man stood at the foot of them watching everyone fight, now what was he going to do? There was no way he could fight both of them off. He watched Pepper go up the stairs and then he watched them get a key out of his pocket and open the door.


Scott had stayed behind a large crate, he was sitting there trying to keep warm and wondering what was going on when he heard crying. He looked around but didn’t see anyone, he couldn’t think of where it was coming from.

“Who’s there?” Scott asked. The crying stopped, Scott move a little keeping his back next to the crate when suddenly he fell back into the crate. There was a scream. Scott jumped up.

“Who’s there?” He asked again, trying to get back out of the crate again.

“Tangles? Cookie? Spot?” A little voice said.

“Spot?” Scott said.

“You can’t be Spot.” The little voice started to whimper.

“Don’t cry, Ise Scott. I’m a friend of Spot’s.” Scott said, as he now tried to find the source of the cries.

“Scott?” The little voice said. Scott found the person, a little girl he noticed.

“Hi.” Scott sat next to her.

“Hello.” Pixie returned.

“What’s your name?” Scott asked.

“Pixie,” Pixie sniffled.

“Why ya crying?” Pixie asked.

“Cause, me mommy went in there and left me here and she hasn’t come back.” Pixie said.

“Well then why don’t we go in there and look for her, me mommy just went in there too. Spot and Jack are in there.” Scott said putting his little hand on Pixie’s shoulder.

“Cause I ain’t suppose to move.” Pixie said. Scott nodded, he wasn’t suppose to either, but he decided it won’t hurt none if he stayed with Pixie in the crate, it was warmer in there anyway.


Peach was standing behind her crate still when she notice Pepper going back upstairs, she decided it was time to find out what exactly was going on, she started to move behind crates, and things towards the stairs. That’s when she ran into the “girls.”

“Peach?” They all asked.

“Heya goyls how are ya?” She asked.

“We were told you were dead.” Spring said.

“I ain’t, I pretended to be. I didn’t want to come back, I had a baby and I didn’t want to lose her. I knew that Pepper would want me back.” Peach said.

“A baby?” One girl said. Peach nodded.

“A goyl.” She said. There were many ohs, and how cute, from the group of girls.

“What did ya name her Peach?” One girl asked.

“Pixie.” She replied.

“That’s a dear. After Pixie herself?” Spring asked.

“Course after poor Pixie herself.” Peach said.

“That’s so like you Peach. What are you doing here?’ Spring asked.

“It’s Laces,” Peach said.

“Why is everyone looking for that girl?’ One girl asked.

“Because, she can get very hurt.” Peach responded.

“Why? She can’t Pepper liked her. Made her a girl, he even sleep with her right before this all started.” Spring said.

“Oh no, I should’ve known he would want to torture her before he did anything.” Peach said in a terrified voice.

“Torture? Why being a goyl is betta then picking pockets, and ya know it.” Spring said.

“No, don’t you know who she is?” Peach asked Spring.

“Who she is?” Spring replied.

“Ya didn’t look at her long did ya?” Peach asked.

“No, why?” Spring asked.

“She’s a Kai.” Peach said.

“No, not that Kai?” Spring said. Many of the girls were confused they hadn’t been around long enough to understand what was going on. Not at all.

“Yeah, she’s his little sister.” Peach said. “and he knows.”

“Dear Lord, poor girl.” Spring said.

“Where is she?” Peach asked.

“Up in the room.” Spring answered.

“Thank you.” Peach walked off.


Pepper had Laces in his arms, she was awake again but she could move, she didn’t want to because she didn’t know if Pepper was going to hurt her. He didn’t even bother to dress her fully again. He just put her suspenders back up and straighten her shirt a little but nothing more. He pushed her down the stairs.

David saw Laces, she looked terrible, like she had been roughed up in every way possible. He pounced on Pepper when he came down, not thinking for once in his life what he was doing. Mike intervined and took David out with very little effort. Laces screamed for him to stop but he paid her no heed. Peeper keep moving, towards the crate where he always sat.

Meanwhile, his thugs had all been taking out. James was even down. Spot and Jack were exhasuated and they knew that Pepper was around somewhere.

“Come out you bastard! You chicken leave your stupid thugs to take care of us. We’re done with ‘em, and we didn’t even come for them.” Spot yelled.

“We came for you, you son of a bitch, where the ‘ell are you? Show yourself!” Jack was yelling. Pepper climbed onto his crate, and once he was on top he held Laces close to him.

“Here I am! And look I got a pretty little doll with me, would ya like to talk to me doll?’ Pepper said, as he rubbed his hand on Laces. Spot and Jack started to walk closer to him.

“You take your hands off her now!” Spot said.

“Now see, Why would I want to do that? She’s such a pretty thing, with a nice incoent body. Never been charted this one, oh wait, never had been.” Pepper said, as he kissed Laces on the neck. She started to cry.

“Help me.” She cried, frankly to Spot and Jack. Jack threw himself at the box and so did Spot trying to climb.

“YOU BASTARD!” Spot screamed. Many of the newsies were starting to head towards him to, angry and pure hatred in their eyes. That’s when Pepper grabbed something from his pants, and held it to Laces head.

“Any of you come near me, she gets it and that would ruin her pretty little head but oh well.” Pepper said. Laces started to tremble and the tears were coming faster. Spot and Jack fell back down the box, and everyone just stopped.


Bottle Cap, Caroline and Snipes were all behind a crate, at the far end of the warehouse, watching Pepper and Laces on top of the crate.

“Shit, I don’t believe this. If he hurts her.” Bottle Cap said. Caroline was trying not to cry and Snipes was in shock.

“Cap, watch your mouth.’ Caroline said, the only thing she could say as she watched her sister’s life slowly and torturously taken from her.

“Will he kill her?” Snipes asked.

“Yeah he will.” Cap replied.

“My poor baby sister.” Caroline sain beginning to cry.


Peach stopped where she was when she watched Pepper pull out his gun from his pants, she knew that he had one, she had seen him practice with it. It was the same gun that his brother used, the one he had used that night he killed Bryan.

“No, it’s not going to happen again.” Peach said to herself as she started to run behind the crates that surround the warehouse towards where Pepper and Laces were. She got to where they were in no time, not having been far away in the first place, she took a breath.


Pepper held Laces to his body.

“Precious if they hadn’t interrupted I could have finished, but I didn’t. Too bad, ya weren’t all that bad when you weren’t moving and talking.” Pepper whispered to her. Spot and Jack stared at him trying to figure out what to do without getting Laces, or themselves killed.

“ Now, one more kiss. But a nice long one, to let me decided if your going to live or not.” Pepper said, turning laces to face him, pointing the gun in her gut as he pulled her in for a kiss.

“Damn Bastard.” Spot mumbled. Laces had nothing to do, but do as he said.

Peach watched him, she was ready to jump on the box when he pulled away from her, that was the time to pounce, she would push Laces off the box. She didn’t think that Pepper would kill her, he would think she , was a ghost. Knowing him, he was most likely drunk. Pepper held Laces a long time, he liked the resistance that she was having, he liked the pain he was causing her, and he loved the fact that he had control of everyone in the room. He was thinking that he could use this girl, she could provide quite a nice distraction while his men got up again. And all of his pickers would pay for this treason against him. His lips came off her lips and then he went up against her ear.

“That was nice, maybe I’ll keep you to play with.” He said. Laces whimpered, as he pulled away.

That’s when Peach jumped up and pushed Laces with all her might out of Pepper’s arms, and she fell off the box. Jack went for her and caught her before she hit the floor. Pepper grabbed Peach, and fired the gun into her gut then at her chest without as much as a breath in-between.

“NO! PEACH!” Tangles, Cookie, Cap, Spot and Jack all screamed at the same time as the gun shot went into her chest. Blood was spilling everywhere, Pepper looked at Peach lying on the box.

“Damn Bitch, never did know when to stay out of things. Thought you was dead pretty, now you are.” Pepper said, as he jumped off his box, and pointed his gun at everyone as he head towards the door. When he was about to walk out, Spring came in front of him.

“Get out of me way Spring.” Pepper said, as he stood in front of you.

“You killed her, the only woman who mothered your child. I wanted your child, even after everything you’ve done, I would still want your child.” Spring said. Pepper looked at her.

“I’ll kill you.” Pepper said.

“Will you, I’ll go to heaven you know. That’s where I’ll go, I was suppose to go that day you found me you saved me. I can go now, I’ve been waiting.” Spring said.

“I will, I’ll kill you so help me if you don’t move.” Pepper said.

“If you do, just know that I love you.” Spring said, Pepper shot a shot at her as he ran out of the warehouse. Spring fell to the ground.


Bottle Cap ran out from behind the crate, Caroline after him, and Snipes came last. Bottle Cap ran over to Peach, where Tangles and Cookie were at, and Spot and Jack. Snipes and Caroline went over to Laces.

“Peach, don’t die, not now.” Spot was saying.

“Sh, It didn’t happen again. Not again. I stopped it this time.” Peach said. Laces, was near Peach but she couldn’t really move, she was listening though.

“What didn’t happen again Peach?” Cookie asked, she had tears streaming down her face.

“I saved her, I saved her Bryan all for you.” Peach said, she was closing her eyes.

“Bryan, you saved her for Bryan?” Caroline asked, she stood there staring at Peach.

“Yes, my Bryan. My poor Bryan, he saved me, I saved her for him. I saved her Bryan she’s okay.” Peach said, her voice was dying down and the blood was gushing out.

“Peach please.” Cap was holding her hand, his tears also streaming down his face.

“Come now, I’m going to see my Bryan. How I loved him.” Peach said.

“Lord.” Caroline said, as she fainted into and Race caught her.

“Please, my baby though. Take care of my baby, Pixie.” Peach said.

“Of course we will.” Jack said trying not to choke.

“Thank you boys, my boys. Don’t worry no more. I love you all.” Peach said, those were her last words. Cookie started to cry frankly, Tangles let the tears fall as he held Cookie. Bottle Cap, threw himself on Peach drenching himself in her blood. Jack and Spot stared at her, watching her water falling on the ground. There was a moment of silence. Jack turned around, he couldn’t look at her any longer, he looked towards the door, he saw Spring falling to the ground, and Pepper run away.

“Someone go get the police!” Jack yelled. “And a Doctor! Now!” Jack yelled, he knew it was to late for Peach, but he hadn’t seen how badly this other girl was. He ran to where she was lying on the ground, her eyes were open still, she was breathing hard but she was alive.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked, as he fell to his knees, and saw that she had been shot in the shoulder.

“Do I look okay?” Spring asked. Jack shook his head, some girls came over.

“Spring?” They fell to the ground, they tore some of the clothing they wore and began to press on her wound.

“OW!” She screamed.

“What are you doing?” Jack asked.

“She’ll be okay if a doctor gets here soon. Don’t worry.” Jack nodded and got up, he looked around. The thugs were getting up but they were leaving not causing trouble, there were too many crying, and blood.

Jack walked over to Laces, she was trembling and crying in Spot’s arms. He was cradling her, as he let his own tears fall. His face was behind her hair but he knew that there were tears, Peach was gone, and they had been close to losing Laces. Jack knew that Spot was crying, and he knew that he himself was crying but nothing matter much at that moment. He stared at Peach, Tangles and Cookie were still crying and Bottle Cap was soaking in her blood. Jack looked at Caroline who was in Race’s arms, while some were trying to get her to wake up again. He wonder why she had fainted, there was a mess here, something more than what it was about Bottle Cap. It was something about Laces and her family and Peach was entwined there too.


Scott had his arm around Pixie, and she was fast asleep in his arms, Scott was falling asleep slowly, hoping that everything was okay.

“Dear Gawd, mommy told me to pray ta ya cause ya help people, well Ise think that they might need help in there, so please help them. Thanks, Scott.” Scott drifted to sleep laying his head on Pixie’s shoulder.


A doctor came, and the police started to question everyone. The doctor shook his head about Peach, saying she had gone to a better place. Then he went to attend Spring who was still living and fighting.

Caroline had gotten up, Laces hadn’t stopped trembling but she had stopped crying in Spot’s arms. She won’t let go of him though, only if Jack would hold her. She could not be left alone though she would start to cry again. Spot was sitting with her, arm around her. The Police were talking to them.

“Can you tell us what happened here?” The officer said.

“Pepper, ran a pick pocketing gang he made up of kids that he picked up off the street and scared them to join him. We had come to help a friend out, and he tried to kill her. And she was saved by her,” Spot pointed to Peach. The officer nodded. “She got shot instead, then he fled and on his way out shot her.” Spot pointed to Spring.

“This Pepper, does he have a last name and a real one?” The officer said.

“I don’t know nothing bout that officer, ya gonna have ta ask someone else.” Spot said. The officer nodded.

“Are you okay Miss?” He asked. Laces nodded. “May I ask you a few questions?” She nodded again.

“What did this Pepper have against you, why would he want to kill you?’ He asked. Laces shook her head.

“I don’t really know, I thought it was just to frighten me, and get back at Jack and Spot. But it was something more.” Laces said. Caroline over heard and called the officer over to her.

“It’s because his older brother Bobby killed her older brother and got sent to jail over 13 years ago. He knew who she was.” Caroline said. Laces stared at Caroline unable to say anything she fell to crying on Spot’s shoulder again.

“Miss, do you know the last name and the real name?” The officer asked.

“His older brother was Bobby, or Robert Cruelli. He killed Bryan Kai, Bobby was 18 and Bryan was 16.”

“Another Cruelli, and more Kai’s, How many kai’s are there left?” The officer asked.

“Only two sir, My sister and I.” The officer nodded.

“And the other one, what was his name?” Caroline looked surprised, there were no more.

“There are no more.” She said.

“No more children of Joseph, but he had a brother who had a child. What was his name, I meet him when his father was killed.’ The officer said.

“A cousin? An uncle, I know nothing about this.” Caroline said.

“Coise, ya wouldn’t. I’ve followed your family, I knew your family when it was doing well. Your mother was a beautiful thing, you and your sister hadn’t even been born. But Tim, your Father’s brother he was around then, he got killed though by the Mafia, he got involded with the wrong people, his kid he’s around somewhere.” The officer said, he tipped his hat and walked away from Caroline, she couldn’t believe this. There was one more Kai, there was cousin, one she had never heard about. She took a deep breath and sat down this had been a long night.


The night dragged on, Spring was fixed up and she was left by the doctor there, the police left in search of Pepper. All that were left were the pick pockets, and newsies, and Spades gang. Everyone was tired beyond belief.

“Anyone here who wants to head to Brooklyn can we have a few extra bunks.” Spot said.

“Manhattan does have a few too, can’t promise to many but Ise sure that there is some openings in parts pf Midtown, lower east side, Coney island, everywhere.” Jack said. The pick pockets nodded, and all headed their own ways, some stayed to go to Brooklyn or Manhattan but not many. That wasn’t what these kids were use to, they might join the newsies later but they were going to try to make it on their own. The girls were all in a corner of the room. There were only about four or five of them, that Pepper had preferred, the others had gone with the thugs who they had been with.

Spring was with them all, she looked at the newsies.

“Is there anything that ya know of that we can do?” She asked. Spot looked at Jack, and Jack nodded, he knew what these girls could do.

“Yeah, I have the perfect place for you five goyls.” Jack said.

“Is it near Brooklyn or Manhattan?” Spring asked.

“Yeah, it is why?” Jack asked.

“I want to be able to see Pixie.” Spring smiled. Jack, Tangles, Cookie, and Spot looked around the room.

“Where is Pixie?” Jack asked.

“Oh dear! Scott.” Caroline said.

“Scott’s here too?” Spot asked confused.

“Yeah, I’ll explain later.” Caroline said. She hurried outside, Laces followed her. They went over to the crate that Scott had been behind.

“Where is he, this is where I left him, I’m sure.” Caroline said.


“Mommy?’ Scott opened his eyes, as he heard his mother’s voice, but when he looked around he remembered he was in a box.

“Scott?” Caroline said. Scott knew that was his mother’s voice.

“In here mommy!” He called. He moved waking Pixie. But he didn’t care at the moment he hoped out of the crate and into his mother’s arms.

“I was so worried when I didn’t see my baby,” Caroline picked him up and started walking away, Laces sat there for a second. She heard a little cry.

“momma?” Laces went over to the box and looked in, Pixie.

“Pixie?” Laces crawled over to the box that Scott had jumped out of. “Pixie is that you?’ Laces asked. The little girl came out of the box and threw herself at Laces.

“Yes, where’s my mommy?” She asked. Laces eyes began to water, she took a deep breath.

“Well honey, you’re mommy, she went to a better place. She’s in heaven with the Angels.” Laces said.

“Can I go see her?” Pixie asked.

“No, no you can’t baby. She’s not here on earth anymore, heaven is where people who have,” Laces sighed. “It’s where they go when they’re dead. Your mom is dead.” Laces said. Pixie looked at Laces.

“No she’s not you’re lying.” Pixie struggled out of Laces arms and ran into the warehouse.

“Mom! Mommy!” She screamed, she ran over to where she saw Cap, Tangles and Cookie. She saw that Tangles and Cookie were crying.

“What’s wrong?” Pixie asked.

“Oh honey!” Cookie said. Pixie looked at the body on the floor, she looked at her mother who was pale, she had been cleaned off, there was very little blood. But there was no color in her cheeks. Pixie sat on her dead mother’s stomach.

“Mommy, wake up mommy.” Pixie said. Cookie patted the little girl on the back, and Tangles picked her up.

“Pixie, she’s not going to wake up.” He said.

“No she will to!” Pixie screamed. She started to cry and tried to get out of Tangles arms but he wouldn’t let her go.

“We’ll take her home.’ Cookie said, her and Tangles walked away from the warehouse, with a screaming Pixie.

“We better head home too.” Spades said.

“Yeah. Laces can ya walk?” Spot asked. She nodded.

“Okay, Good.” The large group of Newsies, Spades gang, and the new addition of Spring and the other girls walked to Manhattan. Caroline walked with them, Scott taking turns in people’s arms, as he sleep.


When the group reached Manhattan, most of the newsies entered, the Brooklyn Newsies keep going, all expect for Spot. Spades stayed as her gang also headed home. There was still some unfinished business to take care of, and they might as well finish it today. Spades, Spot, Jack, Laces, and Spring and her girls were heading to Medda’s place.

“Caroline, why don’t you leave Scott here for a little while, and you come with us. I want you to help explain some things. I have a feeling you know what I mean,” Spot said. Caroline looked at Spot, then at Laces. She nodded, when she looked at Laces and handed the little boy to Blink who took him in.

“Blink, tell Snipes not to go anywhere.” Jack said. Blink nodded.

The group didn’t take long getting to Medda’s it wasn’t that far from the lodging house. Once they got there, Jack knocked on the side door, it was early morning and Medda never opened until late afternoon. She came to the door.

“Why Kelly!” She gave Jack a kiss on the cheek. Then she did the same with Spot, and Laces.

“Hello to the rest of you, come in.” Medda hurried along and let them in and set up a table for them all.

“Medda dear, are ya looking for new girls to work for ya?” Jack asked.

“Well, as a matter of a fact I am. I just lost some really good girls, who got married and headed out west.” Medda said.

“Good, cause these girls here are looking for jobs and I said I figure you could use ‘em” Jack pointed to Spring.

“That’s Spring, she got shot in the shoulder but she’ll recover in about two to three months the doc said.” Jack said.

“Hello Spring. Such a pretty name.” Spring nodded.

“Thank you, I can do anything you want. Let me introduce the rest of these girls, that’s Melly, over there that’s Jasmine, and Lily, and Mellow.” Spring said.

“That’s wonderful you girls will do just fine, for me new staff. Thanks Kelly. Come girls I get you set up.” The girls nodded, Mellow and Melly help Spring as they followed Medda.

Jack, Spades, Laces, Spot and Caroline all stayed behind at the table that Medda had set up for them.

“Now we get to explain things, Laces did that bastard hurt you?” Spot asked.

“Watch your mouth Spot.” Caroline said. Spot looked at her confused, but ignored the comment.

“No not really.” Laces said, trying not to cry.

“Honey, did he force you to do anything?” Spades asked.

“Well, no not really. He kissed me and touched me.” Laces said.

“Did he have sex with you?” Spades asked.

“I don’t think so.” Laces said.

“What do you mean you don’t think so?” Caroline asked.

“I was knocked out, but I don’ t think so, because my pants were still on when I woke up.” Laces said.

“Thats no good.” Jack said.

“Oh poor dear. I’m so sorry.” Caroline said. “I don’t believe he would take revenge on you.” Caroline said.

“What do you mean?” Spot asked.

“He hates me, I know that but I didn’t think he would remember you.” Caroline said.

“Her Face, that’s what Peach said gave it away.” Spring said from behind them all.

“My face, why?” Laces asked.

“She said it looks exactly like Bryan’s. I even heard Mike and Pepper said that it your face is his. I never meet him, only heard about him.” Spring went over and sat down.

“Who’s Bryan?” Spades asked confused.

“My brother.” Caroline responded.

“Your brother? Your brother? I had a brother?” Laces said.

“Yeah, Bryan he was 14 years older than you, and he died when you were just two.” Caroline said.

“I had a brother and you never told me about him?” Laces screamed at Caroline.

“I thought you might have known.” Caroline said.

“Known? Who could’ve told me? Huh? Who you left when I was 7!” Laces screamed.

“Laces, come on. Hear the story, now.” Spades said.

“Hear the story, I should know the story.” Laces said.

“Please, not tonight. Don’t fight tonight.” Spring said. Laces looked at her a moment, and nodded.

“So what does Pepper have to do with Bryan?” Spot asked.

“His older brother got locked up because he killed my brother.” Caroline said.

“Why was Peach saying Bryan’s name?” Jack asked.

“Bryan was her lover.” Spring answered.

“What?” Spot asked.

“Peach and Bryan they were close, they wanted to get married one day. The only problem was Bobby, Pepper’s older brother. He had Peach, she was one of his youngest girls, but he liked her and hated that she was in love with Bryan. Who won’t be in love with Bryan though, according to Peach he was perfect, caring, loving, and gorgeous. She would cry when I first came, because she hadn’t saved him. She told me the story so many times it’s like I was there. It was a sunny day, Bryan was going to fight Bobby in an alley behind the millers, Red’s alley. That’s where they were, Bryan was fighting Bobby to see if he could keep Peach. If Bryan won he would get to have Peach, she would never be bother by Bobby or Pepper or anyone related to them again if he lost though, he would have to forget about Peach all together. Bryan had come early, and Caroline had followed him with Laces here.” Spring looked at Caroline she was crying, but nodding.

“Bryan saw me and Audrey and told me to go back home, or he would tell momma and she would get awful mad and probably whip me for taking Audrey so far from home. Then he would also get in trouble for letting me and he would never talk to me again. I loved Bryan so, I worshiped him that I went straight home and waited for him, but he never came home.” Caroline said. Laces looked at her, then at Spring, she remembered that day now, she remembered Bryan. She had never had much contacted with Bryan because he had been a busy boy, but she remembered now that he would play with her, and comfort her at times.

“After Caroline left, Bobby, Pepper, and some of the thugs came with Peach. They fought fair and square for a little while and then Bobby got annoyed and took out his gun and before Peach could do anything her shot Bryan in the heart. Peach ran to him, she said, that she didn’t care that he was bleeding and she was soaking in his blood, she held him. She kissed him, but he was dead in an instant. Peach blamed herself, she said it was her fault that he died. She loved him, always did, always will.” Spring said. Laces had tears streaming down her face, Caroline was calming herself down.

“The next morning, when I found out that Bryan hadn’t come home, and Father was calling the police and mother was crying frnakly, I headed out, and decided to look for him. I left Audrey she was still asleep, and I looked in all his favorite places, but I didn’t find him, I wander to the alley and there he was, on the ground dead as dead could be. My older brother, I started to run, I ran all the way home where I started to cry and I couldn’t stop crying. My mother asked me what was wrong and where I had been. All I keep saying was Bryan, Bryan. She knew, and then Father shook me until I told him where Bryan was and he went there with the police and they found him dead.” Caroline said. Everything was quiet.

“She’s with her Bryan, and she was just happy that she could save you. Bryan’s baby sister, that he loved so dear. She once told me about how Bryan would play with you, and how he cared for Caroline. I think that over the years, I even grew to love Bryan, even though I had never meet him.” Spring said. “I thank you for the job, I apologize for the trouble you have been through, but please don’t dwell on Peach, she’s happy now. She never really was, all the time I knew her. Pixie, the woman that her daughter is named after, she once told me that Peach would smile and laugh all the time, that was why Bobby loved her so. But I never saw her that way, She ran away at one time, for a whole year but Pepper found her and brought her back. I remember what he said to her, He lost Peach, you’re ours forever. Now she’s not.” Spring got up, with tears in her eyes. She walked away. Laces was sobbing, and Caroline was in shock.

“Jack, keep her here, there’s no way I can take her now.” Spot said. Jack nodded.

“Here Caroline, I’ll take you home.” Spot said.

“I’ll go with you guys.” Spades said.

“Thank you.” Caroline said. Jack picked Laces up and carried her to the Manhattan Lodging house, where he laid her on the parlor couch. There she cried most of the morning, one of the newsies would sit with her, never saying much because all she would do was cry. Jack watched her from the door, but he sit there with her like that he couldn’t and he couldn’t calm her down. He went up the stairs to get his mind off her. He found Snipes sitting on his bunk, starring out the window.

“Snipeshooter, I told ya ta stay here, and listen ta Crutchy.” Jack said sternly, as he went over to Snipes.

“I know, I’m sorry Jack. It’s just, and well, Jack that women she died, I’ve never seen so much blood in my life.” Snipes said. Jack sat on the bunk with Snipes.

“That’s why you weren’t suppose to go, I didn’t know what was going to happen, I didn’t want ya ta get hurt or see things that aren’t, well.” Jack said.

“I know Jack, but I just had to go. Cap even came and got me.” Jack nodded.

“Never do that again, next time ya might get hurt. I mean it Snipes.” Jack said.

“I know Jack.” Snipes hugged Jack, Jack was surprised at first but he hugged back.

“We’ll take Scott when Spot comes back for Laces.” Jack said to Blink. Blink nodded.

“Is she going to be okay Jack?” Blink asked.

“Yeah after I while, a lot has happen to her in the last day or two.” Jack said. Blink nodded.

“I’d wish she would stop crying, it ain’t good for her.” Mush said from his bunk.

“No it ain’t.” Jack shook his head.


Spades went to her place, and she entered looked around.

“I never seen a place that cause so much trouble, or a girl for that matter,’ Spades said.

“Poor kid, trouble does seem to follow her.” Angel said.

“It does, I hope things settle some after this.” Spades said.

“Maybe,” Shady said.

“I like the fighting, but I could’ve done without the killing.” Cheeky said.

“That was terrible. I don’t believe what some people do,” Candy said.

“We fought a good fight, but guns. Guns are things of the devil.” Vigor said.

“I would say,” Scorch nodded.

“Why don’t we all get some sleep, we sure do need it.” Spades said. The girls nodded heading up to their rooms.


Spot knocked on the door to Caroline’s apartment, Jim answered.

“Caroline! I was so worried, where’s Scott? What happened?” Jim asked as he opened the door, Spot helped Caroline in.

“We had quite a rumble, Caroline here went over there.” Spot said.

“A rumble, over where? She said she was going to the lodging house to see if ya need any help.” Jim said.

“We we’re already in Harlem, and well she followed us. Scott’s in Manhattan with Jack, I’ll bring him when I bring Laces back. She’s in a state, poor kid.” Spot said.

“What happened?” Jim asked.

“She was molested, saw a murder, found out she had a brother, and was almost killed in the past twelve hours.” Spot said.

“Laces didn’t know about Bryan?” Jim asked. Spot looked at him surprised.

“Seems she was the only one in the family that didn’t. She was only two when she died, only alive for what two years and four months.” Spot said.

“Bryan was never around much.” Caroline said.

“She’s really altered, she was surprised, the girl who saved Laces from getting killed was Peach, Bryan’s reason of death to an extent and his goyl.” Spot said.

“Oh dear.” Jim said.

“I also found out from an officer that I had an uncle and a cousin.” Caroline said.

“God, I don’t think she’s been this altered since we ran away that night to get married.” Jim said. Spot nodded.

“Won’t be surprised.” He said. “I’ll be back later. I have to go check on Laces, see if she’s ready to come over here. She’s gonna make herself sick.” Spot said.

“Spot!” Caroline said loudly.

“Yeah?” Spot asked. She got up and headed over to her room, she went into the closet and banged against he wall. There she dug around some, and found what she was looking for. She came back out to where Spot was.

“Here, take this to Laces, show it to her when she’s calm it’s one of the last picture’s Bryan took in School.” Caroline said.

“I’m sure she will thank you for this.” Spot said, as he headed out the door, on his way back to Manhattan but before he had to stop at Brooklyn’s lodging house and check on Bottle Cap.


Tangles and Cookie sat in Peach’s apartment, Pixie laid asleep in Tangles arms.

“What are we going to do?” Tangles asked.

“We stay here, until Pixie gets use to the idea that her mom is dead. Till we get use to the idea that she’s dead, and that our way of living is gone. Then we figure out what to do from there.” Cookie said.

“How long do you think that will take?” Tangles asked.

“I really don’t know, why don’t you put her to bed, I think we need some sleep to.” Cookie said. Tangles nodded. He put her to bed, when came back he sat on the other chair across from the couch that Cookie was on.

“What do you think of them?” Cookie asked.

“Of who?” Tangles replied.

“Spot and Jack? Haven’t they grown?” Cookie said. Tangles nodded.

“Do you remember in the orphanage, how Peach she use to scolded them so much because of what those two did,” Cookie laughed.

“The only reason those two were always in trouble is because a certain little trouble maker I know would always blame it on them and Peach like the good soul she was would believe her.” Tangles said.

“I did not do that!” Cookie said.

“Really? I should know you did, because that’s how you got me in trouble too.” Tangles laughed.

“I didn’t do that. I always got in trouble.” Cookie said.

“Because Peach would know you were up to something, I think she was on to us all along. She would only listen to you blame Spot and Jack because she knew that they were up to mischeif also.” Tangles said.

“Do you think she’s happy Tangles?” Cookie asked.

“Happy? I think she’s thrilled probably being cradled by Bryan right now, smiling down on us, Jack and Spot, and her baby. Peach was as close to a mother as I think I ever had.” Tangles let a tear fall from his eye.

“Yeah, me too.” Cookie had started crying again. That’s how she fell asleep thinking of all the good things Peach had done for her.


Spot walked into the Brooklyn Lodging house, he saw Bottle Cap sitting on the counter talking to Rick, his eyes red from crying.

“Cap, you okay?” Spot walked up to him and leaned on the counter. Cap nodded.

“As okay as I can be, I can’t believe she’s dead, but that ain’t really what worries me, it’s Pepper still being out there, and Pixie not having a mother, and Laces, she looked so,” Bottle Cap didn’t know what she looked like but she didn’t look well. Spot nodded.

“I know. I know. Want to come with me, I going to go see if she’s well enough to walk over here.” Spot asked. Bottle Cap nodded, and hopped off the counter.

“Thanks Rick,” Cap said. Spot sighed as he headed out the door.

“Life doesn’t get any easier, it’s almost like it was here twenty years ago.” Rick said to himself.


Laces had calm down some, she had stop crying faintly and now was staring out the window in a dead like position. She didn’t talk just nodded, here and there the newsies were beginning to think she had finally lost her mind.

Spot walked into the lodging house, and looked into the parlor.

“Oh, well at least she ain’t crying no more. Cap why don’t you go in there and try to cheer her up some.” Spot said. Cap nodded and walked into the parlor and sat down next to Laces not saying a word, just sitting there. After a little while he took her hand and held it as he laid his head on her shoulder, she looked down at him and smiled.

Spot looked at the scene, he headed up the stairs to talk to Jack. Jack and many of the others were sitting in the bunk room, trying to stay entertained, they didn’t want time to think.

“Heya,” Spot said. Many looked up and mumbled their hellos, and Jack got up and walked over to him. He put a hand over his shoulder and they went to the walked across the bunkroom, out the window and climbed up to the roof.

They sat there and lit a cigarette, silently puffing at it like no one else was with them. They were alone in the world and there was nothing going on expect the small actions that they were doing.

“How ya feeling?” Jack finally asked.

“Been betta,” Spot replied.

“Yeah, did ya see her?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, she ain’t crying anymore.’ Spot said.

“No, what about Peach?” Jack said.

“I don’t know what to think about her, half of me wants to curse everything and everyone because she was taken away from us just when we had found her again.” Spot said.

“And the other half, knows that she is better where she is now, she was never very strong.” Jack nodded, he knew how Spot felt, he was feeling the same way.

“Did you see them?” Spot said after another pause.

“Tangles, and Cookie?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, Tangles hasn’t changed much.” Spot commented.

“No, and Cookie she’s gotten pretty.” Jack smiled a bit.

“How do you think they’re holding it up?” Spot asked.

“I don’t know, they took the kid.” Jack sighed.

“Yeah, they did.” Spot said.

There wasn’t much talk after that, actually no talk after that, not until they finished their smoke and then went back down to the bunkroom. When they entered the bunkroom they were surprised to see Laces sitting and watching the poker game with Bottle Cap. She looked up and smiled a weak smile, but it was still a smile at them.

“Ready to go Spot?” She asked. Spot stared at her a moment, but nodded.

“Yeah, come on. See ya guys.” He said as he went over to Laces and helped her up and they headed out the door.

Not much was said on the way to Brooklyn, not much was said when they got to Brooklyn. Pockets stayed with Laces in her room just petting her head, as she sleep in his lap. Spot sat in his room alone, and the other newsies moped around the lodging house, trying to stay out of each other’s way. The day past on, nothing much was done anywhere, Manhattan they moped and sleep, Brooklyn they moped and sleep, Spades they sleep, and Peach’s they sleep. The day dragged on for what seemed forever. When night fell, the Brooklyn’s newsies went to bed, Pockets left Laces who was fast asleep. Spot laid in his room staring at the ceiling. He wondered if Laces was awake, he wanted to talk to her, he wanted to talk to Peach, he wanted life to be something like it had been before everything that had happened in the last few years, there was too much, life needed to settle down.


Laces opened her eyes, she knew Pockets was gone, she knew that everyone was asleep. She went to her window and looked out at the night. The night was much like the one she had come here, that time that now seemed like it had been so long ago. She had ran those streets, with no home, and now she had one, and it had lead her to her family, it had lead her to fall in love, and do what she did best cause trouble.

Laces got up and walked out of her room, and leaned against Spot’s door.

“Should I?” She whispered to herself. “I could see if he’s awake, but the poor boy has been up all night and day, he must be fast asleep. Well, if he is I could just walk back out, but if he’s awake then well I can talk to him.” Laces stood there for a little longer then she took a deep breath and opened his door.


Spot looked up, someone was opening his door. He saw Laces walk in, so she was awake, and she needed to talk to him too. He sat up, and smiled at her.

“Need something?” He asked. Laces jumped a bit at the sound of his voice, she hadn’t really been expecting him to be awake. She nodded and went over and sat on the bed.

“I just needed to sit with someone,” Laces said. Spot nodded.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Well, I am, actually. Cap made me feel betta.” Laces said.

“What did he say?” Spot asked curious to know.

“He told me that Peach died saving me, and that my brother died in an attempt to save her, and here I was, the only one who had really lived, and that I had lived for a reason and needed to live my life out like I always had enjoying it no matter what happened.” Laces smiled.

“Now when did that kid become so smart?” Spot said. Laces laughed.

“I don’t know Spot,” She said.

“Hey, I have something for you. Your sister gave it to me.” Spot reached into his shirt pocket and took out the picture that Caroline had given him.

“Caroline? What is it?’ Laces said. Spot handed her the picture, and Laces read the back of it first.

“1887, Bryan Scott Kai at age 16 taken the day before he started college with his baby sister Audrey age 2, and sister Caroline age 11.” Laces turned the picture around and stared at him, in the light of the moon. She just stared at it, stroking it with her fingers almost if she was trying to pull him out of it. She looked at Caroline who was smiling. Laces, looked at the baby on Bryan’s shoulder, she knew it was herself. A tear fell from her eye, but only one, no more came, as she put the picture up to her heart and closed her eyes.

Spot watched Laces, he stared at the picture, at Bryan. He looked at the boy, and then at Laces, there was a resemblance, she did look a lot like him, her eyes, that’s what it was. Her hair was the same color as his, while Caroline’s was a dark blond, and her eyes were a green. He watched Laces, hold the picture to her heart.

Laces put the picture down on the small table Spot had his sling shot and hat on. She turned to Spot.

“Thank you.” She said.

“For what?” He asked.

“For taking me brother’s place.” She smiled, then she gave Spot a hug. Spot was taken a back, by her sudden actions, but he hugged back.

“You’re welcome.” He said. She kissed Spot on the cheek, and smiled.

“ Now what?’ Laces asked.

“I don’t know.” Spot said.

“Where’s Red alley?’ Laces asked.

“Why?’ Spot asked.

“Well, because that’s where my brother died.” Laces said.

“It don’t exist anymore, It was covered up by some stores and things, but it was on Forty Fourth and Second.” Spot said.

“So, Peach and Bryan do you think that they’ll meet on Forty Forth and Second?’ Laces asked.

“Sure, why not.” Spot shrugged. Laces smiled, she got up and walked out of the room. Spot watched her.

“Interesting ideas this girl comes up with.” Spot sighed as he tried to get some sleep.


Laces walked back into her room, and went to bed to dream about things. Once she fell asleep all she could picture was her brother standing gallantly waiting for Peach on Forty Fourth and Second. Peach would come down the street, and they would kiss and hug.

Bryan would look at Peach and smile, “I told you we would meet on Forty Fourth and Second.” Then they would walk off, slowly raising to the sky. Laces smiled in her sleep, mumbling.

“I love you Bryan. I’m sorry.”

~*~THE END~*~ Send Feedback to me at Laces716@yahoo.com please! Thank you! I hope you all enjoyed it!